Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 767: our future

Chen Rui is sitting in the space of the magic carriage. This magic carriage is a gift from Catherine to Xia. It is a jīng room. It doesn't feel the bumps outside. This kind of space prop is no stranger to Chen Rui. When he first met Catherine, he became a prisoner in a carriage.

Chen Rui sat on the sofa in the hall, and there was a scene in the brain that had met with Catherine before leaving the yīn movie palace.

"I really feel very confused," Catherine's eyes showed unmistakable suspicions. "It is undeniable that if you delve into it, your so-called alliance country is not a bubble. Maybe... I mean, 'maybe, It can be a system that truly peace and unity in the devil world. However, what I can't figure out is that a human being makes the demon world, which is a mortal enemy, united and powerful. What is your real purpose? First unified and then controlled?"

"You think more." Chen Rui smiled bitterly. "I never thought about controlling the devil world. I am just a lazy guy who wants to hold his woman to sleep peacefully."

"You can't help but know that the stronger the devil world, the greater the threat to the human world. Especially the kingdom of this alliance, the biggest contradiction will be turned from the inside to the outside, the devil has no corresponding enemy, then this foreign enemy can only be human. Are you an aristocrat abandoned by the human world, wanting to lead the demon army to destroy the human world for more than a hundred years?"

"Your imagination is too rich," Chen Rui shook his head. "Have you ever thought about why the devil and the human world must have war? Even as the legend, the devil is the sunshine and richness of the human world, then if the devil Prosperity reaches the point of equal or even surpassing the human world. Does this endless war still have to continue? As for the sun... I don’t think that the Mozu who has fully adapted to the two months will adapt to the sun. It is worth noting that from the information revealed at the beginning of the White Night, the war between man and the devil seems not so simple, but fortunately there are more than one hundred years, we have plenty of time to investigate this matter and plan a lot of things. Including our future.

"It's you," Catherine's gaze after the veil collapsed: "Not ‘we,.”

"It is ‘we, must!! Chen Rui reveals a firm sè.

"Chen Rui, what are you thinking about?"

Aside Xia’s voice interrupted Chen Rui’s memories. Chen Rui’s return to God, a slight smile: “Nothing.·····Do you think that I have some self-assertion this time? Especially with Lei Zen. Two years of armistice, and those that might make the Angel Empire very passive?"

"What we need most now is the time to recuperate and develop, and I can feel it. Your intentions are not limited to this. Maybe you still have your own plans. I have never doubted that some human beings.狡猾 and ān 诈 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"I have to say that the vocabulary of your derogatory words is far more than the derogatory words." Chen Rui smiled and took her hand. "Two years... as long as I give me two years, everything will change. As for Those terms······ will have unexpected effects, and in any case, the initiative will be firmly in our hands.”

Xia was a little surprised. This answer is still far above her expectations, but she did not doubt what Chen Rui said, because it was this man's planning that changed the dark moonland that was broken and lost, and changed the entire angelic empire. . This time, the change will be the whole devil world.

"So... I will wait and see."

"There is a multiple-choice question." Chen Rui thinks of the tranquility of the black scorpion, can not help but blurt


"Nothing..." Chen Rui licked his nose. "It’s just a man’s **** vanity."

"So, you underestimate the curiosity of a woman." Shia smiled. "I want to hear your multiple choice questions."

"Well, it’s just a boring problem with cháo," Chen Rui looked at her eyes: "If one day, the Empire and I can only choose one, which one would you choose?"

Shia smiles on her face, her eyes faintly stunned: "If you can, I hope that there will never be such an opportunity to choose."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask this **** question." Chen Rui felt the depression of Xia's mood and knocked on his own head. "This problem is actually the same as that of the river. The guy who asked this kind of question should be smashed into the river. I was fascinated by it. Don’t worry about it."

"No, this is a problem without circumvention. Say sorry, it should be me. Between me and you, I am too selfish. I am not greedy for power, but as a bearing of the hopes of all the people of the empire. Emperor, I can't give up my responsibility, I······”

"I understand." Chen Rui kissed her forehead. "You never gave up your responsibilities, just like... I abandoned the past as a ruthless lord."

It’s like she is.

Shia leaned gently on his shoulder: "I can do it, but I can trust you without reservation, even if..."

"No ‘even, 希ia, believe me, we will never face such a choice, I will always be with you.”

The two hug, there is no extra words, only warm peace

Shia suddenly looked up and her face was shy and blushing: "There may be another way, that is...heir."

Chen Rui’s eyes are bright: “Yes, it’s time to plan our future. It seems that we have to implement this method. We still have a very important thing that has not been completed? Hehe...”

