Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 894: Fighting! Evil spirits against evil spirits (4,200 words)

Enquette and Vishna were moving very fast, and soon they had arrived at the crying cry. The two were already psychologically prepared, and they could not breathe a sigh of relief at the moment.

The number of souls is much more than imagined. From a distance, it is an endless ocean!

There are more than thirty heads in the forefront of the semi-god spirit!

The eyes of the two men fell on the fast-moving figure that was chased by the demigods. This figure is a woman who wears a haircut and the lower body is actually a chapter of a snake body novel. This woman's speed is fast and slow, it seems that the injury is not light, but it is constantly escaping and avoiding, is leading this horrible soul sea to the collection island of Satan.

Corresa! Visilna looked at the culprit that brought the great danger at the most critical moment, showing a strong hate.

The severely wounded Correza seems to be the same, and he desperately flies straight toward the two. The half-god spirits have discovered the existence of Enquette and Vishna, and some have already flew. Come.

Visilna took a deep breath, and the space loomed with tears and tears, and a huge vortex appeared in front of him.

Besib king's blood talent is swallowed!

Although it is inferior to the absolute devouring power of the **** mask, but this talent is not the same, especially the semi-god-level powers. For a time, the speed of the demigods flying over suddenly slowed down, and the white cockroaches were constantly drawn by the vortex, and the figure became thinner. The first to bear the brunt of Corresha, the snake body is even getting smaller and smaller.

Visilna felt awkwardly and saw that "Coresha" had changed. Showing the true face, it was actually a man's body. It seems that just a layer of disguised shell has been swallowed up.

"Wals!" Visilna shocked, the original "Korissa" was actually the Satan team who failed to return in time. National powerhouse Wals!

However, Wals is obviously a dead body at this moment. His body is covered with dozens of snake scales that have been secretly crafted. Each piece contains the real blood of Corresha, which is equivalent to making Wals. Become a temporary avatar. This kind of avatar manufacturing also consumes the great power of Correza, but it is clear that her strategy is successful, even if Enquite is the peak of the gods.

Sound east hits the West! Enquette and Visirna’s mind appeared at the same time, and the thoughts flew to the rear of the “old nest”. At this time, Wals's body seemed to expand rapidly as if the balloon was inflated, and the white light was hidden inside, and an extremely dangerous atmosphere emerged.

"It's the power of the law's debris! Rewind!" Enquette first responded, shouted, and moved like a power.

Vishna also rushed to move, but it was too late, and the body exploding to the limit of Worth had a terrible explosion.

The huge mushroom cloud slowly rose, and Visilna's body flew out in the horror of light. The spirits of the nearby semi-god-level spirits were also crushed, and even the fastest-moving Enquette was shocked by the aftermath of the aftermath. The guilt has been damaged by a small amount.

Although there is a distance between them, this explosion has at least ten pieces of the law, and it is still based on the body of the national power. The power is terrible.

Of course, the most serious injury is Vishna. The belief armor that temporarily appears to be the guardian has been torn apart. The face and body are full of horrible wounds, and the right arm is almost impossible to use. Her devour ability can swallow a part of the explosive power. However, the energy of the rule fragments is too large, only absorbing 30%, and the remaining 70% are solidly on the body of Vishna. The vitality is greatly hurt and the combat effectiveness is reduced by at least half.

If it weren’t for the power of armor and devouring, the situation of Visilna would be even worse.

The annihilation of the nearby soul annihilation, the disintegration of the disintegration, but the soul of the soul did not know what the fear was, but there was no stagnation in the back, and it continued to hang on without stopping, and surrounded the seriously wounded Visilna.

Although most of the semi-god-level wandering souls cannot be restored due to the explosion, there are too many oceans in the back of the wandering souls. There is no shortage of national-level wandering souls in the middle, and Wei Silna is surrounded by them. Crazy attack.

When Wisnerna was the weakest, he was left and right, and it was difficult to parry. He knew that his situation was in jeopardy. He said, "Enquet, help me! I will give you the rules of the law!"

