Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 915: Big scorpion? Go out and talk

Chapter 915, Big Dice? Go out and talk

About ten minutes later, Pargoris and a group of elders came to the Rainbow Peak in Melia.

Before they reached the square, everyone was taken aback and saw a long queue in the aisle below the mountain.

"Wag, how come you are again?"

"It’s only twenty minutes of trial time! It’s too addictive! But my account number and level are still there, this time I can continue to do it! Hey, Kelson, are you not afraid of trials? How? Can't you escape?"

"Afraid you are a grandfather! Just now I killed the tester, but there was a small crystal that was back to 10% of the blood! Fortunately, my hand was fast, I deposited it in the warehouse, haha! Will I continue to take risks?"

"You are really a dog, the monster I played with Saroja, I am going to wear it, and it’s twenty minutes!"

"I heard that there are not only drugs like crystal, but also special equipment!"

"This trial is much stronger than the island of Stormwind. Not only does it have no soul reflex, but the feeling of fighting has always been imprinted on my mind. Spiel, I will go back later, we will play another game. This time I have confidence to break. Your trick!"

"Who is afraid of who!"


Stanwell quickly said: "Your Majesty, this is the trick of Melia and the human being. These dragons may have been deliberately summoned to cover..."

Pargoris glanced at him deeply, and Stanwell couldn’t help but panic in his heart.

The crowd soon came to the square, and saw a column on the square. The Elf King Span and Paglieu guarded the side, and many dragons around the column were humanoid, wearing a special head. The magic helmet, lying on the ground, seems to be in a state of drowsiness. Even Palgoris did not notice the arrival.

"Like this, I will wake them up first."

Chen Rui made a snap and interrupted the output of the magic power. The dragons woke up.

"How come!"

"Span, what happened?"

"I was playing a small SS with Latyi, and I saw that I was going to die, and suddenly I was gone, ah ah!"

"Hurry up!"


"That guy used his head to swear the head of the uncle... ah? His Royal Highness Pargoris!"

The dragons quickly got up and salute, and Pargolis looked at the dragons who were clamoring to continue. There are many guys who like to be lazy in their usual way, and their hearts are really different. Many of these dragons are children or disciples of the elders, as well as their own cronies. They are all said to have been deceived by Melia. It is impossible.

Then there is only one explanation. The new "trial of trials" is as great as the human being said.

Is it really a hundred times better than the one on the island of Storm?

Pargoris picked up a magical helmet and heard Chen Rui’s voice: "Your Majesty, the current trial system can only target practitioners who do not exceed the peak of the country. If you want to try it, you must force your soul. Suppressed below the peak of the country. Your Majesty can feel the way of this practice, but because the soul power is too high to be truly affected by the national magic, it is impossible to get the benefits of practice."

Pargoris nodded. Wearing a helmet, the rest of the elders followed suit, and Stanwell hesitated and picked up the helmet.

Three hours later.

Rainbow Peak Hall.

"His Lord."

Pargoris looked at the human face across the round table with a smile. After personally experimenting with "trials" and listening to the development blueprint of the magic game depicted by Chen Rui in the entire ground world, the attitude of His Majesty the Dragon King has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Whether it is the accumulation or strength of Shouyuan. The dragons are not comparable to other races. Even if the magic game covers the entire ground world, the dragons will definitely advance more than other races under the same opportunity of practice, plus the model of continuous charging - zero casualties. Trials, countless talents, and endless wealth are all things that can really be grasped in the hands!

This human is not exaggerated!

"I have very much agreed with the plan that Mr. Richard said in front of the whole ground world. This will also be a historic and important change. However, in terms of sharing, 70% of your occupation is still too much. I think it is most appropriate for a half-open."

"Your Majesty, on the matter, I still think that 30% is too bad for the Dragon Valley." Chen Rui shook his head and refused to let go: "No one in this technology can imitate or crack it. Just a few elders have already tried to prove it." That is to say, I have unique technology and equipment, just need to find a reliable partner. Offensive, the dragon is not the only force that can promote magic games, such as... Bright Mountain, Elf, With the same or even better conditions, is it necessary to push me to these forces?"

