Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 713: Engagement and past events

Augustus looked at the prospective son-in-law who had big eyes and narrow eyes. Suddenly, he sighed: "The mother of Olympus died early, but she was a little girl who didn’t understand anything. Adapting to this world, if it’s not luck to meet you, chances are... I can’t see her anymore.”

This sentence makes Chen Rui's face red, to be honest, the Austrian lì Fei Si is basically cheated by him to be a bodyguard, the low price simply makes the "people" finger, let alone the "dragon".

"Isabella is a very intelligent woman. I have already taught it more than once. I can guess that she will definitely propose that you can stabilize me. This is a strategy that best suits the current situation and interests. You don't seem to follow her plan... Maybe you can understand that you are a guy who doesn't follow the common sense, maybe as you said, it's a fool." Augustus suddenly showed a rare appreciation: "It's also A real man, I appreciate you very much. This way, even if you are your fiancee, I believe in your sense of responsibility, as for the future... I don’t care, you can take your own ideas!"

Chen Rui is a bit wrong. The Dragon King is still talking to him for the first time. As for his fiancee, he is...

Augustus walked a few steps forward, looking into the sky, and his eyes were far-reaching: "The road of strength is like a thin ice, and it is dangerous everywhere. Even if it is a half-god, there is still the danger of annihilation at any time. Condensing the godhead for the demigod, etc. If you gamble on the battle of xìng, you can touch the threshold of becoming a god. If you fail, you will lose strength and lose weight. I have encountered a strong enemy many years ago, and the soul has not recovered since the heavy damage. This situation is very dangerous for the impact bottleneck, but the situation of the Austrian Fis is actually very unstable, Isabella's appease can not really cure, leaving me not much time, so I want to take a chance."

Chen Rui was shocked. It turned out that Augustus had such a hidden danger. He said: "Adult, actually..."

"I know what you want to persuade me." Augustus interrupted his words: "But you don't understand the feelings of a father. Olympus is my only blood. If she can't keep her, I will be a god. What is the use?"

Chen Rui was shocked and finally moved. For the first time, he gave a real respect to Augustus.

"In case I am annihilated, do whatever you can, take care of the life of Oliv, and promise me all?" Augustus has completely put down the tough stance, and also put down the body of the demigod, is a father Identity pleading.

In Chen Rui’s mind, the young figure that shouted “Dad” appeared, his eyes were a little red, and he blurted out: “Good!”

Augustus nodded gratifiedly, patted his shoulder and turned around, but his face showed a sly smile: Hey! Sure enough, it’s a fool, this adult is a little subtle, isn’t it a hand?

Chen Rui impulsively agreed, and the feeling of faintness in his heart was a little bit wrong. Before he thought about it, Augustus had handed over a space ring: "This is for you, the six elements of the country that Rolla wants to practice is the most powerful country. Every success in comprehending the power of an element, the power is increasing in terms of power, and the danger is also true. I know that you are collecting the source of elements, but the elemental source is only owned by the elemental king, and the ordinary person gets one is thousands. It’s difficult, let alone the six-series collection. This ring is a national-level element dragon force jīng, which can consolidate the power of her country, and further reduce the risk of practice based on the source of the elements."

If it is an ordinary treasure, it will be nothing more than a relationship with Lola's practice and even life safety, so Chen Rui quickly collected it. Augustus is more concentrated - to deal with this kind of guy, is to use the means of Huairou, the so-called hand soft, this can not be rejected.

Chen Rui thinks that the dragon force jīng marrow is also the material needed for the crystal giant beast in the ancient alchemy civilization fortress. He asked: "Adult, I still need some dragon power, I don't know if..."

"Is it a test for the undead dragon? It is the shackles of the dragon's body!" Augulas frowned. "Look at the lyrics of the lyrics, I will not pursue the former undead dragon." However, I am not allowed to appear second again! Do you understand?"

Chen Rui shook his head: "I promised to the adults that it was not used for the undead experiment... This involves a secret of me. In fact, I am the inheritor of the ancient alchemy civilization. I need the dragon force to repair the remains. If the adults are willing to provide, I It can be exchanged with the equivalent rare treasures, such as the devil fruit, the spring of life... even the black sè."

These exchanged treasures surprised Augustus: "You turned out to be the inheritor of the ancient alchemy civilization. No wonder you have such strength and talent. If you guarantee that it is not for the undead experiment, the exchange of equivalents is still feasible. It’s just that I don’t have more dragons in my body, and I need to go back to Long Island and discuss with a few elders.”

