Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 82: Animal tide! The discovery of the inscriptions in the dragon

Athena looked at the long bag that Chen Rui took out and curiously asked: "What is this?"

"This is called a sleeping bag. It is the hair of a beast. It is very warm. You will know when you go in."

"Well..." Athena suddenly thought of something, and her face was a little red. "Is this one only?"

"I only have time to do one, this is for you, I have a blanket." Chen Rui smiled and handed the roasted meat to her.

Athena took the barbecue, calmed down, talked for a while, she entered the tent to rest, warm sleeping bags and good habits in the wild made her fall asleep quickly, the sword is still not in the sleeping bag.

Despite riding a dragon for a day, Chen Rui is no longer an ordinary human being, and he does not have much tiredness. He opens the eyes of analysis and expands his perception to alert the situation nearby.

Daddy, his perceptive power perceives the changes in the jungle, and the two sensitive two-legged dragons have also discovered, raising their heads to look down, and screaming in the mouth.

Athena was originally in a semi-dormant alert situation. The roar of the two-legged dragon made her suddenly wake up and immediately jumped up and opened the tent: "Chen Rui, there is a situation!"

Chen Rui is trying to find out what happened. Unexpectedly, Athena reacted so quickly and had to give up.

The meaning of the two-footed dragons is one: "Danger, a lot, a lot!"

Chen Rui was keenly heard that the sound of the jungle was getting closer and closer. For the sake of insurance, the tent was collected. Athena just extinguished the fire and heard Chen Rui’s translation of the two-legged dragon screaming. The meaning, suddenly remembered a rumor, shocked: "Fast, ride a two-legged dragon, go to the air!"

Chen Rui did not dare to neglect, and quickly rode on the Wyvern, and ascended to the air with Athena.

At this time, the sound of the cymbal has become as heavy as drumming. Seeing the black piece below, it moves quickly toward this side, as if it is tidal, and it is also mixed with various low shackles.

"Come up again!" Athena shouted, and the two controlled the dragon to continue to rise.

Chen Rui’s eyesight at this time is quite amazing. It’s clear that the big tidal things below are actually thousands of Warcraft, all kinds of, there are many of the upper and lower layers of the food chain, but they are currently The action is amazingly consistent, that is, running desperately!

In addition to the ground of Warcraft, there are also a large group of bats and birds flying in the air. Fortunately, under the reminder of Athena, the height of the Wyvern is enough, there is no conflict with these flying World of Warcraft, but these Warcraft are busy running. Even if I found the Wyvern, I dare not stop. Soon, Warcraft crossed the hillside and continued to run outside.

If it wasn't for Athena's early appearance, then the situation of the two is dangerous now. Although the strength of these Warcraft is particularly strong, but the number is too horrible, and it is endless, if it is hard to fight, it is a dead end. .

Chen Rui asked in surprise: "Why is this?"

"This is the beast tide of the rainy jungle. All the Warcraft in the forest area will flee outwards. After a while, they will slowly return." Athena also had a horror on her face. "The rumored rainy jungle will appear once in a few hundred years." This kind of animal tide, so far has not found the reason, even the best Warcraft hunter, did not dare to approach the jungle at the time of the animal tide, I did not expect to be encountered by us."

Chen Rui smiled and nodded. It was only a few hundred years before the "big prize" was opened. It seems that the luck of going out is really good.

After a wave of Kuroshio, it was followed by another wave. As if all the World of Warcraft in the jungle had ran out, Chen Rui felt the horror and anxiety of these creatures from the analysis, but because the amount of data was too large and the speed was too Fast, for a moment, I couldn’t discern clearly, and I thought about it, and asked Athena: "Can you catch a Warcraft, I want to try it with a beastly technique and see why they are like this."

Originally he could do it himself, but in the absence of Athena's inconvenience, he made such a request.

Athena didn't think much, driving the bones to fly down, a few small circles, and there was already a lot of Warcraft in his hand. The appearance was a bit like a mole, but he still had a pair of shredded wings. The claws are very sharp.

Similarly, the emotion of this "Mole" was quite frightening. Chen Rui calmed for a while and let Athena feed something. This was a little calm, but the wisdom of this Warcraft is not too high. The complex is two words: "Devil fruit! Escape!"

Devil Fruit? Chen Rui only felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it in a certain cartoon, and suddenly he was interested. Unfortunately, the "Mole" can provide too little information.

To his surprise, Athena immediately heard the name of the "devil fruit" and suddenly showed a shocked look.

"Chen Rui! Can you ask more clearly? Otherwise, I will catch another one!" It seems that Athena is very sensitive to the devil's fruit, throwing the "mole" and driving the two-legged dragon again. Sweeping underneath, the "Mole" flapped its wings and followed the escaping team in horror.

Athena has arrested several World of Warcraft in succession, but these Warcraft know less, only know that a powerful and powerful ghost dragon is driving them. If they don't escape, they will become the food in the ghost dragon mouth. Combining these fragments, Chen Rui It is analyzed that the devil fruit in the depths of the jungle is ripening, and a ghost dragon wants to eat fruit, so all these Warcraft are eliminated.

