Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 852: Under the stars (four thousand words)

Augustus did not stay in the dark moon for a long time, and soon left, perhaps worried about the tablet loli, perhaps more worried about what kind of harm will be caused by the lost tablet loli in Long Island.

The following is a small clip of the Dragon King when he left.

"If you take care of Olifith, I can safely leave." Augustus took a few steps and suddenly thought of one thing. He turned back: "Where is the skeleton of Ukamis?"

"What?" Chen Rui asked Lola on the side.

"What?" Lola asked Chen Rui.

Augustus gave birth to a bad feeling: "骸骨?"

"Oh." Chen Rui nodded.

"Oh." Rolav singer nodded.

Augustus: "I asked what..."

"Along the way, Master Augustus!" Isabella waved her hand.

"Dad! Goodbye!" Black Dragon chick waved with her sister.

Augustus: "..."

Looking at the dragon and the emperor disappeared into the sight, Chen Rui secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The Dragon Emperor’s Pass is obviously a mixture of the past, as a traitor to the Long Island, and also the skeleton of the Dragon Witch Ukadiz, who was disgusted by the Dragons, and was successfully “crazy”.

Although the national-level dragon witch sacrum is the best material for making certain equipment, Chen Rui did not do this, but gave it to the corpse Guladam research.

Previously due to material limitations, Guladam has stayed at the level of the Emperor's peak. The two key upgrade materials he needs are the celluloid and the essence of Longli. The essence of Longli has been obtained. The heart of Seymour has never been able to get it.

In order to get the heart of the celluloid, you must be willing to give it out. If you change to Athena or other beloved sisters, there is absolutely no problem. Unfortunately, the little mermaid princess can "dedication" to Chen Rui, it is endless. The contempt of the mouth of the poisoned tongue.

Having said that, if the little mermaid princess is really a girl loved by Chen Rui, the loss of the heart of the sorcerer will be greatly hurt, Chen Rui will certainly not allow this.

Because of this, Guladam's strength has not been able to progress, correspondingly. The undead army that he controlled, the strength was also limited to a certain extent, until the emergence of Ukrainian national dragon lich.

The national level is too far away for Guladam. This is no longer the difference between the emperor and the emperor. But Guladam’s accomplishments in the undead magic are even the Lich King Glory. The level that Rios had to admire, Chen Rui used Guladam's research results to attract Glorios' attention when he was in the hateful land.

As the dragon lich, the biggest weakness of Ukamis is the interference of the rules of the soul. It is impossible to condense the essence of the most important soul of the Lich and store it in the life. This is why he was completely annihilated by Chen Rui. therefore. The essence of Ukrainian life is concentrated on this skeleton. Guladam’s idea is to combine the essence of his soul with the essence of Ukamus’s life and transform himself into a dragon lich or a dragon sorcerer. The presence. Because the strength of the two sides is too different, so it takes considerable time and materials, and it is also accompanied by great danger. The most likely thing is that Guladam's soul can't carry huge power and it will be wiped out.

Even if it succeeds, the strength of the original Dragon Lich will definitely drop sharply, but Guladam still has not retreated. In his words, if successful, it would be one of the most outstanding works of his life; if it fails, this is also the greatest attempt.

Chen Ruiming, Augustus, is looking at the face of Olyfis (Lalaria). One thing is closed to this matter, and Ukamas’s thing is coming to an end. A large amount of thunder, which is urgently needed by the Titan Giants, has also been resolved.

There is a huge national machine of the Angel Empire. Naturally, it is not comparable to individual power. The transportation and refining of thunder and lightning, including the collection of other materials, is not a problem. It won't take long. Jinghuang has been able to start experimenting with the Titan Giants.

The update and upgrade work of "Endless Warrior OL" is also in the midst of preparation. This time, there are two updates, the first one is "race". The concept of “reincarnation” will appear in the game, that is, the level reaches a certain level, and the corresponding props can be transferred to generate the corresponding race. After the reincarnation, the level becomes one level, but the basic attributes are increased. In the future, each level is higher than the player who has no reincarnation. Not only that, but the reincarnation will also reflect the characteristics of each race, such as the power of the corner devil, the speed of the dark elf and so on. Chen Rui's long-term vision is to add special blood talents including various ethnic groups, including the royal family, but considering the progress and balance of the game, this update does not open the corresponding independent skills.

