Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 962: Decide

The power of blood rain is very overbearing, and it contains some kind of "fear" erosion power. The two dwarf strongmen are seriously injured. Fortunately, there is the crown of thorns "sacred care" and "Shen Yushu". Under the full rescue of Chen Rui, the injuries of Hod Heck and Steckling are quickly controlled, and the eclipse is also eliminated. Empty.

However, if you want to recover, you must take a long time to recuperate. Before you fully recover, the two can't exert their strength, which is almost equal to losing their fighting ability.

After the altar of the underground pit was completely destroyed, the bodies were also cleaned up by the dwarves. The crisis of the hill dwarves was finally completely lifted. Hod Heck, Steckling and the dwarf king Ovage to Chen Rui, etc. People expressed their most sincere gratitude.

First of all, if it is not Chen Rui’s timely treatment, Oufuge has died. Once Inke is allowed to monopolize power, it is likely that the entire thick earth castle will become the second Jinhui underground palace, and even the entire Black Rock mountain will become the second one. The origins of the nightmare controlled by the abyss sects are unimaginable.

Then, in the pit at the bottom, Chen Rui untied the disguise of the altar. In the next sinister battle, thanks to his "guardian" Lola repelled the terrible and evil unknown strongman (Chen Rui repelled the repulsing of Sosbach to Rolla's body). In addition to those poisoned dwarves, they also treated two dwarfs who were super-powerful, and looked at them vertically. They were all great people of the dwarf family.

In fact, the abyss crisis lurking in the thick earth castle that was solved by Chen Rui is probably the last link in the overall ambush planning. Even if Arthur was able to resolve the misunderstanding with the dwarf, facing the dwarf king Ink, who was deepened, was also likely to be killed in the "poisoning crisis" of the dwarf.

This is indeed a terrible killing. Unfortunately, the layout people did not think that Chen Rui’s guardian and even himself would have such a strong strength. Not only did the killing plan fail, but it was also crushed by a long-term conspiracy against the dwarves.

Then Chen Rui learned from Oufuge's mouth that something can't be ignored - Hod Heck and Steckling are the super-order guardians of the hill dwarfs. The cave dwarf also has two super-order guardians. According to the original Ink, after the underground palace collapsed, the two guardians went to the jade forest to find the forest dwarves who were adjacent to the elves to discuss the reconstruction of the underground palace.

Later, the "super-order guardian" who contacted the forest dwarf received news of the merger of the cave dwarf and the hill dwarf that Ink passed. Instead of returning immediately, he was trying to dig out some treasures buried in the underground palace. Will return to the Black Rock Mountains.

Now it seems that Ink’s words are definitely a problem. The two strong men are not fallen or fallen, and the "earthquake disaster" in the Red Rock Mountains is probably not a natural disaster!

In the collapsed Jinhuidi Palace, I was afraid that there would be more cats... But after seeing the terrible enemy, plus Hod Heck and Steckling were seriously injured, they were unable to explore the Jinhui Palace.

One thing that can be described as a matter of urgency is to go to Shiqiao Village, where the forest dwarves live in the jade forest. Regardless of whether the guardians of the original cave dwarves really went to the Shiquan village, they must tell the forest dwarves what happened in the Red Rock Mountains and the Black Rock Mountains. One is to avoid repeating the same mistakes, and the other is to join forces with the forest dwarves, and later go to the Jinhuidi Palace to eliminate the evil forces that poison the dwarves.

"I am going to the Lan Yao Empire this time, just to go to the Jade Linhai to visit the two masters of Fenoa and Bernd. If you trust me, the task of this letter will be handed over to me." Chen Rui also has some concerns about Bernd. In the situation of the side, if the two cave dwarf guardians of Jinhuidi Palace really went to the jade forest as Inke said, it would be a terrible disaster to bring to the forest dwarves.

Chen Rui must not allow this to happen. Even without the invitation of Fenoa, this jade forest is bound to be imperative.

"Of course, you are the partner that the dwarves can completely deliver trust." The dwarf king Ovage said with sincerity: "His Royal Highness Arthur Roland, the dwarves will always remember your friendship and kindness."

Chen Rui blinked: "If there is no "Roland" or "His Royalth"?"

Ovg a glimpse. I didn’t react at the moment.

At this time, the teacher of the Dwarf King, the wise man of the dwarf, Aska, whispered a few words, and Ovage woke up like a dream: "No matter what your identity. They are friends and benefactors of the dwarf, forever."

"Since it is a friend, the extra title of 'Benevolence' can be omitted, my dwarf friend." Chen Rui smiled. "There is a request, our friendship should be kept secret... In fact, I have other secrets. It seems that I intend to be isolated from the guards. It is temporarily inconvenient to explain. Just one sentence, in my heart, the dwarf is an indispensable true friend, regardless of the forest dwarf, the cave dwarf or the hill dwarf."

