Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 651: Assassination mystery

In an instant, this band was shrouded in the black fog that stretched out of his fingers. The horror of shouting and shouting was mixed with the slight sound of numerous high-speed movements. From time to time, short and crisp metal crosses were heard. The cracking sound of the building. The flashing light of Russia could not tear this depressing darkness, and it was quickly swallowed up.

In the endless darkness, a ray of flame burned up. The light flame is a slender palm. The soft radiance illuminates the girl's delicate face. The big eyes have turned into silver, and they are full of horrible momentum.

Under the flame of light, you can see a few ghostly figures wrapped in a black mist that is flying and beating, and Elisa's screaming sounds: "Blood!"

The soft flames of the group suddenly became dazzling, bursting open, and the ghostly figure was like a thunder, and they fell out. The body of the black fog became thinner, and some fog even burned a white flame. Come, accompanied by a scream of screaming.

This light hits the bright, the dark black fog around it seems as if the snow meets the fire, and it quickly dissipates under the force field of the light burst. The black shadows are suddenly invisible and fleeing.

The black fog disappeared completely, and the nearby lights resumed lighting. However, many people made a mess, and they could see that they were all collapsed. The ground was covered with blood and cracks. For a long time, the situation was controlled.

"Damn dark sky! Miss! You're fine!" Wesley, who was in charge of defending Elisa, had already had a big sword in his hand, and there was blood on the sword.

Elisa slowly landed and shook her head: "I'm fine, Uncle Wesley, how are you?"

"Roy's injury is very heavy, the wound seems to be poisonous, and it needs to be treated immediately with decontamination. Two of them have been slightly injured and there is no serious problem."

Wesley’s words have not been finished yet, and the sound of Sorrent’s horror sounded up: “God! Mana!”

I saw Mana's chunky figure fell to the ground. There was a dagger in the back, blood flowed to the ground, black blood.

Sorrenton’s hands showed a faint faint glow, wrapped in Mana. However, Mana is still motionless.

Wesley looked down and looked at him. He shook his head. "Don't waste magic. This knife has completely shattered his filth and completely annihilated his life. Even if the dagger is not poisonous, it is impossible to save." ”

In the light magic, there is a final "rebirth". It can restore the life and body of annihilation, and it is more powerful than the effect of resurrection, but it has a certain probability. Not only that, this magic is extremely demanding, non-naturally motivated people can't practice, and the surgeon will pay a huge price. It is said that the entire White Cliff, except the Pope, only the bright Virgin has this power. .

Although Elisa is a disciple of the saint. But there is no such ability to perform rejuvenation, and it will not be used for such a small role as Mana.

Wesley's words made Solanton completely desperate, and Mana was his cousin. It is also a partisan of the same camp. The fat man is flexible and accepts the appointment of a big man above. He has been squatting in the small place of Gudan Town for many years and has made a lot of "political achievements". Now it is the time to take off and successfully catch up. After the line of Elisa, the bishop of Yangshuo Wangdu has been just around the corner, but I couldn’t think of it and died in this accident!

Not only did the calculation of the big man fall, but Mana died in the city of Garton. As the head of the church, Sorrowton also has the responsibility to shirk. In this sensitive period, once the hostile faction seizes the opportunity to play the role, it is likely that he will also become a **** of sacrifice.

"Mr. Mana was stabbed to death?" Elisa, who was poisoned by Roy, frowned. "Is the assassin alive?"

Wesley looked at the assassin's body on the ground that began to melt automatically. Shaking his head: "This is a strict professional organization. From the point of the assassination, Mana’s death should not be accidental."

"No matter what," Elisa slowly stood up, her eyes falling on the fat lord who came over to see Mana's body: "Claude, you should give me a message to the church."

Although there was no harm, I was soaked in cold sweat at the moment, usually because of the fright of the assassination, which is generally the current panic.

This time he invited Eliza and Sorrenton to dinner, the purpose is to resolve the impact of the last waiting light knight event. Although Sorrowton is only the head of a city-level church and a part of his master of the city, behind Solangton is the Church of Light. The Church of Light is the spokesperson of the Light God, the undisputed “director” of the human world, and the theocratic power even above the monarchy of any empire or kingdom.

The relationship between Claude and Sorrenton has not been very harmonious, but the real reason for the joint attack of Lord Wali is the promise of Tennessee. For another person to master the church in Garton City, in cooperation and interests, There will be a great leap. What surprised the fat man was that Tennius had a thousand calculations, but he even missed a small beastmaster, "Li Cha". It can also be said that Sorrenton miraculously reversed the situation and witnessed this gram. Lauter regrets.

