Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 758: Shocked (four thousand words)

Lei Zen finally took back the look of Chen Rui and slowly nodded. With his eyes, he could see that this "Agulie" was not boasting, but really sure.

Chen Rui is certainly sure, anything else is not good to say, the light system curse ·············································································

After this episode, the attitude of the Lei-Men negotiations has obviously eased. This matter is not only related to his life, but also related to the fate of the entire **** empire. Compared with the current strength, if he does not sit in the empire, **** The empire is likely to face the danger of being destroyed by the empire of the empire.

Lei Zen is not good at eloquence, and **** is responsible for "bargaining" is Teres who is standing next to him. The eloquence of Teres and the ability to grasp the negotiations are indeed outstanding, but the **** requirements are not the peace covenant, but the temporary armistice agreement, and the conditions are very harsh, it is difficult for the three parties to reach a consensus.

However, the three countries can sit down and talk from the swordsmen. It is a good start, especially Chen Rui is determined to be able to treat Lei Zen. Although there is no result, the prospect of the whole negotiation has been bright.

After the fruitlessness in the morning, the two sides agreed to continue negotiations on the second day, and the fierce battles were fierce, and the battle for the soil was not allowed. There was no battlefield filled with smoke. The stalemate continued for the third day and finally began to break the ice.

"A series of techniques such as the battle ball, magic TV, rice wine, and soil improvement that the Angel Empire currently possesses must be shared by the **** empire, and the new things that appear during the armistice are also the same." As with Catherine, it is clear that these technologies are extremely important. Although the little emperor is very good at the "cottage" culture, the "cottage" is not omnipotent, and some "high-tech" technology links cannot be solved.

Take the battle ball as an example. The venue and competition rules are very good, but the production technology of the ball cannot be imitated. The **** empire's native production of combat ball bombs and durability is far worse than the original game of the Angel Empire. The ball is often kicked out, and those who "import" from the Angel Empire will not.

"The battle ball can be considered, but we don't provide technology for magic TV, rice wine and soil improvement. We only offer limited quantities of finished products." Chen Rui immediately rejected the proposal of Teres. The negotiation skills of Teres are very clever. In the confrontation, Chen Rui has already suffered several dark losses, but in the general direction, Xia is still very accurate. In general, the progress of the negotiations is still smooth.

"Then we will let the angel empire provide the technology of rice wine in one step. As for the soil improvement, we can follow the cooperation between your country and the yīn shadow empire, and carry it out in batches." Tevez did not wait for Chen Rui to answer, and suddenly took the topic. Kai: "Yes, isn't the Angel Empire going to host the Devils Pharmacist Contest next year? This game is not as good as the three countries. It will be a great event in the Devil World. It can be held in the Angels dìdū one month before the competition. The Three Kingdoms Joint Trade Association."

"I think that His Highness's proposal for the joint competition and the trade fair is very good," Catherine said. Terrys lowered her head and smiled and thanked "not only the pharmacist contest, but also the controller competition." , merged into an alchemy contest, can be divided into the level of alchemists and alchemists, every few years, in turn in three major dìdū.

This will not only improve the level of the alchemy alchemy through communication competition, but also promote the economic development. ”

"I agree with Katherine's proposal," said Shia. "The first alchemy contest was held in the Angel Empire. It was combined with the three-month pharmacist contest to merge the three countries' alchemy alliances. Publish the game announcement."

Chen Rui thought of a gamble with Saman and nodded slightly.

Teres added: "It's not alchemy, there's a battleball, the Devil's Three Kingdoms Battleball League. During the truce, this will be another form of war--a war that is popular with everyone."

This proposal allowed Xia and Catherine to be in the same place and nodded their heads to fight the ball. Lei Zen also slightly decapitated.

