Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 708: gift

Paglio's couple and Julia accompanied Augola to drink in the yard. This is a good job, because when Augustus is in a good mood, he will point out a few words from time to time, and even teach some dragons. Secret technique.

Lola looked at Isabella, who was holding Oliver to the room, and looked at Chen Rui: "Follow me."

The two entered the Rainbow Valley through the space passage of the garden.

"That thing has not been discovered, Pagliu will definitely not say, you remember not to miss the tone."

Chen Rui knew that Lola was talking about the silver scorpion and nodded.

After a few months, Chen Rui discovered that Rolla’s comprehensive strength had reached S++. Obviously, it was only quite close to the nationalization. I don’t know if it has anything to do with Augustus.

When the earth element king once said that Rolla's goal is the power of the six kingdoms of the whole country, the elements are omnipresent. Once successful, they will have the strongest national power, but the difficulty is quite large. In the demon world where the light elements are scarce, Lola uses the other five elements to make the whole field, even in the eyes of the earth element king, it is also an amazing genius. However, the road to strength is full of sinister dangers. The higher the higher the level, the more powerful the roller is. It is not just relying on talent and luck, but it has paid a lot of hardships. The difficulty of the elemental country is N times that of the elemental area, and for each additional element, the difficulty and danger of practice will increase by the power. If you are not careful, you will be smothered by the elements.

If there is an elemental source. The success rate will be greatly improved. The danger xìng will also be reduced to a minimum. The source of the element can only be obtained by the elemental king. With the help of Chen Rui, the roller has already possessed the source of the two elements of the water system and the soil system. Immediately, one more species has to be added.

"Dark element king? You failed this time?"

"The dark element king can't come because of some changes, but I have found another effective way to resolve the light, and I don't need the power of the black dragon."

"Oh." Lola nodded and finally breathed a sigh of relief during this time. Isabella, who saw everything, and she became a true friend, and now I am happy to hear the rescue.

(Since Isabella is okay, then...)

(Another opponent who grabbed a man!)

(No. Plus Olymphis!)


"Well, I am going to study... go with Isabella."


When I heard the man, I answered it. Miss Fairy Dragon snorted and didn’t move.

(Is this Miss really gone?)

(Not yet reserved? At least you have to kiss one.)

(This guy, is he only thinking about Isabella?)

"You still don't leave?" Seeing that Chen Rui did not move, Miss Fairy Dragon looked at him unhappyly.

(This lady is angry!)

Although the woman's heart is a submarine needle, Chen Rui and Lola are also old wives, and naturally understand her spleen, haha ​​smile, and put her in her arms. Then a deep kiss made Miss Fairy Dragon's heart burst, almost breathless.

"Lola, some things will be said next time, accept the gift I gave you first." Chen Rui had a pile of spar in his hand. "Look what this is?"

"Good rich light elements! This is the best light element spar!" Rolla's eyes are bright. Due to the environmental relationship of the demon world, the light elements are extremely thin. Although she uses five elements to push the power of light elements, the more they go up, the more they go up. The power is not good, especially the country. Light element This is her biggest weakness. I can't think of Chen Rui actually getting so many excellent light crystal spar, so the chance of understanding the law of light elements will be greatly increased.

"This is... the light magic scroll!"

"Light Magic Wand!"

"Light system robe..."

What Chen Rui took out almost stunned the eyes of Miss Fairy Dragon. There are so many good things. If there is no way to understand the law of light elements, then she is not a roller.

Then there is no problem with the foundation of nationalization. I can only understand the rules step by step.

The question is, where do men come from so many treasures of light? Is it robbing a human magic store that fell into the devil world?

"There is still a special precious gift in the end. I hope my Lola baby can like it."

"No, there is no more than this." The words have not finished, and Rolla suddenly feels that the air is getting hot, and the power of an extremely pure fire element is spread out.

The purple dragonfly of Miss Fairy Dragon instantly straightened and lost her voice: "The source of fire!"

Sure enough, this is the most precious and special gift.

Lola took all the gifts, her eyes suddenly red, and she hugged Chen Rui.

(Not only because of the source of fire or the treasure of light, but, no matter what, he always has Miss Ben in his heart...)

"I really want to study, or the materials in those instruments will be scrapped after time, go to Isabella," Miss Fairy Dragon kissed him on his face and reluctantly left his arms. "Actually this Thanks to her, otherwise you can only come to Long Island to find me."

