Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 784: Good morning and next stop

In the morning, Chen Rui, who was immersed in the sweet dream, was suddenly awakened by an unexpected pain. The strangeness of the jīng power had reached Srr, and he did not even have the slightest jǐng.

When I opened my eyes, the "murderer" was actually his Majesty the Queen Princess.

Is it a punishment for some "excessive" postures in the middle of last night?

Compared with the little maids and so on, for the first time, Her Majesty’s majesty is much more reserved and traditional. Although it can be seen that it has made up some basic bed knowledge, it is still not Chen’s opponent, from the previous resistance to Later, he was completely at his mercy, and the interest in it was not enough for outsiders.

Her Majesty the Queen saw him waking up, his face glowing and blushing, whispered: "Like?"

"Of course I like it!" I can't think of the cold and cold iceberg Yujie, who can show such a shy and touching attitude. Someone's morning y look expanded and his hand stretched out to the quilt.

"Hey! Hurt!" The shoulder was bitten by Her Majesty, and this mouth had a bit of strength. The feeling of a guy’s upswing suddenly fell.

Isn't it like this? Is it being possessed by a **** dog?

"Don't you just like it?" Chia's expression was a little surprised.

I don’t like this. Chen Ruigang wants to explain that he is not a M. He sees Shia’s doubts. “The book is on the list...I don’t mean that men like ‘good morning bites,’?”

Good morning bite? Chen Rui’s eyes lit up, and the y lookout that cooled down instantly swelled to the top and quickly nodded: “Like! Hey? Wait a minute, it seems that something strange is coming in... You said ‘that book,?”

Shia’s face is more shy: “It’s a gift that Alice gave me...” It’s like “The guys like these bastards”, there’s a special note that says men’s favorite’ Happy good morning bite."

Alice, I know it is like this... Chen Rui has some expressions, this Loli’s yīn film is really everywhere.

"Amount, the good morning bite that the **** said is that ... bite shoulders?"

"I didn't say anything in the book..." Xia suddenly reacted and suddenly realized, "Isn't that the case?"

"My silly Queen Silly Princess, you should ask for science." Chen Rui took up the beautiful face that was close at hand, and kissed him on the face of the white jade, then lowered his head into the quilt.

In the palace, a scream of the empress of the empress was mixed with the evil laughter of a wolf: "Little baby, let you experience it for yourself, what is the real good morning bite..."

The breeze in the morning blew through the green trees outside the palace, and swayed a little bit of chūn.

The wedding of Her Majesty is a golden opportunity for the merchants. It has launched various kinds of special activities. The angels dìdū are like the carnival festivals every day. The hot cháo has been going on for ten days before it gradually cools down.

Although Empress Hiya and Chen Rui’s feelings are like glue, but because of their duties, they did not have too much love for the harem life, nor did they practice Chen Rui’s honeymoon plan, but they resumed normal on the third day after marriage. Government affairs.

Perhaps it is infected by the festive atmosphere, and all the affairs of the empire are developing in a good and orderly direction.

Although Chen Rui and Xia’s marriage is so grand that the rest of the girls are jealous, everyone is unaware of it. According to the “sequence”, Xia should be Chen Rui’s earliest “like” woman, and the talent behind it is the jumper. Now, Xia has fallen to the bottom.

After many consultations, the female sergeant female scientist female spy head child servant reached a tacit agreement - the time of "occupying" the male pig's foot is separated, issued according to the weekly "quota", and set aside a certain time.

(The male pig's feet have never been ashamed of life, the whole book is finished...···················································································· I can still save it.)

Life is not a shame, but it is a must, but add a series of spit prefixes, such as "multiple points and one line", "too fixed", "men want zìyóu", "I am not a tool", etc. The small panic in the harem is inevitable than the small dispute. Fortunately, now that the sisters have reached a tacit agreement, they finally stabilized and Chen Rui can calm down and deal with the next step.

The current magic game is implemented quite smoothly. The follow-up action is still to expand the coverage of the magic signal tower. Because it is a stand-alone game, there is a limit to the game time per day, so the secret crystal of the game helmet can last for a long time. Rui does not intend to start the charging model, and now I will fully spread the quantity. In fact, in addition to the cost, the sales of magic TV and game helmets have already made a fortune.

The preparations for the three empire battleball leagues are all ready and will officially start next month. The two teams of the Angel Empire, the home of the Red Blood team is located in the Royal Arena of Dìdū, and the home of the Flame Team is located in the Darkmoon Ancient Arena. This will be a major event in the whole Devil World and a kind of Chen Rui. try. His general direction is that after the war has finally subsided, this kind of competition can eventually replace the battle and become another form of force and collective cohesion in various countries.

