Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 777: enter

Chen Rui and Akasaka entered the library, which was listed as a restricted area. With the step-by-step deepening, Chen Rui’s feeling of faintness became clearer. This is a kind of atmosphere that is sometimes absent, contains the mysterious rules, although he does not enter the state of extreme star change, but he can still feel the law of the existence of that power.

The "law" is the basis of the nationalization. In contrast, the magical level can only be regarded as a rule similar to "law". Only by comprehending the power of the law can the realm of the realm be transformed into the most initial kingdom.

For the whole half-god level and even the god-level road of the kingdom of God, nationalization is only a start, but it is also the most important first step. If this step is taken, it will cross the ordinary strong and the super-order power. The gap between the steps into a brand new "world."

When Chen Rui used to display the extreme star change, he could display the powerful force of the equivalent law and compete with the national powerhouse of Isyour, but it was the passive force exerted by the evolution of the super system, not itself. The real feelings.

In these rìzi, Chen Rui did not relax and practice. Every day, he entered the training ground and used the rules of time to meditate. He reached the level of his present. The simple body or the practice of the gods has not played much role. The most important thing is comprehension.

Six-star evolution is an evolution of the power of the equivalent law, and the power of this law is the law that contains the supreme truth of the universe. The difference between the ranks should be the embodiment of the degree of understanding of the law. He is currently the lowest blue. Touching the edge of the law of the universe, even if it is only a trace, can break through the current level.

by that time. The polar star can only exert its true power.

Chen Rui is only "sensing" to the law, and it is not enough from "understood". Even the "time rule" generated by the alternation of the four seasons is more than just the "rules". It is not a true law.

“Is it my illusion? You seem to be familiar with it?” The bookstore is huge. The terrain is not complicated, but it is not a horse. The octopus is still in the front, but later it is not consciously followed by Chen Rui. The two entered the third floor.

"Your illusion." Chen Ruiyang raised the hand-painted map in his hands. The props such as magic maps could not play a role in this place. "The magic array here seems to have been stopped. On this staircase, it should be the fourth. The entrance to the floor."

The fourth layer is the biggest secret of the bookstore. Only masters or masters can enter, and they need a lot of contributions and many scarce materials. What's even more amazing is that everyone sees something different. Chen Rui once heard that the two masters, Turia and Mavina, said that there were countless rich materials, but afterwards they could not remember what they saw, but some special insights or memories remained in their minds. When Chen Rui went in the last time, he didn't feel this way. He didn't know whether to take off the relationship of glasses boldly, but the consequences of taking off the glasses. It was the invisible ancient seminals and the terrible field of demigod. The situation at that time was quite dangerous. If it was not the power of time to comprehend, it would have been turned into gray by the boundless power.

"This door is the entrance to the fourth floor? The residual atmosphere of the law should be emitted from here." The octopus went upstairs. Looking at the front door, the material of this door is quite special, not metal or stone. It gives a thick feeling, and there are countless quaint patterns on it. The strange thing is that there isn't even a keyhole.

Akasaka pushed the door. Actually, it doesn't move, and the eyes pass by different sè. Just now his movements are casual..", but it has already used two points of power, even if a wall protected by magic will be pushed down, I can't think of the door's solid far. On the expectation, it turned out to be unresponsive.

The octopus Emperor felt that he had lost his face in front of Chen Rui, and his eyes passed a trace of jīng light. In his hand, he had already condensed the power of a powerful country and hit it with a fist.

Chen Rui is reminiscing about the situation when Niet opened the door last time. He felt the terrible breath of the octopus, and suddenly he shuddered: "Wait a minute!"

The words were already late at the time of export. In an instant, the entire library was trembled. The stairs behind Chen Rui were broken, and most of the ground floor and many rooms on the third floor were cracked. I don’t know if the information inside is affected.

In fact, this boxing fisherman has already controlled the strength and scope, but the power of the national level is too strong, and the magical array of the bookstore has stopped, losing the protective force, so the aftermath of the shock has caused a large area of ​​damage.

However, under such a punch, the door still did not open, but only a shallow punch, which is insignificant compared to the entire thick door.

The octopus Emperor knew that he had made a small disaster. The key was to make such a big movement but did not open it. He turned back and smiled: "The hard door."

Chen Rui’s brain hangs down a few black lines and points to the door: “It’s not just hard.”

The octopus looked back and saw that the punch was gradually faded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon it was restored to its original state. It was not stupid: "Is that Lei Zen not to use the power of the country to break open and enter directly? If I am full One blow, I am afraid that this door will not be broken, and the entire library will be crushed by the shock of the shock. What should I do?"

"The Seventy-seventh Chapter of the Devil's Daughter-in-law enters." "I think about it first, don't mess."

