Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 918: Tower of glory

Pargoris quietly watched the back of the poison dragon, as he said, as long as Paglio can leave the gate, he will not interfere.

Until the Duron couple disappeared completely in sight, the Dragon Emperor opened his mouth, and his tone was cold: "Human, you are better than I imagined, not only instantly disintegrating my imprisonment, but also actually closed. Almost all my abilities, even if only for a moment, are enough to surprise me. I want to ask you, does this behavior represent your provocation to the majesty of the dragon?"

Chen Rui’s shot is indeed suspected of being a face. If you don’t look at the previous cooperation and the relationship with Melia and Lola, the tone of the Dragon Emperor Palgoris will not be so swaying.

What Chen Rui has just shown is the power of "deprivation" given by 贲薨. Because Pargolis is a pseudo-god-level powerhouse, the power of "deprivation" can only be maintained for a moment, so it is enough to make Paglia Ugly and Krobe Ruth succeeded in fleeing

All the talents knew that Chen Rui had closed the power of the Dragon Emperor Palgoris. They were moving like the Dragon King said, even if it was only a moment, it was enough to surprise everyone. You must know that Pargolis is Pseudo god!

"What is the relationship between Kyle Reyaro and His Majesty?" Chen Rui felt the strong pressure from the Dragon King, secretly running Star Force, trying to stabilize his mind and asking for a sentence.

"We are comrades-in-arms and brothers who can give each other life." Palgoris Kim said that he had passed a bit of pain: "In those days, Kyle Reyal had paid for his life in order to cover me."

"At that time, my Majesty and the Duron Brothers faced... it should be a strong enemy that is hard to resist."

"It’s true that my strength has not yet reached the half-god. Kyle Reyal’s fighting power is far from me. Unfortunately, we are still not the enemy of the enemy.” The dragon’s eyes are more painful and the tone is extremely heavy. "I was seriously injured and completely lost my ability to act. He knows that it is a dead end after leaving the break, but he did not hesitate to rush to open the enemy, and I can only watch him with his eyes..."

"Dragon King, you are a... sinister, insidious, shameless, and sometimes unscrupulous guys." Chen Rui’s words made Merria a surprise. The elders around the dragon glared at them.

Palgoris in the golden plaque passed the red with the killing, the voice became colder and colder: "You mean, I deliberately let Kyle Yaro..."

Chen Rui shook his head: "Hey, insidious, shameless, sometimes unscrupulous, I am also so fortunate that, like my Majesty, I have a brother who can fully pay back, and they are all poisonous dragons. Can block the unbeatable enemy for your majesty today... I can also"

Pargoris's eyebrows rose, and the burning eyes fell on Chen Rui's face. Chen Rui looked very indifferent. However, in the eyes of human beings, the Dragon King clearly saw the firmness of firmness without any pretense.

This human being, and the son of Kyle Reyal, is indeed the hand and foot that entrusts life and death, just like he and Kyle Reyaro.

"Sure enough, a shameless guy." Pargoris's murderousness suddenly disappeared. In the eyes, it was a little warmer and appreciated: "The son of Kyle Reyal has his companion as his luck."

Chen Rui smiled slightly: "I am lucky with each other."

"Oh, but here is the Dragon Valley. I am the Dragon King. I felt that my dignity was provocative, so you must give me a satisfactory answer." Although the Dragon King’s face is still very tight, everyone is Clearly, this sentence actually has no substantive coercion, and more is a problem like face.

Chen Rui said: "I also have a special magical work called 'Magic Phone', which will bring long-term and huge benefits, no less than magic games. I didn't want to show this work so soon. For my brother, I am willing to change the plan and give the two people the benefits of this work to the dragons free of charge. What does this 'answer' mean?"

"Very good" Pargoris did not ask more about the details of this magic phone. With a wave of his hand, "Thunder and Twist" and the emerald ring flew to Chen Rui: "Since you are the brother of Kyle Reyro, this is It’s up to you to keep the Thunder’s shackles, and I’ve been able to use the spacecraft, but in addition to the blood of Kyle Reyro, the rest can’t use the power of the artifact. Actually, the little guy...more is more unreasonable. If one day, he figured it out, or changed his mind, you handed the two things to the door of the Dragon Valley and opened them to him at any time."

Chen Rui is also welcome, will be connected to the storage warehouse

"Since the magic phone is ready to be released in advance, some things will be adjusted accordingly... So, I will first establish a core signal station for the magic game in the Dragon Valley, so that all Dragons of the Dragon Valley can participate in the "Endless Warrior" The trial of ol, the practice process...the amount is called 'internal test' and the future 'public test' will be completely spread to the whole ground world. The wealth naturally comes from the current but the current internal test stage. Be sure to pay attention to confidentiality. Only the dragons can participate in such trials. If you want to speed up, you should not be in a hurry. The economic benefits of such things as rice wine, telephone, and games should not be anxious. When the time is ripe, I naturally plan to promote them. Please ask your elders and elders. We believe in me"

"Of course we believe in you, in terms of confidentiality, you can be absolutely assured. This is related to the future of the dragon. I will enact strict rules. If there are people who dare to divulge, they must be severely punished." Pargoris nodded. This human ability is a shame. To be suspicious, the other party's proposal is equal to letting the dragons pass the trial and test themselves in advance. This is definitely the most important. As for the economic benefits, it is not too eager for a long time.