This invitation came to a positive signal to re-establish the relationship with Sorrenton. Secondly, I wanted to please the younger disciple of the saint, the niece of the cardinal, Miss Elisa, but at her own site. On this, there was such a terrible assassination and the death of a local leader of the church. If this matter is too big, the position of his city owner is only impossible to keep.

"Miss Elisa, I, I, I... I really don't know what will happen..." The fat man's subject said incoherently, completely without the usual swearing.

"The Dagger Brotherhood!" Sorrenton suddenly remembered something and called it out. "Mana had been twice assassinated by the Dagger Brotherhood on the way to the city of Garton. This should be the third time!"

"I have heard of this organization," Elisa said with a thought: "But if you only deal with Pastor Mana, it is impossible to choose the timing of this kind of start-up. Mana is probably just incidental. I am their main goal. ”

When the fat city owner listens, as the dream wakes up, he quickly agrees: "Yes, no matter what, this **** assassin organization will definitely not be able to get rid of it! I will definitely check this matter and report it to Wangdu, the dagger in the territory. The Brotherhood is uprooted!"

Whether it is the hand of the beheading fraternity, this matter is to find a top tank in the first time, first stabilize Elisa. As for who is behind the instigator and what the purpose is, this kind of high-tech deep-water problem is left to the church itself to have a headache. In the same way, the fat city owner immediately ordered the blockade of the manor. And expand the scope of the search to the entire Garton City, and strictly investigate the unknown people. In fact, the city of Garton is so big, the strength and means of the assassins are good, and it is certainly difficult to find out the results by the guards. This move is more indicative of this. A gesture.

Mana is dead, this meal is definitely not going to eat. These people must be stabilized first. The fat city owner offered a large amount of money, pensions and appease the church, and arranged staff to clean up the scene.

However, unexpected changes have occurred again.

Elisa was listening casually to the compliment of the fat city owner, and suddenly gave birth to a strong crisis, like a frog locked by a viper. This kind of feeling has no warning beforehand, and it is entirely from the instinct of battle. It is at this time. Chen Rui’s voice sounded: “Miss Elisa, be careful!”

Behind Elisa is a guard who is cleaning up the body and is short. However, it was this inconspicuous guard, and in the next second of Chen Rui’s screaming, suddenly there was a terrible murderous murder.

No one can think of it, after the assassination, there will be a second assassination! Or, the front is just a sham shot, this blow is the real kill!

The goal of murder is Eliza!

In an instant, everyone felt that the whole sky seemed to be a **** sea. Full of killing and death, everyone is affected by the terrible pressure, breathing difficulties, the body can hardly move, compared to the suppression of the dark sky just a child. This is just the suffocation of the suffocating!

A stream of light with a terrible will to death, swept at the heart of Elisa's back at an indescribable speed, and Elisa felt the threat of death, and her hair was erected, and her eyes were silvery. The powerful spirit of the stock broke out, and life and death, Elisa has no more hidden power.

Everyone who is centered on her has been shaken out by a strong repulsive force, except for the will to die.

The streamer was only a slight meal, and then Elisa's vest was hit hard, but at this time Elisa had used this precious pause time to take advantage of the momentum, not only weakening the blow. Power, and removed the key.

This is the case, Elisa still can not completely avoid this blow, spit out a blood, actually penetrate the ground through a hole.

After Elisa was hit, she slammed her body and turned her palm into a knife. The arm seemed to whip out and the dark "backing" behind it was not enough. The left shoulder was hit by this knife. Immediately, he snorted and flew out.

There were a large number of fan-shaped cracks on the The instant has extended nearly ten meters, and several tall columns in the range were shattered and collapsed by the invisible potential. Several guards who could not dodge the flash burst the whole body. Open, it can be seen that this hit contains power.

After the assassin missed a hit, he seemed to know that it was hard to make a difference. He chose to retreat decisively. Through the power of Elisa's blow, several blinks have already entered the darkness.

Elisa shook her right chest, showing a painful expression, and spit out a blood, and the body shook twice: "Wesley, fast, send me back to the church, let Paul help me cure!"

The bright knights quickly protected Elisa from returning to the church. Sorrenton and Chen Rui followed with a dry monk, leaving only the cold-stricken urban masters standing in the same place.

On the other side, a squat figure wearing a **** service slammed his left shoulder in the night, slamming, the figure stopped, and looked behind him with vigilance, and found nothing unusual.

Just after the assassin turned back, he suddenly saw a figure in front of him, and the five senses looked very embarrassing. Only those eyes were burning and burning, and seemed to exude a faint scent of destruction. To be continued)

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