Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 800: acquaintance

() Chen Rui did not wash the Zhuangzi tribe, but used the means of the winter domain to let the orcs temporarily lose their fighting power, so as not to catch up with the caravan of Corradia to retaliate.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

This time, Cola Diva did not run white. When Chen Rui interrogated several orcs, through the "Jīng Lingqiang" Yuwei, the merchant fox got the desired medicine, but finally Cola Diva Still smart, not too greedy, but also left the goods brought.

When Chen Rui interrogated, Coladiwa had quickly completed the exchange and loading and unloading. The time was just right, and finally he left the Zhuangzi tribe with Chen Rui. ..

In order to express gratitude, when I left, Corradia gave Chen Rui a detailed map of the hand-painted nightmare. This map is only silky compared to the one that Maoer gave, but it is ten times stronger in terms of practical value. The maps detail the various areas and passages, as well as the tribes and dangers that may be encountered.

With this map, with the magic map of the jīng spirit and some news from the orc captive, Chen Rui can reach the thunderstorm tribe as fast as possible.

Blanche is likely to have been sent to the Doom Marsh, but just in case, go to the Thunderstorm tribe first, because the thunderstorm tribe and the doom swamp are in the same direction, the former is the must for the latter. road.

The thunderstorm tribe is the most powerful orc tribe of the nightmare. It is said to have the blood of the royal family of the orc empire in the past, and its combat power is extremely strong.


The terrain of the plain can make the speed of the white wind to the extreme. With the help of the map, Chen Rui only took five days to reach the river where the thunderstorm tribe is located.

The River is the largest river in the original nightmare and belongs to the standard plain river type. The valley is wider and the river bed is smaller. Naturally cut rivers form strange lakes of different sizes.

The thunderstorm tribe is located next to these lush lakes and is generally scattered. He occupied the most fertile land of the entire wilderness. This area is said to have been the capital of the orc empire, and some ruins and ruins can be seen along the way.

When Chen Rui arrived, it was nightfall. From the distribution of lights and bonfires, the thunderstorm tribe's camp was much larger than the Zhuangzi tribe. The total number of tribes was over 50,000.

For an orc tribe with a strong fighting power for women, this is a huge force.

Chen Rui settled the white wind in the short forest in the distance, and bypassed the outer guards through the cover of the night. Sneaked into the camp.

The night of the nightmare has a large temperature difference between the night and the day. In the camp, a large group of orcs gather around a pile of campfires, set up pots, and drink the rare wines of the wilderness while chewing the food that is handed. The orc tribe system is somewhat close to the original tribe in Chen Rui’s impression, but it is not entirely a big pot of rice or public ownership. The more brave and strong, the more people can get more food and women. On the contrary, uncontributed and incompetent guys will be expelled from the tribe. There is competition and there is progress. This is also a natural choice, and the orc tribes have been able to survive the empire after the break, and it is not a fluke.

After a few glasses of wine, the heads of the orcs began to heat up. Some of them yelled in front of the female orcs, saying how many bravely they defeated the World of Warcraft, and some began to knock with the drums made of animal skins. There is also a wrestling fight in the open space.

The open space in this area is large and inconvenient to hide. Chen Rui’s mind was moved, and the skills of disguise and interest were shipped out. Turned into a medium-sized orc, swayed and walked over, and sat down in the pile of people. There are noisy around, and no one doubts.

Chen Rui's nose was pumped, and his attention turned to the orc's wine bowl. What he noticed was not the bone bowl made of the Warcraft skull, but the purple wine in the bowl. The scent of this wine is very mellow and seems to be somewhat familiar.

Chen Rui thought about it, and there was a metal bowl in his hand. He came to the big barrel and took a bowl. He tasted it in his mouth and frowned. This is actually a famous purple wine in the human world. He used to be in gold. Star City tasted it, and the quality of these wines is quite high, definitely not made by the orcs themselves.

When thinking, the opposite female body orchard who was drinking was coming over and flew to him a "eye-catching": "You are not a camp, I saw you for the first time."

"Well." Chen Rui feared to reveal his identity, nodded, drank and went to a corner to sit down and pretend to watch the wrestling.

I know that the female orc came over: "My name is Little Fork, what is your name?"

"I... my name is Genk." Chen Rui unknowingly borrowed the name of the leader of the Zhuangzi tribe.

Xiaocha saw that his wine was almost finished. He took a small bucket and gave him a full meal: "Jenke, I invite you to drink, can you give me that bowl?"

It turned out to be a fancy thing. Chen Rui looked at the metal bowl in his hand and handed it over: "Okay."

"Great!" The small fork took the bowl brightly and took the bowl, and took the sleeves and smashed it. Only the bright and swaying was especially jīng, and it was too big to be close to him.

Chen Rui only felt a strong body and straight into the nostrils, almost fainted, but the little girl who was unaware of the small fork also used his body to lick his arm, which seemed to be affectionate.

Genk’s classmates screamed, and the orc was changed to be seen by the female orcs. Suddenly, the heart moved and took a small bucket to the small fork for a bowl of wine. He said, “This wine is so delicious.”

