Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 674: Snowdale

Seeing success soon, Elisa’s heart was filled with ecstasy, as long as she got the power of the language of the heart, and then arranged the scene where Miranda refused to court and killed “Licha” and was killed by her and Paul. The long-planned plan is all done.

Elisa is very clear about the teacher's personality. Eudora is not focusing on the "Richard" person, but the singular ability to communicate with the Phoenix egg. As long as they have the power of the language of the mind, Elisa believes that it will be much stronger than that of "Lee". There is such a use value, plus it can be used as a layout under the steps, without worrying about punishment, even if it is Last Miranda.

The pupil of "Li Cha" has become red. Elisa is only a sign of the language of the heart. She quickly gathers her mind and keeps her eyes on it. She feels wrapped in a strange spiritual force. To be very comfortable, she became the master of the Temple of the Holy Ghost. She stepped on the foot of the former teacher and then collapsed the other two temples to become the supreme ruler of the Holy Mountain, as if the gods looked down at all. Life. Although the subconscious told her that this should be a dream, the feeling of incomparable makes her reluctant to wake up from her dreams and become more addicted.

A voice sounded: "Why kill Richard?"

"I want to get the heart of Richard's heart..." Elisa replied involuntarily,

"Why kill Miranda?"

"I have a hatred that she can't solve. In one mission, I killed her sister. The teacher also acquiesced in our struggle within the rules. The winner is king."

"What is the use of that Warlord egg for Eudora?"

"That is the phoenix egg. The teacher is a fire department and a light system practitioner. If you want to hatch the phoenix and use it to devour it with secret techniques, you have the hope to become a true national powerhouse."

"Even Miranda can't enter the Temple of Fire, why do you know this secret?"

"Because I am mentally confused, and I can't say..." Elisa seems to be struggling.


"I... my mother is the teacher's sister..."

The answer is somewhat unexpected. Uncle is the cardinal, and the aunt is the sect of the sect, and the second generation of the roots of Miao is red? So, does it mean knowing more secrets?

"Have you seen Rafael? What secrets does the Supreme Angels have?"

"Raphael...angel..." Elisa's breathing became thicker and thicker.


Elisa was shocked. Showing a painful look, trembled and suddenly screamed.

On the other hand, Paul is holding a sword with both hands, staring at Miranda, who was seriously injured under the old tree, watching the half-elves getting red and blushing. Paul showed a wretched smile: "Is the effect of vanilla attack? If you climb Come and lick my boots. Maybe I can let you taste the man before you die."

Miranda is desperately suppressing the desires born by her heart. As the power has passed and the injury has increased, the will has become weak. Even the desperate strength that has survived has gradually disappeared. She knows Elisa well. In the case, she will never give her a life. There are even more vicious tortures, the only thing that can be done is to end your life before the surplus is completely dissipated.

At this time, Paul and Miranda heard the scream of Elisa. This voice is full of fear and pain. If it is in peacetime, it will definitely attract the guardian knight, but the nearby guardian knights are all supported by Elisa.

As soon as Paul turned his head, he saw Elisa screaming in the distance with his head in the distance, and "Licha" seemed to disappear.

In the heart of Paul, he gave birth to an inexplicable dangerous feeling. The great swords of his hands flashed, and he went all out with his head back.

Huaguang’s giant sword stopped and the light extinguished instantly. Like a candle that was blown out by a person, Paul looked at the front figure in disbelief. This two-handed finger easily blocked his full-strength figure.

This, familiar figure,

"Richard..." Paul almost slammed out, "How is it possible!"

"Dear Paul, Master." "Licha" reveals a sinister smile: "Everything may have been born from the impossible. Counting it, I should thank you for your care."

Paul tried his best to withdraw the Huaguang Great Sword, which was caught by the other two fingers. It was always like a stone pillar, and could not move half a minute. This terrible strength is even his teacher, the first Paladin, the shining sword. Santa Passari is no different!

The peak of the Holy Power! Paul's hair was erected and he exclaimed: "Who are you!"

This kind of powerful person in the peak of the human world, on the way, does not hesitate to hide his identity as a follower, then the purpose of this person... Paul wants to be more and more fearful, and listens to the faint voice of the other party: "My time is very tight, no Empty and your ants are nonsense, just say one. You were just being pitted, you can't die, but unfortunately, you have to kill me, so you only have to die."

This is the last sentence that Paul heard in his life. In the next second, a finger clicked on his forehead. "嘭", the consciousness began to dissipate, and the ambition, the body shell dissipated together...

In Miranda's somewhat vague eyes, Paul's body is as if the gravel is scattered, and the blink of an eye becomes nothingness.

Miranda's mind is not completely blurred, and there is a hint of self-deprecating color in his eyes: It turns out that everyone has looked away, and the "癞蛤蟆" that she has always looked down on is actually a real "giant."

