Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 871: Empress VS

The appearance of Xiaoluoli is only an episode. When Chen Rui arrives at the night market, the harem group is watching a small concert in the vast field. Since the last success of the Angel Empire concert, this form of performance has been The devil world is getting popular.

Due to the relationship of the Wudou Conference, Tekken City is now bringing together the audience, so many fans spontaneously organized a free concert, although the level is not too high, the special effects are amateur, but still attracts many people. .

Chen Rui was only in a series of experiences reported by Black Dragon Chick, and heard that Lilith had a daughter. Since the Black Dragon chick did not mention the name of the blossoming, the pig-head toy was also included in the treasure of Athena. Space ring, so Chen Rui did not care about this.

On the evening, Athena boldly touched Chen Rui's room night attack. According to the succubus little maid who came to help the boxing, this time, the BABY "battle" seems to be exceptionally fierce.

Two days later, the strong match, the semi-final began.

The first game was Caesar's match against Akasaka, which was located in the ancient battlefield in the Senrolin area.

Since both of them are national-level strongmen, during this period, the enchantment of the division was once again reinforced, and each tree was equipped with a special small magic array, and the entire forest area was a giant protective array.

After seeing the strengths demonstrated by Lalalia and Lei Zen, Akasaka is not afraid of anti-happiness, has the heart to reach the finals, gains valuable experience through battles with the demigods, and then explores the threshold of advancing to the demigod. Perhaps this will be his biggest gain in this competition.

Of course, in order to go to La Laria, first of all, he must defeat the semi-final opponent Catherine One to Lalaria into the finals, the octopus Emperor feels no suspense.

Facing the first wise man in the devil world, Akasaka felt that the atmosphere of Catherine was quite different, but compared with his old-fashioned strongman who had been stationed in the peak country for many years, there is still a considerable gap. Too big a difficulty.

"I don't look down on a woman, but you don't have the chance to win." Akasaka's face was faintly scornful. "Once I am an opponent, I will never give up my feelings. Now I will admit defeat, and you can at least retreat without any loss." ”

Catherine did not take a look, and her veiled face could not see any expression. Suddenly there were four golden cymbals in her body. This movement has fully demonstrated the attitude and determination of the battle.

Akasaka did not continue to say it, shaking his dark red robe casually, the ground suddenly trembled, and the terrible momentum of a strand of femoral burst out.

Catherine felt as if she was in the turbulent waves, and her fingertips showed a blush, marking a mark in the void, and the totems of the four golden dragons began to shine. The imprint immediately burned and burned, turning into a golden golden giant net, with gold enamel as the four corners, forming a battle, at first glance, as if the marionette.

The golden dragonfly moved with a strange rhythm, and the tide-like momentum was suddenly dismantled, just like a big ship that would not be subverted, breaking the waves at sea.

Four souls, the war and the advanced secrets of the offensive and defensive.

"It's a very subtle means, but unfortunately, in front of the power of the absolute right, no clever skills are useless." Akasaka shook his head and waved his hand. The gold net trembled and did not know how many "wires" were broken. But it was automatically connected, but it was not broken.

The octopus Emperor's small eyes slightly smashed, and the chubby body appeared in front of the giant net in an instant. With one hand, the giant net broke and the four gold smashed out, and the "four souls" suddenly collapsed. .

The four golden enamels turned a corner and merged into one place, turning into a bright golden cymbal. It was the "fighting match that was used when fighting Paglieu." Bright gold 傀儡 whether it is strength or speed It must far exceed the golden age.

In the face of the shining golden cymbals, the octopus emperor just sneered a sneak, his body flashed, and there seemed to be a number of points in the blink of an eye, surrounded by bright gold cymbals, and the implementation was a high-speed moving image. .

In the high-speed hitting sound, the bright gold enamel begins to twist, deform, and crack at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the eyes of the audience, the chubby figure of the octopus emperor flashed a few ghosts, and then returned to the original place, and the golden enamel that was still intact in a few seconds was actually smashed into countless pieces.

The power of the Pagley bird broke out in all the kingdoms, and the bright gold scorpion that was solved by its own poisonous talents. Under the octopus, only a few seconds, the higher the strength, the greater the gap between the small realms, the country The peak of the peak and the beginning of the country are separated by two layers of small realms, and indeed the difference is not in the way.

