Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 925: Hard 闯

After the night fell, several places in the Holy Light City ignited a fire at the same time, and the half of the sky was reflected. The bright knights urgently mobilized the people, and a silent figure had sneaked in the direction of the pilgrimage.

With Chen Rui's speed and stealth skills, relying on the cover of the night, he has successfully broken through several levels. But the closer you are to the holy mountain, the stronger the feeling.

The law is suppressed.

The last time Chen Rui came here, it was only the strength of the Emperor level, and he did not really understand the law, so he did not have this feeling. Now he is the super-order power who has mastered the real law, so he can clearly feel that this The power of the sacred mountain to suppress the power of the law, if you fight here, the power of the law will be greatly suppressed, that is to say, the super-strong can not play the strongest combat power.

The root of this inhibition may be the power of faith, perhaps the sacred mountain...

It is impossible to retreat from the present level. Moreover, when he was only the strength of the Emperor, he once sneaked into Xuefengtai, and fought against the top of the church and stole three snowy trees. Nowadays, the strength is far better than that of the day, and there is fear.

Even if you don't have this big wēé, just for Tiffany or the wind and shadow boots, you have to take a look at this holy mountain!

Chen Rui’s heart was born with arrogance, and he continued to sneak forward, and soon arrived at the entrance to the ladder under the holy mountain.

Still a familiar wide ladder, whether it is the number of guards or the strength of the magic array, has been completely different from the original, can be described as step by step.

The guards on the holy mountain are well-trained and highly disciplined, and the undergrowth of the Holy Light City is so bright. Noisy, the guards are calm and calm. It seems that nothing happened, and I didn’t even look at it.

Chen Rui has already seen it. The biggest difference between the magical array of the sacred mountain and the mountain is that it is filled with the power of strong faith, and the interlocking and interlocking movements, including the guards, are the elements of the magic array. Once the guards appear abnormal The entire magical array is inductive, as if every maid in the house of the **** Empire Teres was part of the formation. It’s just that the magical array of Teres’s house is only a slap in the face of the sacred mountain.

Not only that. The magic array is extremely disturbing to the space, and it is almost impossible to perform spatial movement skills such as shifting.

"Hey adults, I believe that you also feel the difficulty of these magical arrays. Now, if you don't alarm these guards to reach the holy mountain, I am afraid it is impossible."

"Then it will be hard, since it is here, naturally it will not be empty-handed." He laughed: "These ants are not worth mentioning. My only concern is Michael, Gabriel, Raphael. Three people. But in this place of faith, the three of them should normally be in a state of long sleep, absorb and digest the power of faith, and at most they will be a avatar. Since we can only be hard at this time, then we can quickly Going all out to the Temple of Light. The possibility of obtaining a book of creation is minimal, but our goal is not to capture the book of creation. It is to absorb the power of creation. As long as the time is well grasped, enter the Temple of Light to gain creation. The power of the source should not be a problem."

Chen Rui secretly sneered. He said that it is light, but with the strength of his "peak country". In the enemy base camp of the Supreme Three Angels, it is likely to be a smoky end, even if it is only the separation of the three angels, he is not an opponent.

Chen Rui’s face showed a sly color, which seemed to be hesitant. In fact, Tiffany and the wind and shadow boots are not far from the front. Even if they are not around, he will never leave, but now When he is most valuable to him, it is also the best time to propose conditions.

"You don't want to get wind and shadow boots? This is the best chance. If you are there, you can get what you want. There are also the last five fake god-level soul marks. I will give it to you, as long as I get created. The origin of the book, by then, will take you away."

"Thank you an adult!" Chen Rui got five copies of the fake god-level soul, knowing that his "踌躇" has already had an effect, and immediately received it, and he gnawed his teeth, and the strength of the country’s power level suddenly smashed. "Well, just give up this life and walk with the adults!"

The knights guarding the two sides of the ladder suddenly showed a vigilant color, because they had already sensed that outsiders stepped into the outer edge of the magic array, and then the next induction came into being, and the magic array was broken!

Just between the two thoughts, the magical array at the entrance to the holy mountain was forcibly broken, and the speed was fast!

Then, I saw only occasional electric flowers or flashing lights on the aisles going up the mountain. The guarded knights only sensed the collapse of the magic array, but they didn't even see the figure.

In front of it is a small square. After passing through this square, the stone steps in the back are divided into three sections, which lead to the three main peaks of Guangming Mountain.