The second update is to enrich the game's spurs and increase timed activities, such as monster sieges, rewards, etc., which can increase everyone's participation and cooperation ability, while avoiding the difficulty of copying and reducing participation.

What makes Chen Rui reassuring is that the efficiency and dominance of the three-level alchemy civilized city is far higher than that of the second-level alchemy civilization. After these tasks are arranged, they can basically be handed over to the monsters for specific operation and debugging.

Darkmoon City Palace.

Athena stood on the roof platform of the palace, holding the railings and looking up at the stars, letting the cool evening wind gently sway the short red hair.

"One person looks at the stars."

The familiar voice fell in the ear, and Athena turned her head and saw Chen Rui’s smiling face.

"How is Rolla?"

"Fortunately, it should be fine." Chen Rui took her hand, the big devil is a fighting race, because of the long-term grip of the sword, the skin of this hand is not as delicate as Jiya, Isabella, but It was unusually warm, just like the feeling of holding it for the first time in the rainy jungle.

After Chen Rui revealed to Lola the news of the Dragon King and the Elf King of the Dragon Valley in the ground world, Miss Fairy Dragon showed an unexpected silence, locked herself in the Rainbow Valley, and even closed the space entrance.

In this case, only Chen Rui who can enter the Rainbow Valley. Only Chen Rui, who can comfort Lola, stayed in the Rainbow Valley for three days, and finally let Miss Fairy Dragon untie the knot.

Through the heart, Chen Rui knew that the marriage of Lola was actually behind the dragon King Pargolis. At that time, Pargoris was newly enthroned and could not unify the voice of the Presbyterian Church. Lola’s mother elder Melia has the highest prestige and belongs to the neutral, while the second elder Palin is the uncle of Pargolis and is the biggest supporter of Pargoris in the Presbyterian Church, so Pargoris contributed to this marriage. More purpose is to further stabilize the rule of the throne.

After Lola escaped from marriage, she was a family. The Elf King slammed the Palin, and Melia also succumbed to Palin. On the surface, it was a hateful disgrace. At the same time, it gave the Emperor Pargoris a chance to sell in a disguised form, indicating his attitude, so this The event was finally turned into a trivial matter.

Lola was just running out of negative air, but with the increase of age and experience, she gradually realized that no one knows her children's character better than her parents. Merial and Span should be deliberate, indulging her to escape marriage. Indulge her to run away from home, so that she can take the initiative to master the situation of the Dragon Valley.

After comprehending this point, Miss Fairy Dragon, who has always been favored by Melia and Span, feels that she has been used by the closest relatives, and she is greatly hurt. She enters the devil world with anger and vows to become stronger and firm. Grasp her own destiny, before that, she will not return to the ground world. Nor will see Melia and Span.

Chen Rui and Lola talked for a long night and explained something to her. Melia and Span’s actions were not only to grasp the situation of the Dragon Valley, but also an important purpose, in a special way. Let Rolla safely leave the Dragon Valley, which is also the protection of the Rolla.

Power and struggle are twins. Cruel battles are everywhere, and the glorious throne is often accumulated with countless blood and cockroaches, no matter which race is true, in fact. Palgoris soon cleaned up the Presbyterian Church. Many voices of opposition were eliminated forever. Only Merial, who had reached a certain tacit understanding, still settled the position of the elders and has been reused ever since. However, these are unpredictable in advance. If Chen Rui does not encounter the Span couple, Rolla will not know this.

Athena glared at Chen Rui: "You have worked hard."

"How does this sound to the voice of Kiya." Chen Rui shook his head with a smile and gently grabbed Athena's waist. "I'm sorry, I know, the hardest thing is my dear lord and general."

Athena grinned and said: "Then don't hinder the general from watching the stars."

"To give advice to the generals, the stars don't look like this."

Soon, the two lay on the ground, looking away, and staring at the innocent starry sky.