"You don't forget your relationship with the dragon. Whether it's public or private, we may not be compared to the elves or the bright church." Pargoris spread his hands. "Or, I let Elder Lola come to talk to you." Let me talk?"

Chen Ruiyi smiled: "In that case, you must be mentally prepared to cut the meat. Rolla is my woman. At that time, the dragons have an achievement that is not bad. In fact, the magic trial game is just one of the cooperation projects between me and the dragon. , for example... this."

There was a bottle of wine on the table, and the wine fluttered. There are almost no dragons with bad wine in the Dragon Valley. Moreover, this wine is so unique and rich, almost more than all the wines tasted. Many elders can't help but **** their noses and stare at the wine on the table. The Emperor Palgoris also failed to be excused.

"Yellow wine, brewed with the spring of life. Divided into three products, two products, one product and the best four gears, this bottle is the best yellow wine, you can taste it first."

The words just finished, the bottle has appeared in the hands of Pargolis, a light taste, the eyes are brighter, in the blink of an eye, the bottle will see the bottom.

Seeing the unrestrained expression of the dragon emperor's unsatisfactory, the sound of the elders swallowing saliva came from the side, and Paglieu, next to Chen Rui, laughed: the uncle always drank such a wine every day! In fact, the awkward humans have left a hand, to know that that kind of liquor is the real big killer.

"Not just yellow wine, but also medicine."

"Pharmaceutical?" Pargoris shook his head. "I can settle down the cooperation of rice wine! The pharmacy... I don't want you to say. The elder Clondett is the master of pharmacy. It can be configured with three kinds of eternal remedies, which are stronger than your human pharmacists. In this respect, the dragons do not need to..."

When Pargoris’s words were not finished, Chen Rui threw a bottle of black medicine to the white-haired Elder Clondit.

When Clundi opened the cork and heard it, he suddenly shocked: "Wait a minute, kneel!"

Palgoris glimpsed. Seeing that Caledith, who has always been calm, seems to have been drinking something exciting, he is so excited that he is shaking all over the body: "Elder Clondit?"

"Don't worry!" Under the excitement of Clondit, he even sipped a sentence to the Dragon Emperor. "I have to test it first!"

Said, Clondit has disappeared. Soon, he returned to the hall and had a dragon fly in his hand.

The dragonfly is one of the companion creatures of the dragon family, with strong attack and fragile body.

With a handful of strokes, the body of the dragonfly was split into two, and soon there was no interest. The presence of the strong are very clear, it is very clear that this dragon fly is dead.

However, when Clondette poured the black potion on the dragonfly, the two halves of the dragonfly healed incredibly. Finally, I threw my wings and lived again.

This scene, let the parch of Pargoris shrink suddenly, and finally understand why Chlendit is so ruined. The rest of the elders are also moving - it is legendary...

Chen Rui looks like a mountain, not moving. The dragon in the heart of the poisonous dragon is constantly criticized. These dragons in the ground world are the earthen buns that have never seen the world, but they never thought about what it was like when he saw this medicine himself.

"Really a resurrection pharmacy!" Crundett screamed, shaking the entire hall creaking, completely without the usual calm, almost rushed to Chen Rui: "Where is this bottle of medicine?"

"I said, I am the master of the ancient alchemy civilization, the amount ... this title is a bit horrible, more accurately, is the inheritor." Chen Rui said: "Resurrection of the drug is of course my configuration, in addition to I can also configure a full set of genuine potions and timeless potions."

When I heard this, Melia and Span looked at each other. In fact, they both know very well that the son-in-law can configure it, but not only these, but also the life-saving medicinal agent with the same name as the resurrection agent. However, the couple said everything, just Looking at Chen Rui more and more satisfied.

"Grand Master!" Clondette was so excited that his face was red, and suddenly he remembered something. He respectfully gave a gift. "Please forgive the rudeness of the students. When you think of seeing the highest resurrection in your lifetime, the students will endure." Not excited."

Student? Chen Ruiyi, this uncle is at least tens of thousands of times his age: "Wait, Elder Clondid..."

"There are no elders here, only the great masters and apprentices! I, I, I, that..." Krondit was a little incoherent, and this scene undoubtedly shocked Pargolis and his friends.

