Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 1054 Special passage, blood refining black glass

Watching Heili being shrouded in black mass.

Su Chen understood that Heili must have gotten the opportunity here and was integrating power.

If you want to monopolize the opportunity, you will definitely not be able to do it in front of him.

Just when Su Chen was about to take action.

The soul was forcibly drawn into the Chaos Devouring Tower.

Seeing the tower spirit appearing in front of him, Su Chen became completely depressed.

The tower spirit had not summoned him for a long time and had not summoned him for a long time. However, he came to him at this time and wasted his time. If he waited for Hei Li to integrate his power, it would be even more difficult for him to kill the opponent.

"Ta Ling, what's going on? Tell me quickly, I still have important things to do."

The longer the delay is, the more disadvantageous it will be to oneself. Hei Li must be killed as soon as possible to avoid causing trouble for himself and Huanyugong.

For himself and Huanyugong, Heili suppressed the realm and entered the secret realm of the hundred realms. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and must be killed.

Hei Li is the master of the Dark Temple, and with that status in mind, he is definitely not willing to miss this opportunity in vain.

That is why.

Seeing that the tower spirit actually summoned him, Su Chen was somewhat displeased.

Wait until you kill Heili and seize the opportunity.

"Master, you are very lucky to be able to meet the Heart of Chaos in a small low-level plane."

Heart of Chaos?

After hearing what Ta Ling said, Su Chen instantly guessed that the power of black glass fusion was probably the so-called heart of chaos.

He knew exactly what the word "chaos" meant.

"While the black glass is not completely integrated, I can just peel it off."

The tower spirit shook his head and said, "This person contains the original power of the Chaos Heart, so the Chaos Heart will lock on him. Even if the master can kill him, it is impossible to strip her of the Chaos Heart."

Can't peel?

That's big trouble.

Su Chen didn't care whether Heili was alive or dead. The only thing he cared about was the Heart of Chaos. He knew the value of the Heart of Chaos very well.

"What should I do?"

Su Chen certainly understood that since the tower spirit summoned him in and prevented him from peeling off, it meant that there must be a way for him to obtain the heart of chaos.

"Master, I am now teaching a special secret technique, but you need to work with her.

Only then can she use this secret technique to transfer the heart of chaos in her body to yours with the help of a special channel. "

"Ahem, special passage?"

Su Chen coughed violently. Of course he knew what the special passage Ta Ling was talking about was, but he and Heili were enemies, so how could they have sex.

"Ta Ling, is there any other way?"

He would definitely not choose to give up the Heart of Chaos, but this method of stripping and transferring the Heart of Chaos into his own body was somewhat unacceptable to Su Chen.

The tower spirit shook his head and replied, "No, Master, you should know that I am not joking with you. She has merged with the origin of the Chaos Heart. Once the Chaos Heart and the origin are fused, even if the master wants to use secret techniques to transfer Chaos The heart is no longer possible, and it cannot be stripped away even if the master can kill her."

"Master, you possess the Chaos Body. If you can fuse the Chaos Heart, it will be of great benefit to your martial arts practice, and it can help you build the Chaos Avenue in the future. If the Master is not willing, I will stop talking."

Su Chen could tell that the tower spirit was very anxious and did not want to lose his heart of chaos.


It's too embarrassing for myself. I originally thought of using the Chaos Devouring Technique to forcibly peel off the heart of chaos that had begun to merge in Heili's body. Now it seems that it is no longer possible. I can only use the special secret technique of the tower spirit, and transfer the heart of chaos through a special channel. Heart.

The tower spirit stopped talking, but the meaning was already very clear. It was really important for him to transfer the heart of chaos into his own body, especially to cooperate with his own chaotic body.

The soul left the Chaos Devouring Tower.

Looking at Hei Li who was still fusing the Heart of Chaos in front of him, Su Chen's eyes were very cold. If Hei Li was to beheaded, he would certainly not be merciful at all. Anyway, Hei Li had a grudge against him, so he would kill if he could, and eradicate the roots.

Based on the grudge between the Dark Temple and Huanyu Palace, Heili is the person he must kill.

Now, things are a little different.

The Heart of Darkness that had been fused in Heili's body turned out to be the origin of the Heart of Chaos. If he hadn't been here, and if he hadn't had the help of the tower spirit, I believe Heili would have been able to fuse the Heart of Chaos.

The tower spirit values ​​the heart of chaos so much.

