Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 642: prove

At the gate of the city, a big shield warrior with a black beard and a black beard with a rosacea nose, the torch, the light of the torch, you can see that the end of the beard has been compiled into a fine little scorpion! Have you caught those despicable thieves so quickly? Great! ”

"I can't be sure," Beaufort shook his head, glanced at him with a strange look. "Because one of the humans said it was your friend."

"my friend?"

The black-bearded dwarf was taken aback and heard the voice of Ina: "Uncle Teklin, remember me? I am Ener's daughter, Ina."

"Enrile Span?" Tektronan thought for a moment. He stepped forward and looked up at Ina for a while, revealing the color of doubt. "How old is the daughter of that guy?"

Ina directly ignored the last sentence: "My father once said something to me. One night, he and you were drinking at Yangshuo Wang. As a result, you drunk and sang loudly, alarmed the guards of the curfew patrol, and fled. Your beard has been burned a bit..."

The surrounding dwarves heard this anecdote, and they whispered in a low voice. Borrow even laughed: "Teklin, it turned out that your beard was burned like this. You still told me that it was hitting iron. It was splashed by Mars!"

"Who said, it is obvious that it is accidental to hit the iron... Don't say this, it's important!" Tektronix rosacea is redder, showing a sly color, and looking at Ina's eyes has eased a lot: "The original is really It’s you, Little Ina. It’s all so big, it’s higher than me...”

Ina once again ignored the last sentence and explained: "Uncle Teklin, I am the head of the Iron Shield Mercenary. These are my partners. We are escorting a pastor to Garton City this time because of time. So I chose the black rock mountain, which was just a short walk. I didn’t know what thieves were.

"Teklin," Borjot stopped laughing. "If you can guarantee that they have nothing to do with this theft, then I will let them go."

"The nature of the theft was very serious, and I have not been in contact with Little Ina before," Teklin showed a meditation color. Shaking his head: "So it's a pity that I can't guarantee anything as one of the guards. Especially the little Ina's father, Enrile, the amount, is still a...thief."

It was the last sentence of the pothole, which made the originally relaxed atmosphere instantly become tense.

"If this is the case, then hold them up first and dispose of them by Ovage." With a wave of hand, Beautra will let the shield soldiers take away everyone.

Ina did not expect to be questioned again because of the relationship of this acquaintance. Hurry and say: "Wait a minute, Uncle Teklin, I want to figure out what the theft is all about. Or I can try to prove my innocence."

Tektronin signaled that Beauté waited a moment and briefly explained the matter.

Yesterday, that is, during the day, it was the dwarf's ale festival. Originally it was a happy day to drink a ale, but in the afternoon, there were several fires in the castle in the thick soil. When the dwarves put out the fire, they found that it was a trick of the West. The real goal of the other party was the storehouse in the castle, which was stolen. A batch of equipment and an important drawing.

The equipment was a weapon and armor that exchanged supplies with humans. They all achieved high quality excellence and value, but the most important thing is the drawing, the value is far above the equipment.

The dwarves who were ruined at the festival were so angry that they immediately dispatched regular army soldiers and searched for odious invading thieves.

If it is normal. With the relationship between Ina and Tektronin, it should not be difficult to pass through the Black Rock Mountain. However, at this sensitive moment, it hit the muzzle. Chen Rui’s heart appeared in four words: the arrow in the knee.

"Well, don't talk to them more!" Borrow said impatiently: "Humans are unreliable guys. These humans appear in the Black Rock Mountains and have great suspicions in themselves! I will treat them all. They are all in prison and will be hungry for a few days, naturally telling the truth!"

This sentence made Samuel frown, and a faint murderous spread spread around. The dwarves suddenly felt the same, and they tightened their weapons, showing a vigilant color. Tektronin stepped up and blocked it in front of Beaufort. The short body burst out of a strong momentum, and Samuel could not hold it for a while.

"Samuel!" Ina screamed, "Don't be impulsive!"

"I don't have time to delay in this place." Samuel's gaze stared at Beauvotte, and the war burned. "If I am locked up indiscriminately, I would rather choose a battle."

Tektronix has a black giant axe in his hand: "A despicable human! A thick earth castle is not a place where you can scatter wild!"

This time, the atmosphere of the two sides was extremely tense, and it was necessary to see it at a glance. Chen Rui said: "The amount, the deputy head of the group, don't forget that your task is to **** us. Since everyone is innocent, then... I think I should first find the ruler of the dwarf to explain this."

Upon listening to the opening of His Highness, Samuel’s momentum suddenly converges and his eyes are on Teklin’s face: “Take us to see your king immediately! Otherwise, even if you can win or kill me, the dwarf will have to pay a heavy weight. The price!"

