Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 880: Condition, the devil's son-in-law

"The **** empire will fully popularize the magic game. In the future, the military, college training, selection, and promotion will add corresponding magic game assessment." Lei Zen took the lead to express his own approval.

I thought that the most sad thing was the Lei Zen. I thought it was the first to pass. Chen Ruiyi said: "Do you believe me so much? Perhaps these are just the illusions I created."

"Oh! My eyes have not yet fainted to this extent. Moreover, with the strength of your hands or the power of the individual, there is no need to lie... The most important thing is that I have received some Information about the altar and blood sacrifices."

"I suggest that the three countries join forces to strike the roots and destroy all the churches and believers who worship the abyss." The proposal of the Greeks was endorsed by the two emperors. In fact, this incident has begun in the first two years. The secret was carried out, but the results were not significant.

Catherine's thinking is more leaping. She puts forward the idea of ​​the All-Devils Game Competition, which is better than the separate copy contest and team battle to promote the combat effectiveness of the whole people.

Even the national e-sports have come to mind, it is a child and her mother, seeing the three emperors agree, Chen Rui nodded, no doubt, after learning the "abyss" this common terrible enemy, the future Confederate League unity More closely.

"Since this is the case, after the establishment of the alliance, I will transfer all the economic benefits of the magic games belonging to the two empires. The military cooperation will further strengthen the three countries. I will provide the Confederacy with the technology of magical firearms. As for other aspects. Because of the limitations of alchemy civilization. Can't share."

Catherine slightly decapitated: "So, we can start preparing for the Confederacy League as soon as possible."

"Slow." Lei Chan sneered: "The **** empire did not promise to join this alliance."

This is the case. The other three were quite speechless and just talked about speculation. Now suddenly it has changed again?

"I can accept all the terms you have proposed before, even including the Samar royals joining the league, but you must promise me a condition." Lei Zen's burning eyes fell on Chen Rui's face.

"I?" Chen Rui pointed at his nose and looked horrified.

This time he participated in the talks, he did not wear a mask, and he used the face of the master of the system. This face will appear in the public for a long time.

"It's you." Lei Zen snorted.

"What?" Chen Rui clearly sang the disappointment of Miss Fairy Dragon, and it is not necessary to set a gamble and other conventions.

"You, my daughter." Lei Zen said it almost in a word.

"What?!" is also the same word, Chen Rui has been shocked. Is it a problem with your own ear or is Lao Lei eating the wrong medicine? Thinking jumps too strong, right?

Is it popular to send my daughter this year? Augustus sent two, but one became a sister and the other had been returned.

The conditions of Lei Zen were so unexpected, and Catherine and Chia were equally surprised.

"This is my only condition." Lei Zen said categorically: "Otherwise, the **** empire will never compromise, and will fight to the last person!"

"Wait! Lei Zen," Chen Rui quickly said: "This is a national event..."

Lei Chan said coldly: "You marry my daughter, it is a national event."

Chen Rui’s heart emerged with the words “political marriage”, and he did not expect that he would encounter this thing one day. Quickly shook his head: "I am the king of the Angel Empire, how can you marry the princess of the **** empire?"

"Would you be a fool when I was?" Lei Zen’s face was horrible and horrible, referring to Catherine. "What is your relationship with Her Majesty the Shadow Queen?"


"Hey! That alliance looks very attractive. But the competition is equally fierce. Two of the emperors of the three major allies are your women! Even if you swear not to interfere in government affairs, the ability you have is well known, just a The magic game will be able to overturn the entire devil world. If this continues, regardless of whether the alliance continues, the Shadow Empire and the Angel Empire will become a group, and the future **** empire will have no place to live. Therefore, you must marry my daughter. ""

Catherine and Chia looked at each other and quickly communicated silently. At this moment, the identity of the two was not only the two emperors, but also the "families."

After a few moments, Xia took the lead in expressing his opinion: "There is nothing wrong with Lei Zen. This is really not a private matter, but a state affairs."

"The **** empire has a large population and the vast territory. The resilience and combat effectiveness of the soldiers are the crown of the three empires, and the situation of all the people, even if the war is launched, it is not solved in a short time," Catherine's The analysis is more convincing. "The war of the **** empire that destroyed the wrath of the wrath of the empire lasted only five years, but it took fifty years to stabilize the post-war situation... and now the devil is ushered in a rare In the era of rapid development, no one wants the war to happen."

Xia nodded: "For an empire, for the entire demon world, only a marriage can completely avoid the war, and everyone knows how to choose."

"I don't want to be two squats." Lei Zen's face finally eased. "I speak, the **** empire will accept all the terms of the alliance, and begin to fully prepare for the alliance's preliminary work. 'Agulie' and me The day the daughter got married was the official establishment of the alliance."

