Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 756: Night talk

The **** battle of the Warlock Fortress finally came to an end, and Lei Zen promised the request of the angels to withdraw the **** army to the iron fist territory. The devils of Catherine and the yīn Shadow Empire stationed in the Warlock Fortress, and the armistice negotiations of the three countries were scheduled for the second morning, in the middle of the town of Heiyun.

The repair of the Warlock Fortress and the treatment of the wounded were carried out in an orderly manner. Chen Rui’s returning tree played an important role, especially the demons who were exhausted and seriously injured, and they all recovered very well. The replenishment of logistics materials and military resources is also carried out as soon as possible, because the start of peace talks does not mean an armistice. The more this time, the less able to relax j惕ng惕. In history, there has not been such a case of defeat because of great intentions.

Catherine simply greeted him with Xia, and with the subordinates in the tower camp, Lola and Paglieu returned to the starry capital of the sky to recuperate.

In the evening, Chen Rui appeared outside the yīn shadow imperial camp.

After a few moments, he was invited into the camp and came to the main account of Catherine's highest protective tower. This is a remodeled mountain. Catherine is looking back and has gradually become purple. The night sky, the figure is floating like a fairy.

The demon emperor with the road respectfully returned to the back, leaving only Chen Rui and Catherine on the entire peak.

"Nobody can think of it. The city of illusory sky in the concert is really true." Catherine looked at the huge castle in the sky and said with emotion: "Tell me, what is that?"

"The capital of Xinghuang, the site of ancient civilization and civilization." Chen Rui did not hide. "Under an accidental opportunity, I became its inheritor."

Catherine exposed her sè and nodded: "You have got the inheritance of the ancient alchemy civilization, no wonder you can have black sè potions and incredible talents."

Using the ancient alchemy civilization to interpret the "big master inheritance" can be described as reasonable and reasonable, in fact, it is beaten.

Chen Rui did not explain this "misunderstanding". Everyone has his own secret. The identity of the super system and the traverser is his biggest secret. In the subconscious, this is a secret that is not intended to be disclosed to anyone.

"This sky castle should still have terrible power. How many cards do you still hide?"

"It's just an empty shelf." Chen Rui shook his head. "Inheritance or other things are not omnipotent, otherwise I will not be able to turn around on the edge of death several times."

Catherine's gaze became softer. She and he had experienced the test of death together, and more than once, every time, he did not hesitate to stop in front of her.

Turning slowly, the eyes turned into indifference and tranquility: "Is it for you, Hirsch?"

Chen Rui pretended not to hear the deliberate title: "Catherine... Thank you."

"Thank you for saving my Queen Her Majesty? Or thank you for saving the Warlock Fortress or the Angel Empire?" Catherine's voice was a little colder.

"My Majesty the Queen?"

Chen Rui’s “answer” looks more like a call to Catherine. In the eyes of Catherine's eyes, she was softly shielded by the silence, and she felt that her heartbeat was a little faster. Immediately, he suppressed it and frowned. "A living Shia, a stable angelic empire, can better serve as a buffer between the yīn shadow empire and the **** empire. Lei Zen originally thought that I was dead. Therefore, I will not hesitate to abandon the dignity and the rules to solve the problem in person. I want to take advantage of the demon world. Now I am not dead, but I have reached the national level, so Lei Zen will not start with Xia. So, you should be able to let go. Your Majesty the Queen is now safer than ever..."

Chen Rui cleverly shifted the topic: "Have you just mentioned the guidelines? Is there any clear limit on the strongman above the national level, and can't deal with the ordinary strength?"

"When the 'quantity' is completely unable to determine the 'quality', there must be corresponding restrictions. I have heard that the ground world has a corresponding ... half-god contract?" Catherine is more of a question.

Semi-God contract? Chen Rui remembered when he was in the ground world. Ijjurur descended on the emerald forest, and the semi-god might of the spiritual group of the jīng had mentioned this vocabulary. It seems that it should be a convention that restricts the intervention of the semi-god-level powers in the world.

"It seems to be there." Chen Rui said: "What about the Devil?"

"As far as I know, there is no formal contract in the devil world. It is just an unwritten practice. I have stepped into the national level. From the perspective of the legend of the demigod to the **** level, it is only just beginning. In the annals of history. The gods have not revealed miracles for a long time, but the years of the gods are endless. Our tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years, for the gods, is just a nap, so we can not guess or estimate. It is known that this legendary road has a very important vocabulary, that is, 'belief'. If the country is compared to the world, then faith is the pillar of the world, and there must be believers in faith. Faith can be transformed or changed. It is destroyed or born, but it cannot be directly interfered by the controller. For example, the gods can use the believers in our world to influence each other and even wage war to compete for faith, but they must not kill themselves or kill each other's believers. The demigods should also have this reason, because unless they are gods, these believers cannot survive in the country, only in the ordinary world." Catherine does not Road, in front of this man, not only has the power of faith, but also has a galaxy of believers, according to her understanding of the concepts to be considered, that "galaxy" is "the kingdom of God."