"Right," Chen Rui thought of one thing. "I still have a question to ask, do you know if you know St. Long Rodriguez?"

"Rodriguez is a famous strongman of the holy dragon family. He has reached the pseudo-god level in the past, but it does not belong to the Dragon Valley." Pargoris indulged for a moment, saying: "The Valley of the Dragon does not cover all the ground world. Although the dragons of the past are mostly my sacred dragons, even the voices of the sacred dragons are not the same as the most powerful ones of the dragons. Shenglong has a strong vitality and a crown of all dragons. Offensive and defensive ability, able to immunize the low-intermediate magic of the whole system, plus the characteristics of the light attribute, is called the 'Glory Dragon'. Therefore, the holy dragon is valued by the bright sacred mountain, under the various churches, part of the holy dragon After relying on the Church of Light, Rodriguez was one of the chief figures. About 700,000 years ago, the Church of the Light, the Patriarch of the Church, visited the source of the light, and encountered the obstruction of a strong enemy, and suffered heavy casualties. Rodriguez After receiving the help signal to the reinforcements, Rodriguez defeated the enemy, but made a thing that was unexpected to the church, that is, killing all the bright priests including Mobile. The original source of the light swallowed the original source of the light, which was thought to be ignorant, but Mobir still transmitted the truth to the church with the power of the soul. In the end, Rodriguez encountered the chasing of the church to the third angel, Lafayette. Reinvented it, but still uses the church's artifact "Glory Tower" to escape the birth of the day, still missing.

“‘The Tower of Brilliance’?” Chen Rui thought about it and asked, “The artifact of the church?”

“The Tower of Brilliance belongs to the rarest space artifacts. It is also one of the strongest artifacts of the Guangming Church. It is said that the Tower of Brilliance can display the power of three great artifacts. The first is the 'space barrier', which can use the power of space as a barrier. The second attack against the enemy is that the 'space shuttle' can break through the blockade limit and carry out the long-distance space shuttle. In that year, Rodriguez used this ability several times to escape the original mortal pursuit. The country's integration can create a special space for the integration of the country to carry a large number of living bodies to move freely, but there is a limit, that is, when moving, it is impossible to perform national battles or carry out other things unless there are two countries, one for Fusion, one for fighting"

Chen Rui listened carefully to the liver and thumped to jump "Glorious Tower" turned out to be such a cow! That space shuttle is a weapon to escape. In the past, he used the ring of the transmission ability of the Greek "the will of the dark", but the ring is very boring, not only vulnerable to interference failure, but sometimes even bad luck, even Delivered to the enemy, the "Glory Tower" is obviously going to the licensed goods of Chuang Cunjing, which is stronger than the fake and inferior imitation of "Dark Will". The most attractive one is the loading of the living body for space movement. The "national integration", if you cooperate with the door of the starry sky, you can bring a large army to freely shuttle between the two worlds. Even if you don't bring a big army, the travel friends and relatives will definitely not say anything.

The dragon’s eyes screamed: “You are so interested in these past events, is it... you got the tower of glory?”

I really guessed it! Chen Rui’s careful liver is a tight one. This space artifact is no small feat. If you face it in front of Pargoris, it’s hard to protect the other person from swearing. Under the urgency, he said: “No, I’ve been there. The devil has been practicing for quite a long time, Isabella is the lover I met there. I have heard that there is a holy dragon called Rodriguez, who had worked with the Dragon of the Dragonland for hundreds of thousands of years ago. The King of Crucese fought a battle, and finally he was wounded and fled. I didn’t know where I was, so I had such a question. I couldn’t think of such an inside story."

"It turns out that Rodriguez has escaped to the devil world! No wonder it is still However, as far as I know, even the ordinary practitioners really get the tower of glory, because the tower of glory needs to use the false god. The power of the level of the soul can drive..."

The words of Pargoris made Chen Rui suddenly realize that it was no wonder that the tower of the brilliant tower from Rodriguez was unable to use it after being deeply analyzed. It turned out to be the soul power of the pseudo-god! ”

If Chen Rui himself reaches the level of pseudo-god, I am afraid that there is no time in the future, to say that the soul of the pseudo-god-level... there is a ready-made... But if it is a careless, it is likely to lose the wife and the soldiers, so still do not Anxious, long-term

"Okay, don't be awkward, Melia's elders will stay and talk to you specifically," Long Huang yawned and stood up. "I said it, tomorrow, I will personally marry you three." "To be continued...

Ps: I slept less than an hour last night. I got up early in the morning to catch the train. I couldn’t sleep on the train. After I got home, it was very late after dinner. I still couldn’t rest, but I was desperately coded.

Two words, very tired

If there is a typo, I will change it tomorrow. I really have no strength in the draft today.

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