Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 760: Yuxiong

Chen Rui didn’t understand what happened, but when he saw the rare shocked expression of Zen and the strange eyes after Catherine’s veil, it was definitely an incredible truth.

"How could you be him!" Lei Zen refused to take the plunge, and angered him. A pair of fists and knuckles held the knuckles whitish. It seemed to be violent, and the body was black and strong, and it was suppressed. There are **** spills in the five senses.

"Nothing is impossible." Teres shook his head: "Lei Zen, you are still the same. I told you when I was crusting the world, an emperor, always keep calm and cold, you are too proud. It is also too obsessed with the pursuit of personal strength, in fact, it is more suitable to be a warrior, not an emperor."

Since Lei Zen and Catherine shouted the word "Dream Star River", the face of Xiya became strange. Now, "Terry"’s evaluation of Lei Zen, although pertinent, has a faint counterattack. When rì Lei Zen evaluates the meaning of her "not a qualified emperor".

Here, Catherine has recovered from the shock and smiled bitterly: "Although it is unbelievable, but you are right, this war is what you won, white night."

white night! Catherine’s name made Chen Rui’s messy.

The generation of Tianjiao, the first strongest in the devil world, the emperor and the **** of war in the Angel Empire, the White Night Road West Law?

The white night emperor, who has become a legend, is actually the "Treisi" in front of him? This is ridiculous!

No wonder Catherine and Lei Zen will show that expression.

White nights should have fallen in the war of attacking the ground world more than three hundred years ago. When the night died, the power of the angelic empire was taken away by the black scorpion. The son of the white night, the father of Xia, was rushed to the ruined dark moon territory, began his oppressed career, and finally ended in depression until the generation of Xia. Only then regained the throne, but suddenly there was a resurrection..., grandfather? This grandfather used the body of Tries to control the "old father" who has been called for two hundred years?

Chen Rui only felt that his head became a mess, when Catherine’s voice sounded: “Are you white night or Teres?”

"I am Tresmamon and also the white night road to Westfa." Teres replied indifferently.

"Reluctantly reborn?" Chen Rui could not help but blurt out.

"I don't know what is a win, but it is not a rebirth, because my body was destroyed in the battle of the year, but the soul was saved." The eyes of Teres fell on the face of Lei Zen: " Lei Zen, your son, Teres, is also in this body. Now it is just the soul that he has given me the dominance. Most of the time, I am in a state of sleep, **** has a big situation today... Including your fall into the current desperate situation, your son has contributed."

Lei Zen bite his teeth and endure the suffering of internal and external affairs. He said: "What happened?"

Teres said without hesitation: "Three hundred years ago, our army was invincible in the ground world. Under a chance, I got the **** beads and... because of some special reasons, I encountered To the attack of the super-strong powers, it fell." Terrys seems reluctant to mention the specific process of this matter. "Fortunately, my soul is attached to the **** beads and remains, kept by one person until defeated. Return to the devil world. You know this person too.

Ragnaros, Samuel. ”

"Lagnaros!" Catherine knows "the former patriarch of the Samel king!"

Teres went on to say that the wrathful kingdom was destroyed by the Mamen family. The samurai kings who were unwilling to give in to their homeland have always been the nails of the **** emperors. If they were not supported by the white night, they fell on the thunder. Under the **** means of Zen, although the White Night has its own purpose, it is an indisputable fact that there is great grace for the entire Samuel.

After the defeat of the human world, Ragnaros returned to the world of the demon world with **** beads. Although he survived, but suffered serious damage, he has been lurking with the help of Ragnaros, and the poor have changed and started. Two things are planned. The first is to try to restore the power of the soul to the white night, and to find the right body to resurrect with the mystery. The second thing is to prepare for the "blood smash, the original purpose of the dark tissue, which is named after the artifact" ”

Chen Rui and others know why the white night disappeared after the "fallen", and the tone of Teres changed: "One hundred years have passed, the foundation of **** and strong, and the power of my soul has gradually recovered. At this time, an important turning point occurred. I met a person, that is your son Teres. In order to transfer the soul, Ragnaros paid the price of life, and I promised him to take care of the Samuel family. ""

Lei Zen was shocked and Chen Rui heard the rumors about the Samuel royal family. The Samuel royal family is the most brave and warlike king in the devil world. Although the wrath of the empire was destroyed by the **** empire, it never really yielded and often caused chaos. This situation has been maintained to the throne of the contemporary **** Emperor Lei Zen. Lei Zen also used **** suppression at the beginning, and later the little emperor Teres changed all of this.

More than a hundred years ago, Teres convinced Lei Zen, did not know what means, please go out to the then patriarch of the Samuel royal family Gustav as the first general of the empire, and with all kinds of soft means, make Sa The royal family of Merle was completely surrendered, and the internal turmoil of the **** empire was thus stabilized. According to "Terry" now, this is precisely the beginning of a real turmoil!

