Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 958: Rolla

Facing the dwarf army surrounded by the front and rear, Luo stretched out the lush index finger, gently shook the two circles, and did not see any special power, they saw all the dwarves suddenly, one after the other The big team stopped at the same time.

It’s not just that it’s so simple to stop. Under the moonlight, you can clearly see that their bodies are slowly dwarfing. Even the bear cavalry is no exception. It is actually in the ground.

The screams of the dwarves and the horror of the war bears rang, and although they only fell into a half, they stopped, but the weight of the body suddenly increased several times. The whole body was actually unable to move.

For a time, all the dwarven troops were "standing" in place, and even those who gave the sacred atmosphere were no exception.

The man near the carriage was also shocked. The mysterious beauty with veil was just a finger, the whole army of the dwarf...

This kind of powerful and wide-ranging attack, the people on their own side actually have no influence or feeling?

Bedel’s heart is especially shocked. He graduated from the Starlight College, and his young fame is the most intimate and inductive to the earth elements. He is known as the earth magical genius.

Compared with ordinary practitioners, he feels more things, surprises and more prosperous - this is clearly the fluctuation of earth elements, gravity? Earth trapping? Swamp? Not right... Although it is the power of earth elements, it is not a form of earth magic that you understand.

The combination of earth elements and the power generated by the changes are so powerful that they are so strong that Beder has a shudder... The old dean of the Academy of Stars and the teacher Carlisle once said the strongest elemental power?

The origin of the element is no longer limited to the form of magic. It is just the power to call the most pure and powerful elements, but this kind of realm is almost impossible to reach even the super-powerful, only the legendary element king can have.

Bedel has no doubt that if this magic is a type of attack such as "Flower of Death", then the dwarf army includes those of the dwarfs. All will be killed in an instant.

No wonder, the three emperors are calm, and the seemingly weak and weak veil beauty around them has such a terrible strength!

The shocking still behind, Lola didn't even look at the dwarfs, but the five fingers opened his right hand to the sun's dwarf and roaring dragon.

Everyone felt a dazzling dizziness, and the battlefield in the distance had been enlarged and appeared in the sky, and they were shocked. But they soon discovered it. The surrounding space seems to be wrapped in what, the power of the two super-order powers is not even leaked.

The two men who concentrated on the fighting did not find this abnormality. Suddenly, the silver beard dwarf strong shuddered and felt the cold of the warhammer burning into a flame. Subconsciously glanced at the warhammer in his hand and found that the warhammer was frozen into ice together with the blazing flame, and it looked like a solid red torch.

The dwarf is not the same as this one. This "Floating Fire" warhammer is a powerful rune weapon, equivalent to the level of the quasi-artifact, and permeates the power of his most powerful state. It was frozen!

The water element and the fire element are elements of mutual restraint. It may not be difficult to extinguish the fire, but it is ten times more difficult to freeze the fire than to freeze other elements. And it is a repressive instant freeze!

This cold moment has spread, the power of the hot country has begun to cool rapidly, and even the soul has a feeling of solidification. The silver beard dwarf is a battle-hardened generation. Immediately gave up the Firehammer.

Opposite Paglieu felt that the most threatening warhammer suddenly lost power and was overjoyed. It was about to blow down the opponent with a bang, and the strange body twisted, and it was inexplicably out of the battlefield and returned to the original carriage roof.

"Lola!" The familiar space transfer force makes the Duron can't help but scream - this uncle is playing very happy, and he is "automatically returning to the city" at the crucial moment to win the enemy!

"What?" Miss Fairy Dragon seemed to have a look at Paglieu without seeing it. The poisonous dragon and the pair of eyes were in a burst of hair, and suddenly they were misfiring.

Ok, this uncle is Junjie, and the good dragon does not eat before the loss.

The dwarf also found the disappearance of his opponent, and his eyes fell on the mysterious woman wearing glasses and veil. He roared and moved toward this side: it must have been a shameless sneak attack by this woman, as long as she beat her, Can be restored to its original state!

However, the dwarves have been moved several times in a row, and they just flashed their bodies in place, and they could not escape the space. During the horror, I saw that Lola’s palms slowly turned down. The dwarf suddenly felt dizzy, and the whole world was reversed. Before he could stabilize his body shape, the sky seemed to collapse and he could not help but fall down.

"Boom!" The silver beard dwarf's large body fell to the ground, leaving a huge pothole on the ground with cracks. The dwarf was about to jump and jump up. I know that the invisible pressure above is as heavy as a mountain. Stations can't stand up.

The silver beard dwarf screamed, and the runes on the armor illuminate a strong light. The whole body broke out and finally barely supported the body.

A few purple hairs in front of Rolla's forehead fluttered slightly, and the five fingers moved downwards.

The silver beard dwarf only felt that the pressure suddenly increased several times, the body trembled, and the knee could no longer support it. The whole person slammed and fell to the ground again.

The enlarged body began to shrink into its original shape, and even the black armor began to distort and deform, and the shining runes were extinguished one by one, showing the horror of the pressure, the dwarfs were unwilling to struggle, and at most they could hold up half of the body. Can no longer stand up.

This scene has made the dwarves almost petrified, and Hod Heck, who has always been regarded as the strongest superpower in the family, has been so easily defeated!

