Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 927: The closest person to God, the most terrible woman

"Hey adults, just... is that the guy named Carmel is an angel?" Chen Rui did not encounter obstacles again, but the sacred mountain has a strong interference, with the strength of his peak country. , still can not be moved, the speed has also been greatly restricted, the more you go forward.

"Yes, Carmel is a octagonal angel. It is quite warlike, but don't be fooled by the surface. He just saw it. I wanted to solve him unexpectedly, but he was not aware of it. The companion fled."

Chen Rui frowned. Although it is a soul body, it is a peak god. After all, it is necessary to solve the problem of a peak and a half god.

He felt his doubts: "If my body is still there, I have to solve it. It is just between the fingers, but now it is the state of the soul, and Camer has strong defense talent and space skills, just restraining my strength. If you spend too much time and power here, it’s not a good deal."

Chen Rui nodded and accepted this explanation. Without careful study, he asked: "The two women... Angel and Angel are also angels?"

"Angel and Angel are indeed angels, but the two women are only superhuman, with the names of two angels, Angel and Angel. The real Angel or Angel should have fallen for a long time. These guys, Michael, I really thought that I was a god? Actually, I was a confidant guy!"

Angel and Angel, humans with angel names? Isyurur? Ze Hong En?

The true angel has fallen?

Chen Rui implicitly understood what, while verbally asking, there was no stagnation at the foot. Move straight up the stairs.

The intensity of the faith in front is getting higher and higher, accompanied by a dangerous feeling. The invisible pressure is also increasing step by step. If Chen Rui has sufficient time, he can stop and use the ability to phagotize and slowly absorb and absorb. Turn these highly concentrated beliefs into little ones.

However, he did not have this time at all, so the power of these sacred mountains became the most dangerous weapon.

A leaf, a dust, a gust of wind...and even the moonlight in the sky have become deadly things.

At that time, Shura also encountered such an attack that "everything in the heavens and the earth is a weapon". However, at that time, the strength of Shura did not reach the national level, and it seemed to be difficult. Chen Rui originally thought that with his current strength, he could completely defend against this kind of attack, but the power of the attack far exceeded his imagination, even if he had reached the peak of the country. In this kind of environment, it is also like a thin ice, a little careless, it will also be destroyed.

Chen Rui understands a bit. This is a force of rules. No matter how strong it is, as long as you enter this range of the Holy Mountain, you will encounter this fatal danger, even if such a false **** is no exception, unless Can be immune to certain conditions. Or with absolute strength completely above the "rules."

Chen Rui tried his best to use all kinds of abilities, and with the help of his guidance and help, he braved the "gun rain" step by step. Gradually, there is a special breath in the power of faith. This kind of atmosphere gave Chen Rui a faint familiarity and seemed to feel somewhere. It is not because of the relationship that the last time Shura came here, but the real feeling of the body, but it was only a rush to remember.

"The scent of "creation"!" The tone can't help but be a bit higher, "Fast! Go forward!"

Chen Rui has taken a few steps. He stopped because he had already discovered the anomaly in front of his eyes, even though his vision or other senses were not noticed.

Race: Unable to judge!

Comprehensive strength: unable to judge!

This reaction is of course correct. The sound of snoring also rang again: "Stop!"

There was a figure in front of it. As soon as this figure appeared, the power of all faith attacks suddenly changed, as if it was pulled by a special force, and gradually subsided.

This kind of calming is only superficial. Chen Rui can clearly feel that the more horrible power of a stock is accumulating, compressing and brewing. Once it breaks out, it must be a horrible power.

The moonlight suddenly brightened a lot, but it was not the dazzling sun, just the more crystal and soft, the whole moonlight seemed to be attracted by this figure.

This is a near-perfect man, a white robe, no extra lining, golden long hair scattered on the shoulders, although the face has a kind of looming shackles, but can feel the handsome facial features from the heart, simply no defect.

Chen Rui believes that the appearance of "Arthur" is already a big handsome guy, but in front of this man, it is obviously bleak.

The most impressive impression of the sacred temperament of the body, such as the sun is generally mild, high above, involuntarily born from the shape of the shackles, there is also the kind of impulse to want to kneel down.

This kind of "worship" feeling, even in the face of Satan or Sally, Chen Rui has never been produced, only in the realm of chaos, facing the huge "corpse", there is a similar feeling.

However, compared with the "corpse" that is itself a galaxy, the man's temperament is far less than that of the "sacred" that flows on the surface. With Chen Rui’s current understanding of the power of faith, “holy”, “high on the top” and “worship” are more caused by the “coating” of the power of faith, rather than the inherent qualities of the “corpse”.

Despite this, the man's momentum and strength are not at all comparable to what Chen Rui can do now. If it is not the support of the scorpion, he is afraid that he has been defeated by the breath released by the man.

This strength! This power!

The Supreme Three Angels!

Rafael, who has never seen it before, should be Gabriel or...

"McKall..." The voice of 贲薨 has already rang in Chen Rui’s mind.

Sure enough, it is the head of the Supreme Three Angels, Archangel, Michael!

“Hey?” As if he heard the voice of Chen Rui’s soul, Michael opened his mouth and his voice was thick and gentle. It implies the solemnity of not being angry and self-defeating.

"Hey! Michael! I haven't seen it for many years." It seems that the two are old-fashioned, facing Michael. I can't hide it, but I still don't leave Chen Rui's body.

"Are you actually giving up? Or saying. It was lost in the battle..." There was a hint of surprise in Michael's tone. "So, you broke into the highest spiritual belief place to steal the book of creation?"

"The highest place of the gods' faith?" The voice of the sly voice has an undisguised contempt. "A waiter who fools the gods, is it too long to pretend to be a ghost, even deceiving himself?"

