Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 964: Suspect cloud

Although the cold light is coming, the Chen Rui is faster, lightning-like appears in the air, hand-painted a circle, and the water-like power swayed, and the cold light was swayed first.

Chen Rui is now using a disguised face. Although it is only a gentleman's strength on the surface, he can exert his power as he pleases.

Lola glanced at the ground, and the flashing black shadows only suddenly doubled the weight of the body, and the speed suddenly slowed down. In the blink of an eye, it had lost its ability to move under the influence of strong gravity.

The strength of those black shadows is the level of the emperor. In the ordinary countries, it is considered to be the top "holy", but unfortunately there is no resistance in front of the roller. The rich and huge spiritual power here made the fairy dragon Miss interested, and had a heart to live, so there was no killer.

The people in the distant square were obviously alarmed. Several people rushed to the side. Even if the other person’s figure was not seen, they could not be moved by gravity. Chen Rui and Luo La had already moved over the square. .

In the center of the square is a circular building resembling an altar. It is also the source of countless resentment. A person who seems to be a leader wears a large black robe and stands in the center of the building.

There are no other people around, and there are no more than ten people in this secret.

The black robe leader looked up and saw the two people floating in the air. Chen Rui and Lola also saw the mask on the face of the black robe. The mask was white and only revealed his eyes.

The eyes of the black robe leader passed through the strange colors, and before they noticed that someone broke in, they still did not stop the sacrifice. Unexpected. The enemy broke through here so quickly, and the black robe leader immediately pointed to the ground. The ground near the altar is like a bumpy building that is quickly combined, and the cylindrical objects of the turrets quickly rise.

The "turret" sprayed countless lights. With a variety of colors and radiant flames, lightning, ice and ice in the blink of an eye, and led to Rolla and Chen Rui.

Rolla drew a circle of fingers, and a translucent circular mask appeared around her body, wrapping herself and Chen Rui.

When the light flame hit the mask, it seemed to hit the things that didn't leave the water and slipped. This is not a simple defense, as the attack continues, the color of the sliding flame begins to change. Actually, under the control of Lola, they turned back and turned back to the "turrets". The ground trembled and the "turrets" were turned into powder.

The leader of the black robe was shocked. This elemental demon contains the great power of the entire ruin center. If the super-order is strong, he will not dare to slap his front, and he will be completely destroyed by this unbelievable means!

This is the power of the six-element country, this is Rolla.

Chen Rui looked at it with a sigh of relief. Lola’s "using his own way to give him another body" is different from that of Shura. It is entirely the use of the understanding of the source of the elements, this is the real "quality" of understanding, in this respect, Rolla has exceeded the Chen Rui who opened the super system gold finger.

There are many mysteries and killings in the six-element country. It is not a normal practice that can be reflected in the usual practice. If only the same level of strength is used to fight, Chen Rui may not be able to beat Lola. of course. This will never happen.

The action of the roller is very fast, after the "turret" is solved. Rubbing his eyes, the temperature at the head of the black robe suddenly dropped. A circle of suspended ice crystals appeared, and the body began to solidify rapidly.

The body of the black robe leader became vain, and even ignored the ice of the roller, and instantly took out the range of ice crystals. Lola was slightly surprised, and the ice crystal instantly turned into a purple arc, plunging into the black robe leader.

The robes of the black robe robbed, and the space around them suddenly turned into blood red. The purple arc seemed to fall into the mud, unable to focus, and gradually dimmed.

When Rolla's fingers flicked, the dim arc turned red, and suddenly exploded.

The entire blood-red space was shaken by the force of the explosion, but the broken blood color re-aggregated into the black robe leader. Lola did not expect the other party to eat hard after the burst, still unscathed, cold, a five-finger light turn, six colors of light condensed, the surrounding air seems to be completely solidified under the force of that huge element, this shot is bound to be earth-shattering Killing tricks.

"Wait a minute." Chen Rui's voice sounded, and Lola's power slammed into a pause. The black robe leader took the opportunity to show up as a **** light, slamming into the distance like lightning.

"Don't chase."

Lola looked back at Chen Rui and flashed back to his side, and this figure, the figure of the black robe leader has disappeared without a trace.

"Why? Do you know that person?" Miss Fairy Dragon asked curiously, the battle just lasted for less than a minute, she can say that it has an absolute advantage, but the means of the black robe is different. Obviously, the strength is weaker than her, and there are a few changes in the way of attack, but it is impossible to win.

"I will explain it to you in detail later." Chen Rui did not let Lola kill the killer for a reason. Although he could not estimate the specific strength of the person just by the perception, the detailed data of the other party has been listed in the eyes of the analysis.

Race: Human (soul variant)

Comprehensive strength assessment: (d) ss

Constitution ss-(d-), strength ss-(d-), mental ss+(d), speed ss(d).

Analysis: the blindfold, the hidden body, the soul of blood sacrifice, the heart of hatred.