Uncle Duron is also sullen and frustrated at the same time. Longbilong is really a dying dragon, and the strength of the female madman is refined. In this way, it is only a matter of time to break through the half-god. This lord absorbs the fragments of human law and fights hard. Just arrived in the middle of the country, I want to turn over in front of the female madman, I am afraid that this life is hopeless, let alone the enchanting human.

The human knights around the carriage watched that Lola’s eyes had become awe-inspiring. It turned out that this is the most powerful guardian next to Arthur’s Highness!

"Okay. Rolla." Chen Rui's voice sounded, and if he continued this way, he was afraid that the silver beard dwarf would be hit hard. The forest dwarf Bai End was his good friend, and the hill dwarves also had some friendships, so that Rolla shot The purpose of suppressing the audience is to resolve misunderstandings, rather than deepen misunderstandings.

Miss Fairy Dragon put down her hand, and the silver beard dwarf only felt the pressure loose, and she fell to the ground with her ass. The big mouth is gasping. The position of the dwarf army slowly rose and automatically returned to the flat from the fallen soil, and the previous heavy feeling disappeared.

Up to now, the dwarves have not yet known the power of the enemy, and they have clenched their weapons, but no one has escaped.

"Dwarf brave. If my guardian wants to kill you, it's easy." Chen Rui's amplified voice rang in time. "But I won't make such a killer to my friends, even though I was misunderstood by my friends." I just want to get to the castle in the thick soil as soon as possible to see what happened to my dwarf friend and help them as much as possible."

The silver beard climbed up. Far away staring at Chen Rui for a while: "What is your name? Human."

"Arthur Roland. The Three Emperors of the Dragon Emperor."

The dwarves face each other, almost without exception, revealing the color of surprise, Silver Beard Hod Heck blurted out: "Master Guru!"

For the dwarves who regard forging as a life, no matter what the princes can't match the weight of these four words.

One piece of weapon. Finally hang down.

A few hours later.

The Dragon Squad Elite Team and the dwarfs rushed to the thick earth castle of Black Rock Mountain.

Along the way, Chen Rui learned from Hod Heck's mouth that the power of the dwarfs had changed a lot since his last departure from the castle.

Dwarves are divided into hill dwarves, cave dwarves, and forest dwarves according to their habits. They live in the thick-soil castles of the Black Rock Mountains, the Jinhuidi Palace in the Red Rock Mountains, and the Shiquan Village in the Jade Forest.

The three types of dwarves share the same source and have their own strengths. The hill dwarves are best at forging skills; the cave dwarves are proficient in ore mining and refining; the forest dwarves are closely related to the elves. There are unique features in the rune process.

At that time, a major earthquake occurred in the Red Rock Mountain, causing the cave dwarf's residence, Jinhuidi Palace, to collapse. The same family suffered heavy casualties. At the invitation of the hill dwarf Wang Oufuge, the cave dwarf Wang Yinke led the cave dwarves to leave the Red Rock Mountains. Migrating to the Black Rock Mountain, the two dwarves joined forces.

The combined dwarves are more powerful, with the addition of cave dwarves, and the rich mineral resources of the Black Rock Mountains have been further developed, but due to the increase in the number of people, the demand for various materials, especially food and wine, has increased greatly, which makes the dwarves Relaxed restrictions on trading with humans.

Just a few days ago, a group of humans came to the castle of thick earth and proposed to exchange food and ale for equipment. Before that, half of the grain and wine was prepaid as a deposit. This kind of big hand is very rare for the dwarves to trade with humans. People got a lot of much-needed food and wine. Today is the delivery day. The other party has brought in the remaining half of the food and drink according to the promise. The dwarves are convinced that they have summoned the banquet with grand ceremonies.

However, at the end of the pickup, those people suddenly attacked without warning, killed the accompanying dwarf elders and dwarf warriors, and snatched a large number of equipment. At the same time, a large number of dwarves were found to be highly toxic, including the dwarfs Wang Oufuge and Ink. It turned out that the remaining part of the food and wine was delivered today, confusing a group of poisonous wines.

This incident alarmed the two superpowers of the dwarf family, in which Steckling stayed in the thick earth castle to protect and try to treat the poisoned dwarves. Hod Hecker rated the big shield warrior and the bear knight to hunt down the enemy. I found the trace of the "enemy" all the way to the track, mistakenly believe that Chen Rui and others for the murderer, a battle.

Chen Rui has fully understood the beginning and end of the matter. The reason why the assassins poisoned the dwarves is not to greet what equipment. According to Lola, the assassin who used to ambush the carriage escaped with a one-time transmission array. It seems that two The gangs are all a purpose, in order to bring the dwarves here, take advantage of the fishermen.

This shows that the assassins have mastered the protection power around him early in the morning. This "power" is not the Proudhon people, but the "guardian of the ancient alchemy civilization". The most obvious is that they have been in the lobby of the palace. Paglio.

The dwarf super-stronger should be against Paglieu, but the enemy did not expect that Chen Rui had a more powerful "guardian" around him, and the result was to smash the audience and easily smash the opponent. The conspiracy of the wolf.

On the other hand, if it is not the super strength of Lola, I am afraid that Chen Rui has become a sly ghost under the dwarf axe. At that time, the death of Arthur can be pushed to the dwarf family.

This is a meticulous plan. The ambush is by no means an ordinary assassin. So who is the controller behind the scenes? Emperor brother? Royal brother? Black Death? Or is it... someone else? (To be continued)

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