Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 716: Laozhang and

According to the description of Capricorn and the intelligence analysis obtained by the King of Water, the scope of the change is indeed from the black sea, and the scope is quite broad, covering almost all the waters in the vicinity.

Many of the plain sea animals in the Black Sea have surfaced. Not only that, but the production of ghost corals has suddenly doubled due to the influence of this force, but the effect seems to have dropped a lot. Let this development continue, even if there are no other changes, it will lead to the extinction of the creatures in this large sea area.

Then, on the other hand, as long as the source of the different forces is eliminated, the dependence of the original creatures on the ghost corals will disappear and there will be no danger of extinction.

Of course, the laws of nature are always generated according to the environment. At that time, the 761 Zhangzhang and the octopus may form a new demand chain and food chain.

Carrying the hope of the Queen's Capricorn, the Mandala crossed the Razer Islands and entered the Black Sea.

It was smooth and smooth, and there was no obstruction. It was only in the early morning of the next day that the situation finally came into being.

The sea water is rolling in front, and a large black-pressed World of Warcraft is killing. One is the magic shark that Chen Rui had encountered at the beginning, and the other is an unknown sea beast. Although the magic shark's individual strength is weaker than that of the sea beast, the number is very large. The death of the companions makes them attack even more crazy. The sea beasts gradually become unsupported, and they are smashed into white bones. The surrounding sea surface is dyed red, and the scene is extremely bloody. .

The little mermaid princess who saw all this showed uncomfortable feelings. Even though she had participated in more than one war, she couldn’t help but twist her face.

After the magic sharks solved the sea beast, they immediately turned their attention to the newly discovered mandala and swarmed.

Chen Rui looked at the old man who slept leisurely on the lounge chair and drank alcohol. He didn’t even have the meaning of the shot. He was about to fly forward and stood up and sat in the blue Bobst who was chatting with Moore.

"His lord, or let me go, it is the ship that is free to travel." Blue Bobst, one hundred and seventy-six chapters, the old man and the octopus, laughing, the kind of soft face The charm of the miner nǎi killer, the surrounding space ripples like a wave of water, the figure of the water element king has appeared in the distant group of magic sharks.

The magic sharks did not seem to feel the pressure from the blue Boss, and they fiercely rushed to the elemental king. Blue Bobst painted a circle, and the rising water began to condense quickly, not ice. It’s a jelly-like state, and this change makes all the magic sharks’ movements stand still, wrapped in the “jelly”, and then Blue Boss bends the index finger and all the frozen “jelly” counts. Untied, it is not smashing, but decomposition, the whole process seems to be soft and soft.

After the seawater is decomposed, it is still seawater, and the magic sharks... have dissipated into particles that have melted in the sea without a trace, even the blood has not been left, and the real bones are not saved. Blue Bobst's shots seem to be mild and not with smoke, but the horror that the effect is indeed, no matter which element of the king, the original strength of the power, is so powerful.

The power of water is so soft and supreme.

In Chen Rui’s mind, there is no such thing as a phrase in the Tao Te Ching, “The softness of the world, the temperament of the world”, which seems to have a deeper understanding of the sword of water.

At this time, the Augustus, who enjoyed the best yellow wine on the lounge chair, slammed and sat up.

Easily solved the blue shob in the eyes of the magic shark. The water surface suddenly subsided, and a huge tentacle emerged. The tentacles were dark red, and the diameter was close to ten meters. It is thirty meters long, and the tentacles are covered with terrorist suckers and barbs, giving off a horrible atmosphere.

Blue Bobst seemed to be caught off guard, and the shots that had emerged were hit, and the whole body suddenly shattered into countless drops of water. Chen Rui was taken aback.

However, in the next second, Blue Bobst’s figure has appeared above the tentacle. The temperature around it has suddenly dropped, and the water surface has solidified into ice. The tentacle is frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it were suddenly appearing in the sea. column.

The water ripples in the space, Blue Boss has returned to the Datura.

"Master Augustus, this is a blood-grained medal that is about to enter the semi-god class. I can't suppress it. Only the troubled adult is shot."