"Wait a minute..." Hearing the three men, the political marriage was finalized. As a party, Chen Rui was cold and sweaty.

I don’t know that Catherine and Shia didn’t see him. Catherine asked Lei Zen directly: “There is no princess under your arm. I don’t know which noble woman is in the royal family?”

As everyone knows, Lei Zen has no daughters, so she should find a royal family to give the princess a marriage name. This kind of thing is very common among the empire.

Lei Chan shook his head and said a shocking answer: "No, I have a daughter, and... This time it is not the princess who wants to marry, but the queen of the **** empire."

Chen Rui three people at the same time, Lei Zen means very obvious. He will give way to his daughter and withdraw from the political arena.

Thus. Chen Rui has become the emperor of the three empires of the emperor? This is really a veritable demon woman.

"In the future, your children must become the heirs of the **** empire." Lei Zen glanced over Catherine and Chia. "In this way, the devil can truly usher in a long-lasting peace."

Catherine and Chia could not help but nod. The three empires formed a Confederate alliance of equality and mutual assistance. In the future, the three emperors will be blood relatives. This alliance is much more stable than the general nature.

"My daughter, in fact, you have seen it." Lei Zen looked at the faceless Chen Rui and continued to throw explosive news.


"Her situation is a bit special. Because her mother is human."

"She is having a little trouble now, you have to bring her back safely."

Lei Zen’s words made Chen Rui calm down from the surprise, and some mysteries in my heart finally unveiled the mysterious noble woman Tiffany, who turned out to be the daughter of Lei Zen! For this reason, the pursuit of Tiffany by several emperors was strongly opposed by Lei Zen.

Even more surprising is that her mother is human! No wonder the physique of light and dark attributes!

Tiffany was on the fourth floor of the Bloody Empire Library, and was subjected to a "light and dark baptism" through the different forces of Sali. It became the "key" to a certain mystery. According to Sharia two years ago, Tiffany's light and dark baptism takes two to three years to completely condense, when she will set out to go to the mysterious and dangerous place to find the silver scorpion, count the time. It should be coming soon too.

Chen Rui’s heart is stunned: Lei Zen’s request for this marriage is not only able to bring Tiffany back safely, but also to make the **** empire in the Confederacy League through marriage. It can be described as two things.

Catherine and Chia heard that the mother of Lei Zen’s daughter turned out to be human, and she could not help but think of Chen Rui’s identity. Xia tempted to ask: "Where is the Princess Tiffany, where is it now?"

"I don't know. But there is one thing to know." Although Lei Zen answered the question of Catherine, it was said to Chen Rui that the palm of the hand was slowly opened, and it was lying quietly inside. Rings.

This ring does not have any special decorations or inlays. It seems plain and plain, but it is faintly faint red light. However, with Chen Rui’s feeling ability, he discovered the powerful power it contained in the first time. Saline has blurted out: "Blood ring!"

One of the seven artifacts, **** ring!

"This daughter, rarely from my childhood, is very close to me... I hate more for me... I will give you the **** ring. Her blood was smelted into the ring with my secrets in the morning, although I don't know what it is now. Where is it, but the **** ring can point the way and help you find her."

Looking at the highest artifact of the **** empire handed over by Lei Zen, Chen Rui was where he was, and he couldn’t think of it. Lei Zen would give him the **** ring.

Of course, Lei Zen still has a layer of meaning. By Chen Rui’s hand, he handed the **** ring and even the entire **** empire to the daughter who “is more hateful to him”.

Aside from Catherine and Xia, the eyes quickly communicated finally reached a certain tacit understanding, Catherine said to Chen Rui: "Receive it, as Xia’s Majesty said, this is no longer Your personal personal affairs. The Confederacy League is yours. This peace situation is your long-cherished ideal. Now it is only from the alliance. It is only the last step from true peace. Do you want to overthrow all your previous efforts?"

Xia showed approval, and Lei Zen understood that it was the two who were expressing their feelings to themselves and nodded with satisfaction. Up to now, Lei Zen has had a considerable understanding of the opponent of "Agulie". Not only has terrible strength, but also inherits the ancient times. More importantly, "Agulie" will spare no effort to protect his own woman.

Lei Zen once experienced this in the small plains of Jekyll Fortress and the Warlock Fortress. Whether it is for Catherine or for Shia, this man is fighting for life. Because of this, even a woman like Catherine was completely conquered by him, even if it was a political marriage. As long as Tiffany became his woman, he could be assured of publicity.

Chen Rui looked at the eyes of the three people and showed a smile. In this case, does he still have a choice? (To be continued...)

Ps: Although it is a break today, the time is a bit tight, and the second is more late.

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