Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 835: bank

The “啪啪啪” of the Rainbow Valley is such an unprecedented grandeur. Whether a man or a woman dominates the “battlefield”, the details of the male pig’s foot leaving the wall or crawling away have not been studied. What is certain is that Miss Fairy Dragon has successfully advanced to the national level, just because the order of this promotion is a bit different. The ordinary country is the first to comprehend the law, and then build the kingdom, and Miss Fairy Dragon skips the first step and directly constructs the country because of the relationship of the silver scorpion. Then she must calmly understand and thoroughly grasp the power of the law. Otherwise, Can not play the true power of the six-series countries. Therefore, the next work of Miss Fairy Dragon is still a closed practice.

This trip to the Rainbow Valley can be described by the word "shock". Not only is the Rolla almost annihilated by the elemental rule, but Chen Rui was almost killed in the face of the silver scorpion. Fortunately, in the end, Lola spent the difficult time under the magical use of Feng Xing, and Chen Rui also used Shura's avatar to comprehend the rudiment of the law of destruction. He only needs to further consolidate the foundation and refine the star power, and then he will successfully break through to the next position. Order.

Rolla's promotion to the country made Chen Rui have a correct understanding of the "Xing Xing" that was originally neglected. The star position is not only a simple bonus, but there may be more unexpected mysteries.

In addition to Rolla's "True Star Service", there are five stars in the star of the star, one star, one star, and three stars.

Chen Rui thought about it. The accelerometers of the acceleration attribute gave Isabella, Lomon and Athena, and the spirit-giving star gave the lost, and the star’s quota was given to Pagliu.

Although lost is not a magical practitioner, but the will and mental strength are weak, how much the star's spiritual power can make up for some of the shortcomings, the most important thing is that the amoeba is already the strength level of S++. It is quite close to the national level. If there is a star, the risk and difficulty to break through to the national level will be greatly reduced. Rolla is the best example.

Isabella and Lomon are the kings of Beryl who have the speed talent. The "Ben Lei" that accelerates the movement and accelerates the attack is exactly what they want. Athena is the lord of the dark moon, and now the strength is about to break through the emperor. Get a speed bonus of the demon level, it is of great benefit to comprehend the strength of the emperor level. As for Kiya, she was not keen on practicing. And Xia had to rely on the external force before entering the emperor. Nowadays, the most need is a solid foundation, and the state is busy, so there is no place for astrology.

Although lost is close to the national level, but after all, it is a lazy guy. Compared with the amoeba, the S+ level of the poisonous dragon is more hopeful to advance to the country, especially witnessing Chen Rui’s gorgeous transformation in the alchemy contest and killing the country. After the killing of the dragon sorcerer Ukamas, the Paglio surface is nothing, but the stimulus is quite large. He looked at Chen Rui step by step, thinking that the human partner was originally a weak person without power, and now he is far above him.

In fact, Paglio has been secretly practicing in the dark, determined to succeed as soon as possible, and participate in the fighting contest tomorrow, it is best to defeat the self-righteous Lei Zen in one fell swoop, so that the name of Duron Dragon will resound throughout the devil world.

Chen Rui understands the mind of Duron, so the highest star will be given to Paglieu. Having said that, the "highest" position of the members of the harem is a good way to resolve the contradictions.

however. When the aunt and the aunt suddenly said, "It turns out that you like men most." When Xiao Loli was afraid that the world would not mess with the question, "How do two men squat", when the little maid screams with a grudge? I should have thought of it," Chen Rui can only cover his face and tears.

The current situation in the devil world has basically stabilized, and the remnants of the **** army are basically completely annihilated. The three empires under the armistice agreement have nothing to do with each other, and there are more and more trades between them. There is no complete cause for the preparatory work. It is still only announced and has not started the official first phase of enrollment.

Compared with the college, the imperial bank seems to be in full swing. Although the world has magical equipment such as storage props, it is only a small number of talents, and the space for storage props is very limited. The money is a very local place. Now you only need to have a magic crystal card, you can easily get any amount of funds in each city. This is equivalent to an infinitely large coin storage props. Since the bank is an empire, there is no risk of deception, and there is interest in depositing in the bank. For a time, the bank’s “business” is extremely hot, and everyone has it. Proud of a magic crystal card.

The **** empire and the shadow empire will naturally not ignore the movement of the Angel Empire. The college is okay, and the direct cottage can be used, but the bank has made the two empires dare not move, free access to money, and white interest? Is this a loss-making business?

According to the provisions of the Armistice Agreement, the Angel Empire must share the rules of "new things" to the shadow empire and the **** empire, so the messengers sent by the two empires quickly brought back the mysteries of the bank.