"Good." Chen Rui’s eyes lit up. I couldn’t think of the most difficult problem of the ancient alchemy civilization. The alchemy fortress “Xinghuang Capital” should be repaired. Just go to the sea of ​​death and get the blue star heavy water and ghost. Corals can create crystal monsters and constructive magical couples, which is a powerful combat power.

"You and Aofei Feisi...just get some engagement rituals." Augustus turned his eyes and finally wandered back to the theme "I can also let go of my heart and return to Long Island to fully impact that closest." The realm of the gods."

Now, the other party is also making a considerable degree of concession, and Chen Rui can no longer refuse: "Augus, please do as you please, but I have a request, can I accompany me to death? A trip to the sea?"

"The Sea of ​​Death?"

Chen Rui briefly said the matter of the Sea of ​​Death. When it comes to the land of hatred, Augustus’s eyes are jīng: "Dark Dragon King? Rodriguez?"

Chen Rui sees the strangeness of Augustus: "Adults know Rodriguez?"

Augustus reveals hatred: "The strong enemy I met in the past was Rodriguez! Rodriguez was the strongest holy dragon in the ground world. I didn't know why I came to the devil world and killed a few. The Black Dragon took away their treasures. At that time, the Dragon Emperor was my father, Cruzier, and I was only the first heir of the Dragon King. When I investigated this incident, I met Rodriguez, his strength. To be far better than me, my soul was hit by him. Fortunately, my father arrived in time and fought with Rodriguez for three days and three nights. He finally used his eyes to destroy his body and country, but the soul. But I fled. My father also paid the price of a serious injury. However, after my father and I returned to Long Island, we encountered another huge change!"

Although Cruzier killed Rodriguez, he was also fatally wounded and planned to pass the throne to Augustus. However, the second heir was Augustus’s younger brother Ukamas. With hatred, she even killed her father and blamed it to Augustus. After being persecuted and chased, Augustus, who was desperately trying to cover her pregnant wife, escaped and was imprisoned by Ukamas. Augustus tried his best to escape from the eyes of the dragon **** passed down by his father, hiding in a secret place to repair, and finally returning to Long Island, regaining the throne with a powerful defeat, Uka Muse, but unfortunately again Can not find the lost wife Lina and the child.

Chen Rui suddenly realized that Rodriguez had mentioned that he was hit by Rafael and then went to the devil world. He met a strong enemy and caused the body and the country to be destroyed. It turned out to be the father of Augustus!

For the throne, the father and son are broken, this is actually a very old bridge broken, but this routine has been commonplace from ancient times to the present, even the Dragons are like this.

Uka Muse? The name seems familiar, Chen Rui is awkward, but attention is quickly attracted to another question: "Ocalas, Rodriguez should have tens of thousands of years...something, even longer Ok, that I want to ask... How much is it?

"Hey! You don't know the dragons from pregnancy to spawning to hatching. Is it a few decades, long years, thousands of years?" Augustus glared at him. "Olfi is now the age of the little girl." , how are you younger than Rolla!"

Chen Rui was dumb, very clever and did not ask in detail on this issue: "So, Master Augustus, when did we leave for the sea of ​​death?"

"Rodriguez is my enemy. I will definitely not let him go. Moreover, he has lost his kingdom and body now. Even if he recovers some strength, it is not my opponent." Augustus looked at Chen Rui and looked cold. He said: "Don't break the point! First get engaged with Ao Fisie!"

This old man is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Chen Rui shows a bitter smile. Now, he has no more choices. Moreover, the affairs of the Olympics are done, and Isabella can also be treated with Xuedalai huā with peace of mind. Cursed.

It is very simple to get engaged with Aofei It is just a ring for everyone in the face of the people. For the Black Dragon chick, the money that is not money is naturally more good, since the heart huā Blooming.

When Ao Fisie asked seriously, "Is engagement to eat?" Chen Rui suddenly had a sense of sin against the ignorant girl.

However, when the Dragon King told his daughter "can eat" in a serious way, Chen Rui suddenly felt that he was cheated.

What makes Chen Rui feel pressured is the eyes of Athena, Lola and Jiya. It looks like... He didn't have any engagement ceremonies with them; it looks like... Women are the most likes to compare.

In contrast, Isabella seems to be more understanding and has been busy with him, but in the short time after a ritual alone, the aunt immediately revealed a fang in someone.

"When I go back to the sea of ​​death, I must be the first woman you touched, otherwise I will marry Augustus and let you follow me to ask me to be 'mother'!"

Too poisonous! It’s really a mandala! Chen Rui suddenly burst into tears.

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