Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 689: Poacher

Just next time Chen Rui caught the arrow, the second arrow arrived again, followed by the third one, all aimed at the throat of the neck, just when Chen Rui caught the third arrow, the change Suddenly, the third arrow between the fingers suddenly turned into a powder disappearing. At the same time, a sharp gas hit the eye, and the original arrow appeared incredibly on the head.

Although Chen Rui was surprised, his hand was not slow, and he immediately caught the arrow of shè to the left eye. However, the arrow suddenly burst open. At the same time of the burst, two arrows shè came, and one arrow drawn a side arc. Bypassing the arm and hitting the heart, another arrow suddenly accelerates as it approaches, and again shè to the throat.

The bursting magic arrow did not hurt Chen Rui, and immediately caught two arrows. In this world, the attack of the bow and arrow is not as simple as the imagination, especially the arrow of this degree. Just like a person facing the muzzle, it is fortunate to be able to dodge like Nio in the Matrix. As for the bullets, it is almost impossible.

Of course, Chen Rui now has this "impossible" strength. These arrows have been picked up by him, using the same hand, and there is no half-step movement under his feet.

Chen Rui did not give the other party the opportunity to continue the shè, the body suddenly disappeared in place, the shè knows the heart, is about to retreat, suddenly gave birth to jǐng Zhao, returned to the bow, aimed at the enemy behind the air.

This is a female xìng, the appearance of age is about ten, seven or eight years old, dark blue sè hair behind the head, wearing a set of simple and tight leather, the body is bumpy, just slightly slim, five senses beautiful, It is a pity that... the left eye is wearing a black eye mask, so beautiful, actually a one-eyed dragon.

Chen Rui noticed that her ears were sharp, and the eyes of the analysis showed that in addition to the relevant information - race: semi-jīng spirit (variation). Comprehensive strength assessment: C. Constitution C-, strength C-, jīng **** C, speed C+. Analysis: Wind is xìng, jīng quasi-strike. The variation talent is unknown.

Chen Rui thought it was jīngling, but he was still a half-nine spirit. This is the second and half-nine spirit he has ever seen. The first one is the disciple of the saint, Miranda. ..

The reaction and archery of this half-nine girl is amazing, especially the archery. It is still on the top of the empire of the Angels of the Flying Clouds. The reason why Chen Rui easily takes the arrow is because of the strength gap between the two sides. Very big. If she has the strength of the magic level. Chen Rui is afraid that he will still suffer a loss.

Since there are half of the spirits, it is not a problem to find the jīng spirits. Chen Rui immediately communicates through the eyes of the analysis: "Don't misunderstand, I am not an enemy!"

"Psychology of the Mind?" Half-jīng's eyes were amazed, and he recovered a bit, and said: "Human. Put away your tricks! Jade Linhai does not need to welcome despicable poachers!"

Poachers? When Chen Rui was awkward, he saw the unicorn appear behind him, and the little phoenix was actually on its back.

The unicorn saw a one-eyed and half-nine girl. I ran over immediately, standing side by side with the girl, looking at Chen Rui. Obviously the same front. Miss Duo did not show a weak shè fell on Chen Rui's shoulder, jǐng looked at the girl.

"This lady, you misunderstood," Chen Rui sees the other party is a lingua franca, no longer use the eyes of analysis. "I am not a poacher. On the contrary, the injury of the unicorn is still my cure."

Said, Chen Rui took out a spirit fruit and handed it to the palm of his hand. The unicorn hesitated for a moment, and got together, was about to open his mouth, a small figure of red sè lightning bolted out, in the unicorn The moment close to the fruit of the fruit will take away the fruit, it is the little phoenix. The blossoming young lady who succeeded in eating horses stalked the fruit on the small pointed mouth, clumsily flashing its small wings, flew back to Dad’s shoulder, and let go of the spirit fruit for a while, giving a scream.

Chen Rui shook his head and took out a fruit. For the sake of the car, the unicorn feared that it would be snatched away by the little phoenix and immediately chewed it in his mouth. Half a jīng Ling girl this time is really amazed, this unicorn xìng love is strong, even those who are jīng Ling people, there are not many people who can approach it, I can’t think of this kind of fruit that this stranger took out with such confidence. It seems that this human man is indeed not a poacher. \\\\..\\\\

Thinking of this, the bow of the half-nine girl was slowly put down, but still did not let go jǐng惕: "Who are you? Why can you make a unicorn..."

Chen Rui smiled slightly, was about to open his mouth, suddenly frowned, and soon, half of the jīng spirit and the unicorn also felt abnormal, but the full-fledged young lady was lying in the hair of Dad. in.

Soon, six people appeared in the jungle. When the unicorn saw these people, his eyes suddenly showed anger, and the unicorn began to condense electric flowers. Chen Ruiwei reveals the sè, these are the real poachers, and the injuries suffered by the unicorns should be related to them.