"Do you want to help? Miss Assassin in Garton City?" The other man crouched down and looked at her with a smile.

"It's you!" Miranda suddenly remembered one thing, and his eyes were shocked. In Garton City, she disguised herself and tried to assassinate Elisa, and when she fled, she encountered an unfathomable mysterious person. It didn't bother her, just... took her first kiss.

Just after turning around, Miranda saw a finger pointing at his forehead and gritted his teeth: "Wait a minute!"

The finger was really a meal, and the half-elf did not ask for mercy, but asked: "What happened to Elisa?"

"She wants to control me, and the result is countered by my magic power. Later, because of some kind of spiritual suggestion, the power has completely collapsed. If nothing happens, she will not be able to wake up again in her life."

Elisa's appearance is innocent and cute, but her heart is gloomy and poisonous. This time it is more self-picked. It is also considered a sin.

"Well, anyway, you are going to die. Answering my two questions before you die, it is my reward for revenge for your sister. First. What is the secret of Angel Rafael? Second, the light of the Mount of Sanctuary What is in the temple?"

Miranda shook his head: "I have never seen Raphael, only knowing that the last time of the three highest angels came more than three hundred years ago. As for the Temple of Light, only the Pope and the two bishops can enter. There is a guardian of the beast along the way, and my understanding of it is no different from other people."

"I can see it. You didn't lie, but the intelligence was a little less." The words just dropped, the finger had been pressed on Miranda's forehead.

Miranda was closing her eyes and suddenly felt a coolness coming from her forehead. The potion of vanilla was quickly fading, and the desire to make her body hot was gradually dissipating.

The half-elf opened his eyes in surprise and saw that the figure in front of him had disappeared. He heard a voice in his ear: "To reward your honesty. Take a good sleep, the half-elf sister with soft lips..."

The strong sleepiness came, and the beautiful eyes of the half-elf began to blur.

at the same time. A hidden figure is walking silently on the way to the peak of the gods. For the sake of caution, the speed is not very fast, although he is already very familiar with the road to the peak of the Holy Grail, but the hinterland of the peak of the gods is the first time to enter.

This figure is naturally Chen Rui. Previously in the Temple of the Holy Ghost was Shura. The task of Shura was to accompany Elisa, and the task of the ontology was naturally the most important goal of the plan - Xue Dalai!

The location of Xuedalai, the Xuefengtai near the Temple of the Gods.

There was no danger along the way to the peak of Shenyin. Only when he arrived at the Temple of God's Seal, Chen Rui was slightly surprised. The layout of the Temple of the Instinct is completely different from the Temple of the Holy Ghost. The Temple of the Holy Spirit is a statue of Raphael standing on the square, followed by a palace building. The main peak of the Temple of God's Seal is a giant statue. All the buildings are under the statue. The statue of Raphael is only a small toy.

Same as the Temple of the Holy Grail. The power of faith here is also the kind of abnormal devouring state. It can be seen that the three great temples are like this. The so-called three supreme angels, the most loyal and powerful slaves of the light god, in turn steal the master. The power of faith, what is the trick?

Chen Rui thought of the information from Shura, the last time the three highest angels came, more than three hundred years ago, it was the time of the devil and human war, is it...

These mysteries contain amazing secrets, but now the most important thing is Xue Dalai. Other things will be said later. Chen Rui’s eyes fell to a small mountain on the lower left of the main peak of the Temple of God’s Seal. According to the information he was looking at, That is the Xuefengtai.

Chen Rui took a deep breath and took 20 minutes to hide the hidden skills. He continued to sneak forward.

Xuefengtai is a spacious small square with a simple and elegant style. It is listed with several embossed columns. Chen Rui is no longer free to appreciate these. His heart is firmly attracted by the three white trees in front of him.

There are no other plants here, only these three trees Three trees are about five meters high, and they are in one place, like three friends close to whispers. Surrounded by a touch of hustle and bustle around the tree, there are a few fist-sized white flowers growing among the green leaves. These flowers are crystal clear, as if the jewels are beautifully decorated, flashing a little dazzling light.

Chen Rui felt the strong light power from the three trees, and suddenly excited: Xue Dalai! Sacred flower!

With it, you can let Isabella unleash the curse of the glory! Get rid of the clutch of death!

At this time, Chen Rui rushed to the shadow of the snow Dalai tree, seemingly to sense the existence of danger.

A corresponding prompt has appeared in the eyes of the analysis.

Race: Light elemental people.

Comprehensive strength assessment: S+.

Physical S+, Strength S++, Spirit S++, Speed ​​S+.

Analysis: Light attributes, light magic immunity, intensive talent, resurrection talent. Danger level (high)! (To be continued)

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