Michael looked very calm: "I didn't deceive myself. I am not a god, but I have already touched a little threshold to the road."

"A little threshold? Actually touched?" This time, there is no ridicule. Silence for a moment, sighed. "It seems that you are deliberate. Operating the Bright Church for so many years is really a success. However, touching the threshold is not the same as taking the step. You and I are very clear about this."

"Yes, but anyway. I have already walked in front of you, including Satan." Michael slightly decapitated. "Okay, the old is almost the same. Next, are you choosing to be handy? Or in battle... Annihilation?"

"Don't worry, the archangel grows up. Let me explain it first." Jiao Jiao laughed and looked unhurried. "I don't mean to be hostile to you, otherwise I won't choose to be so hard. I really came here for the book of creation. But it is not to take it away, but to understand the complete creation. The power, see if there is any way to recreate my body. If you help me this time, I will remember your human feelings, the future... What is wrong, I can stand on your side."

“‘Help’?” Michael showed a smile, but he didn’t smile. “The guy who broke into the dark, do you think this word will appear between us?”

"Without eternal enemies or friends, light and darkness will always coexist. If there is no ‘dark’ ‘dark’, how can ‘light’ be so bright?”

Michael sneered: "It's a pity that even from the perspective of profit, you don't have the chips I need. And I don't believe you at all, unless you are willing to surrender to me."

"Haha!" It seems as if you hear the best things to laugh at: "Submerge you? Michael, do you think you have stolen some faith, and you really think of yourself as a god?"

"I said, I am not a god, but there is no doubt that I have become the closest person to the gods." The breath of Michael's body gradually became more and more, the blonde had no wind, and the power of faith that had been suppressed was beginning to show up. The sign of the outbreak.

Chen Rui has been unable to describe the power of this power, even if Satan or Sally (may not have a real strength), did not give him such a terrible sense of oppression.

"I also give you a choice, let go." The voice of the cockroach showed chill, "otherwise, die!"

"It’s very strange self-confidence," Michael looked at Chen Rui and shook his head. "I can't imagine you have any confidence. I will compete with me in the holy mountain. Don't say that you only have the soul, even if you are all The state is the peak period, not my opponent. Do you think that this national level ants can be the key to your escape?"

He laughed, and Chen Rui’s body was dragged by laughter, and he could not help but exude a sense of destruction.

"I don't think about ‘getting out,’ and he is not an ant, but... a weapon that will make you, me, and even everything dying out.”

This sentence fell in Chen Rui's ear, and was suddenly taken aback.

"He is a very special body of destruction, and it condenses the power of the complete source of the book of destruction. This position is quite close to the position of the book of creation, as long as my use of sci-fi stimulates the destructive power of this person, An explosion that occurs several times above its own source... You should know that the complete source of destruction and the complete creation of the source are intertwined." The silver-bellied laughter rang, very sweet, listening to Chen Rui’s ear, It is very amazing.

Chen Rui finally understood why he would choose him and come to the ground world to come to the bright mountain.

The sight of Michael was suddenly gloomy. The strength of this "anthill ant" itself is weak, but it contains the incomparable law of destruction. It is indeed the power to destroy the source... complete?

The sly laughter was even more charming, and Chen Rui’s scent of destruction was suddenly increased by dozens of times. Even Michael was not moved.

Destruction and creation are the two most primitive sources, and they are two absolutely opposite forces. Unless there is another force as an intermediary, the power of the complete source explosion will be directly intertwined, which will produce a variety of changes. Count on its own destructive power. Everything will be destroyed and then re-created, so repeated, but the original things will be erased.

The power of the "intermediary" is impossible for Michael to have, so if the power is broken, even if Michael can escape his life, the holy mountain and even the entire white cliff will be devastated, countless years. The heart of the effort will be destroyed.

If the real book of creation and the book of destruction are directly intertwined, then the whole world and the entire plane will be...

Chen Rui wants to break away from the power of the soul or suppress the power of destroying the source, but feels that the body is completely out of control of himself, as if the puppets are being matched, and they are shocked and angry: "Hey adults, you..."

"Amazing? You thought that I signed a master-slave contract with you, and I will be completely relieved of you? Unfortunately, I am not a Sally," the voice of the sly is so gentle that Chen Rui is stunned: "Although your strength is low, But I have never seen you before, can you get rid of the people controlled by Sullivan, how can it be a simple character? Remember when you were in Carmel? The wonderful soul fusion... At that time, I It’s really taking control of you.”

Chen Rui suddenly realized that the reason why he combined his soul to control his body was not to deal with Carmel, but to use Camyer’s Chen Rui’s “unable to resist” half-god to realize his true No wonder so much trouble, but also let Camer escape. Even without Carmel, facing a strong enemy like Michael, he will "integrate" with excuses.

The signing of the master-slave contract seems to have succeeded Chen Rui’s numbness. In fact, he himself was deceived and relaxed his vigilance. Now I want to come. I was fascinated in the devil world to teach Chen Rui the mystery of destroying the law of the source. It is also for this scene.

With such a mind and means, this woman can only be described as "terrible". Rao is Chen Rui who has been extra careful and still has a way.

"What kind of means did you use?" Chen Rui angered.

"In addition to the soul fusion, there is also a poison that combines the law of destruction and the power of power. I named it 'love.' For your stupid guy, whether it is family friendship or love, it is the biggest. Oh, it’s also the most poisonous poison. So even if you have extraordinary ability and wisdom, it will be easily manipulated between the palms of my hand.” To be continued...

Ps: 4000 words, like one, Zhu Jun, for the sister's surprise shot.

Oh oh... (Slate Loli: Who learns my laughter)

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