"With your strength, you can at least stick to it for an hour and a half, and even let the guy eat a small loss," Augustus's gaze swept over the crown of the otter on the head of Blue Bost, and poured a sip on his head. Wine: "This kind of lazy behavior... can it be regarded as the sorrow of the Suyuan people?"

At this time, the icicles have begun to crack, and Blue Boss has an ice-colored wine glass in his hand. He did not hesitate to raise a toast to the Dragon Emperor: "I should understand that the adults praise the shui people." ”

"The bloodstain medal... I know."

The opening is Chen Rui, this blood-grained medal is the octopus emperor known as the "Black Sea God", and now the analytical eye has been able to show detailed strength registration, comprehensive strength rating: SS+.

As Blue Bobst said, it is already the peak of the national level, and it is approaching the real realm of demigod.

"His name is Akasaka, and he signed an equality contract with me." Chen Rui, who is fully open to perceive communication, frowned. "I don't know why, his current consciousness is full of struggles. It seems to be competing with violent, killing and other emotions." I can't communicate with him for a while."

"It's very simple. It's good to call him awake." Such an arrogant statement can only be said by the old man. When the old Taishan adults raised their empty bottles, the female niece immediately handed a bottle of fun.

"His Royal Blue Boss, do you want a cup?"

The water element king shook his head: "The liquid fermented by this plant, even if there is a little diluted life spring inside, can not raise the interest of Yuan Su people."

This sentence makes Chen Rui and the earth element king look at each other, because Moore also said similar words, Lan Boster's ice cup contains more liquids flashing blue sè crystal light: "For the water element su people In fact, Blue Star Heavy Water is the real wine."

Blue Star heavy water? Chen Rui’s heart is moving, this is the most important material missing from the construction of the war.

Helen didn't listen to the conversations of the people. She only stared at the huge tentacle that had shattered the ice wall. She saw a figure in front of the tentacle, and she still had a bottle of wine.

In an instant, the tentacles disappeared and the figures disappeared.

Just when the little mermaid princess thought it was an illusion, the nearby sea water suddenly boiled up, and the giants that were picked up were tens of meters high. Blue Boss sighed: "It seems that the dragon is still not wanting to let The sage of the Shuiyuan Su people is successful."

Said, the water element king's otter crown gives a faint brilliance, the mandala is wrapped in a huge crystal ball, suspended in the air, letting the waves underneath the sky, stunned.

The turbulent waves are getting louder and louder, and the heavens and the earth seem to have reversed. The sky is not a cloud, but a sea of ​​waves, and it constantly changes into various strange forms in the field of horror.

Daddy, the front of the glory, a vaguely visible body shattered, flying in the air, from the unbalanced state of the flurry of the tentacles to open, seems to be thrown up, followed by countless water columns rising out, as if a strip The black-spirited serpent caught up with the huge body in the air.


The entire sky is shaking, and the protective crystal ball of the white sè disappears. The suspended "Sky of the Sky" returns to the sea.

Soon, everything was calm, but the huge figure flying to the sky seemed to have disappeared, and it was delayed.

Chen Rui and the two elements glanced at the sky at the same time, only to see a figure falling from the air and falling on the deck.

This is a burly big man, the amount, more accurately, is a fat man, wearing a dark red sè clothes, nose and face swollen, Chen Ruiyi looked at it and thought that the second brother also wore it.

Race: Blood Medal's comprehensive strength rating: SS+.

Physique SS+, strength SS+, jīng **** SS-, speed SS-.

Analysis: Water is xìng, regenerative talent.

Danger level: Extremely dangerous!

It turned out to be the octopus emperor!

"Red Akasaka?" Chen Rui asked a question from the eyes of the analysis.

This voice made the octopus emperor barely open his bruised eyes, and he was shocked when he saw Chen Rui: "It's you!"

Chen Rui nodded. It seems that this is really being woken up. Augustus didn’t know when he had returned to the lounge chair and continued to drink alcohol, as if he had just “the special effects movie scene” and He has nothing to do.