The technology of the best yellow wine has been quite mature, and has been developed into a variety of flavors, and now it is full of the devil world. Recently, there has been a new good news from Medusa. That is, distilled liquor has been tested successfully. The strength is far more than that of yellow wine. It has been named as white liquor by Chen Rui, and further debugging of the taste and flavor is underway. This is a secret weapon. Whether it is from the market or other considerations, Chen Rui does not intend to launch it immediately, at least until two years later.

In the beginning of the battle with Lei Zen, after all the contracts were lifted, in addition to the lost, including the white lord Sikari, the yīn shadow empire, the family clan, Celine, and Guladam, the master (the master is the master-slave contract) The apprentice is the master servant contract, the inferior magic sley, the green-eyed Royce trio, the tile blue fortress Tim and the ground-world Samuel, the contract is lifted.

After yīn shadow dìdū three major empire talks, Chen Rui secretly found Celine, Celine is a girl with a deliberate means, not only knows Chen Rui’s true identity, but also holds many economic factors of the Dark Moon and even the Angel Empire. More importantly, the first business family of yīn will become an important tool for Chen Rui in two years, so she must be controlled.

However, this time Chen Rui signed with Serin, the master-slave contract, not the master-servant contract, that is, the master can not directly kill the servant, and if he dies, he will not be afflicted with the servant. Of course, the servant cannot betray the master, otherwise he will be sanctioned by the contract. Celine knows that it is easy to kill her with the strength of the other party, and the three countries are likely to form a big alliance. "Agulie" will compete with Lei Zen after two years. Once won, Akulie may become The first strongman is even controlled by the whole devil world. If the team is right, then it will bring unimaginable benefits to her personal or Castel family, so she is resolutely signed with Chen Rui. From the contract, continue to act as "internal" and fully support the Angel Empire.

The Royce trio followed Chen Rui at the beginning of the dark moon development and was deeply blessed. In particular, Royce, with the help of Chen Rui, regained his lover Vasasha, restored the glory of the family, and became the lord of the green shade of the Sui Angel Special Economic Zone. Tim and Royce are similar in the situation of the three people. They are all types of loyalty, superior ability, and difficulty in betrayal. The dissolution of the contract is not a problem, but can be regarded as a "means" that makes it completely cherish.

Sly is almost a forgotten soy saucer, but for the little bad guys, life is reaching an unprecedented height. After receiving the pharmacy books donated by Chen Rui, Sly has not let go of this opportunity to change his destiny. Under the hard work, he actually made rapid progress and got the appreciation of Aldas. He became a formal pharmacy apprentice and determined to take the pharmacist's title in ten years.

Guladam’s undead army is an important combat force for the Angel Empire. For the dissolution of the contract, the first reaction of the corpse is that Chen Rui has already hanged because he signed the master-slave contract, and only the master canceled the contract or died. Will disappear. However, when Chen Rui appeared again in front of Guladam, the corpse was shocked.

Guladam’s promotion of the need for the dragon force has already existed, but the heart of celluloid is a troublesome thing. The heart of celluloid refers to the crystal of the life on the forehead of Serge, and it will be badly hurt after losing. The most troublesome thing is that Seymour’s xìng is very staunch, and unless he volunteers, he can’t get the heart of the celluloid. The little mermaid princess is a deep hate for Chen From time to time release the poison tongue attack, ask her to sacrifice the heart of the celluloid, it is better to re-dead to the sea of ​​death to lie to a sister-in-law. Although there is no celluloid heart, Chen Rui’s gift to Guladam still makes the corpse quite happy, with two broken knives. This is the life of the Lich King Glorios who once filled the soul of the soul, and was later cut off by Chen Rui with the sword of the angel. The sickle is an extremely rare soul container, and the residual soul can give the ancient soul. Radham is a great inspiration and help.

As one of the four lords, Sikari is much smarter. Now Chia has gradually realized the absolute rule of the empire of the Angels, with his wall in the black age, if he does not hold a thigh, ten Some people will be slowly erected and eventually uprooted. Therefore, after Sika’s marriage, Xia Li took the initiative to find “Agulie” and once again offered a contract to surrender. Due to years of operation and means, Sikari’s prestige in the Baiji territory is very high, and Bailu’s territory is one of the four major territories. Chen Rui also does not want to see any changes in the most important two-year development period in the future, so he accepted Sikari’s "loyalty."

As for Samuel, Chen Rui is not worried that the loyal gold knight will leak, but the blood pledge of the light is similar to the master-slave contract. It is likely that Samuel, who has sensed the blood oath, will think that he is a three-prince It has been unexpected.

If necessary, Chen Rui will clarify this misunderstanding for Samuel, because next place, where he is going, is the ground world.

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