Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 797: Missing half elf

() Jade Forest Sea, Purple Heart Tree House.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Three friends of different races sat at the table and discussed the wine while discussing the three masters.

"Haha! I can't think of the forest dwarf Bernd in his lifetime, but he can witness this miracle with his own eyes!" The scorpion on the beard of the old dwarf shook excitedly, swaying a little bit of wine.

"Unbelievable talent, incredible humanity!" Even the jīng spirit master who has always been unhurried has revealed unmistakable excitement.

After Chen Rudun realized the true meaning of alchemy, he successively deployed two black s pharmacies, such as the powerful pharmacy and the eternal power. This indicates that he has stepped into the ranks of the pharmacist, and is still second only to the highest level master. The standard. Not only that, but he also created three kinds of jīng-tong system equipment, which lighted the eyes of the two masters.

A double master of alchemy!

One method is the same, although the advancement of pharmacy is a bit unexpected, but this breakthrough is not an accident, but a result of accumulation.

There are two masters and a quasi-master's careful guidance, valuable information of the ancient alchemy civilization, deep analytical memory, and a lot of time - if calculated by the super system research time, Chen Ruihua in alchemy The time on is at least a hundred years.

The accident of success is actually the inevitable accumulation of countless things.

"No words can express my gratitude to the two masters." Chen Rui raised his glass: "No, two friends."

The old dwarf and the jīng spirit looked at each other and showed a smile, and the three cups touched together.

"What are you going to do next?" Fenoa took a sip of wine slowly, and the chopsticks reached out to a bamboo shoot. If the target had not yet reached the target, the whole plate was robbed by the old dwarf.

"This is still to say! Of course, go to the human world, sit on the name of the first alchemist!" The old dwarf chewed. Speaking unclearly, "This is the first, it is none of you. Can have such a friend, the forest dwarf also feels glorious, haha!"

"Unfortunately, I am afraid to live up to your expectations, my friend," Chen Rui shook his head. "This kind of false name has no meaning to me. I have more important things to accomplish. When this meal is over, I will It’s time to leave. If there is time, I will definitely come back to Linhai and reunite.”

"There is no banquet, there is no reunion without distinction," said Jīng Lingzong. In his long life, there are so many gatherings, so it seems calm: "Good luck, friends."

The dwarf master is also an open-minded person, grinning: "Don't forget to bring wine next time."

In the evening, Chen Rui left the purple forest, and he did not immediately leave the door of time and space to leave. Instead, I went to a place in the jade forest, the soul of the half-nine spirit.

Compared with the gorgeous jīng of the silver moon fairy, here is the yīn shadow that the sun can't shine, the cursed dead land: the tomb of the half jīng spirit.

Chen Rui came here. I want to see Blanche, this is his last commitment to the half-nine spirit girl.

He still remembers that in the rehearsal of the tree house retreat, the silent, half-nine girl was blossoming. Always guard against the scene under the tree.

There is no extra talk or discourse, only silently.

the strange thing is. In the simple eucalyptus tree house in the wild forest, I did not see the shadow of Blanche. It is reasonable to say that at this time, the half-nine spirit girl will definitely not go to other places, and Chen Rui’s doubt is that from this tree house In the situation, it should have been unoccupied for a long time.

Chen Rui remembers that he had given Blanche a bottle of life spring water to protect the sacred nature tree of the spiritual family. Then, after Branchi gave his life spring water, he made a great contribution and entered the silver moon fairy. Live?

He was about to leave, and suddenly found a white shadow in front of him. This is a white horse with a single horn on his head.

This unicorn is very familiar, right, it is the closest white wind to the half-nine girl!

The white wind looked around and seemed to be waiting for someone. He felt that there was something different behind him. He looked back and saw a man’s figure. He was about to launch an attack under the horror. There was a familiar voice in his mind: “White wind !"

The unicorn glimpsed, and then remembered who the voice was. The electric awning that was lingering in the corner was extinguished. He came to Chen Rui’s side and stunned. Chen Rui stroked its mane and took out two spirits. The unicorn suddenly screamed cheerfully, and Zhang mouth quickly destroyed Chen Ling’s palm.

Chen Rui feels that the power of the white wind has increased a lot more than the last time. It should be the effect of the spirit fruit. It has already broken through the demon king level to the big devil.

"White wind, what about Blanche?"

The name of "Blanc" made the white wind slam the hoof. The language ability of the unicorn is not very strong, and it is impossible to express the specific meaning. However, Chen Rui clearly feels anxiety and anxiety from its mind. I was amazed and faintly gave birth to a bad feeling.

At this time, a crisp sound came from afar: "White wind! Where are you?"

The unicorn raised its neck and arched Chen Rui. Chen Rui heard that this was the voice of the little princess Michelle Cher, and he thought about it and followed the unicorn to the sound source.