This is probably the reason why the rainy jungle has a beast wave every few hundred years, but Chen Rui is somewhat puzzled. Since the ghost dragon has such a powerful force, why should it drive away other Warcraft, is it worried about being eaten by other World of Warcraft? Or is it to block the outsiders from robbing the fruit?

After listening to Chen Rui's analysis, Athena thought for a moment and said: "Chen Rui, the devil fruit is very important to me, I must get it! I am going to the jungle to explore, you will stay here. Before the animal tide has completely disappeared, don't fall. If there is any danger, ride on the dragon to escape."

"Wait!" Chen Rui also wants to see, maybe it still provides the fruit of a lot of aura, see her to take risks alone, and quickly said: "Let's go!"

"No!" Athena shook her head. "Although I don't know which kind of dragon is the ghost dragon, but from the point of view that it can make this kind of beast, the power is definitely quite strong. I just want to try my luck. For you. It’s too dangerous.”

"Athena, Xiqiao Mountain is also dangerous. Why are you accompanying me? Don't worry, I won't drag you down. I have a beastly technique. If I feel dangerous, I will meet you at a safe place. , ok?"

Seeing that Athena is still hesitating, Chen Rui simply asked: "Are we partners?"

A Sina shocked, just in time to meet Chen Rui's gaze, in the cold moonlight, this gaze is particularly fascinating.

Athena suddenly lost the shame, more of a warmth and confidence, took a deep breath and nodded: "Go."

The two controlled the dragon, lowered the height, and carefully moved in the opposite direction of the animal tide.

Chen Rui learned from Athena's mouth that the devil fruit is a very rare fruit. It matured once in a few hundred years and is highly toxic, but it has an extraordinary significance for the Mozu. As everyone knows, although the Mozu is powerful, its potential is far less than that of human beings. In addition to the best of the royal family, the rising space of the other demons is greatly limited. For example, most of the horns are at the level of the middle-level demon, and cannot go further. If the big demon does not have a mutated blood, the basics There is no hope to break the upper limit of high order. Even the big devil with a mutated blood, such as Athena, only increases the probability of breaking the limit to a certain extent, and the difficulty is also quite huge.

In addition to the power of the devil, the most important thing is a special effect, which can greatly enhance the potential of the Mozu, increase the possibility of breaking the bottleneck several times, and have a small chance to gain additional special abilities. . The premise is that the fruit must be poisoned, the stronger the strength, the stronger the toxicity and effect of the fruit.

For the Mozu, the devil's fruit is equivalent to the priceless treasure that breaks through its limits. No wonder Ashina is so moved.

Even for the royal family, in addition to potential, the growth of power and the extra special ability are quite tempting.

The forest is getting denser and thicker, and it is no longer suitable for the flying of the two-legged dragon. Fortunately, the current animal tide is nearing the end, and Chen Rui and Athena have fallen to the ground, holding the two-footed dragons carefully.

At this time, there was a deep snoring in the distance. There was boundless temper and fierceness in the voice. The mammoth and the bones were in the same place, showing a terrified look. In any case, they dared not go any further.

Chen Rui thought for a moment, did not force the two-footed dragons to advance, left them in place, and appeased for a while, and Athena continued to move forward in the position of the voice. Athena originally intended to let Chen Rui also stay, but it is not the persistence of human beings, they have to go together.

Because most of the nearby World of Warcraft fled to the outside of the jungle did not encounter any danger along the way, the two gradually approached the source of the sound. However, the strange thing is that after searching for a while, Chen Rui and Athena went back to the original place.

"I remember that the sound should be right in front of it. Why is this?" Athena reveals the color of doubt, Chen Rui and Athena have the same impression, but he has a feeling more than Athena, a familiar Strange feeling.

correct! This seems to be...

"Chen Rui!" Athena saw Chen Rui went straight into a big tree behind the shrub, and then disappeared and could not help but be surprised.

I saw Chen Rui’s half-body coming out of the tree again: "Athena, go here!"

Athena walked up in surprise and touched the tree. It was really not an entity, and the bushes in front were real. There was a fake in it. It’s no wonder that I couldn’t find the right path for a long time, but how did Chen Rui discover it? of? It seems that agreeing with him is really the right choice.

After Athena walked into the big tree, she felt that the scene in front of her did not change, but when Chen Rui came in, he could not see him outside. Athena pulled out the big sword and walked in front of it to continue to explore the road. Hearing Chen Rui whispered: "Don't move!"

Chen Rui's face is very dignified, his eyes with faint excitement, because a new knowledge gained in the brain has made him discover the mystery of this area.

Inscriptions in the dragon language! This is the role of the dragon inscription!

PS: Power outage in the afternoon, the home and a large block of the street have been turned off, but there is electricity on the street, because it does not belong to a district, only four hours to call, very depressed! Just finished the chapter, uploading is a bit late, sorry. If you have a typo, please remind me in the typo of the top. After eating it, come back and change it. Thank you for your support!

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