Terrys turned around and reverted to the previous topic: "Since all three of them agree, then the Angel Empire should provide the technology of magic TV, so that more people can participate in this competition. ”

"Well, we can use the technology related to magic TV, but I have a requirement that the two empires must not prohibit the spread of the TV programs of the Angel Empire. Of course, the angels will not ban the programs of the two empires. Some TV shows are made by us. For example, the last concert, these programs are now free to play. In order to recover the cost, we will choose the charges in the future. This part of the fee is either the yīn movie empire or the **** empire. Can't deduct a half point."

Teres thought for a moment, as long as he mastered the technology of magic TV, he would be able to hold and broadcast similar programs in his own country in the future. Now that he agrees, Catherine and Teres have similar ideas, but she always thinks that Chen Rui proposed The request may have another mystery, but now it is a major event related to peace talks, and this request has no trap on the bright side, so it expresses its consent.

The consensus reached between the two sides is increasing, and the peace talks are gradually moving smoothly. The reporters at the back listen to and quickly record and organize the entries for the final agreement.

At this time, a waiter came to the whispering report of Teres, and Teres said to the three emperors: "Please forgive me."

Teres went out for a moment, and hurried into the hall, leaning over and said a few words in Lei Zen’s ear.

Lei Zen’s face changed, his eyes looked like a cold electricity, and he went to Xia and Catherine. A terrible pressure came on the scene. Chen Rui stepped forward and blocked it in front of Xia: Your Majesty, what do you mean by this!"

Lei Zen said coldly: "This sentence should come to me and ask you!"

Catherine gave birth to an ominous omen and asked, "What happened?"

Teres said: "I just received a report from General Gustav and found that there was a strong magic enchantment in the vicinity, and some of them have already been triggered. Now everything has been completely isolated from the outside world! ”

"Strong magic enchantment?" Chen Rui did not expect this kind of change, "What is going on?"

Teres sneered: "General Gustav wants to break through the magical enchantment, and he is rebelled into a serious injury when he touches it. Except for the powerful magician who defeated more than 30 demons in the Angel Empire. I can't imagine anyone else who can do this! If you really want to stop fighting or even peace, how can you set up such an enchantment! It is clear that I want to kill me and my father and then swallow the **** empire!"

Lei ■ 卩 slowly stood up, did not speak, the body has set off a powerful power fluctuations hall has been filled with rich blood.

"Lei Zen! Don't count it!" Catherine said. "If we really want to deal with you, how can we be these people now! Do you think we can kill you?"

Xia also said: "This time, the town of Heiyun has always been occupied by the **** army, even if it is this negotiating house, it is your choice!"

"You are deliberately doing this, because you will not choose to fight in front! If you are not seen by General Gustav early, there are still many yīn drug plans!" Teres said: "Father, in order to prevent 10,000 First, let's get out of here!"

The whole ground was shaken up, as if there was a big explosion, everyone was standing still and unstable, and the outside was intertwined with exclamations and screams.

The sound quickly weakened and finally disappeared, showing a strange silence.

Chen Rui was shocked. The emperor negotiations of the three empires, such a thing happened! Can he be sure that it is not Catherine and Chia, is it that Lei Zen planned himself?

Lei Zen shouted. The whole hall was divided and broken. There were countless broken ruins and four shès. It disappeared without a trace. The smoke and dust dispersed, and there was no living person nearby except for a few people in the original hall.

Surrounded by the strange smell of Sen cold, the weaker clerk and several guards trembled, the body quickly became stiff, and the moment of work had fallen to the ground, as if the vitality was swallowed up by the invisible power.

Lilith, who is surrounded by Catherine, is only the strength of the demon. Although Nie's power has a certain amount of gram for this kind of breath, it can't help but show the uncomfortable expression.

Chen Rui’s consciousness appeared in the “unknown energy invasion” prompt, immediately launched the super system, absorbed those energy, while holding the hand of Xia, passing the power to help her to ease the strange erosion.

Teres chilled, seemingly resisting the coldness of the forest, suddenly spit out a blood, anxiously said: "Father, do not know what they have ambush! You go first!"