Obviously, a blaming hand was punished by Her Majesty the Queen.

On the castle floor of the yīn Shadow Palace, another Queen of Her Majesty looked at the sacred angel ambassador’s carriage, which was long and speechless.

For a long while, I sighed in a secluded sigh: "Lilith, if there is one person, would rather subvert the entire ······"

This sentence did not say anything. Lilith felt a little strange. She saw that Her Majesty suddenly caught her veil, and there seemed to be a wailing in her throat. She hurriedly asked, "Hello?"

Catherine's hand trembled a little, took a few deep breaths, and finally recovered the calmness of Ping Rì. She seemed to open the subject and asked: "What about the progress of Lilith, military and economic adjustment?"

"Your Majesty, according to your instructions, is nearing completion."

Catherine nodded. "I immediately gathered all the ministers to hold a meeting. I have important things to announce. Right, Lilith, you will hand over the affairs to Xixi as soon as possible, but I am sorry, you can't take vacation because I am There are more important tasks to be completed for you."

"Follow the fate." Lilith slid slightly and stepped back.

After Lilith left, Catherine gently stroked her abdomen. Her quiet eyes had a strange emotion, and she said to herself: "The future? We..."

The results of the peace talks between the three countries quickly spread to the devil world, and the soldiers at the border were relieved, especially the Angel Empire. Although the two years were not long, at least they could get valuable breathing time.

Compared with those technical terms, the upcoming Battleball League and next year's Alchemist Contest are more eye-catching, especially in the Battleball League, which has caused the hot cháo of the majority of combat ball fans.

Of course, the most eye-catching is the Devil's Fighting Contest held by Lei Zen the Great, the first strongman two years later. It is said that Lei Zen the Great has publicly invited the warrior, the empire of the empire, Aguria Aguly, to fight, this will be the whole The biggest event in the devil world.

A few days later, two more major news came.

Next month, the Queen of the Angels, Xia, will hold a grand wedding with Agulie in the 堕angel dìdū. Before that, there were countless rumors about Agurie’s identity, most of which was the version of “Agulie is the Besib royal family”. However, these are only rumors, and Agulie began to assist Xia from the dark moon to help her kill the black scorpion to the throne, and at the Warlock Fortress to fight the enemy, Lei Zen is a real achievement. Objectively speaking, Wang Fu’s status is only equivalent to an accessory. It is like a queen. If the Queen’s Majesty wants to do so, she can also countless “Huangfu”. In the history of the devil, there are countless such examples.

In any case, Isia’s current prestige and control in the empire of the Angels, this time of the big marriage, there is no objection.

Another news is that the yīn film emperor Catherine the Queen will retreat to enlighten the secret treasure of the Asmode king. The time is about one year. During this period, the government affairs are temporarily responsible for the two prime ministers, and the army is pleased to retreat. The Emperor Franz re-entered the town. People have speculated that Catherine is likely to participate in the fighting competition two years later, which makes everyone's attention to the fighting competition rise again.

In any case, the next two years will be the most anticipated two years.

Although in the dark moon, Xia has the title of "Princess of the Iceberg", and after going to God, a series of iron and blood means to make people feel terrified, but the beauty of Her Majesty is indeed an empire, even if it is not comparable That first beauty yīn shadow the emperor, but also not far away. I don't know how many men are full of jealousy and hatred for the Aguille, who can be a pro-female, and for the "Agulie" or the Angel Empire, the big wedding with the Queen is a happy event, but for For a guy with a Crystal Palace, it means the beginning of a shock wave.

Athena: "I have seen His Royal Highness!"

Ji Ya: "His Royal Highness, is there something?"

Isabella: "Hey, it turned out to be His Royal Highness...···"

Laura: "What?"

Paglio: "Hey, the king of the prince is down. "That... Captain's Highness. ”

Olifis: "Old, His Majesty, Wang Fu! My sister told me to shout!"

Chen Rui: "..."

For three days, no matter whether it is Athena, Jiya, Rolla or Isabella, he did not pay attention to him. When he met, he was respectful and then avoided.

The harem of the harem of the night songs suddenly fell into the dilemma of singularity. This huge gap made the male pigs burst into tears.

Obviously, the upcoming marriage with Xia is undoubtedly a huge shock for the rest of the harem.

Chen Rui understands that it is very unfair for these sisters and sisters who are as good as those who have even paid for them. It is very unfair to determine the name with Xia, so Chen Rui made a decision. .


In the name of Chen Rui, propose to the sisters!

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