"Of course!" The little fork poured in one breath. "Those human beings are weak, but the wine is much better than ours!"

Chen Rui saw that the little fork was a bit drunk, and he tentatively asked: "Where are these wines coming from?"

The little fork hit a sly: "Isn't that the group of human businessmen who grabbed it... grab it?"

"Right, I drank some wine, I actually forgot." Chen Rui shot his head in an orc, and diligently gave the small fork a continuous drinking.

"Would those people still?"

"The dungeon in the zhōngyāng king account is closed..." The wine of the small fork obviously began to come up, and Chen Rui straightly came over. "Go, let's go to the tent..."

Chen Rui gently let, the small fork fluttered empty, was held by him, whispered: "The half-Jīng spirit of the reward?"

"Half jīng spirit in the ... dungeon..." The little fork said in a confused way, grabbed Chen Rui’s hand and touched his chest. "My tent is..."

Dungeon? Is Blanche still here? Chen Rui’s eyes suddenly brightened.

"Bastard! Leave my little fork far away!" A roaring sound sounded. Seeing a tall and strong orc rushed over, Chen Rui clearly sensed the movement that the orc would have made in consciousness. I don’t resist when I think about it.

The tall orc grabbed Chen Rui’s neck. He smashed his entire body, slammed it and threw it out.

"Let me see you close to her in the future, I will twist your neck!" The tall orc scornfully looked at Chen Rui, who could not climb up in the ground, and said evilly.

"Rite! Ritter!" The orcs nearby raised their hands and laughed loudly.

Listening to the words around, it seems that "Little Fork" is one of the best beauty of Beiying, Chen Rui had to admire the orc's beautiful aesthetic. Reiter slammed Chen Rui on his chest and took a small fork and strode toward the tent. Needless to say, the next day will be a thunderous fire...

This kind of heavy taste scene Chen Rui can not dare to make up, secretly blessing a two-year good combination, pretending to be upset and frustrated to climb up, very naturally in the image of a loser in the ridicule of the orcs to leave this band.

After several twists and turns, Chen Rui finally touched the zhōngyāng Wang account area. Here you can see the obvious palace buildings, most of which are broken. It is probably the ruins of the orc empire.

The terrain here is much more complicated than imagined. The guards are also quite strict, the first ones are connected, and they are well-trained. They are not comparable to the disciples of the orcs that were previously seen. It seems that they are all sharp.

After groping for a while, Chen Rui finally found the dungeon, which is more like the entrance to an underground cave. At the entrance there was a team of strong orcs armed with weapons guarding.

These orcs did not find that an invisible figure had entered the gate silently. Chen Rui sneaked down the road. This road is very long. After turning a few turns, I finally found the prison. The prison gate has long been broken and not available. There were two soldiers guarding the door, there was no torch in the door, and it looked dark.

Chen Rui’s mind was moved, his hands were swaying, and the two orc soldiers felt that their eyes were black and they had lost consciousness. Once the attack is launched, the stealth skill will automatically fail. Chen Rui shows his body and walks inside.

Although the visibility is very low, Chen Rui’s eyesight can still be seen. Compared with the ruined palaces on the ground, the main body of the dungeon is still intact. There are not many cells available. There are about five or six stone. In the big cage, some people are sitting, just can't see the specific face, I don't know where Blanche is.

Chen Rui thought of a move, and there was an illuminated magic prop in his hand, which gave a strong light.

Suddenly, the glare that made the people in the cage jumped, and they could not adapt to this kind of glare. They closed their eyes one after another. When they slowly adapted, they saw the bright work in the prison, and the light was actually An "orc".

The "orcs" are holding some kind of luminous props, and they are close to each other in the cage. They seem to be looking for someone. Some timid speculations are whether they are looking for people to go out and die, and they all bow their heads, and even the atmosphere is afraid to take a sip.

“Blanc?” Some of the surprises of human prisoners are that the verb-like pronunciation of this “orc” seems to be particularly rounded, without the horrible feeling of the average orc.

Chen Rui screamed a few words in the voice of "Li Cha" but did not respond, it was strange, suddenly stopped in front of a cage, lighting props came close.

Because he accidentally found a familiar face, no, it was two.

"Lucio! Ina!"

When this sentence came out, the man and the woman were shocked at the same time. The man seemed to want to think of something. He got up and hurriedly walked to the pillar of the cage. Some of them did not surely ask: "Master?"

Chen Rui nodded, but did not expect to find Blanche here, but found the servant gunman Lucio and Samuel's "confidante" Ina!

Lucio had moved some hands and feet after the suspended animation, but changed the face, but this process Chen Rui has been around, so I can identify it in the first time.

the host? An orc? Lucio’s name surprised everyone, and Ina slowly stood up, and his eyes were unbelievable. (To be continued.)

PS: These days, they add up to sleep for less than ten hours, and finally fight for one, and the third night is served. The recommendation is over now, ask for a subscription, and ask for comfort!

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