Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 896: Open

"First block these souls! Otherwise everyone will die together!" Corresa screamed. [This article comes from]

Corresa is right, behind Tiffany, now is the last moment to open the door, if the "key" fell in the hands of the soul, the door failed to open, whether it is Satan or Sally, can not To complete the task, there is only one dead end.

In this situation, whether it is Chen Rui, Enquette or Corresha, they temporarily gave up their former suspicions and divided them into three directions to jointly stop the soul.

Can only resist hard and can't escape.

On the side of Enquette, the projection of a world of ice and snow became more and more clear, and the smashed belief armor was once again condensed, but this time only the shoulder and chest parts were condensed, and the strength of the increase was also reduced.

After all, taking the shot, "True Red and Extinction" made him suffer a big loss.

Enquette's icy power does not have much to do with the soul, but can only be suppressed with pure power. However, the defense power of the ice crystal is very good, forming a barrier wall, stopping the first half of the gods, and unable to break.

The power of evil spirits in Corresha has been basically suppressed. Her talent is extremely powerful, especially now it is the body of Medusa, which can fully exert the petrochemical power and is far superior to the evil spirits. Enquette. When the eyes are on, the souls are solidified, even if the spirit of the semi-god is no exception, but the speed of petrification is much slower, and even if it is broken, it will reunite.

The spirits of those countries and the emperor level are different. The national level can be reborn once or twice, and the direct transformation of the emperor level is annihilated. Although the outer world of the emperor belongs to the highest level of the "worldly world", it is the bottom layer of the pyramid, and it belongs to the cannon fodder that can be consumed at any time.

Chen Rui has already been equipped with the sword of the angry king and the angel of the angel. The armor of the polar star is an energy body. Can be combined with real armor, looks like a star shape. Nowadays, the red star armor combines the power of the wrath of the wrath, and is not afraid of the spiritual erosion of the soul. The sword of the angel swayes out of the waves of the sea tide, and rushes to the souls. His experience of fighting with the soul has been quite rich. The power of overlapping waves and the softness of the sword are used together. The souls in front of them are flying all the way, and they are quickly torn and annihilated on the way.

The attacks of the three men all showed great power, however. Still can't stop the general swimming spirit of the ocean. If it is normal, this kind of lethality should be able to effectively attract the hatred and firepower of the wandering soul, but the current soul of the ocean is nothing to ignore the three people, all desperately furious. Tiffany's direction.

Enquette's ice crystal barrier only lasted for less than a minute. It is a complete collapse.

Although the petrified country of Corresha is extremely restrained, it is impossible to completely petrify because of the impact of the surviving souls, especially those powerful souls with outstanding strength. When the body is shocked, the outer shell of the petrochemical will be shattered. Continue to rush.

Chen Rui’s situation is even worse. Faced with the intensive sea of ​​tides, the overlapping damage of the sword is bigger, but it can't stand the enemies that continue to come, and there is no time to change. The huge holes that stifle the scene are filled up by the behind-the-scenes. Even the most effective corrugated swordsmanship has almost lost its effect. The corrugated swordsman can be used to dial the "thousands of pounds", but when the weight reaches the unbearable degree of "10,000 pounds" and "million pounds" Naturally, there is no power.

Many of the sorcerers who have been eliminated form a rule of law. But the three did not dare to collect, while they retire. While shooting, it can only slightly delay the turbulent tide of the sea of ​​souls, and less than a kilometer away from Tiffany.

Tiffany's symbol has been completed more than half, the repulsive force generated is gradually weakened, and the breath of life is becoming more and more intense, causing the spirit of the spirit to be more vigorously incited.

The distance between the sea of ​​souls and Tiffany was rapidly shortened, 900 meters, 800 meters... a few blinks, less than 500 meters.

"Hey!" Chen Rui and Colesa’s ears also heard a giant cymbal. In an instant, almost all the senses were lost under the power of this snoring.

I saw that Enquette had already transformed the battle form of the Great Devil, and the head suddenly doubled, which was particularly embarrassing, and his kingdom changed from a world of ice and snow to a huge ice crystal skull, which was issued just now. A howl.

This ambiguity contains the power of horrible beliefs. There are a lot of cracks in the space. It seems that countless bombs have been detonated at the same time. The wave of the ocean in front of the sea suddenly broke a huge gap, and the souls in the range were torn and annihilated. The snoring is very strong, and the gap is still expanding. The wave of wandering on the edge of the gap is back.

Enquette's strongest trick, "Cracking God"

As a peak and a half god, Enquette finally showed a strong strength. Of course, this is not what he wants, but in the current situation, it is no longer possible to hide the private. This kind of hit has cost a huge amount of energy, with the buzz Gradually weakened, the breath of Enquette quickly weakened.