Ovg's temper is very straightforward, no questioning, nodded, and hurry up and Chen Rui.

After a short break, Chen Rui saw the Proud and other people who had been isolated, and saw that the "Arthur" emperor was safe and sound, Proyo sighed with relief: "His Royal Highness, the dwarves have not left you?"

“How come?” Chen Rui shook his head confidently. “I and the dwarves successfully completed a deal. I cured the poisoned dwarves and got a lot of valuable equipment and ore. You I was deeply impressed by the bravery and loyalty. As a reward, each of you will pick a set of armor and weapons."

Although the dwarf's forging process can't be compared with the "Arthur" master, it is also a world-famous superb, able to get a set of dwarfs, even for the elite knights of these legions. Valuable wealth.

Everyone was overjoyed and bowed together: "Thank you for your Highness!"

The best equipment and ore are actually given by Ovgre. As a gift, Chen Rui gave a lot of the best yellow wine and high-refined forging materials. The kind of fine yellow wine makes the dwarves open their eyes, and the 100% refined "pure" ore is also a good thing to buy. It has a staggering price at the auction, purely according to the market price, Chen Rui The rebate is far more than the gift of Ovgre.

The equipment produced by the dwarfs also well concealed Chen Rui’s actions last night, just as the "emperor" himself said to Proyo and others, this is just a transaction - "Her Arthur" is Master of the system. It is also a businessman, otherwise how can the Jin Yao territory become the commercial focus of the whole world, so the transaction to treat the dwarves is completely reasonable.

Proyo said: "Since the misunderstanding with the dwarf has been resolved, then we will hurry to Jiadun City as soon as possible, Your Highness."

Chen Rui did not immediately order the departure, and the tone changed. "The assassination of the enemy I encountered in the front should have already been seen. The layout of the enemy is quite terrible. First, ambush and then use the means of poisoning the dwarf, trying to induce the dwarves and us to kill each other. ... If it wasn't for my guardian who had great strength, everyone had already died in the hands of the dwarf. It can be seen that the enemy we are facing is extremely fierce. We are likely to encounter more on the road. More terrible killing. I want to ask everyone, is there any determination to fight to protect me?"

"Yes!" Proyo and the knights drank together, and the two holy powers nodded.

"Thank you for your loyalty and courage." Chen Rui showed a smile. "So I announced a decision. I will be separated from you in the next trip."

separate? Everyone was surprised, and Proyo's face changed slightly: "His Highness. What do you mean by this? Although our strength is not comparable to that of several guardians, loyalty is definitely not lost to them, and it is always possible to protect the Highness." Dedication to life."

"You are wrong," Chen Rui shook his head. "You are not cumbersome. On the contrary, it is an indispensable force for me to reach my destination safely. My plan is to protect you 'I'. Go directly to the Lan Yao Empire, and I will disguise myself. Conceal your identity and choose a safer path."

Proyo responded the fastest, revealing the color, Chen Rui looked awe-inspiring, pointing to the shoulder of the lost said: "My guardian has a changing talent, can become my appearance, and go on the road with you. In order to further confuse the enemy and protect your safety, I will let the powerful dragons join the team. And Miss Lola...protect me from secretly, we will find a place to meet before officially entering the Blue Yao Emperor."

"His Royal Highness originally wanted us to attract the attention of the enemy," Proyo explained to the crowd: "Sounds to the West are indeed a very good battle plan, but the safety of His Royal Highness..."

Sounds east? Obviously it is darkness, Chen Cang is not good... Chen Rui smiled and looked at Miss Fairy Dragon: "Do you think Miss Lola can't guarantee my safety?"

"His Royal Highness misunderstood! If even Lola can't protect His Royal Highness, then we can only be really tired there," Proyo noticed the poor eyes of Miss Fairy bitterly said: "Since In this way, act according to the instructions of His Royal Highness."

"For you, this task is not easy, and it is likely to encounter more dangers." Chen Rui took a shot of Proyo's shoulder and looked at the two holy powers and knights: "I command you, If you encounter any situation, to save your life is the first choice."

Everyone was moved to the touch: "Follow!"

Duron, who had long been a branch, was very dissatisfied with a sip of wine - you will then install it, the guy who is a light-hearted friend! Too unsophisticated, throwing this uncle and throwing away as a target, a small two of them are so happy and happy, I am...

Throwing a pitiful look at the owner, like an abandoned pet. When Chen Rui’s two sparkling, crystal-clear rubies appeared, the amoeba immediately grew his spirit and extended five “fingers”. It’s not enough to think about it. A “palm” suddenly became ten. Root fingers, actually began to bargain.

In the end, the real handsome man succeeded in selling at the price of ten fire crystals.

(Unscrupulous Master Remarks: Fire Crystal is one of the cheapest magic materials in the ground world) (To be continued)

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