Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 941: Apprentice?

Chen Rui completely ignored Garfield's anger and expressed his apology to Gralling: "The tree has a dead branch. Even if I am a royal family of Roland, it is inevitable that there will be such an unruly rude generation, so that Lord Gralin will laugh. ”

"I understand," Graelin naturally sighed with a sigh of relief: "However, His Royal Highness, Garfield, as an imperial prince, I think you really should pay attention to your self-cultivation. This is not what your brother should have for his younger brother. Attitude, and still a brother who has been reunited for many years, I believe that Rex the Great does not want to see you like this."

Seeing the two singers and ones, Garfield’s eyes are more intense in the eyes, but he knows that he must not attack. Otherwise, once things are too big, there is Graelin’s extremely heavy “witness.” It’s just him who suffers. Quite incomparable.

After all, Garfield was not an ordinary generation, and soon he calmed down and laughed a few times: "Master Gralin is right, it is my rude. Three emperors, I will leave, I will come to Japan, and our brothers will be close to each other. A lot, you must take care."

"Yes, the second emperor brother, I am also very much looking forward to the day when you regain your glory." Chen Rui seems to understand the threat in Garfield's words, but instead said it with sincerity.

This is really the pot that does not open the pot, the blue veins of Garfield's temples almost burst into bleeding, barely suppressing the anger of the heart, coldly screaming, leaving the hall without returning.

Samuel looked at the two emperors, Garfield, who had persecuted himself and the family, and Chen Rui was almost vomiting blood and angered to leave.

Chen Rui smiled at Samuel and made a look. Samuel would like to leave the hall and stay at the door.

Chen Rui said to Glalin: "Thank you for your righteousness."

"After raising his hand, His Highness Arthur is too polite," Graelin understood that the other party deliberately gave him this "human sentiment." Confrontation, "In fact, I am very arrogant today..."

"I have already guessed a few points about your intentions." Chen Rui smiled slightly. "I asked first, is there a conflict between the throne and the Son?"

As soon as this question was raised, Glalin's eyes suddenly brightened: "Of course there is no conflict! Whether you want to be the emperor of the Dragon Emperor, or the next pope of the church, the church will be your most solid backing. If you want It’s not impossible to get it together!”

"Is it?" Chen Rui added a sentence, 'In fact, both brothers are not interested,' and his face still smiles. "In other words, the Church of Light will support me to compete for the throne, and even if the competition fails, I also have a bright light. The mountain is the back road?"


"Then two other holy things..."

"Since it has been open and honest, then I will make it clear," said Glalin, who hesitated. "The sacred object involves two sacred empire. Even if the church wants to interfere with it, it is not difficult. The key moment of the Black Death is not to cause additional conflicts. However, I have a way. Since His Royal Highness is the emperor of the Longhuang Empire, as long as he inherits the throne, the Holy Light robes belonging to the Longhuang Empire are at your fingertips. As for the Holy Grail ... Princess Rambis of the Lan Yao Empire is the fiancee of His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness can get some relevant clues from her, and then the church will try to solve it. How does His Highness feel?"

This passage made Chen Rui seriously think about it, and then showed the strange color: "Why do I feel like I am firmly tied to the church?"

"I feel honored for this, Your Highness." Gralling heard the mystery of this sentence, and he was overjoyed. "In fact, from the moment he chose His Royal Highness from the crown of thorns, His Highness has already stood on the same line with the church." ""

"For the honor of Lord Gralin, I don't know whether to apologize or be thankful." Chen Rui shrugged with a slogan. "However, I can't give you a formal reply now."

"No problem, I already know the ambition and intention of my Highness. This is enough. I have more trouble today. Next time I will visit my Highness again." Gralling, who thought he had made great contributions, did not pay attention to more things, and he was happy to leave. And go.

In the next few days, Chen Rui was patient and met with the people who came to visit, including the old man of Samuel, the old man of Joanna, etc. The four emperors Luke later visited again. Princess Mayfair came almost every day, and Isabella has become a close friend who has nothing to say.

A few days later, Chen Rui was once again summoned by Rex the Great, this time in the palace of the palace.

Chen Rui has now basically met with most of the upper aristocrats. In addition to the Rex Emperor on the throne, the hall has five heads of Garfield and Luke, five heads of the two divisions, and one A strange old man in a robes who had to be whitened, his expression was drowsy, and he was still sitting. He stood next to a brown-haired girl with a good figure.

"Your Majesty." Chen Rui bowed to Rex.

The Rex in the main hall is completely different from the garden. It looks harsh and indifferent, without any extra emotions, and faintly exudes the majesty of the king.

