Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 769: Chaos

Just like the female lord maid, the female scientist and the female intelligence head do not know the plot of the poisonous dragon jade dragon black dragon blue dragon, the crystal palace male pig feet also do not know the plan of the harem sisters, he is preparing to launch the strategy according to his own plan.

In fact, speaking objectively, marriage is not in a hurry, Chen Rui is more "towed". However, the feelings can not be calculated in this way. The reason why the decision to propose marriage is not because the girls are alienated from the jealous act of a "His Royal Highness", but to take advantage of the opportunity to marry Xia and give them a man’s due diligence and Responsibility, set up a real family (Crystal Palace?), do not leave regrets for them and themselves.

From the intelligence analysis that the espionage stalks, the thoughts of these sisters are very unified. They will not be eager to compare because Chen Rui and Xia’s wedding day are near, they will not easily agree to propose marriage, and there is also a “who will loose the mouth first, who will Become a "public covenant" "covenant."

However, there are weaknesses in the strong fortress. Facing the united front of the sisters, disintegration from the inside is the most effective way. Everything is difficult at first, but as long as one is solved first, the latter will be solved.

Isabella - suspected "Alliance" ally, it is likely that the whole incident was planned by her behind the scenes. With the wit and means of the aunt, it is the most difficult one to estimate, and the difficulty coefficient is expected.

Athena - "Alliance" general, temperament, good face, but with the extreme dedication of the female devil, easy to be bound by the promise, will never easily change the idea, the expected difficulty coefficient a +.

Rolla - "Alliance" magician, the property of pseudo-naturally staying can issue a nirvana "pretending to be dumb." It is a natural enemy of marriage confession, and must not ignore its hidden belly black attribute. The difficulty coefficient a+ is expected.

Ji Ya - "Alliance" fashion designer? Secretary secretary? Hey? Have the powerful charm of the succubus family, good at manipulating the man's psychology, sometimes saying ten sentences can only believe one sentence, sometimes one can not believe, the original difficulty is not under Athena and Lola, but from the performance of the last proposal Look, Jiya is the most shaken one, so the difficulty factor is reduced to a-.

no doubt. The little succubus maid is the first goal to be Raiders. In order to be wary of being detected by Isabella, Chen Rui once again sent the amoeba as a secret messenger and sent a letter to Ji Ya.

The little maid opened the letter and looked at the words "dating" and "small secrets between us". The eyes flashed with joy, but she looked at a double-faced spy. I looked at the conference hall where Athena was, and struggled for a while, and finally decided to make up my mind.

After a while, in another room, the second secret meeting of the four-headed dragon was urgently held.

Duron Dragon's eyes are deep-eyed, and a group of strategists are pointing to the momentum of Jiangshan. I just didn't shake the fan. "According to the reliable news provided by the informant, the guy about JIA went to Cuishan in the southern suburbs in the afternoon. It should be a marriage proposal. We must make a marriage before he and Olivis. Prevent him from proposing to all other women and try to make Oliver the heroine! Otherwise, if you miss this opportunity, Oliver does not know when he will really become his woman. The consequences... ”

The last sentence made the dragons shudder at the same time, compared with the dragons who were chilling. A "reliable informant" in the outer courtyard of the house seemed to smile, and one hand turned into a magnifying glass, one by one to watch the gemstones of many other hands.

"Is there any confidence in this plan? Just now, I was on the street with Oliver, and I received your message," Miss Emerald Long frowned. "I lied to Olyfis, saying that there is something good to eat, let her half an hour." Later, here, when calculating the time, she should be coming soon?"

"Do not worry! There is this treasure in, I have absolute certainty!" Blue Dragon has a crystal bottle in his hand, and he looks at the poisonous dragon, and reveals the insignificant gaze that men understand.

"What is this?" Miss Emerald Long looked at the liquid in the crystal bottle and asked inexplicably.

"It is a baby extracted from purple orchids and flowers. It is very rare. It is a powerful aphrodisiac. Even if it is not taken down, it only penetrates into the skin and can exert a terrible effect. It is really a travel at home. Essential medicine! We are all aware of the character of the guy. Olivis was originally his fiancée. Once he had a substantive relationship with him, he would be responsible for it. Then we will be done..."

Dao Duo laughed and scored outside the lascivious, and added a sentence under the rise. "Don't worry about the anti-magic physique problem of Black Dragon. I remember that a few days ago, a drunk guy brags that it was done by this thing. A young lady who is reserved..."

When the poisonous dragon uncle said this, a blue dragon knew that it was going to be bad. He felt the temperature in the room drop, and suddenly he shuddered. He had already appeared at the door of the room, so that the jade hand caught an empty space.