"Forget it, you can figure out what to do, this door doesn't even have a hole..." The octopus said, he began to notice the pattern on the door: "Yes, this must be the key to opening the door." According to my many years of experience, this texture seems to be related to some ancient things... Yes, it should be an ancient rune called 'the language of God'! This is finished, the ancient rune is deep and deep. Unless it is a guy who likes to dig into the horns and spends tens of thousands of years studying it, otherwise it is a general demigod, and there are few..."

Between the octopus and the octopus, Chen Rui went to the door and began to draw a strange symbol in his hand. A total of eighteen, flew to the door, and the pattern on the door shone and began to tremble slightly. But it seems to be insufficient. Unable to start.

The octopus Emperor looked so stunned, it was obvious. Chen Rui’s exhibition is the ancient accent that “to study tens of thousands of years” plus the “like to dig the tip”.

"You, you, ... is it my illusion? From the perspective of your life, the age is definitely no more than one hundred years old. How could it be..."

"Don't vomit, help me!" Chen Rui interrupted the words of the octopus. "If I guessed it correctly, this door should have used some kind of blood as the key, but now the blood has obviously failed, so it should Forced to start with the power of the country."

The octopus Emperor had no time to ask what was called Tucao, and quickly injected the power of the kingdom into those symbols, the symbol suddenly became brilliant, and the pattern on the gate was also changing rapidly. It became the basic character of the ancient eight-character inscription, and the sound of "Rumble" finally opened.

"How do you get to the ancient slang?" The octopus emperor looked angry and angry. Because of the fiasco in the devil's devil in the "death match" on the way, I always wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to show off the strength and find the way back. Let this guy grab it.

"Your illusion!" Until now, Chen Rui also had some understanding of the spleen xìng of the octopus, haha ​​smiled and walked toward the door.

Behind the gate is a large hall. Except for the blue-burning aperture of the zhōngyāng floor, there is no extra decoration, and there are many materials on the ground, as Lei Zen said. The regular opening of the fourth floor was once in seven days. Tiffany entered this time for a long time, so when the president of Turia entered the noble woman. Just in case, leave a lot of spare materials.

From the deep analysis, Chen Rui recalled the method that Niter opened the aperture. The materials are inlaid into the grooves around the aperture in order, and the apertures emit a dazzling blue light. Zhōngyāng appeared in the light door of Baolan sè.

"Do you dare to say that you have not been here?"

"Well, don't pay attention to the details." Chen Rui shrugged the octopus and handed the cloak and glasses. "The inside is the real fourth layer. Wear this first, just in case, especially the cloak. It should be possible to save a lot of trouble. After all, our purpose is to find someone."

"Hey!" Octopus took over the glasses and the cloak, thought about it, or dressed up.

The two entered the door of space, and after a moment of distortion, the scene has entered another world.

The world is like a big screen, with countless small screens in the middle, that is, the sub-world. These sub-worlds are gradually changing, as if they were entrances to activities.

Chen Rui and Akasaka walk in the void. Every step, there will be a translucent step at the foot.

"Entertainment Show" The world of these activities contains countless mysterious knowledge and power. The entrant can choose to enter or browse through the enlightenment, but this process must be completed within a limited time. Once the glasses emit red light, they must be pinched immediately. The jade lock on the broken cloak can be sent directly to the gate.

However, Chen Rui’s purpose today is not for knowledge, but for Tiffany, so he took off his glasses. The function of this magic glasses is mainly to report overtime and “filtering”. Just pick it up, the sight in sight. Suddenly changed.

All the worlds are turned into a large-scale symbol of the ancient symbols in the sky!

This is the world made up of ancient accents! Just like the binary "1" and "0" of a computer, everything is composed of eighteen basic symbols. If the ancient rune that Chen Rui has mastered is compared to the short text composed of words and sentences, then the entire fourth layer The world is a coherent and complete long epic.

Although it is not the first time I have seen such a wonder, Chen Rui’s heart is still shocked. These parables are deep and mysterious, even if it is Chen Rui’s current level, it still cannot fully comprehend, and the skills of deep analysis suddenly run at high speed.

"It makes me feel uncomfortable here," the octopus Emperor took off his glasses, showing his surprise and wearing it. "Well, listen to you, what do we do?"

"Don't go around, wait for me to see." Chen Rui set the center and began to analyze the traces and laws of these idioms. To find Tiffany from so many small worlds in a limited time, the difficulty is real. Too big, this method of direct analysis of the essence is the most direct.

"There seems to be traces of change here, or we can get from here..." Chen Rui looked back and slammed, because the octopus who had been waiting for his actions suddenly disappeared, and an ominous premonition came out of his heart. (To be continued.)

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