"Arthur, you said the last time, your inheritance is the ancient alchemy civilization?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Chen Rui clearly felt that the seemingly sleepy old man had been secretly looking at himself, and he already understood a few points.

"This is the master of Chiqui, one of the two most important masters of humanity." Rex raised his hand to the old man. "He is interested in the inheritance you have acquired."

Garfield's eyelids moved, Luke's eyes clearly flashed a strange light, which is clearly recommended to the teacher's rhythm - Arthur's practice qualifications have been very weak, even after seven years of so-called "transmission."

It’s just a class-level strength, not even a division. If you can find a master of the system as a backer, whether it is for "Arthur" himself, or for the entire Longhuang Empire, the benefits are self-evident.

However, the master of Chiqui is not the kind of teacher who is famous. In this way, "Arthur" is equivalent to embarking on another road. If you want to really learn, you must have at least a dozen years or even decades. Such a long time is enough to make a lot of changes. In short, the distance between Arthur and the throne will only get farther and farther.

Garfield’s heart is so big that it’s no wonder that the father’s Rex has never mentioned the return of the “Golden Territory” to the “Arthur”. It turned out to be in this regard.

Chen Rui looked at the master of Chiqui, and looked at Rex again. His heart was bright. From the perspective of Rex, this decision was counted in one fell swoop. It was settled in the sudden appearance of "Arthur." It has an impact on the already balanced political landscape and has also drawn a master of the system.

"Arthur Roland, courteous." Chen Rui had a very old-fashioned etiquette for Chiqui.

The rest of the people did not understand the meaning of this etiquette, but also what etiquette of the ancient alchemy civilization, Qi Kui's eyelids moved, and the eyes suddenly smashed. The black short hair girl changed her face and blurted out: "His Royal Highness Arthur, do you know the true meaning of this etiquette!"

This is not the etiquette of the alchemy civilization, but an ancient ritual of the alchemist - the "Arthur" emperor's display to the singer of the Kui Kui, is actually the etiquette of "peer", not the "teacher"!

Chen Rui did not explain, but smiled, and then began to look at the hot body of the girl unscrupulously.

In this kind of gaze, the girl feels like she is red, and her heart is full of anger. As one of the five rumored disciples of the Master Chiqui, the new master of craftsmanship, the most outstanding new generation of genius genius, where is not the existence of the arrogant woman of heaven, today is actually humiliated by this ignorant who is not learning!

If this is not the palace of the Longhuang Empire, I am afraid that the girl has already attacked.

"Oh... a pity." Chen Rui shook his head and turned his face to the color of regret. "It’s a pity."

"Arthur, can't be rude!" Rex the Great saw that something was wrong. "This is a rumored disciple of the Master Chiqui, the most famous genius in the human world, Master Peluxi, and apologizes to Master Peluxi. ”

"Master? It's a pity," Chen Rui is still shaking his head. "Pelsey Xiaojie should be a master of props. Your left thumb side and **** second knuckle have a very hòu 茧, indicating that you like to use a small mill. Cone

The tool, with the right-hand operation of the button drill and the spiral needle knife, enchants in the spirit of the array. This is a difficult enchantment technique, which is about two to 30% higher than the direct ‘pointing’, but the requirements for mental control are very high.

High, must be used with one heart and two, and it is easy to appear interlaced, which affects the overall effect. Your mental level is enough, but the purity seems to be somewhat inadequate, so the failure rate is very back of your hand is the enchantment failure

The impact spots, even with drugs, the fade time of this spot takes about a month. From the spots on the back of your hand, you have encountered at least three failure enchants ten days ago, but you should finally return

It is successful..."

Chen Rui’s gaze fell on the ear of Perez’s ear: “If I didn’t guess wrong, your work... should be the pair of red glaze, purple coral, star powder, dawn

The quasi-legendary earrings made of sand, Mithril, and blue scented liquids have a 43 increase in mental power, an increase in mental power of 30, and an increase in physical and mental recovery speed of 35. This prop can enhance your spirit of exertion.

The success of the rune enchantment is just a pity..."

Perrushi has been completely shocked. This rude class that thought that "does not learn without surgery" even saw her characteristics in terms of mechanics from one hand. What's even more incredible is that the earrings she wears now, whether it's manufacturing time, number of failures, equipment attributes, or even every material used, are accurately stated by the other party!

What is this talent? No, it is no longer an ordinary talent. More accurately, it is rumor!

In the extraordinary accomplishment of the instrumental science, the "Arthur" prince must also be the genius of the master, and probably more than her!

"What a pity?" The interface is Perci’s teacher, Chi Kui, who has a rare and serious look in the lazy eyes. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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