Chen Rui did not use the eyes of analysis again. He said directly: "You just seem to have lost your senses and are attacking us. So, my... my wife's father has helped you wake up."

The octopus emperor secretly horrified, this guy is really not simple, there are still such strong supporters.

That name made the old man feel comfortable, and said to Akasaka: "Small octopus, do you want to ‘help’?”

The octopus emperor shook his head in a hurry, and his eyes showed fear. In fact, he was already awake in the battle, and tried his best to defeat this sudden enemy, but he did not touch the other side. Obviously, the strength of the two is not at all a grade. If "the father of a certain son" wants to kill him, it is easy and can survive. I am afraid that this is in front of him... "someone who used to be regarded as an ant" "related.

"Amount, Lord Aguly, are you not going to the foggy sea? How come back here?" The tone of the octopus is very polite, completely different from the one when he first met, who called the father's father's fist hard It.

"The last exploration failed, so I came again... Yes, I know that the waters in this area have changed, and the low-skilled World of Warcraft has been affected by fratricidal killings, but why are you even Akasaka adults... What happened?"

Akasaka stood up and grinned and looked at Augustus and said: "It should be related to the Dark Dragon King. The power of the contract that binds my soul has undergone some variation, which has caused me to fall into the mad killing of irration from time to time. The believers who have been trained hard have died in my own hands."

Having said that, Akasaka couldn't help but gnash his teeth, and Augustus frowned. "When did it start?"

"Before it was only a faint feeling of some abnormality. About two months ago, this abnormality became more and more serious. My actions began to be uncontrollable. The power of the contract in my heart constantly spurred my killing. If I was restrained, I could not leave. I have already run away." Akasaka greeted Augustus: "Please let the adults see that I and Akurey are old and have a contract to help me out of the woods. I must have a good report."

The octopus is not stupid. "Agulie" failed last time. This time, looking for a backing, it is definitely a must, whether you can get rid of this killing consciousness or even restore zìyóu, completely grasp the other party's hands.

Chen Rui knew clearly that the things that changed were only not so simple. At the beginning, Rodriguez yīn used the power of the source of the light to make his glory, and later he was made to repair. In desperation, he occupied the lost body. As a result, he was hurt because of the poor strength of the lost. The wrathful Shenglong displayed the cage of the gods. He wanted to ban Chen Rui for 10,000 years, and he fell into a deep sleep. Use this to restore strength.

Rodriguez certainly couldn’t think of Chen Rui’s departure from the cage to the human world, but Chen Rui did not expect that just a few months, Rodriguez, who should have been sleeping, seemed to have some unexpected Changes, power has become much stronger, and the rescuing country has begun to spread the power to affect the surrounding waters, it should be the use of killing to speed up the response.

"I am waiting for my good news in the black sea area, Akasaka adults." Chen Rui dropped the octopus emperor, and also threw a hope, and drove the mandala to leave the sea.

Fog hidden sea, fog hidden island.

A blue-haired girl is curling up at the corner of the beach rock and shivering.

The girl's face is fresh and beautiful, and the snake body of the lower body is the characteristic of the Naga family. The girl's face is pale at this moment, and her expression is full of pain and fear: "It's coming again, that terrible feeling... ..."

"Agulie, Aguly..." The girl shouted at the name with a trepidation, and her eyes were clear and clear. It seemed to find the courage to continue to be strong.

For a long time, the girl finally recovered, and she gasped against the stone, and she collapsed. She chewed and swallowed something like a herb in her hand. Gradually, her face was a little more bloody.


There seems to be some kind of call in the wind.

The girl looked at it and thought it was wrong. She licked her arm, and the pain and the clearer voice told her that it was not an illusion.

The girl’s pupil suddenly ignited a strong brilliance, and the gloom of the flat rì swept away, and did not know where the strength came, and suddenly bounced.

The snake's body gradually turned into two legs. After a few steps, he hesitated. He eventually turned back to the snake body and quickly went to the source of the sound. The mouth sounded the loudest voice of his life: "I am Here!"! ! !

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