Chen Rui nodded and watched Lola go to the laboratory. Suddenly, Miss Fairy Dragon looked back. The purple eyes behind the spectacles screamed chūn: "Tonight... I don't want to let the little demon girl eat a single food!"

This sentence means that the long-lost xìngfu life is coming, Chen Ruiyi smiles and strides away.

In a room on the second floor of the house, Isabella was sitting on the edge of the bed, gently stroking Oliver's hair.

Although there are all kinds of black dragon chicks, the attachment to her is from the heart. This attachment seems to go back to the battle between the town of Reis and the black scorpion. Isabella himself is also inexplicable. The black dragon chick is called "sister" in her mouth, and she must be called "mother" in her heart, just like before the coma. This is also the root cause of Isabella's ability to comfort Olivier's violent state.

"Are you coming?" Isabella looked at Chen Rui's eyes a little strange. "I thought you would have to wait at least a few hours."


Look at a guy who is stupid. Isabella laughed and ate. Although veiled, the autumn-like alum still exudes infinite charm: "Come to me, does Rolla not drain you in advance?"

Chen Ruiqi smiled twice, only listening to Isabella and said: "Your bliss is not shallow, Olifis is getting it again, who is next?"

"Devil God, he came to the people, I really don't have any extra thoughts about Olifis," Chen Rui said with a thick face: "It is for a certain sister, I have never given up."

"Oh? Sister? Then our Majesty Her Majesty should be careful, not only her sister. It seems that even the lovely sister can't escape your palm, the sisters spend both, and a man is really evil..."

When Chen Rui was defeated, he saw Isabella slowly coming over. The veil on the face did not know when it had been taken down, revealing the charming face that reversed the sentient beings. There was no embarrassing expression, but it was very natural to lean on Chen Rui’s shoulder. Two rich pieces of soft jade were attached to his chest, which made it difficult to avoid a heart.

But very quickly, the enthusiasm of the two is replaced by another sense of tranquility, and the heartbeats of the two hearts are slowly intertwined.

"You have been going for a long time, I miss you every day."

Chen Rui gently stroked her back: "I miss you very much, I really want to."

"I think more than you, because you think a lot of people. And I think, only you."

Chen Rui was silent: "I'm sorry."

"I am sorry to say that I am not tired of me. You should be much more relaxed..." Isabella said softly. "Remember the words I said when I left? It is still the case, you are still Being able to come back safely is more important than anything else."

Chen Rui went to the sea of ​​death to find the dark element king, but this time he was alone. So Isabella thought he had failed.

"I really didn't bring back the dark element king, actually this time..."

"It doesn't matter, I know that you must have gone through many dangers in the sea of ​​death. I am praying to the demon every day that you are returning safely." Isabella smiled. "Besides. With the power of Augustus, I I can accompany you for another 70 years. This is a gift from the devil. I have no regrets in my life."

"Seventy years...not enough, seven hundred years are not enough." Chen Rui kissed her hair and had a fist-sized white flower in her hand. This flower is crystal clear and exudes a sacred and warm atmosphere. The rooms all seemed to be lit up.

This flower contains powerful and gentle power, and most importantly, the pure and incomparable light system is not possible with the Devil's Plant.

Isabella was shocked, her eyes were incredible, and her breathing was a bit confusing: "This is..."

"Remember the promise of a 'swindler'? Finally, it is time to cash in." Chen Rui gently handed white flowers to her hands: "Stupid woman, seven hundred years... really not enough, believe me, We will stay together until the end of life."

Isabella shivered slightly, holding the flower, and the scene of the past was reappeared.

“What if I want a snowy Dalai flower in a bright mountain?”

"I haven't gone to the bright mountain, I took the snowdale to you, so I can't leave..."

"Maybe one We will meet again. Maybe one day, I will pick up a snowdale for you. But this is only maybe because I am a liar, a pure liar, Don't trust me too much."


In the tourmaline, tears fell like pearls.

Sacred flower, Snowdale.

The only place of origin is the bright sacred mountain of the human world.

She had thought that this man had paid a lot for her, but did not expect more than expected.

Not to mention the difficulty of picking up Snowdale, it is a great risk to travel back and forth between the Devil and the Human World.

In fact, Isabella is wrong in this regard, there is no danger in the door of the starry sky, but it is indeed a great danger to get together the crystallization of the faith and pick up the snow Dale, and finally even desperately with the national power.

Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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