In the distance, Enquette was hesitant, and his body shape changed, but he turned his head and walked the law. The debris is a good thing, but it is more important than a small life. Even if the enemy's voice is not taken into consideration, in this case, he leads the soul in front of him. As long as he insists on opening the door, the hope of survival is still great. Once trapped, even if he is the peak of the country, he can't stand the siege of so many souls.

Now that Visilna is besieged by the wandering soul, it attracts firepower, and he can fight for more time. He just rushed back to protect Tiffany. If even the "key" is lost, then even if there are more rules, it is also A dead word.

Seeing Enquette's escape, Wisirna's face showed a desperate color, a bite of teeth, the body broke down countless light spots, quickly turned into a group of magic flies, surrounded by the side, trying to resolve the storm of the soul . However, there are more and more souls around, and there is no end to it. Even the spiritual strength of the semi-god can not withstand so much spiritual erosion, and can only support it. The most terrifying thing is that the former half-god spirits that were blown up and crushed began to recover quickly.

Chen Rui did not know that such a sudden change occurred in the front. The departure of Enquette and Visirna made him have a new mind in his mind. The most ideal result was that the two gods were entangled in the soul and could not get away. He can enter the gate with Tiffany or try to escape.

Of course, the ideal is ideal, and now I am still careful, waiting for Tiffany's mantra to finish.

Every time Tiffany writes a rune, the atmosphere of the ancient vicissitudes is more and more vast, and the force of the law of the week is condensed into a purple gas, which is also weakened by one point, from the concentration of purple gas. The spell of "Opening the Sesame" should have a considerable length to end.

Daddy, Chen Rui’s face is different. Snap to the side of Leslie: "Be careful!"

Almost at the same time, a figure on the ground broke out. Leslie was pushed away by Chen Rui, just to avoid this blow, but the figure of the figure seemed to be flowing, and the situation was a touch of the way. Liszt and Spree along the way, the two national powers trembled and then stood still. Not moving, the wind that was driven by the figure swept away, and it was split.

The strength of Liszt and Spree is the middle of a country in the early part of a country, and there is no even counterattack. It was instantly killed.

"Coresha!" Chen Rui tightly stared at the figure of the ascendant, the things that happened before Lenovo, the dark shock in his heart, immediately understood the calculation of this snake woman.

A good fight! A good move to hit the West!

Leslie’s figure has already spurred the talent of disappearing and disappeared.

Since Correza was almost killed by the vulture of the old Qiu Weierna a few days ago, it was not surprising that the enemy could call out his name. He looked at the unidentified and still drawing the symbols. Tiffany, the eyes fell on the three surviving. She thought it would be easy to solve the enemies around the "key." I can't think of a "national early stage" guy who can feel his sneak attack, but also pushed the woman of the country's peak strength at a critical time, it is indeed some accident.

But it should only be a blessing just now, even if the other party has a special sensory or stealth technique. It is only a national level ants, it can't be her opponent. The most urgent task is to make quick decisions and seize the "key" as soon as possible to enter the "gate."

Just at this time. There was a huge explosion in the distance, and Corresha’s mouth showed a stunned smile. The black hair suddenly prolonged and the eyes became snakes.

The light around it suddenly darkened. The criss-crossing black silk seems to divide the space into countless pieces. The devil named Wal-Mart just glanced at the eyes of the snake, and the body instantly turned into a stone statue, which was smeared by the black silk of the space.齑 powder.

Chen Rui knew that Corresha was a Medusa family, and she avoided her eyes in the moment when her eyes turned into a snake. However, even if they don't look at it, in Chen Rui's mind, there is also a pair of terrible snakes. It feels like a dead body in the whole mind, and the body begins to become rigid. This is not a simple mental erosion, but a fusion of the US The petrochemical talent of the semi-god country.

Not far away, Leslie’s snoring sound came, and the hidden state could not be maintained. The dust fell and the body began to stiffen. The country of Corresha is really terrible, and it can be directly petrified regardless of the limitations of vision. This petrified strength is thousands of times more powerful than the average Medusa!

Corresha knew that time was tight, and did not wait for the two to be completely petrified. Once they were moved, they had moved to Chen Rui’s face and prepared to strike. They saw that the other party suddenly looked up and looked at her.

