Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 722: Your snowdale

After the number rì, the Lei Snake Islands.

Sterling quietly watched the sailboat drifting away, and the moonlight of purple sè drawn the shadow of the dragonfly very long.

On the boat, there is her closest sister, and... the man, they will go to a place far from the Razer Islands and away from the sea of ​​death, and they will not know when they will see them again.

The man, who saved her and her sister in the hands of the black sea god, miraculously defeated a series of enemies, and even included the dark dragon who was close to the gods.

He has surpassed the grievances of countless death seas, including hundreds of millions of Naga spirits, to get rid of endless sorrow and pain, but he seems to have forgotten her promise to "accept you any request" when he first requested it.

After the annihilation of the Dark Dragon Emperor, not only did the forces that caused the creatures in the sea to kill each other disappeared, but the mysterious forces that have plagued the survival of all the sea creatures no longer exist, which is equivalent to saving all the oceans including Naga and Seymour. race.

The man took away the ghost coral that had lost its value, and of course, Adeline who volunteered to follow him.

Sterling is actually envious of Adeline. In some ways, Adeline is more courageous than her sister.

"Is it regret?"

The voice of the Queen of Naga, Moses, rang from behind, and Sterling frowned, still watching the Datura, which had become a little black spot in the distance, and snorted.

As a mother, Capricorn seems to be deliberately trying to uncover the scars of her daughter's heart: "I regret not leaving with Adeline? You seem to have made some wrong choice because of you, now catch up, maybe it's still too late. Don't I send you a boat?"

Sterling had some slight redness in her shackles, and she suddenly screamed out with a sharp knife. "Let my knife tell you whether my choice is wrong."

"I will regard it as a challenge to the position of the patriarch." Capricorn revealed a sneer of playfulness and slowly took out the knife. This time it was not two, but six. "I heard that you learned in hateful land." The complete essay is broken, let me see how much you have grown."

Under the moonlight, the crisp blade of the crossfire seemed to be moving off for the distant ship.

On the Datura, Adeline, who left her mother and her sister, was lying in Helen’s arms and burst into tears. The little mermaid princess also accompanied a lot of tears and glared at the “culprit” Chen Rui. .

Chen Rui was very innocently facing the eyes of the little mermaid princess. It was Adelin’s own request to go with him. It seems that he is robbing the women and women. In desperation, he has to go forward with a hard scalp. Consolation: "Don't cry, Adeline. There is a good news to tell you that the ancient treasure of Augustus has just given me the precious treasure, called the soul of the eye, which is a derivative of the eye of the dragon god. Let your eyes see the light again."

Adeline was taken aback and had two cold beads in her hand, with the power of heart.

"After waiting for you to calm down, drop the blood on it, put it in front of your eyes, they will turn into liquid into your eyes, let you restore your vision. In addition, Yu Ling has special strength, but To exert it, you need a powerful power. Although you already have a part of the magic power of the demon, the level of divine power has reached the level of the emperor, but the application is too rusty, far from being comparable to the real demon. In peacetime, we must pay attention to strengthening the practice in this respect, so that we can use the spirit of the eye to look at it."

“Thank you, Mr. Aguly!” Aidelin was pleasantly surprised, clenched two beads and gave a gift to the direction of Augustus in the telepathy. “Thank you, Master Augustus.”

"Well." Augustus nodded to the Naga girl, but looked at the son-in-law and made Chen Rui a little depressed.

However, it is true that Laozhang’s people are really good to him. Take the “Glorious Tower”. The Laozhang people spent a lot of effort to completely eliminate the mark left by Rodriguez and directly throw it at it. he.

In this space artifact, there are actually a lot of treasures of Rodriguez. Unfortunately, 80% of these treasures have been “confident.” They were accepted by Augustus. The remaining 20% ​​of the old men solemnly declared that the daughter and son-in-law each accounted for 50.

With the dragon's "financial talent." Can leave 20%, it is quite very very incomparable, it is worth seeing, this is still in the excellent performance of Chen Rui during this time, otherwise it is estimated that half of it is not.

In addition to those treasures, the Tower of Glory itself is an extremely precious treasure. This is a real artifact, and it is a very rare space artifact. It is not comparable to those of Chen Rui before. The holy dragon Rodriguez used it to escape the pursuit of the third angel Raphael. With Chen Rui’s current strength of the Emperor level, it is very difficult to master this artifact, but he has the golden finger of the super system. At present, the tower of glory is being deeply solved by the deep analysis, although the progress is quite slow. Success should be just a matter of time.