At the heart of these three main peaks are the three great temples, the Temple of God of the Pope Vatican, the Temple of the Stars of the Patriarch Pusmir, and the Temple of the Holy Virgin of Eudora. Xuedala flower is on the Xuefeng Terrace on the east side of the peak of Shenyin. The highest mountain of the holy mountain does not belong to the three main peaks, but an independent existence. It is necessary to go up from the peak of the gods, where there is light. The forbidden place of the church can only be entered by the Pope and the two great bishops.

The square is brightly lit, the temple of the Temple of the Thunder, the paladin of the "Glorious Juggernaut", Pasari, is wearing a white body armor, holding a two-handed sword "Gale", waiting for him, surrounded by a large number of Knights of the Temple.

He has already learned that there is news of arson in the city of Shengguang. He just received a warning from the mountain and immediately noticed that someone has entered the magic circle of this area. The speed of the secret is beyond imagination, and the magical array along the way is actually Seen as nothing, directly broke through. Passari is secretly changing himself to himself, absolutely not able to do this, even if he succeeded in breaking through the nationalization last year.

"Boom!" The golden electric light flashed in front of it, and a figure wrapped in ice appeared in the line of sight. The figure shook softly. The ice on the body caused by the strong magical array suddenly split and spurred toward Passari. Shoot it.

Passari felt the terrible power of the ice and tearing the air. The knights behind them couldn't resist it. The steaming of the body was strong and the flames rushed into the ground. The flames turned into countless interlaces in an instant. Translucent light shield, blocked in front.

The ice hit the light shield, and the light shield suddenly had numerous cracks, but the ice was also melted for no trace. Just as the Knights of the Shrine were relieved, Passari’s face changed, and the overlapping light shield suddenly appeared a huge “Ten”, as if it was stunned by something terrible weapon.

In the next second, all the light shields were broken.

Passari's face has become very dignified. This trick is his strongest anti-sword technique, called "no slack". After breaking through to the nationalization, he merged the power of the law and became more impeccable, but it was easily taken by the other party. The ground is defeated!

"Break the army!" Passari was in a hundred battles, and he gave the strongest attacking swordsmanship without thinking. A white light that was practiced straight into the enemy, wherever he was, was enchanted and protected by the sturdy ground. Cracked and broken.

This sword is actually equal to the essence of countless swords, and it is deeply simplistic. However, this sharp sword with the power of the kingdom slows down at the moment of sending out, as if encountering countless huge The ripples of resistance, followed by the force of the whip, as a slamming, the invincible sword gasized as particles dissipated.

The strongest defense and attack were in a flash... The Passari shock, and the next move in the future, the earthquake, the whole person suddenly stood in the same place, and the figure has disappeared.

"Passari adults!"

The Knights of the Temple behind were found to be wrong. Just after the foot moved, it seemed to be shaken by the ground. The armor of Passari was cracked up and broken into countless pieces. The whole body slammed down, although there was still breath, but It is completely lost fighting power.

Until the fall, Passari's eyes are still unbelievable, just two strokes of understatement, his two strongest moves are completely broken, and the actual strength exerted by the other side is not much stronger than him!

In fact, Passari did not know that Chen Rui had personally taught him these two tricks in the past. Today's strength is already a peak country, and the highest combat power in the red star is the semi-god level, whether it is The mastery of the law, the kingdom, or the power must be far above him, so it is not surprising that the second is killed by the same force.

It is like a pseudo-god-level demigod, and the combat power is far better than the ordinary half-god.

If Chen Rui does not want to save time and strength, now Passari is already a dead body.

At the Passage, the power of faith in the magical array has grown stronger, and for Chen Rui, the resistance is even greater.

In the blink of an eye, he has already arrived at the three-way intersection.

When I went to the peak of the gods, Chen Rui felt that the original radiance of the **** ring began to fade away. It seems that Tiffany is not at the peak of God, but in The peak of the Holy Ghost or the peak of the stars.

However, in today's situation, it is impossible to take away Tiffany, and there is also a shackle that can only go straight to the peak of God's seal.

Chen Rui once saw the giant statue of Raphael in the Peak of the Holy Mountain. It is magnificent, but compared with the peak of the **** of India, the statue of Raphael is nothing, because the whole **** is printed. The peak is a huge sculpture.

Although the fineness of Michael's sculpture is far less than that of Raphael, it is even more magnificent, as if a giant with twelve wings is looking down at all the creatures in the sky, giving an absolute look. The feeling of shudder. To be continued...

Ps: Most of the time I'm thinking about the follow-up plots, including the idea of ​​recording some new books. There is not much time to write, only one.

This book, the time to think is far more than the time of writing, light novels, really not easy to write. The next one, or write this real oriental fantasy.

I will take my wife and children out for a while, sit all day, more and more fat, and my body is getting worse and worse, I really miss the slim waist of the original...

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