After understanding the principle of bank deposit and loan interest, as well as handling fees and card fees, the two empires did not hesitate to establish their own imperial bank. The opening of this financial road made the capital of the two empires More abundant, seeing the details of the revenues and expenditures and long-term earnings forecasts handed down by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, even Lei Zen has revealed a smile of approval, but unfortunately, Chen Rui is also laughing.

Shura’s mission in the ground world is going well. In order to compete for the position of the Archbishop, Biliya has listened to him. The mysterious church has actually played the role of a messenger of justice, constantly digging the locusts of the bright church, conducting **** punishment and revealing the misdeeds.

The Church of Light has covered up for a long time, and it can't be concealed for a long time. The most terrible thing is that those who are smashed out are all scums that have something to do. Some of the evils committed are simply anger and grievances.

The means of the mysterious church is quite brilliant. It is a severe blow to the perpetrators, but it does not hurt the innocent people. This has earned the trust and support of the people. The prestige of the bright church has been greatly reduced, and the faith is also rapidly declining. The effect of this method is very significant, making Billia, who has just been promoted to be the master of the church, incredibly become the most popular archbishop candidate in the seven Eastern Bishops. The rest of the bishops are not willing to show weakness, competing to imitate, and many churches are also punished by "justice."

Including the two sacred empires, some countries also took the opportunity to secretly push hands to further weaken the control of the bright church. The sacred mountain is extremely angry. However, due to the great drop of people, it can only openly rectify and clean up the church’s corruption and illegality. Molecules have punished a group of typical, secretly manipulating a large number of manpower to search for and deal with the behind-the-scenes manipulators of these events.

The Black Death has always been secretive, but such a large-scale movement, after all, has traces, and was ruined by the light knight and the referee. The Black Death is naturally not a good man or a girl, and has launched several ambushes and traps. There were casualties at the moment.

The behavior of the mysterious church is not really a true act of justice, but it is only for its own needs. However, in a short period of time, these **** cases can play a deterrent effect, and indeed they have dug up many things that are done in the name of God. The villains, for a time, the Church of Light is in danger, especially those who have ghosts in their hearts.

Through the relationship of Biliya, Shura successfully became the guardian of the bishop level, and the three layers of “God Relief” worshipped by the mysterious church can clearly see the whole of the first layer.

Sure enough, there are some abyss monsters that Chen Rui has seen in the memory of the "Tianlun" in the Alchemy City of Stormwind Island. Shura naturally will not give up this good opportunity to steal faith, just the current position. Not too high, it is estimated that to reach the level of the Archbishop, you can see more statues and steal more faith.

Compared with the power of the horrible beliefs brought by the Endless Warrior OL, the power of the beliefs stolen by Shura can only be regarded as a small head. However, the significance of Shura becoming a guardian can be more than "the mosquito is small and the meat." So simple. Although there are not as many churches in the mysterious church, it is by no means a small number in terms of the current contact with Shura. It does not include the deceitful believers in the original sense of the nightmare.

The belief of these believers will be one of the main energies of the abyss recovery. The belief in stealing the abyss can delay the recovery of the abyss, and as long as you step into the core of the mysterious church and master the core material of the church, you can use the knife of the bright church. The mysterious church has been uprooted, greatly reducing the chances of the abyss coming a few years later.

In fact, Chen Rui designed the game "Endless Warrior". The subconscious also has the intention of just in case, so the monster habits, combat habits, intensity and hard copy of the game are almost all set for the abyss. This game has been developed and passed down Even after the abyss disaster broke out in N years, the devil has certain experience and ability to cope.

The importance of Shura’s activities in the ground world is self-evident. Because Shura does not have the skills of the starry sky, this time, after Chen Rui’s recovery, he must open the space door and send it back to the ground.

Fortunately, the crystallization of one million beliefs is nothing for Chen Rui. It is no longer necessary to be stretched as before. After explaining some things, Chen Rui opened the door of the starry sky and returned to the star-point Venus City on the ground.

After dividing Shura as the incarnation of the body, Chen Rui did not return directly to the devil world, so he had to pay back two million yuan for the crystallization of his beliefs. He could not return empty-handed.

He thought about it and decided to go to the island of Stormwind first. The capital of Xinghuang was upgraded to a three-level alchemy city. The "Tianlun" was indispensable. Although it has become a ruin, and it has searched a lot of good things last time, After all, it was a four-level city, and there are certainly many materials that can be used in the city of Xinghuang. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

PS: These two days of physical discomfort, last night was insomnia, back pain, the state is very bad, just finished writing, a bit late, please forgive me.

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