Samuel’s strength is similar to that of Tektron. Once he fights, it will definitely affect the rest of the people, but the dwarfs who are tempted will never compromise on this. Instead, they will put up a fighting posture: “Come on, it will only bluff. Coward! I will cut your head with an axe now!"

At this time, a voice sounded up: "Stop! Teklin. Take them to see Ou tog."

Speaking is a dwarf who needs to be white, the turbid eyes flash a little wisdom, and the strength of the analytical eye is b.

"Escar Essa." Teklin and Beaufort and other dwarves bowed down in a respectful manner. It seems that the white-bearded dwarf is not particularly strong, but his position and prestige in the ethnic group are quite high.

"Right, His Highness Ovage is the most powerful guardian of the hill dwarfs. If these human beings are confirmed to be thieves, they will have no room for struggle under the deterrence of His Royal Highness!" Tecklin eyes lit up. Bright, "Right, look tight. Don't let them run away on the road!"

The last sentence made Escalator Escalator unable to turn his eyes: you said everything now, does it mean to remind people to run away?

Fortunately, these humans did not make any changes, including the dangerous guy, let the big shield soldiers escorted. Going together in the castle.

The houses in the castle have been rarely lit. From the row of dwarf soldiers stationed along the way, this theft is no small matter, the drawing should be more important than imagined.

The group came to the end of the avenue, in a quaint and magnificent palace.

The palace is brightly lit, and many details can reflect the dwarf's original design, but the people do not appreciate it. Everyone is no stranger to the dwarfs. Many people have had contact with the dwarves. However, it is still the first time to be in the dwarf's nest as a captive. It is a fake to say that tension is not.

On the throne of the center is a dwarf wearing a crown and wearing a leather jacket. He has a black beard and looks relatively young. His eyes are strong and his eyes are the ruler of the castle. The king of the dwarf hills, Ovg.

After listening to Beautra's report, Ovgre's brow wrinkled: "Theft is definitely what humans do, and you just discovered these humans on the outskirts of Black Rock. Most of them are despicable and shameless guys. Even These people did not directly enter the castle of the thick earth castle, nor can they say that they have nothing to do with the thief..."

What Ophg said is not a lingua franca, but a dwarf language. This language Ina can only understand a little bit, but it is not a problem for Chen Rui who has an analytical eye, just from the tone of Oufuge. Inferred, the king of the hill dwarf, who is clearly prejudiced against humans, seems to have determined that the iron shield mercenary group and the thief of the thick earth castle can't get rid of it.

Elder Aska nodded. "His Highness means that you want to find clues about thieves from them."

"Yes, I have an agreement with the King of Yangshuo. Humans must not invade the thick earth castle of Heiyan Mountain with any excuse. If there is an aggressor, the dwarf will be politely punished with the most severe punishment. If the Yangshuo Kingdom dares to interfere, the mountain The Mounds will sever all their dealings with them. So, now hold them up, and before they get out of the way, never let them go!"

Ovg’s eyes turned to Samuel and added: “If there is resistance, kill it!”

Although Samuel did not understand what Ovage said, but from the fierce eyes, he saw the strong hostility of the king of the hill dwarfs. Not only that, but the eyes also carried a kind of awkward force to make the shackles The heart trembles as if facing an invincible existence.

Race: Dwarf.

Comprehensive strength assessment: s

Constitution s, strength s, spirit a-, speed s-.

Analysis: soil properties, possessing anti-drug and anti-magic characteristics, power warriors.

Chen Rui secretly surprised that the king of the hill dwarf actually has the power of the demonic level, no wonder it is called the strongest guardian, and Heiyan Mountain can stand up in the human eye. But like Samuel, his time is equally precious and it is impossible to stay here.

"His Royal Ovage, please wait." Chen Rui took the first two steps, he used the eyes of analysis - the language of the hill dwarf.

This kind of communication is in the mind. It is not directly in words. Oufuge is slightly surprised. He looks at him and asks: "The language of the heart? Are you an elf? No, your appearance... Are you a half elf?"

"Semi-elf?" Teklin looked at Chen Rui with amazement: "I have never seen a half-elves that look so ugly."

The elves are handsome men and women, even if they are half-elves, they are far superiorer than the average human appearance, and they do not match Chen Rui’s public face.

Like Ina, Chen Rui also ignored Tektronix's last sentence, and he was puzzled: the elves on the ground can have skills similar to those of the Analytical Eyes? What is the language of the mind?

"I am human, but I have sufficient evidence to prove that we have nothing to do with those thieves." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote, monthly pass, your support, my biggest Power.)^-^^-^

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