When the bright golden plaque was crushed, Catherine suddenly disappeared, and the octopus emperor’s heart was suddenly stunned. When he looked up, he saw a dark golden giant scorpion’s big foot and horrible power, stepping down from the sky. .

This kind of power, even if it is Akasaka, does not dare to neglect, the palms of the palms are in the sky, the power of the waves is coming out, and the giant feet can't fall again with a distance of four or five meters.

This dark gold squat is ten meters high, and Catherine is sturdy on the shoulders of her, with her hands down and slowly pressing, and the dark gold squats, the runes on her body flash, and suddenly, the power is big. The amplitude is enhanced.

The octopus Emperor only felt that the pressure was greatly increased, his face changed slightly, and his feet began to slowly fall into the soil.

Catherine hands steamed a black flame, flew into the dark gold eyebrows, dark gold eyes and green eyes, slammed down, and actually stepped into the soil.

A lot of cracks appeared on the ground around the ground, and the ground continued to sizzle and tremble. Obviously, the strength of this foot is extremely amazing.

"Hey!" The ground in the distance blew open, and a chubby figure broke out. Lightning rushed over.

The dark gold cymbal suddenly narrowed down to a normal ratio of about two meters, welcoming the octopus.

The projections in the arena constantly show three images of the flashing of the figure. Rao has already strengthened the enchantment, and will still cause a brief blur of the projection due to the strong power fluctuation. It is conceivable that the battle is fierce.

The body of the dark gold plaque is very special. Although it has a broken phenomenon, it can be reborn continuously, and the various parts of the body shape can change shape, and sometimes become a giant, and sometimes the hands and feet become sharp edges.

Akasaka shouted, and the figure of Catherine and Dark Gold was flying. The octopus emperor did not pursue, and the arm seemed to be transformed into eight, and the track was quickly drawn.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and the woods were quickly covered with a layer of hoarfrost. The location of Catherine and Dark Gold was in a layer of transparent crystal walls, which seemed to be a labyrinth. Akasaka's figure.

"Although I have been in the sea of ​​death for many years, I have heard of the prestige of the king of Asmode.

Outside the labyrinth, the eyes of the octopus Emperor’s eyes have already gone, and they have changed into a serious color. “It’s only now that you can’t die, you can not only regenerate and change freely, but also complement the power of the master. The strength of both sides has been greatly improved, and your strength should not have reached the peak of the country, but the combat effectiveness exerted is almost at the peak level. ”

Catherine still had no openings, and her hands faintly glared to try to resolve the nearby crystal walls with the talent "eductive weakening". The crystal wall began to become thin, but it quickly re-generated and seemed to be endless.

"I recognize your strength, but even if your strength reaches the peak of the country, it is not my opponent." Akasaka did not brag about this. As a veteran of the peak country, it is only one step away from the demigod. There are very few people who can overcome him in the same realm of talent. "Let you see, what is the power of the real kingdom of the country, look at you as a woman, and finally remind you that since you choose to fight, You must have the consciousness of death."

In the labyrinth, Catherine Black was still calm and still said, "This reminder is also given to you."

In the eyes of the octopus, the murderous flash of the body, the body will be a vertical, disappeared in place.

The mirror behind the undead slammed out of the octopus emperor's figure. In a boxing smash, there was a deep punch, and the surrounding of the boxing was covered with a circle of ice crystals, affected by the ice, not dead. Recovery has slowed down a lot.

The cockroach reacted very quickly, suddenly hand-made the giant hammer, and returned to the glimpse. The figure shattered and there was a big pit on the crystal wall. However, it was only broken ice on the ground. Soon, the pit began to automatically Revert to the original state.

Catherine suddenly understood the role of these crystal walls, and immediately exchanged with the undead to a back-to-back position, to prevent possible sneak attacks.

Sure enough, the octopus emperor is constantly flashing like a ghost. Most of the attacks are against Catherine. As long as the controller is extinguished, it will naturally lose power.

Catherine understood the octopus emperor's attempt and tried her best to escape the attacks by the unspoken growth and protection.