This Chen Rui’s harvest is quite rich, and in addition to the towers and treasures of the glory, he also obtained the dark source of the need of the Lola. The large amount of blue star heavy water and ghost corals required by the ancient alchemy civilization solved the dark elements. The hatred of su people got the good feeling of Su Yuansu.

Due to Rodriguez's "attachment." The lost strength has soared to S++, which has become the highest level of strength. It is estimated that after returning, the status of Lord Lomon will be bottomed out.

When Rodriguez was annihilated, the pillar of the contract that bound the octopus Emperor Akasaka in the Glorious Tower disappeared. Chen Rui found the soul ball of Akasaka from the treasure and handed it back to the black sea. The octopus emperor.

Without this crystal ball, the soul of the octopus will not be complete. For the rest of his life, the power will be stagnant. This is the way Rodriguez banned him. Now he gets the soul ball, and he is very happy.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Rui first lifted the link with the octopus Emperor's equality contract, and then took out the soul crystal ball. This situation shocked Akasaka. The other party was just a small "magic emperor". It was able to directly "tear" and his contract to reach the semi-god strong. It seems that the origin and potential of this person are Unfathomable.

Chen Rui’s approach is obvious. He is selling people. Since he wants to sell, he naturally sells it to the bright spot. Akasaka knows this very well. Even if there is no terrible dragon strongman, the octopus emperor’s heart is quite sensible to Chen Rui who gives him self-confidence. After committing to restore the power of the soul, he went to the 堕 Angel Empire and went to the door. thank.

Dark moon territory.

A quiet courtyard.

The copper pot on the magic stove screamed because the water inside boiled. A white jade-like hand lifted the copper pot and cleaned a jīng tea set placed on a small bamboo table. The movement was elegant and skillful.

The green tea leaves are placed in a small pot of purple sè, washed with water, filtered, and then blistered to open the leaves. A scent gradually spreads.

There are two teacups on the low table. The woman pours the tea in the purple pot into two cups and quietly looks at the empty seat opposite, as if there is one, the person she has been waiting for.

I don't know when it started, this kind of waiting has become a habit.

Even when life is closest to death, this habit remains the same, or it is a hope.

Support her hopes of waiting.

For a long time, the woman just took the cup and took a sip, like a jewel-like green eyes with a faint thought.

"The tea is cold, but it is not good."

A voice sounded, the teacup in the woman's hand suddenly trembled, a few drops of tea spilled out, and then resumed stability, but the thoughts in the tourmaline have turned into infinite joy, but the voice is quite indifferent: "When? Come back?"

"Just just now."

"Yes? So, are they willing to let you come to me?"

"Accurately, I was secretly coming back and used some space, because... your last threat was very effective."

I mentioned "threat." After the woman's veil, she showed a smile, and her eyes lifted as if she had a good looking new moon.

- After returning to the Dead Sea, I must be the first woman you touched, otherwise I will marry Augustus and let you follow Olyfis to call me "Mom"!

She herself has to admit that this threat is too poisonous.

Who made her a flower of the mandala.

The poisonous flower recognized by the Angel Empire.

"sit down."

Her models got up, poured out the cold tea in the cup and started to boil water again.

"Is this thing solved?"


"You haven't finished talking about the last human world. Go ahead..."

"it is good……"

The woman listened casually while pouring tea. In fact, she did have some absent-mindedness. For the first time, when listening to his conversation, his thoughts drifted away.

Before meeting him, she held the power and admired for countless young talents. She easily played the empire between the palms with wisdom, but she had nothing but hatred and hatred.

After encountering him, especially after his resurrection, although he was reborn, he could not face the pain of his heart. He just waited quietly for the coming of death. He had never had hope, just like a broken person.

Until now, she is a complete woman.

Yes, not yet.

But, it’s fast.

Her face suddenly turned red and gave him a sneak peek, only to find that he was also watching her.

At this moment, I have always been very eager to jump forward very quickly ~ ~ intertwined with tension and expectations.

Next, what is the process that looks very embarrassing in my mind, I don’t know when he came to his face, or she took the initiative to come to him, only feeling that everything is going very natural, just like... he is now Holding her as she walked toward the room.

This time, it will never be the same as the last time.

She saw the bed, knowing what was going to happen, her cheeks were red, but she did not avoid watching his eyes, including the tears in his eyes, the tears of happiness.

Finally there is such a person, she does not need to cover up in front of him.

The past has become a thing of the past.

In the future, the beauty and viciousness of the mandala will still bloom in the world.

However, in front of this man, she is always just Snowdale.

Your Snowdale.

There is no regret in life and death.

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