This detailed data is exactly the same as a person... the woman at the Aster Palace!

If it is her, why is it here? Chen Rui’s heart could not help but give birth to doubts.

Daddy, the snoring sounds in the four times, the previous black shadows fell to the ground, turned into a light smoke dissipated, apparently using some kind of self-sufficiency. When these people saw the leader and walked away, they were far from the enemy opponents. They did not hesitate to end their lives. Even the bodies were left behind, and they were absolutely hot.

Black Death? Chen Rui frowned and slowly descended to the ground. Looking at the huge altar, the center of the altar was actually the circular symbol of the cloud, covered with dark red. It seems very depressed.

This altar and Chen Rui are different in the base of the nightmare volcano or thick earth castle, and there is no such feeling of destruction or blood. More is the spiritual power of "resentment", as if it was stacked. Huge.

Was it an ancient battlefield or burial place where many people died? But look at the ruins, more like a palace?

The kind of ritual just now is a bit like a real sacrifice.

Thinking about it, Lola suddenly looked around and Chen Rui felt it. A large number of people were coming over.

"This time I can catch a bite." Chen Rui and Lola looked at each other and saw each other's minds.

There are more and more people coming in, and there are hundreds of people.

A dazzling ray of light lifted up, and the whole square was illuminated like a white one. The voice of these people was so vast.

In the blink of an eye, people who are pouring out in all directions will surround Chen Rui and Lola. These people are armed with magical arrows and carrying various weapons. The movements are simple and quick, and they are well-trained.

A gray robe man came out of the crowd, the man had a short black hair. The body is long and thin, and there are a few scars on the cheeks. It seems that the whole expression is more cold, with the sword on the left. The right hand is a magical stick.

"It seems that today's luck is really good, there is such a big gain when it comes," the man pointed to Chen Rui. "The descendants of sin! You finally reveal the dark figure! One minute time! Immediately, you will be stunned. This is your only way of life. No, I will represent the light and make a final judgment on you!"

Even without the eyes of analysis. Chen Rui can also feel that the strength of this man is only one step away from the nationalization, that is, s++, and his eyes are fierce, and his body is faintly murderous, apparently a generation of war.

This kind of strength was originally not enough to look at, but in the eyes of analysis, there is an analysis of data that has caught the attention of Chen Rui - the body of light.

Chen Rui found that he seemed to have misunderstood something, or that he was misunderstood by the other party. He tried to ask: "You are... the people of the bright church?"

"Know your knowledge!" The man sneered. "You should have heard of the means of my cultivation. You will never leave any luck for you! You still have forty seconds!"

"The referee is Xiu Si!" Chen Rui thought of a familiar name. In the last Snowdale incident, he had worked **** many high-level church members, but he had never seen the referee.

Xius is obviously a real war faction. In other words, it is the church's butcher's knife. It is all the best in order to eliminate aliens. The combat effectiveness of the referees is far less than that of the civilian staff and the ordinary knights. Even the Glorious Swordsman Passari is far worse than Hughes in terms of the enemy's hot and unscrupulous means.

However, the strength of Xiusi is only trivial for Chen Rui. Chen Rui thought about a turn and said: "The Master of Xiusi, this is a misunderstanding."

"Thirty seconds." Hughes showed a cold smile, slowly raised his hand, and the referees around him clasped the magical trigger.

Chen Rui sighed and said to Lola elegantly: "The most beautiful guardian, I seem to ask you to help these **** referees calm down."

Lola blinked and everyone around me shuddered, and then she felt stiff and stiff, and it seemed to be frozen. Even the referee, Hughes, was no exception.

Hughes was a double master of magic and martial arts. He immediately felt the terrible elemental power. He was shocked and unconsciously launched a mark on his wand. This imprint gave a strong radiance and turned into a beam of light that rushed into the sky.

In an instant, there is already one more figure in the light column. This is a man, a blonde blue robe, with white light, and there are actually six pairs of white wings behind.

Race: human

Comprehensive strength assessment: sss-

Physique sss-, strength sss-, spiritual sss, speed Analysis: light properties, water properties, healing power, time sand.

Danger level: high.

Unlike Rafael and Carmel, who are truly angels, the people should be humans who have obtained the title of angel. Chen Rui has given such a person a pseudonym in his heart.

When the pseudo-angel appeared, he felt the cold resistance of the people such as Xiusi, and the twinkling of the eyes flashed. Hughes and others only felt that the chill was greatly reduced, and they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The brow of the false angel has been wrinkled. The coldness of the people such as Xiusi is the power of the water element, and the intensity is obviously only the national level. With his own strength, the influence of the cold can not be completely eliminated. This shows that the enemy controls the water element. Above his demigod of the special water system!

The false angel’s gaze immediately fell on Lola’s body. Chen Rui’s “gentle-level” “anthill ant” naturally did not have a look at it. However, the false angels did not know that this “anthill ant” had the means to destroy all of them. ability. (To be continued.)

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