Looking at the black-faced lady who was full of red face and murderous, the blue dragon heart slammed the Pagliozu ancestors for eighteen generations - it was indeed a small misunderstanding between him and Julia, because this Things smashed the last layer of window paper and became a couple. However, Julia is very good at face, even if it is a couple of private friends who are usually intimate, I can't mention this matter. Now I was stunned by the poisonous dragon in public, almost violently.

Danielle was in a hurry and raised his hand holding the crystal bottle: "Julia! Calm! You know that this thing is very unstable, in case of excessive vibration..."

The words have not been finished, the door is slammed open, and the black dragon chick rushed in: "Hungry me! Betty, where are you saying delicious? I am hungry." The stomach is coming! Oh, what is behind the door?"

The room suddenly became quiet, including the angry Miss Black Dragon, who had turned off the fire, and the three heads looked at the door stunned... The pieces on the ground - the fragments of the crystal bottle.

A minute later, the savage poisonous grandfather appeared with the emerald dragon and the black dragon chick outside the house.

"The idiot!" Paglieu simply wanted to smother the bronchitis that had nothing to do with the defeat, but the poisonous dragon uncle apparently ignored the cause of the incident because he broke his unfavorable news.

"I blame you for this bastard!" I remembered the voice of Miss Black Dragon.

"How come you are out?" Paglieu was taken aback. Isn't Julia should "help" Danielle in the body to "detoxify"?

Miss Black Dragon said coldly: "Why can't I come out? The guy has been stunned by me. In order to prevent it, he also put on a special iron pants. As a lesson for him." !"

The legendary trousers, and still in this case... too embarrassing! Duron Dragon is a bit chilly, not afraid of not knowing the goods, afraid of goods than goods, so it seems that little Betty is a gentle and understanding person, plus a good wife and a good mother...

Miss Betty did not know the conscience of Duron Dragon, and revealed the color of worry: "What should we do now? We must hurry!"

"Fortunately, this uncle still left a hand." Paglio smiled, and there was another small crystal bottle in his hand. The useless Danielle can only take out the private goods intercepted by this uncle.

"Is this delicious?" The small bottle was immediately locked by the black dragon chick immediately.

Because there is a blue dragon's foresight, for the black dragon chick, the poison dragon is naturally the enemy: "Don't touch! This thing is very expensive! It costs a lot of money to break!"

This sentence is quite effective, Black Dragon's hand suddenly solidified in the air, Paglio suddenly turned his eyes, revealing a strange smile: "Yes, this is indeed a delicious thing, just as delicious as marriage. Yes, we still need a delivery letter."

The poison dragon's gaze fell on the "informant" who only watched the collection in the courtyard.

Cuishan in the southern suburbs, Chen Rui was already there, waiting for the arrival of Jiya. However, after waiting for a long time, he still did not see the trace of Jiya. It was wondering that there was a familiar figure in front, but it was a friend who was not a girlfriend.

Chen Rui asked in confusion: "Pagliu? How come you here?"

"You are waiting for someone?"

"How do you know that I am waiting for someone?"

"If you wait for Jiya, don't bother, just now there is a succubus that tells me to tell someone, His Royal Highness, she suddenly has no time." Duron took out a bottle of wine and drank a big mouth. .

Chen Ruiyi, his date with Jiya is a secret, Paglieu should not lie, it seems that this date has failed.

"You seem to be busy with something recently..." Paglieu smiled. "I listened to Little Betty. Her best friend refused a guy's proposal. To be exact, it was a guy who was rejected by all the women." Do you want this uncle to help you make an idea?"

"Hey!" Chen Rui suspected that he had looked at the poison dragon: "Do you have a way? You will be so kind?"

"If it wasn't for Little Betty to care about Isabella's marriage, let me help, I was too lazy to take care of this." Paglieu showed disdain, turned and left, "Go, go to the Red Fruit Hotel for a drink, anyway You are also a person these days."

Chen Rui hesitated for a moment, and caught up with Paglieu, not paying attention to the conspiracy of the poisonous longan.

On the edge of the small river in the western suburbs.

Jia, who was notified by a liaison to change the date of the appointment, is making a remote call with the allies through the ancient aural communication device in the clothes.

"Jia, is he here?"

"Not yet... I have been waiting for a long time."

"Remember, you must not let go! For our future, in order to stop new competitors at home, we must work together to hold this level."

"Isabella, I know," the little succubus looked at the sturdy face of the sickle and did not change his color. He nodded seriously. "Even if he strips off my clothes, I will not let go."

"You are taking off his clothes!"

"Do not steal!"

"Hey... why is he still not coming..."

Ps: Stomach pain is slightly better than yesterday, but it still feels very difficult. It is uncomfortable to sit up and down, and the second one will be late. I promise everyone will do it.

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