"The dark physique of Teres has a high degree of fit with my soul. The most important thing is... he is willing to accept my soul."

This sentence makes the black sè electric man in the thunder and tight "Baidu Post Bar ★ Xiangxiang ★ text" to hold the fist, the five official overflowing more blood.

Looking at the appearance of Lei Zen, "Terry" has a strange smile on his face: "Your son, whether it is talent, wisdom and ambition, is far above you. In some respects, even I am only "amazed." Two words, **** is really growing up in his hands. However, in your eyes, Teres's qualifications have always been a cure-free remedy. For this reason, he became the little prince you least valued and the most hopeless to inherit the throne. Now... your empire, as well as the empire of angels and yīn shadows, are annihilated in his planning! ”

"湮天... Also includes the Angel Empire?" Shia finally uttered her voice. Her teeth began to tremble because of the **** enchantment, but she insisted on it.

Teres looked at Xia deeply and slowly nodded: "The new order is often based on the destruction of the old order. The angelic empire is also the object of burial. Hija, you are stronger than your father, Green. But not enough, I am sorry, you can only accept the fate of the loser. You must die here."

Xia trembled and clenched Chen Rui’s hand: “The night is white, maybe I should call this soul a grandfather... You are the **** of worship of the empire, and the devil has become a legendary hero! Why...”

Teres silent for a moment and replied: "The heroes have fallen, now, only the heroes."

"Yongxiong can't coexist," Chen Rui felt the turmoil of Xia's mind, and his life became weaker. He immediately said: "Since Teres has ambition, do you think he is willing to share a body with you forever?"

"Childish provocation!" Teres sneered aloud: "How can you understand the true strong mind of this ants? The unity of the devil is only the first step, his goal is the supreme ruler of the entire devil world, And my ultimate goal is to be a god!"

"Not a **** or a god?" but a god? "Catherine's voice reveals obvious unbelief. In fact, she has been secretly accumulating the power of Nirvana to make the last stroke. Unfortunately, the **** enchantment is too strong and the power is not controlled. The ground was weakened step by step.

However, the saying of "becoming a god" is too impossible. Although it is difficult to practice the super-powerful, there are still many in the history of the devil. However, it is unique in the history of the gods. At most, it is a pseudo-god. It is true that no one believes that madness is to become a god.

"If my newly established empire is a new regime that integrates religion and domination? If my emperor will become the supreme object of the people's faith? If ... believe in my life, do not believe in death?"

"Faith you?" Catherine was really taken aback. "You are crazy!"

"I am not crazy, I just experienced some things, died once, and then figured out a lot of things!" Teres suddenly squeezed his fist. "What is the super strong? How about reaching the false gods," What about becoming a legend? All things, in the presence of the gods, are not humble playthings! Only the true gods are eternal and immortal!"

Chen Rui only felt that the words were familiar, and it seems that he had heard similar remarks in a certain elemental king.

"Don't say that the rest of the gods, you steal the faith, are you not afraid of the punishment of the gods?"

"Oh, stealing the letter" I am not the first one, you are just an ignorant who is blocked from the truth. Moreover, as long as I can really establish such a country, the rest of the demigods cannot be a hindrance, but instead become partners with common interests. ”

"As for the long time," Tries flashed a strange sè: "Have you heard of the dusk of the gods, right?" ”

"That is just a legend that has been buried in the legend.

Catherine said coldly: "Do you want to use this to deceive people?" ”

"In fact, gods have not shown miracles for a long time, no matter whether they are sleeping or not, no matter how difficult it is, I only know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Wait until they wake up. At that time, perhaps my Bible has become a presence that needs them to face up." The eyes of Teres have become a bit hot. "Right, the twilight of the legendary gods is related to the seven artifacts. After I unite the demon world, I can try to assemble. The artifacts of the Seven Kings are enlightened by the mystery, which will be a heavyweight chip. Right, there are four pieces of the Bible in front of me."

What Teres said is of course the sword of the angel of Xia, the yīn cloak of Catherine, the **** ring of Lei Zen and the mask of the **** of Chen Rui. The **** first general Gustav is obvious. It is the person of Teres, so the wrath of the wrath of the king is definitely something in the bag.

But Teres did not know that the Belair family’s wind and shadow boots were lost in the human world more than a hundred years ago, and they belonged to the sword of the angels of Chia, including the Leviathan family. The magic shield is in the hands of "Agulie".

At this time, Lei Zen, who had never heard anything, suddenly shouted, and the **** ring in his hand gave a strong light. The whole person jumped up and rushed toward Teres. ......

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