"If the super-strong powers smash the ordinary people, it may not only affect the state of mind and the understanding of the faith. What is more troublesome is that you do not know whether or not these ordinary people are believers of other powerful people. How many unknown enemies will be incured... In addition, the super-powers also have their own pride, and unless they are provocative, they will never be able to kill easily."

Chen Rui slowly nodded: "It turned out that it was no wonder that when Lei Zen shot Hiya, he also found a lame excuse."

"Lei Chan is a very proud person. If he is an opponent at the same level. He will not hesitate to hesitate to kill Xia in person. It is a great shame for him, but he actually gave up his dignity and Pride, the unity of the demon world is certainly a reason, but the most important thing is probably the dark disease in him, wanting to level the obstacles for the **** empire before the outbreak or before retreating. However, I can sense Some of the changes in the life of Lei Zen once broke out. Even if it is Lei Zen, I am afraid that it will not escape. He should have been using the **** ring of one of the seven artifacts to curb this change, relying on Yanshou. I am afraid that it is difficult to cure."

"In any case, this is one of the most important chips in negotiations with Lei Zen. I will do my best."

"The object you want to negotiate is not only Lei Zen, but also me," Catherine looked at him faintly. "Since you came here today, it is certainly not as simple as chatting and thanking. So we are open. As a strategic alliance, you must promise me two conditions. First, no matter what changes in the future, this star of the star can never appear on the battlefield with the yīn shadow empire. Second, the future of the empire of the angelic empire All new things and new technologies, yīn shadow empire must also be owned at the same time."

Chen Rui shook his head: "We will not be able to escape the war in the future..."

"This question is very naive. In fact, you already know the answer in your heart," Catherine looked away. "I am not a wise man. I sometimes get tired of the cold and ruthless throne, but I have to sit down. Must give up more..."

“Abandoning our future,” Chen Rui sighed. “This way will make your people have more? I am not the first time to see your paranoia. To be honest, I really admire you.”

"Have you ever lost the closest person? I have not only lost, but also personally buried..." Catherine's eyes were a little confused: "That year. I used my hands that were stained with my brother's blood and put on the crown." I vowed to use everything to guard this piece of land that has been crying and bloody, and can't let more people lose. I don't know the story of Xia. But what is certain is that she is as persistent as me, and as an emperor, we Will not let go of their attachments, so sooner or later one day..."

The Queen’s Majesty paused and sighed: “I will not give you a multiple-choice question. I can only tell you that what you call 'our future’ is just a phantom. You are a smart person. Let’s put it down early, this is for us. It’s all good.”

Chen Rui was silent for a long time and suddenly smiled.

"My Majesty the Queen, did anyone tell you that when you encounter something related to the empire, you always think far-sightedly, carefully plan, and from time to time, even if you are not the first wise man to be hyped, Not a fool, but once you encounter personal feelings, is it a fool? This is the legendary IQ and low emotional intelligence?"

Catherine did not understand some of the vomiting words of the snake, but her eyes were obviously more chilly: "I don't have time to accompany you to these boring words. I want to hear your reply now!"

"IQ is born, and EQ is acquired. To be precise, this EQ is a bit ambiguous. Let's just think of it as a feeling..."

"Since you can't give me a reply, let Xia come and talk to Catherine's voice is colder.

"Don't be angry, Her Majesty's Majesty... Isn't it not to use this big guy on the battlefield? And there is that Chia, you have to..." Chen Rui said with a smile, "I promised, but the second condition ... it is tentative for a two-year time limit."

Catherine thought of that day. When she left, there was a voice of ‘two years’ behind her. She nodded and closed her eyes. “I have to rest, Lord Agul, you can go back to life.”

Chen Rui turned and walked a few steps, and suddenly stopped: "The closest person, in this world... I also lost, that is a life I once regarded as a daughter, although she has left me forever, However, I have left a eternal imprint in my heart. Your nirvana success should be the result of this branding, and we have a strange connection between them. I believe that you have already felt it. Because I lost it, I only I will cherish it. Finally, the "phantom" you have seen is not necessarily illusory, and may have become a real existence now."

The footsteps gradually drifted away, and Catherine slowly opened her eyes, and it fell into the eyes of the purple sky, the city of the sky.

Ps: The second is generally more late, and friends who sleep early should check it out the next day.

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