In this country, the octopus is almost unsolvable, and the real body will only appear at the moment of the attack, and then it will become ice crystals. The trouble is that if the ice crystals are not destroyed, If you do, you will continue to attack.

In just a few minutes, the undead has been scarred, and a lot of ice crystals have solidified on the body, and the recovery speed is several times slower than the normal state.

After resolving a raid on Akasaka, Catherine inadvertently glanced at her when she changed her position with the undead, and her pupils shrank, because she saw the shadow of Akasaka there!

Just on the body that is not dead!

It turns out that this kind of ice crystal can become a medium for the red carp to enter and exit as long as it reaches a certain amount and hòu degree. Previously, the octopus emperor deliberately attacked the undead, and this is the moment.

This kind of tactic is simply unpredictable, and Rao is Catherine, who also said.

When it was said that it was too late, the octopus emperor had already flown out of the crystal wall of the dead body, and an accurate boxing in Catherine.

This boxing contains a lot of power, even if Catherine's strength is quite close to the peak of the country, as long as it is true, it will be seriously injured.

After the fatal blow of the octopus, the face suddenly changed, because the punch actually penetrated the body of Catherine without any hindrance.

Phantom? The octopus emperor immediately responded, and the heart immediately gave birth to a strong sense of crisis, but also in the future to escape, the heart suddenly highlights a sharp blade.

The octopus screamed violently, his arm slammed back against the conventional angle, and the figure flew out. Catherine’s figure appeared on the other side, and the only thing that was just drawn was her The front is not dead.

"Actually..." The octopus Emperor looked incredulously at the blade of his heart, and felt that a strange life that did not belong to him quickly spread. Except for the heart that was crushed by the sharp gas, all parts of the body were invaded by this force. .

This short knife is obviously a special legendary weapon. It can not only break the defense, but also save and spread the power of Nirvana. The strange "living machine" makes the red wound healing quickly, and the whole knife is firmly hung in the body. Inside, not only that, but this force is constantly trying to anti-customer, to obliterate his soul and completely occupy the Akasaka body.

"The consciousness of death..., I reminded you." Catherine said faintly, the body gradually changed from nothingness to entity with the cloak behind it.

One of the seven artifacts, the shadow cloak!

The shadow cloak is actually a very snobbish artifact. The weaker the holder is, the more difficult it is to play the role of the artifact. The stronger the strength, the greater the role and increase of the artifact.

At that time, because of "Niepan", Catherine was greatly reduced in strength and was chased by Bailuo. The power of the shadow cloak was not well played and was almost killed by Bailuo; and Catherine's strength reached the peak. At the time of the emperor, he was able to hide in the kingdom of Lei Zen with the help of the shadow cloak.

The shadow cloak has three functions: stealth, phantom, and anti-magic. Catherine uses the phantom to confuse the red scorpion, then stealth launches the raid, and treats the person with his own gave the octopus The fatal blow of the emperor.

The audience in the arena was thunderous, and the first wise man and the first beautiful woman, Catherine the Great, did not let them down, and finally won the battle!

Only Lei Zen and other people understand how much Catherine's victory is unexpected.

Chen Rui has not watched the battle in the arena, and rushed to the arena. Akasaka is his friend. Although the battle of this competition is alive and dead, he will never sit and watch this friend die, and he will die in Kay. In the hands of Sarin.

"Good tactics! Good deeds!" The octopus emperor praised the two "good" characters, one bite the teeth, and patted the chest, the blade that grew in the flesh came out from behind, and slid into the ground. I brought out a bit of green blood. "Almost, I failed or even lost my life because of the enemy. I lost a little bit of this loss, but unfortunately, this battle is not over. There are three in my heart. This is not enough to knock me down."

Catherine felt that the momentum of the other party had not weakened, but it had skyrocketed and reached a terrible degree. She immediately recalled the undead and waited.

"I thought I had given you enough attention, but I still looked down on you. I am sorry for this. Your strength and wisdom are enough to make me play the spirit of twelve points. Now, I will go all out."

Said, the octopus emperor took a deep breath, the crystal wall in the country gradually disappeared, turned into a roaring sea of ​​anger. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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