"White wind, you are here." Jīng Lingxiao princess carrying a small basket, suddenly found the man around the unicorn, was shocked, "you, you ... you are, Richard?"

"Michel, I haven't seen you for a long time." Chen Ruigang said, he saw the little princess of the jīng spirit throwing the basket in his hand and plunging into his arms. "Wow," he cried.

This sudden intimate action made Chen Rui somewhat difficult to adapt, but he listened to Michelle crying: "Flowering, blossoming is gone..."

The little princess of jīng witnessed the "death" of Xiaofeng and had been sad for a long time. Especially after the teacher Fenoa explained to her the reason why Chen Rui deliberately shot her, it was even more sad.

Now that I saw "Li Cha", Michelle couldn't help but feel sad again. The name of Xiaofeng made Chen Rui’s heart twitch and gently touched Michelle’s head.

Jīng Ling little princess cried for a while, I felt that this action was too close relatives, blushing red, loosening his hand, suddenly remembered something, and cried again: "Blanch! Richard, you hurry to save Blanche !"

Chen Rui Yi Zhen: "What happened to Blanche?"

"She went to the original nightmare and has been missing for two months!"

It turned out that after Chen Rui killed Isjourur and left Lin Hai, Blanche handed the spring of life given by Chen Rui to the Liv, the Queen of Liv, which gave Liv Queen a huge surprise. The sacred tree of the jīng spirit family has the magical power to protect the survival and survival of the jīng spirit family. However, these tens of thousands of years have gradually withered due to unknown reasons, only the spring of life can be treated, I don’t think Blanche actually Found the spring of life!

The effect of the spring of life is extraordinary, the tree of nature begins to sprout, and the great contribution made by Blanche is enough to change the situation of discrimination and unfair treatment before, and to obtain a truly comfortable place in Silver Moon. However, the half-Jīngling insisted on leaving the jade forest, and this trip never came back.

Only Michelle knows that Blanche’s departure is actually because of Chen Rui. In the battle between Chen Rui and Isyour, before he did not show the extreme star change, he once fell into desperation. Blanche desperately wanted to unblock the blood to deal with Issyur, and was stunned by Empress Liv. Blanche didn't see the scene of Chen Rui's war Isejur, but afterwards he learned the blossoming "death." This incident has dealt a great deal with the half-nine spirit girl. She blamed herself for her responsibilities and felt that she had no face to face Chen Rui, so she chose to leave.

The place she is going to is the place where her father is, the original of the nightmare.

Blanche's father is also a half-nine spirit. In order to let her and her daughter get the recognition of the spiritual family, she will not let her wife be wronged. She will venture to the nightmare to find the legendary spring of life and want to save the tree of nature. The result is unfortunately falling into the nightmare volcano, and there is no bone.

The reason why Blanche came to this extremely dangerous place is not only because of guilt, but also one of the most important purposes, that is, spiritual practice, although the original of the nightmare is sinister, but it is also the best place for actual combat and experience.

Only when it is strong can we truly guard the people who want to guard, and she will never allow the tragedy of blossoming to repeat itself.

In the time when she arrived at the original of the nightmare, Blanche also had magic communication with Michelle from time to time. About two months ago, half of the jīngling suddenly lost contact, and there is still no news.

Blanche is one of Chen Rui's only friends in the Jade Forest. Chen Rui feels faintly, although he didn't get along for a long time, but after that night, Blanche's left eye abyss was attacked by him. This insanely half-hearted girl has already developed an emotion that transcends friendship.

The original of the nightmare is one of the major dangers of the ground world and the island of the storm. The geographical position is extremely remote, and it belongs to the edge of the human world. The geographical area is extremely wide and the climate is harsh.

There used to be the most powerful orc empire in history. However, the powerful forces were not able to withstand the erosion of time and the law of rising and falling. The orc empire eventually declined and split into several tribes. A considerable part of these tribes have survived and become the main force of the nightmare. The beasts of the orcs are strong and belligerent, fighting each other and becoming more exclusive. This is a place of chaos. There is almost no order at all. Only the fist is the only truth.

Even if you avoid these unreasonable orcs, many fierce and powerful World of Warcraft on the original of the nightmare can be a real nightmare for mercenaries and businessmen.

Blanche is only the devil-level strength, that is, just stepping into the division, he has entered such a dangerous place alone. In any case, Chen Rui can't ignore her.

"Reassured, Michelle," Chen Rui touched the soft hair of the little princess of the jīng spirit. "I will definitely bring back Blanche."

Ps: ps: Today is three more, a few days and nights of the deposit to this warning. In order to thank the lord of the shadow 817, I am now stepping up the fourth chapter, it will be late, but there will be.

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