Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 811: Sigh barrier

The dazzling starlight gradually converges, and the figure in the center wearing the blue armor appears. The glimpse of the crystal-clear armor exudes a splendid and sacred atmosphere, as if the magnificence of all the stars is concentrated. The opposite winged angel Zehong En seems to be eclipsed.

Faith armor! And still so pure and powerful faith! This kind of breath, even if he is already breaking through to the peak of the nationalization, he must be moved.

Ze Hongen looked at the figure of the figure and was full of alert. He finally understood why the other party had no awe of "should have". Right, this belief armor... seems to have seen it...

\"I have a lot of doubts in my heart, \" I didn't wait for Ze Hongen to think about it, the other party's faint voice passed over, \"If you can kneel down, you should be able to get the answer."

Objectively speaking, it is a wonderful thing to break into the interior of the Holy Mountain. However, one of the elements of the spy is the low sense of existence. Chen Rui’s performance is too eye-catching, and believers are not simply able to get away with it. His current strength, playing in front of Rafael's powerful pseudo-god, is not a self-seeking death. Moreover, the time of the devil world is quite tight, and it is impossible to stay in the ground world for too long.

Chen Rui feels the long-lost power of the extreme star. His current star power is quite rigorous. Combining some new insights, the vast force that uses itself as the cosmic cycle is much stronger in the Jade Forest.

\"Hey! Stupid guy, not his own powerful, always just a fragile body, you will soon know, what is the real power." "Ze Hongen giant sword, a whole body, skyrocketing.

\"This kind of words, I have heard of another human mouth who professed to be a 'four-winged angel', but that guy is now out of shape." "Chen Ruiyi thinks \"Another angel\ "The hatred hidden in my heart bursts out at once. The tone is filled with cold killings."

Since Zehong is "I will die without joining," then give him a real death answer, even if it is a sacrifice to the blossoming!

This sentence made Ze Hongen shocked, and he finally remembered where he had seen this magnificent armor! It is the magic crystal sent by the Emerald Linhai Elf! In the magic crystal, the battle process of another four-winged angel is recorded. He is also known as one of the two wise angels under the seat of Raphael, known as "The Discovery of God" Isiaur!

\"It's you!\" Zehong En stunned, it turned out that Ijjurur was in the hands of this person!

If the original Ze Hongen’s heart is still contemptuous of this enemy who relies on the reluctance of faith to reach the national level, there is no half-hearted heart.

Chen Rui has no nonsense. His body flashes, and he has appeared in front of Ze Hongen, his fist with a devastating starlight. When the chest hits, in the blink of an eye, the starlight has become hundreds of ways.

In addition to the old dean, the sights of the stars below the stars and the mirrors can't keep up with this kind of action. They can only feel that a dazzling star blooms in the air with countless dazzling tracks. That angel.

Zehongen has always maintained a high degree of precaution. After learning that "Paglueu" is the strong enemy that killed Isejor, the sword is a strong sword and has not hesitated to erupt. the power of.

In the inevitable, countless starlights hit Ze Hongen with a horrible sound, and the sky began to violently tremble. However, each starlight stopped at a position about three meters away from Zehongen. Then it gradually dimmed.

The starlight is not extinguished without any reason. In front of Ze Hongen, the swirling water ripples rippled, the ripples of the water ripples are quite fierce, and even Ze Hongen’s body is shaking slightly, but the starlight can never break through the water. defense.

The water ripples are all over the place, and the stars are quickly indifferent in the ripples of the circle. Chen Rui clearly feels tremendous pressure. The operation of the star force seems to be stagnation. This is Ze Hong En’s kingdom.

The center of this country is Zehon’s wonderful defensive space, surrounded by wonderful laws. Chen Rui’s attacks are bounced, transferred and absorbed, and cannot be compacted.

\"Don't compare me to the stupid guy of Ijjurur.\" Zehong's sneer voice came, "The arrogance is the biggest reason for his failure. Your attack is really amazing, but unfortunately in me. In front of the 'sighing barrier', it can only be sighed in vain.\"

I groan, sigh the barrier? I am still a gladiator... Chen Rui thought of the analysis of the analytical eye, combined with the feeling of just attacking, the brow wrinkles more tightly: \"Space compression?\"

Ze Hongen was shocked. This is where his law is righteous. He was actually broken by the other party.

\"Hey, my eyesight is not bad, but unfortunately it’s just a matter of saying it." "Ze Hongen seems to be particularly determined. From the attack that the sigh of the sigh has just suffered, the other party is obviously exerting the power of the law. Strangely, it still stays at The level of nationalization.