"Damn!" Lei Zen will protect Teres behind him, punching the purple mang, and flying towards Catherine.

Catherine appeared in front of her, and blocked the punch. She said, "Le Chan, don't you understand? We are all counted! I feel the power here is very weird. Let's leave here together!" ”

Lei Zen thought about it and finally nodded.

Suddenly, everyone’s body was wrapped in a black electric flower.

Catherine and Lei Zen reacted the fastest, while the power of Nie and the blood of the cockroaches blocked the lightning. However, this black sè lightning seemed to have an irresistible erosion force, and with a strange rule. The power of the two is actually extraordinarily tight, and the face is changing at the same time.

The two national powerhouses are like this, and the rest are even worse. Lilith can't stand it, slowly fall to the ground, and the body is snoring; Teres is also trembling on a broken column, his face is extremely pale. Exposed to the extremely difficult sè.

Chen Rui’s defensive hood was quickly eroded and collapsed. Although the force invading the body could be absorbed by the super system, the external pressure could not be absorbed. He had to bite his teeth and help Xia to resist.

"There is a breath of faith in it..." Chen Rui frowned. At this time, the data changes in the eyes of the analysis, so that he shocked and shouted: "Terrys! Actually you!"

Prior to this, Teres's strength has always been s in the eyes of analysis, and there is no parenthesis that represents the hidden strength. It just became incredibly turned into s!

Race: Mamen's family.

Comprehensive strength assessment: s+(s).

Constitution s+(s), strength s(s), jīng **** s+(s), speed srr(s).

Analysis: Dark is xìng, unknown.

Danger level: high.

This climb from s to s+ should not be the real growth of strength, but the increase under certain conditions, just like Chen Rui’s bright Pope Vatican met in the bright sacred mountain. "It is also confusing.

Teres's srr strength is completely inconsistent with the painful appearance he showed at this time, and Chen Rui can feel that the faint belief in the atmosphere is released from the body of Teres!

Speaking of the feeling of the power of faith, even if it was just arrived in the country, Lei Zen and Catherine could not compare with Chen Rui, so he immediately drank it.

Tries glanced at him and looked at Chen Rui’s sharp eyes. He suddenly smiled and slowly stood up straight. His black sè electric flower disappeared, and there was a faint majesty in the eyebrows. Different: "Good eyesight, I don't think the first one to see me is you, not Catherine."

At the same time, Catherine and Lei Zen were shocked and wanted to start. The power of the electric mans suddenly increased by dozens of times. The two men could not move at once. Even the undead was also imprisoned by a special force.

"Unfortunately, it's still late," Teres shook his head. "Le Chan, Catherine, in fact, both of you have surprised me. Catherine actually finished the fifth time, and Lei Zen is even more amazing. In the dark oven where I made my hands and feet, I forcibly broke through to the national level. Unfortunately, you will die I don't need to surrender, I just need to destroy."

"Tevez!" Lei Zen reveals an incredible look. The original calculations he had in the dark oven were actually planned by this young son! In this way, other things...···

"Lei Chan, you guessed it." Teres seemed to see through the thoughts of Lei Zen: "The dispute between Edmund and Amis is planned by me. Ayers is also my own solution. Your out I was surprised, so I arranged a dark hand in the town of Heiyun early in the morning and always wanted to lead you here. What surprised me even more is that this net, in addition to your big fish, also has another net. Two fish. In fact, I am very risky to do this, but if the three countries really regain peace, then my years of painstaking efforts will be wasted, so I shot. Fortunately, I succeeded. Just kill you, the latter thing It's much easier, I can easily unify the devil."

"Just by you?" Catherine said: "Don't say whether the ambush you laid can kill us. Even if you can do it, do you think you can unify the three empires?"

"The strength of a person is limited, so I have been in business for three hundred years," Carlos Tevez showed with a well-thought-out smile: "Forget to tell you, I still have an identity, that is, ‘bloody, the master.’


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