He has already explained many problems. It is impossible for him to choose to give up the heart of chaos, so he can only go against his true intention.

The seven blood chakras began to condense, and the Chaos Devouring Technique was running in the body. A floating golden body of chaos gradually emerged from behind Su Chen, exuding a vast aura of chaos.

"what you do!"

Hei Li suddenly opened her eyes, her face full of fear, because she was fusing the Heart of Chaos, and her body was locked by the Heart of Chaos. She did not have a Chaos Body, but only half-fused the origin. .??.

Now she was a lamb to be slaughtered. What Heili never expected was that this person could also pass through the sealing air mask.

"I want the heart of chaos in you."

Heart of Chaos?

Heili didn't know about the Heart of Chaos, but she could guess that the Heart of Chaos in this person's mouth was the power she was currently integrating, and she also knew that the reason why she was locked by the Heart of Chaos must be because The heart of darkness fused within her.

How could it be given to the other party? Heili understood how powerful the Heart of Chaos was. If she could successfully integrate it, she would definitely hit the Supreme God in the future and even ascend to the Holy Realm.


Before Hei Li could say anything, Su Chen had already taken action. The tower spirit had already taught the secret technique, which was somewhat powerful. However, he didn't care so much and wanted to obtain the Heart of Chaos no matter what. As for Hei Li, it didn't matter what he did. If you are ruthless enough, how can you lose your heart of chaos for the sake of the enemy?

"If you dare to touch me, I will cut you into pieces!"

Hei Li was completely stunned. She really didn't expect that this person would directly tear her clothes off. Did he want to desecrate herself? This was something she couldn't accept.

Choosing to ignore them directly, the terrifying air flow gathered towards Su Chen and the two.

Su Chen began to use secret techniques on Heili.

This battle is earth-shattering!

In this battle, the gods and demons trembled!

In this battle, all demons will give way!

Su Chen also did not expect that with the help of secret techniques and possessing the body of chaos, it would be such a troublesome thing to transfer the heart of chaos from Heili's body. It seemed that Hei Li had semi-fused the origin before.

He didn't care about that much. In addition to using secret techniques, he also started to run the Chaos Devouring Technique crazily, devouring power.

The energy began to pour into Heili's body quickly, forcibly peeling off the heart of darkness, the origin of the so-called heart of chaos.

Hei Li had completely collapsed, and the resentment and murderous intent in her eyes made people feel chilling, because she was really tainted. As for why this person did this, Hei Li certainly understood that it was just to forcibly strip away the blood in her body. Heart of Darkness and Heart of Chaos.

Feeling that the heart of darkness and the heart of chaos in his body were gradually being transferred from the special channel into this person's body bit by bit, Heili wanted to stop it, but he was powerless and couldn't stop it at all.

"No matter who you are, I, Hei Li, swear a blood oath here. In the future, I will take the Dark Temple to the Heavenly Meteor Realm to destroy your Huanyu Palace. No one will be left behind, including you, as well as your relatives and friends. I will even kill your sacred beast."

The resentment from deep inside her heart surged out like an erupting volcano. Hei Li was really furious and filled with murderous intent. If she hadn't been unable to move, she would have wanted to cut this man into pieces, with the murderous intent in her eyes. Staring at Su Chen.

If looks could kill, Su Chen would have been killed countless times by his looks.

After a whole day and night of fighting, Su Chen finally used secret techniques and devouring power to transfer the heart and origin of chaos from Heili's body to his own body through a special channel.

There was no surprise. Su Chen's eyes were also very cold. An extremely cold aura enveloped Hei Li, threatening him, but he knew that Hei Li could definitely do it. He had too many family members, including his master and sister, and he couldn't. Something happened.

If you let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles!

Su Chen would definitely not make such a low-level mistake.

The voice sounded like it came from the endless hell. Su Chen said coldly, "You will not have the chance to take revenge. You take the first step. In the future, I will personally go to the ancient wilderness and destroy everyone in your Dark Temple."

Without giving Hei Li a chance to continue talking nonsense, the seven blood chakras condensed above Su Chen's head had already covered Hei Li.

Blood refining!

He wanted to refine Hei Li's living blood into a drop of blood essence in the blood sacrifice chart, so that Hei Li would never be reincarnated, unable to seek revenge on himself, and unable to harm his family in the slightest.

As the miserable screams resounded through the void, Hei Li's body began to gradually disappear, turning into a drop of blood and blending into the blood sacrifice diagram that had appeared in Su Chen's hand.

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