Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 954: Moon night

Royal Palace, study.

"Your Majesty, the Golden Yao Territory first distributed a limited edition of free magical game helmets to the empire, the kingdom's nobles and believers throughout the human world through the Temple of Light."

“Free?” Rex the Great on the throne frowned. “The whole human world? Even if it is part of it, the cost is quite amazing.”

“Yes, it’s really amazing. According to my preliminary estimate, this investment accounts for almost 70% of the total revenue of the entire Huanglong wine, or even more.” The old Kovac’s voice was filled with emotion. “I got this data. At the time, my first reaction was that the three halls were mad. With the good financial resources of Huanglong wine not keeping, but I went to get some magic games, and also invested so amazing funds, but...

"Now the first sale of magic games has caused the whole world to boil..." Old Kovac’s bitter smile: "The game of the magical game helmets in Jin Yao’s territory has almost caught up with the three-year human world trade. The grand occasion of the conference, even the proud elves have come, this is just the beginning! For the benefits of magic games, the magic game helmet itself is still a small part, the magical game helmet charging cost, theoretically unlimited Keep going! Imagine what a huge and long-lasting benefit this magic game will bring! If the dragon is the creator of the magic game, then the third is the second 'mother' that really gives the game a great vitality! Vision, such power, such talent, whether it is the Imperial Government, the Business Division or even the entire human world, can not find a second person!

"Thirty years, I was the first time I heard you praise such a person." Rex the Great took a deep breath and nodded. "He is really dazzling, too dazzling... Will it be more dazzling?"

Old Kovac’s lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, and the words turned into "I don’t know."

"Inherited from ancient times, master of the system. Bright church, Huanglong wine," Rex the Great did not say a word, the brow moved slightly. "These are all right, why not even..."

The "Dragon Valley" three words Rex the Great did not say it, but the heart is the ups and downs, "real good play" - magic game. It’s Arthur’s “true play”!

Compared with the outsiders, the insider of the Dragon Valley, Rex the Great is much clearer, whether it is Huanglong wine or magic games, I have never heard of half of the news before, just heard about the Dragon and about a year ago. The island of Stormwind became a partner of the Alliance. What is the relationship between the "Imperial Vision" and the magic game using the "Antiquity" of the Storm Island? What is the relationship with the "Ancient Alchemy Civilization"? !

So, even the Dragons are...

"I don't know." Old Kovaqi replied, his head hangs even lower. This answer does not mean that Rex the Great's "why", or the name that was not mentioned.

"You really don't know," Rex, looking at him with a smile, as if he had seen the old man's mind: "Because you are just old Kovac, and he. It is ‘Arthur’.”

"Arthur Roland." Old Kovacs added a little extra, but made Rex the emperor into a meditation, and the right index finger on the armrest of the seat kept moving.

As a veteran of many years of service, the old Kovacs have some chills in their hearts. In only two cases, they will have this habitual thing. The first is uneasiness; the second is... killing.

No matter which one... Old Kovacs feel chilling.

Rex the Great waved his hand and the old Kovacs stepped back and felt unconscious. A drop of cold sweat fell from the brain.

The emperor of the Longhuang Empire stood up. Step back and forth in the study, squatting on the side. I saw a portrait on the wall, the dignified and beautiful woman was bathing in the moonlight of the pane, and staring at him with a smile.

The same moonlight.

Astera Palace.

Under the Yuan laurel tree in the garden.

"This is the last ritual class." Veronica sat down with a smile. "Unfortunately, Irene didn't come today, I prepared her favorite rose cake."

Chen Rui glanced at the empty plate and smiled. "So, this regret I solved on her behalf."

Veronica glared at him with a strange look: "I don't know if I will take it back to Inie, and men can't be so selfish."

"Haha," Chen Rui's palm has two extra small cakes. "The teacher was fooled. I secretly hid two pieces in the space ring."

"You..." Veronica smiled and shook her head, and her hand was suddenly stuffed into a small cup.

"Teacher, this is the pudding I made before I came, a very novel snack, you taste it."

"Do you do it yourself?" Veronica was surprised to see the strange snack with fruity scent. He took a spoon and put it in his mouth. His eyes were slightly bright. "It's delicious."

"The teacher likes it. I will do it for you in the future."