These six people are human beings, wearing armor and holding weapons. They found the unicorns and Chen Rui and others, and immediately surrounded them. Headed by a fierce big man, the comprehensive strength has reached B+, and the strength of the division-level peak is only one step away from entering the holy level. It should be regarded as a number of strong people in human beings. The rest of the people have reached the B level, and the other three are the C level. It seems that the strength of this team is indeed a trivial matter. It is no wonder that they dare to come to the jade forest to hunt the unicorn.

"Guys, it seems that our luck is really good, so we found the prey so quickly." The head of the big man made a gesture, six people surrounded Chen Rui, half jīng spirit and unicorn.

"Palle boss, I said it is not far away."

Paler coldly said: "It's all two of you idiots, so the unicorn was alarmed early. I didn't wait for me to get out and let it run off the trap. I don't know if I found it again this time. Go back and have a good look. ”

"Hey, Paler, isn't you finding it now? Let's take the unicorn and say it."

These people talked and laughed, and did not put Chen Rui and others in their eyes. Chen Rui’s current strength is E. Half-Jīng Ling girl and unicorn are C-level strengths. They are not their opponents at all. As for Miss Duo, they are directly Ignored it.

"You are so bold, you dare to hunt unicorns in the emerald forest!" Half-Jīng Ling girl pulled the bow at the big man and said, "I will give you a minute to leave, or you will be Strict sanctions of the jīng spirit family!"

Pallehaha laughed: "Chick, don't scare me. If you are a pure jīng spirit, I would have to avoid a few points. Unfortunately, you are only a half-nine spirit, you can't get the recognition of the jīng spirit family. What is there? Qualifications say 'Jīng Ling's Sanctions'?"

"This chick is really tempting, the face is beautiful, but unfortunately it is a one-eyed... but we seem to have not touched a woman for a long time..."

"Be the first thing!" The broad sword in the hands of Paler flashed with a strong flame. "As for this chick, I haven’t played half the jīng spirit. After getting the horn of the unicorn, we take turns!"

When this sentence came out, several people screamed and laughed, and some blew their whistle. The eyes of the half-nine girl burned an extremely angry god, and it was about to erupt. Chen Rui stepped forward: "You seem to forget What?"

"You ants, do you want to marry a hero?" A thin and scornful smile: "Reassured, before you die, you will appreciate how we play your woman. Finally, Grandpa will personally send you on the road. ”

"I am very sorry," Chen Rui turned his head and said to the half-nine girl. "If these people are my kind, then I am ashamed of it."

"Shame your mother..." If you are thin and tall, you haven't finished talking. The whole person is stiff, and the body seems to be frozen quickly. Then the whole person splits into countless particles scattered on the ground, and the blink of an eye disappears without a trace.

The rest of the four faces have changed, and the companion who has the strength of the division has been annihilated in a blink of an eye. The four are stupid, and they know how horrible the man who was ridiculed as "the ant" is. Still dare to meet the enemy, just to escape, but found that the whole body began to solidify quickly, can not help but scare the soul to fly.

The strongest Paler barely waved the broad sword, and the power of a flame came to Chen Ruifei. The little phoenix on Chen Rui’s head was a mouth, and the flame was swallowed up in an instant. Paler had not had time to panic, and the body was as annihilated as the rest of his companions. No trace.

Miss Duo "snapped" a singer, seemingly disgusted with the taste of these flames.

Half-Jīng Ling girl looked at this scene with a sigh of relief. After a while, she reacted and said: "Thank you for your help."

The young girl knows very well that the strength of these poachers is far above her. However, the man is easily wiped out by the man, so it is easy for this person to kill her or hunt the unicorn. This strength is absolutely stepping into the holy Level, it is likely to be a true holy level.

"Don't thank, don't you know if Miss can help me a favor?"

"My name is Blanche, I don't know what you need me to do?" Half-Jīng Ling girl still hasn't let go of jǐng惕, a human sanctified strongman, what purpose does “sneak into” the jade forest? (She doesn't know that the strong man simply doesn't know the way)

In the distant air, there was a cry: "Blanch! Where are you?"

Blanche's glimpse seems to be thinking about something quickly, and immediately apologized to Chen Rui's slight side, loudly: "Merce, I am here!"

The voice quickly approached, Chen Rui looked at the score, the air is a winged Pegasus, the body faintly shines the silver sè, this is the unique aerial mount of the jīng Ling, silver Pegasus.

Silver Pegasus's flying ability is quite outstanding, but the combat power is much worse than the Griffin, but they have a special talent, that is to increase the knight's power recovery, for the magic knight, it is a very rare mount.

Behind the silver Pegasus is a 12-year-old girl, the curly hair of the green sè, the five senses are beautiful, the two ears are pointed, and Chen Rui’s eyes are bright, even if I don’t have to analyze the eyes, this one can be seen. Michelle is the real jīng spirit!

PS: The computer is broken. This chapter is uploaded in the office. The lightning flashes outside. I am going to go home soon. I will buy a new computer tomorrow. I must update the update time as much as possible. If I miss the word, I will change it tomorrow. I must change it. gone.

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