"Athena, remember when you were in Xiqiao Mountain?"

"Well..." Athena gently replied, squeezing into his arms, which she would never forget in her life.

Neither of them spoke, just watching the sky quietly.

"Chen Rui..."


"It's nothing."

"Actually, I have seen it early, you have always had something to worry about." Chen Rui sighed. "Between us, there seems to be no barrier."

Athena lowered her eyes and said: "I just feel that the distance from you seems to be getting farther and farther."

“Why is there such an idea?”

"I don't know. Maybe it's strength, maybe something else." Athena closed her eyes. "Maybe I haven't figured out some things myself."

"I'm sorry." Chen Rui suddenly felt very embarrassed.

"Have you ever thought about... returning to the human world?" Athena slowly opened the red dragonfly. "I remember you said that your identity in the human world seems to be a bit special. There should be your loved ones. No matter what happened before, you can already do it with your current ability and strength..."

When the words were not finished, they were blocked by Chen Rui, and Athena shivered, and there was no struggle.

After a deep long kiss.

"Some things, I should tell you, I should be one of the two great empire of humanity, the three emperors of the Longhuang Empire, Arthur Roland, the master of the Golden Yao territory. The reason why it says 'should' is because it belongs to Arthur. The branding and memory have completely disappeared." Chen Rui caressed Athena's face. "No matter how I fell into the devil world, no matter what identity is Arthur, what kind of conspiracy and interests are involved, those It has nothing to do with me. Now only Chen Rui, Chen Rui of the Devil World. You can... imagine me as one, from another world, who is born again by this body soul."

The last sentence, in fact, has concealed the biggest secret, facing his most beloved woman, of course, Athena will not understand the true meaning of "rebirth" in this sentence.

"I never thought about the so-called 'return', even though I can now easily navigate between the devil and the human world, the reason is very simple, my loved ones are in the devil world - you understand, I can give everything for it , true loved ones."

"Well." Athena answered again, and there was a glimpse of crystal in the middle. "Can I ask you a question?"

"of course."

"I know your plan. If this plan is successful, the three empires will be completely under your control. What is your purpose? The highest emperor of the Devil?"

"You are wrong, I never think that the emperor is a good errand, and I don't want to be a ruler." Chen Rui stared at the starry sky, as if he saw a black eyelid after a double-faced gauze. "My biggest wish is Put aside all the constraints, take your own beloved woman, or live in seclusion, or travel around, and live a life without any concern. However, for the moment, I still have no ability to let you completely throw your shoulders, even I can't control my own destiny. In front of myself, there are countless unbeatable enemies and terrible obstacles. Only by constantly advancing, constantly striving and constantly surpassing."

Not to mention anything else, Saliye is a powerful existence that cannot be defeated. In particular, the name of "Agulie" still has a number left in him, plus the evil moon curse, when Chen Rui can't avoid going to that. The mystery is in a line, and I don’t know how many dangers I will encounter.

For these things, he said it to people for the first time.

"I'm sorry." Athena buried his head in his chest. "You have more things than I thought."

"Some battles are destined to be faced by one person, especially men." Chen Rui feels the heat flow that penetrates the chest placket feels the emotions contained in it. "Fortunately, I am not alone, because although I am alone, I am not alone."

Athena only felt the warmth in her heart, and all the little shackles of the mind melted out. This was what she said to him in the green forest of Xiqiao Mountain. He always remembered that he had been doing this all the time.

"Tomorrow, I am going to enter the Lanhua Mountains in the Blue Pool Mountains to retreat. This time will be very long, maybe a few months, maybe longer." Chen Rui gently wiped the tears in her eyes, slightly A smile, "I am worried now, if I have not seen my generals for a long time, will there be a greater distance?"

"Of course," Athena showed a gentle and generous smile, apparently regained self-confidence. "But there are some small means that should be able to reduce this sense of distance, such as a little story about the stars, a note, not heard before. ""

"As you wish, my most beloved generals..."

Looking up at the deep and beautiful starry sky, lying in the warm arms, a quiet whisper came from the ear, and Athena only felt her heart calm, and gradually closed her eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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