After Gu Changsheng left Changshou Town, he rushed on his way without stopping.

Eat some dry food when you are hungry, and drink some mountain spring water when you are thirsty.

Because time waits for no one! Gu Changsheng also wanted to get to Taoist Master Simu's dojo as soon as possible, but he would take action righteously whenever he encountered anything along the way.

Therefore, he spent a lot of time on the way out of Renjia Town. Otherwise, with his foot power, he would have arrived in just a few days!

At this time, the sun was already three poles high, and Gu Changsheng passed by another place.

The name of this place is Liwan Town!

Looking at the three big characters on the archway, Gu Changsheng thought to himself.

Didn’t Uncle Jiu stay in this Liwan Town before?

There should be a dojo here that Uncle Jiu once opened.

Moreover, Uncle Jiu had two apprentices in Liwan Town back then, one was named Fei Bao and the other was Xiao Hai!

Since you happen to be passing by here, let's go in and take a look.

Moreover, the dry food bag Gu Changsheng was carrying was also empty at this time! I have also eaten all the dry food given by Mayor Changshou, so I can go to Liwan Town to buy some to replenish my food.

Gu Changsheng walked directly into the town without hesitation. on the street.

Brick walls, arches, and blue-tiled balconies, inch by inch, create distinctive streets and pavements.

The buildings on both sides are a combination of blue bricks, red tiles and wood, and the walls have exquisite carvings.

Especially the carved dragon built around the ridge of the wall, with its claws dancing and its whiskers flying, as if it was about to fly away!

Liwan Town is not small, and the bustling streets are crowded with pedestrians. At this time, various vendors are squeezing in and shouting hard.

Many housewives were selecting products, and some were haggling with stall owners.

Liwan Town is a southern town, so there are many representative shops such as teahouses and porridge shops.

The tea culture here has a long origin, a long history and profound cultural heritage!

The residences where people gather to drink tea, such as teahouses, tea houses, tea houses, tea houses, tea houses, etc., have many names and different forms.

Among them, the teahouse business is the most prosperous, and there are many townspeople drinking tea and chatting here.

The teahouse was filled with people and it was very lively.

As the saying goes, drink a pot of fragrant tea and laugh about music, chess, calligraphy and painting!

In Liwan Town, there are many varieties of porridge, from rich to poor, from elegant to vulgar, they are all available!

In the porridge shop, the waiter would shout at the top of his lungs every time a dish was served.

"Here comes a bowl of fish fillet porridge and boat porridge.~!"

"Sauce beef plate~!"

Not just stores.

On the street, the owners of various food stalls were also shouting loudly.

"Roast goose, barbecued pork!"

"Glutinous rice chicken, lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken rice!"

Look at this scene, it's such a prosperous and lively scene!

Compared with Renjia Town and Jiuquan Town, Liwan Town has its own characteristics!

In addition to porridge shops and teahouses, Liwan Town also has all kinds of other types of shops.

However, Gu Chang Sheng had no time to pay attention to anything else. Smelling the fragrance coming from the street, his stomach couldn't help but growl for a long time!

"I have to buy something to eat to fill my stomach."

"I have been eating dry food recently and it makes me feel sick to my stomach!"

Gu Changsheng chose a porridge shop. After going in and having a good meal, he was wiping his mouth and walking out.

At this time, he saw a familiar figure.

That person looked like Uncle Ninth!

At first, Gu Changsheng thought he had seen it wrong. , when he came closer and took a look.

I saw that man, his whole body was upright and awe-inspiring, his majestic Chinese character face, the unibrow was very prominent!

He was really Uncle Jiu!

I really didn’t expect that he had been out of Renjia Town for so many days. , he was very surprised to meet Uncle Jiu here.

Gu Changsheng ran forward excitedly and said hello

"Senior brother!"

Uncle Jiu was walking on the street when he heard the call and felt that the voice was very familiar.

When he looked back, he was very surprised at first, and then he smiled.

"Junior Brother Changsheng?!"

Gu Changsheng looked at Uncle Jiu and felt particularly kind.

"Senior brother, I really didn’t expect to meet you in Liwan Town!"

Uncle Jiu was very happy to meet his junior brother here.

He looked Gu Changsheng up and down and nodded.

"It seems like everything is fine with you and you didn't encounter any danger along the way, right?"

Gu Changsheng shook his head and replied

"No, I just met a few little ghosts in Changshou Town"

"But the realm is very low, so he was dismissed by me casually!"

"Haha, I believe I can’t help you either!"


Uncle Jiu said, as if he noticed something at this moment. He was suddenly shocked. His eyes widened and he stared at Gu Changsheng closely, looking up and down!

Gu Changsheng looked at Uncle Jiu's strange expression and felt a little puzzled.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Uncle Jiu recovered a little, looked at Gu Changsheng and asked

"Junior brother, your level......?"

"I feel like you have improved a lot in the past few days!"

Gu Changsheng smiled slightly, without any concern.

"No matter how high your level is, you are still my senior brother!"

"Besides, I just have an empty realm. Although I am not completely ignorant of others, I am still far behind my senior brother!

"If we talk about Taoism, even if there are ten of me, we are still no match for you, senior brother!"

This flattery without leaving any trace was very useful to Uncle Ninth!

In fact, what Gu Changsheng said was right, and this is indeed the case.

Gu Changsheng knew that with his current level, he had actually surpassed Uncle Ninth.

But When it comes to catching ghosts, exorcising evil spirits and Taoism, he is self-aware!

When it comes to these things, Gu Changsheng is really not as good as Uncle Jiu!

After all, his own realm is achieved through golden fingers, and people like Uncle Jiu who practice step by step , the basics are very different.

When Uncle Jiu heard Gu Changsheng’s words, he immediately burst into laughter.

"However, junior brother, your current state is something that even I can’t see through!"

"I'm afraid, I will soon become a Heavenly Master!"

Gu Changsheng didn't hide anything and nodded directly to acknowledge it.

Uncle Jiu sighed.

"What a gift indeed!"

Although he said this, Uncle Jiu still had an expression of seeing through but not telling the truth.

Regarding the matter of 'inheriting the skills', Uncle Jiu didn't mention a word!

Gu Changsheng had just been talking to Uncle Jiu, and only then did he notice , the two people following Uncle Jiu.

One was fat and the other was thin, but Gu Changsheng immediately recognized that these two people were Feibao and Xiaohai, the apprentices that Uncle Jiu had taken in Liwan Town.

Uncle Jiu said to the two at this time

"Ah Bao, Xiao Hai, I’ll meet your Uncle Changsheng soon!"

After hearing this, the two people immediately saluted and said hello to Gu Changsheng.

"I’ve met Uncle Changsheng!"

Uncle Jiu said to the introduction at this time

"Junior brother, these A Bao and Xiao Hai are the apprentices I accepted in Liwan Town earlier."

Gu Changsheng looked at the two of them and nodded.

Then, he changed the topic and asked

"Hey, by the way, senior brother, why are you in Liwan Town?"

"Is Renjia Town okay?"

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