This shows that the belief armor is not the power that Paigliu \ himself understands, but is obtained as a gift of believers receiving a certain powerful existence, because the strong who truly comprehend the armor of the faith is at least a semi-god. There is no need to fight this battle, Ze Hong En stretched his neck and slaughtered.

Since this enemy is only the believer's belief, there must be strict time limit. As long as the time of faith in the armor is over, the ants who only have the peak of the emperor will still let him knead from time to time to capture the snow. 4. The Dalai tree kills Isuyur's number one felony, and it is definitely a great achievement.

Chen? Wei 2 靼 靼 靼 敕 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御 御National defense.

Space Compression... Chen Ruimo? 捌鹆 恍┤ 恍┤ 笱锢碇 笱锢碇? Time and space should be an objective reflection of material movement, it seems that some things are not invariants, how to see, this so-called space compression is not scientific Right?

But even he himself has the power to change the flow of time, this is an unscientific world, then from the perspective of "unscientific", due to the power of compression, the dielectric constant, magnetic permeability, etc. Unscientific changes, so ordinary attacks can not break through this "sighing barrier" and reach the body of Zehongen.

In the country of water-grain, there is a little more sparkling light. The original faint starry sky instantly becomes incomparable, and the illusory stars of countless stars begin to rotate and revolve with a feeling of special rhythm. The core of all this is Chen Rui.

Blue. Polar Stars become the Blue Star Kingdom!

Ze Hongen clearly felt the power of the incomparable kingdom, the dark shock in his heart, the power of this degree, even if he is the strongest who is about to reach the peak country, he can’t be a reliance. It is only after the belief that the believers of the national level can have it. What kind of existence is this "Pagliu"?

In any case, the power and timeliness of the Faith is always limited, and the country with the strongest sigh is the defensive power. As long as it defends against each other's attacks, it can naturally become the final winner.

It seems that Chen Rui wants to display some kind of horrible tricks. Ze Hongen’s giant sword is rapidly becoming light, and the secret words that have been condensed with powerful spiritual powers are stirring up. These words are scattered and sneak into the sigh. \"Middle.

\"Since you can't break the defense point of this country, then let your country completely smash it!" "Chen Rui's momentum has risen sharply under the influence of the Blue Star Kingdom, and he said coldly, ignited in the pupil. A flame of light.

When the voice just fell, Ze Hongen felt that the surrounding atmosphere instantly became violent, full of fierceness and anger. The terrible thing is that this kind of breath is still rising at a rate that is overwhelming, and the heart can’t help but rise to the extreme. The feeling of danger comes.

Almost at the same time, dozens of huge snake-shaped beasts roared out, and the red-eyes of the fire had filled the pupils of Zehongen, not only Zehongen, but also the testers under the ground and the spectators in front of the mirror. The same, I feel that the entire sky has become a violent blood red.

The star space began to violently tremble. If it is not the space that has special isolation protection for the testers of the tower, the breath of the rest can make the so-called genius fall more than half.

Ze Hongen’s eyes trembled and swayed fiercely, and his mental power had spread to the limit. The words scattered into the “sighing barrier” were highlighted in layers. They were constantly washed and shattered in the violent red ocean.

For a long time, the blood red that filled the line of sight gradually faded away, but Ze Hongen’s eyes were countless with numerous bloodshots. The breath became uncontrollably heavy and rushed, and the great sword that became the secret language had recovered the sword shape, but only the sword. There are a few obvious cracks. But this giant sword seems to have life, and the cracks slowly heal automatically.

The water pattern of the sky has been fragmented, but it has not broken. Ze Hongen’s eyes are a little bit different, and the water lines scattered in the stars are slowly blending together, and the waves are re-emerged. Not affected too much.

Chen Rui was slightly surprised. The defensive power of this "sighing barrier" is still above the imagination. The dragon roaring in the blue star field has not been able to defeat Zehong's kingdom.

\"I'm surprised?\" Although the mental energy consumption was not light, Zehong's laughter still showed strong self-confidence: "I admit that the power of the previous move is very powerful, if it is not my defensive type The opponent is afraid that it has already been hit. There is a sword of sanctions. If the same moves are repeated, the power will be greatly reduced, but... I think if you can show the trick just now, it’s still a problem. .\"

Chen Rui knows that Ze Hongen is a heart attack tactic, but the enemy's defense power is really amazing. No matter whether the sword of the sanctions is really weird, he can no longer display the 'Yanglong Howler'. The strongest killings are left. Under \"Polar Star Storm\".

If even this trick can't defeat the "sighing barrier", then you can only open the door of the starry sky.

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