The dragons are all knowledgeable and prosperous, and the full set of real remedies are gone. The complete set of eternal remedies is not comparable to the eternal pharmacy alone, and there are resurrection agents!

Being able to configure all the eternal pharmacy masters is already the look of the world, let alone the master of the top resurrection pharmacy!

On this side, Chen Ruihao said that he finally calmed down the idea of ​​the fanatic old man.

"It turns out that Lord Richard is a master of pharmacy!" Pargoris awe-inspiringly, "Meriya Elder, I said, you have a great husband. Now I add another sentence, and there is a great daughter and Amazing son-in-law."

Melia elegantly bowed slightly and thanked the Dragon Emperor. From the strong "strength" that Chen Rui showed, Stanwell's face became more and more ugly. Now Palgoris is a big elder. The title of "is equivalent to completely knocking down his last fortune to the cliff."

"Your Majesty, Dragon Valley and my cooperation, there should be no problem."

"Of course, Lord Richard." Pargoris laughed.

Chen Rui shrugged: "But, I still have some problems - before we really cooperate, I feel that it is necessary to first go with the Stanwell elder, a mother who is squatting to exile my wife and want to let My wife married the **** of other people and went out to talk about some personal issues."

The dragon emperor smiled a little more strangely: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! But as long as Elder Stanwell is willing to apologize in front of the whole family for Uncle Merida and Uncle Span, and to dedicate all the property as compensation, this matter will be fine."

"You dream! The contradiction between me and Melia is the internal affairs of the dragon. Why do you intervene?" Stan Wilton jumped up - if he did, let alone compete with Melia, and later The Dragon Valley can't even lift its head.

Chen Rui deliberately smashed Glorias, and said, "I have given you a chance, Stanwell."

"Human! Do you think that you and Glorias play a play, destroying the trial land of the storm island, you will be able to find me?" Steinwell said that he had a judgment, "The apology compensation is not Maybe! Go out and do it, don't let the third person intervene!"

"Richard!" Melia showed a nervous color. "Now your relationship with the Dragon Valley has been confirmed. This thing, forget it, Stanwell's strength..."

"Licha..." Miss Fairy Dragon also said "two words".

Although Melia did not say anything, but Stanwell's mind was more certain, "Li Cha" is just a paper tiger. This is in line with his previous expectations, Groas and Melia are obviously a group, the island of Stormwind is a well-established bureau, dealing with the Council of the Generals.

Not only that, Stanwell also has a special spiritual sensory talent, which can be clearly felt that the real age of this human being is less than 30 years old. Even if it is a inheritor or a genius, it is the national level. It is because of the reason of the Lola, because the Lola cannot marry a weak person with only the "Holy" strength.

Stanwell's biggest flaw is his own strength. Although the surface is only a national level, with the help of the Dragon Emperor, he has already advanced to the demigod, which is one of his competing big elders, as long as Melia and Sis. Pan did not shoot, even if Lola shot, he also has absolute certainty to let the other party take their own insults.

Chen Rui secretly raised his thumb to his wife and his mother-in-law. It is a black-blooded mother. In a few words, Stanwell stretched his head into the Ok, since Aunt Merria All said this, then finally give you a chance, Stanwell elders, apologize, just apologize! ”

"Haha!" Stanwell smirked. "No, I am going to wait for you, as long as you make me convinced, let alone apologize in the presence of the whole family, even if it is to compensate the property to Melia, there is no problem!"

Said, Stanwell did not give Chen Rui the opportunity to say, striding out of the door, Chen Rui slightly hesitated, seems to be pulling the next son, "had to follow".

After the two figures disappeared into sight, Groyas, who had been silent, opened his mouth: "The island of the storm, I can only hold a minute under Richard's hands. This is not a play."


"I just wanted to tell Richard that Trenville's strength is too weak... It doesn't make sense to bully him." The belly black fairy dragon wife mother also explained innocently.


PS: In the afternoon, I have to catch a train. It is very likely that I will pass 12 o'clock in Guilin at night. So this chapter wrote more than three o'clock last night, and then rushed to work at noon, finally completed, a total of more than 4,200 words, although very tired, but very pleased. Maybe my level is limited, but as far as attitude is concerned, I have not let the waiting friends down.

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(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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