There are countless criss-crossing black lines around Correza that divide the space into countless façades. These black silks are her hair, more accurately, countless poisonous snakes. The semi-divine kingdom is a true projection, Enquette's kingdom is the land of ice and snow, and the country of Corresha is actually the natural snake of Medusa!

The snakes divide the small space with terrible poison, but unfortunately these poisons have no effect on the soul of the wandering, but the power of the small space façade is not only the same, just like a crack, the nearby souls will be all around. Was sucked in.

There are so many souls, and the space façades quickly swell up. Corresha’s eyes flashed and the space facade burst into bursts. The power of so many façades at the same time is not as simple as one plus one. Instead, it is exploding in a special way. The ocean of this sorcerer seems to be torn into two halves by an invisible giant hand. . The strongest of Corresha is not the petrochemical power of Medusa, but the power of "explosion"!

This kind of power allowed her to get out of the trap of Vishna, and turned over to set up a trap to calculate Visirna. Now she is facing a precarious situation and finally exerts her full strength.

Also tight is Chen Rui's side, this distance can not be used under the extreme star storm, the only big move is the dragon roar. But just before he planned to make a move, suddenly his heart moved, and the piece of serpentine badge appeared in the palm of his hand, and he did not hesitate to crush it.

After a while, there was an irregular mouth in the space ahead, and a figure appeared in the line of sight. This is an ordinary young man who looks plain and plain, but has a feeling of being integrated with the heavens and the earth. Although the body is only a half-sacred atmosphere. However, this kind of artistic conception, even if it is the peak of the half **** Enquette, is also far behind.


One of the strongest false gods, to be precise, is a half-god-level avatar.

Only when the youth appeared. I fell into the encirclement of the wandering soul, and I did not see what means he used to perform. The surrounding wandering souls actually stood still, the power of time!

Chen Rui clearly felt the power of the familiar law, and the shock in his heart, Satan actually like him, has the special rule of time!

Satan waved his hand. The spirits have gone backwards, Chen Rui looked at the score, this "regression" is not pushed away, but a countercurrent. The countercurrent of time. On the way of “regression”, the souls quickly became weak and thin, and they were completely annihilated when they “retraced” back to the “original state”.

The original time rule can still be used like this! Chen Rui’s heart was stirring. His current time rules are limited to "pauses," and it is almost impossible to change the flow rate. Not to mention that Satan is as free to control the time as it is, and to exert a powerful lethality while regressing.

The circumstance around Satan was annihilated in this smash, and Satan’s eyes swept around, passing Enquite and Corresha in the other two directions, and looked at Tiffany, who sketched the last symbol. The color of doubt in the eyes swept past - when the space appeared before the split, Chen Rui had already applied the stealth technique, hiding it, and the hidden direction was near Tiffany.

Satan's avatar is only a semi-god strength. The super system's sneak technique is extremely wonderful. Especially Chen Rui is still in a state of extreme star change. So although Satan has already felt some strange things, he still can't find Chen Rui's trace.

"Summon my badge should be..." Satan seems to think of something, frowning. "Don't that person come here? Just before he died..."

Without waiting for Satan to think for too long, the sea of ​​souls has once again approached, Satan snorted, his hands trembled, and numerous fine ripples appeared in front of him. This ripple looks ordinary, but with high speed and powerful shock, rushing The souls of the recent comers were scattered and split into powders.

Chen Rui sees this scene in his eyes, and the concept of "high-frequency weapons" in previous science fiction movies appears in his mind. This hand of Satan is similar to the high-frequency shock, including the previous time rule, these should also be It’s just the tip of Satan’s true iceberg!

Although I couldn't see what happened to Chen Rui, Enquette noticed that Satan's coming was more powerful. Corresha also faintly guessed a few points.

Although Satan is powerful, after all, it is a demigod. It is impossible to completely destroy the ocean of this soul, and it is attracted by the breath of There is a constant stream of souls coming from afar. Not to mention the demigod, even if it is a false god, it may fall in this siege.

Satan looked back at Tiffany and suddenly reached out and a powerful and quintessential force rushed over. This blow is not to hurt Tiffany, but to assist.

Tiffany's eyes are black and white, the speed of sketching symbols is suddenly increasing, and the concentration of life is also doubled.

This change caused the spirits to suddenly boil, even if Satan was back in the horrible pressure, Enquette and Corresha were even more difficult to resist, and the group of souls that broke through from both directions were away from Tiff Ni is less than 50 meters!

Chen Rui was shocked and was about to show up against the soul. Tiffany's movement suddenly stopped, and he saw that the purple law had completely disappeared - the final symbol was completed!

In the void, a "door" opens slowly.

In the end, the door to the chaos of the world finally opened.

Ps: Recently busy, very tired, many typos in the update, have been revised, thanks to the correct friend.

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