Veronica looked at the pudding in her hand, her eyes suddenly reddish and she looked down.


"Nothing, just feel warm," Veronica raised her head, her eyes disappeared and she still smiled. "The teacher is very happy, because it has not been this feeling for a long time."

"Teacher... I can stay with you if you want."

"If," Veronica's smile was even more indifferent. "I have broken into the abyss of the sun?"

Abyss...what? Chen Rui looked straight into her eyes and slowly extended her hand: "Then I use these hands to pull you out of the abyss."

Veronica’s fingers trembled and slowly lifted up, as if to reach out to his extended hand, and finally changed direction and touched his face.

The hand gently touched the face, just like the warmth in the memory of Arthur.

However, in the "Chen Rui" induction, Veronica's emotions at this time are uneasy and fearful, and there is a hint of a different kind of hidden atmosphere.

This silky atmosphere is very familiar to Chen Rui.


This warm hand, stroking on the face, is like a sharp blade in the throat.

As long as the other party moves, they will be in the same position... If, Chen Rui is still the original "Arthur".

Chen Rui did not evade, just staring at her eyes. At this moment, he felt awkward and his memory became clearer.

In the college, the teenager married Veronica, who was a sister, and the boy who lost his mother from childhood was deeply attracted by the teacher.

There is no prejudice of identity, no unnecessary evil thoughts, only the kind of heart that is eager to care and close.

True feelings can always touch people, and Veronica, who has been so lonely, has finally accepted this younger brother.

At the beginning, it was a very pure sister-in-law relationship. It was Arthur’s happiest two years.

As the age grows, the mind of the teenager changes quietly. In his life, no woman except the sick mother can replace Veronica, who has long regarded this "sister" as a woman who lives with her life.

Until the announcement of the marriage.

The warm hand went away, and the tears of the teenager blurred the line of sight.

Braved the rain and rushed back to the Longhuang Empire.

Then, begging for three days outside the palace of Rex, until he was unconscious and seriously ill.

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to change the result.

Veronica seemed to see these past events in his eyes, and another kind of emotion began to appear, and there was no connection with destruction and fear.

The scent of destruction is getting stronger and stronger, as if it will burst out.

Chen Rui’s star power is ready to go, but unexpectedly, there is no killing or destruction. Only two tingling lips are gently printed on his face.

Even though the veil is still able to feel the warmth, it seems that even the soul can melt into it.

The warmth fades away.

"You will go to the Lan Yao Empire tomorrow. This is the teacher's farewell to you. If you get married, don't come here again, just go to the Princess Rambis, and Ion and Rolla."

"Teacher..." Chen Rui clearly felt that the power of the fierce struggle at this moment has not weakened, but has become more intense.

The other hand that was hidden behind her, the clenched fist was shaking, and the skin on the back of the hand had a strange crack. The fingers that broke into the palm of the hand went deep into the flesh, and a trace of blood permeated and dripped on the ground. .

Looking at that kind of gentle smile, if he didn't know what had just happened, he thought it was just a very common kiss.

Calm and warm.

Another familiar feeling memory, the original broken pieces are condensed bit by bit.

"Go, I am a little uncomfortable. I need a break." Veronica's voice seemed calm.

Chen Rui gently stroked the face that had just been kissed, and gave her a deep look: "Veronica, waiting for me."

At this moment, he did not use the name of "teacher", but directly called out her name and turned away.

After a few steps, a few petals on the side of Veronica suddenly turned into a silent powder.

Chen Rui did not notice the general, still did not look back, all the way out of the Aster Palace.

At the moment when Chen Rui’s figure disappeared, the space around Veronica suddenly changed into a blood-red world. A terrible snoring sounded in the throat, and fierce power came out, as if a fierce beast was raging. For a moment, the sky was cracked and the whole space was shaking.

With the eyes of the ladies in the distance, we can't see these at all. Even if we look closely, we can only see that the shape of the shade under a tree is somewhat distorted. The fallen petals disappear and disappear, and we don't know the true change of space.

For a long time, the horrible turbulent force in the blood red space stopped.

Only the shadowy figure was left, holding his shoulders with the hand that had become a terrible claw. He sat down trembling and curled up, like a winged geese.

Under the deep moonlight, a pair of stars in the distance are watching this scene silently. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.)

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