In an instant, Correza seemed to see the stars of the sky, shining red red.

A strong breath erupted from this "national level ants" and instantly surged to the extent that made Corresha feel shocked.

The body became dazzling, as if it were made up of stars, and the ray of light quickly spread and turned into a starry sky, filling the entire petrochemical country. The power of faith and life in two different countries began to be mutually exclusive and dispelled.

In the blink of an eye, the power of the petrochemical country was suppressed.

The plan of Corresha's twin snakes suddenly shrank her. It should have been successful. The sound of the East hit the West, and the two half-powered men were led. The law fragments were used to detonate the substitutes, and then the real body sneaked in, hit the key and seize the "key". . However, I encountered such an enemy and even had such a powerful force!

I saw the red-red armored man who shined with the starlight, and a sharp and fierce temper like a invisible giant knife more than ten meters long, smashed to Corresha.

Corresa instinctively felt the horror of this knife. If the front was hit, the whole body would be smashed in half, and immediately a hoe, long hair condensed into a long whip, greeted the invisible knife, this record Broken Yuan knife was actually scattered, but Corresha's hair was also scattered, and was left a lot.

Corresha has no time to think about the strength of the other side and can suddenly climb to the side with her, because the other side has already burned a strange flame, in the arrogant and fierce atmosphere, a long and flaming flame beast roars.

The behemoth exudes special power and seems to have innate restraint on her. This blow is inevitable.

Curesa's robes disappeared, the exposed body, the upper body was a near-perfect female body, two high-pitched purple buds on the towering double peaks, and the lower body was covered with purple-red scales.

The scales of the lower body of Corresa quickly spread upwards, and instantly wrapped most of the skin of the upper body into a piece of armor, Medusa's belief armor.

At the same time, her body smashed dozens of eyes, it was a terrible snake, the whole person looked very incomparable, the momentum suddenly skyrocketed, Chen Rui can clearly feel it, it is the power of evil! Dozens of evils!

Faith armor and dozens of evil scorpions increased, and Corresha's eyes suddenly turned into silver, and they turned to Yanlong.

The speed of the dragon was gradually slowed down, and the body quickly covered with a layer of silver-gray. The body originally composed of the energy body began to solidify.

In the vicinity of Corresha, the whole dragon has become a completely solid state, and it was pumped by Corresha's whip, and the big body turned into a powder.

Chen Rui was slightly surprised, and couldn’t think of Corresha’s talent so powerful, she actually petrified Yanlong!

However, for him who has performed "Red.", "Xinlong Kill" is just a general killing. If you use "Yanglong Roar", then Corresha will definitely not be fully petrified, let alone "Star Storm" is a move. The problem is that these are group moves, I am afraid that it will avoid spreading or disturbing Tiffany. It seems that I have to try the biggest killer of the single thing that has not been used in actual combat.

Corresha's combat experience is extremely rich, and Chen Rui has made the next reaction and has launched a counterattack.

Chen Rui only felt a dazzling dizziness, and there were countless femme shadows in front of him. The whole shining red star country became a pupil in the blink of an eye. The flashing light of the stars turned into a snake. Awkward instigation.

"Evil gaze!" Corresha snorted and spilled blood in the mouth and nose. This is a powerful force, and it consumes a lot of vitality and national strength when it is accumulating.

Under the illumination of countless snakes, Chen Rui felt that the star power seemed to become stagnant, and even the soul and the will have the illusion of being frozen.

He snorted and closed his eyes. The area of ​​the red star covered by the snakes began to pick up again. The temperature in the country suddenly dropped. The countless snakes began to solidify. This is not the power of “petrochemical” but “ freeze"!

Corresha felt that her "extreme gaze" was closed by a terrible destruction. On the surface, it was a simple freeze. In fact, it completely destroyed the inner core. At this time, Chen Rui’s eyes were smashed. When it opened, it glowed with deep and strange light, and all the frozen snakes were cracked.

Corresha screamed, and the silver snake and the eyes of the body squirted blood.

"Evil! This is the power of evil!" Correza painfully covered her eyes. "Who are you!" (To be continued...)

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