Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Su Chen failed to successfully withdraw the fishhook, and Poseidon Xuanji also had no way to successfully suppress the fishhook.

Still the same result, both were in a stalemate.

This time the fishing hook was quite persistent, locking tightly onto the hill pattern on the jade bed.


Just at this time.

Poseidon Xuanji snorted heavily, because she was shocked to find that under her full suppression, the fishhook could actually take away the small mountain pattern.

It is obvious that the headboard of the jade bed is missing a small part, which is obviously the hill pattern.

She would never have thought to death that the hill pattern could be peeled off the jade bed.

Didn't find it myself.

Ever since she got this jade bed from the abyss of the seabed, she had tried to see what opportunities this jade bed contained.

Unfortunately, every time it ends in failure.

There are very few people who know that there is a jade bed in their palace, definitely no more than ten people.

Not even the other Poseidons knew about it, let alone the powerful ones outside.

Is there a mole?

It's unlikely. She chooses to trust the people around her. As for what's going on, let's fix the fishhook first.


The more I try to suppress the fishhook, the harder it seems to be.

Poseidon Xuanji could see that the suppressed power around the fishhook actually showed traces of cracks, and the number of cracks was increasing.

Whether she wants to believe it or not, the facts are before her. If this continues, as the cracks become more and more cracked, the fishhook will definitely leave smoothly.

His eyes were very cold, and he couldn't let the fishhook go away no matter what.

Thinking of this, Poseidon Xuanji looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, and her whole body began to change.

Scales began to appear on the body, and the sky-blue scales exuded a chilling cold light.

Seeing this situation, the expressions of the four maids changed completely. They all knew what Lord Poseidon was doing.

Who would have thought.

A small fishhook can actually force Lord Poseidon to reveal his true form.

As Poseidon Xuanji revealed his true form, the power erupted from his entire body began to soar continuously, forming a terrifying vortex that repaired the cracks again.

Just one second.

The originally stable fishing hook started to become violent, like a shark leaving the sea, hitting the whole world crazily.

Poseidon Xuanji's eyes suddenly froze, and she did not expect that the power of the fishhook was so powerful that it could shake her suppression.

After a heavy snort.

Poseidon began to continue to increase the power of suppression.

However, as the destructive power of the fishhook became more and more powerful, no matter whether Poseidon Xuanji could accept it or not, he was eventually suppressed by the power of the fishhook and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Cracks were like spider webs, covering the entire power seal.


The force was used to create a huge crack, and the fishing hook disappeared instantly.


The expressions of the four maids changed completely. They really didn't expect that with the appearance of Lord Poseidon, the fishhook could not be successfully locked. It was hard to imagine how terrifying the power this fishhook contained.

Poseidon Xuanji's face was very gloomy as she watched the fishhook leave and take away the patterns on the jade bed.

This is a fact she cannot accept.

She wanted to see who was behind this fishhook, or as she said, no matter who it was, she would make him pay an absolute price.

"Lord Poseidon, don't be reckless."

Choosing to ignore the exclamations of the four maids, the body of Poseidon Xuanji began to shed its scales. About twelve sky-blue scales began to turn into special patterns, forming a vortex in the space in front of him.

Without any hesitation, in the next second, Poseidon Xuanji took a step forward and disappeared into the vortex of lines.

Poseidon's intention was very clear, he wanted to lock the fishhook, see who it was, and wanted to play tricks in front of her.

Looking at the disappearing Poseidon.

The four maids looked at each other and saw deep shock and disbelief in each other's eyes. This was their first time encountering such a thing, and even they were a little confused.

"Tell me, who has the guts to provoke Lord Poseidon?"

"I don't know, but the opponent's strength is definitely not simple, especially this fishhook. Even the body suppression exerted by Lord Poseidon failed to successfully suppress the fishhook, and he ran away with it."

"This time, Lord Poseidon did not hesitate to harm himself, but he also wanted to lock the direction in which the fishhook left. It seems that Lord Poseidon was really angered."

"So what do we do now?"

"Block the news immediately and never let the news get out."


The four maids knew very well how much damage it would cause to the reputation of Lord Poseidon if this matter spread.

This is the last thing they want to see.

Within the residence.

For half an hour, the fishing hook still failed to return smoothly. Su Chen's expression became extremely gloomy. Could it be that something happened to the Wanjie fishing rod?

If this is the case, we will be in big trouble, because we cannot lose the Wan Jie fishing rod no matter what. There is no use regretting it now. What we have to do is to see how to successfully retrieve the fishing hook.

But right now.

Su Chen suddenly felt the breath of the fishing hook coming, and his face was filled with surprise. It seemed that he was too worried. What exactly did he catch? It took so much effort and time. This had never happened before. matter.

I saw a fishhook appear and a hill the size of a fist. What is this?

Seeing the hill falling steadily in his hand, Su Chen immediately put away the Wanjie fishing rod and looked at the hill in his hand solemnly.

He did not expect that after spending half an hour fishing, Wanjie Fishing Rod only managed to fish a small hill without knowing what kind of treasure this hill was.

If this hill was found elsewhere, Su Chen would definitely not think it was a treasure. After all, this hill looked extremely ordinary.

But now, this is the hill that Wanjie's fishing rod successfully fished. I believe it is definitely not an ordinary treasure, so I hold the hill tightly.

Just when Su Chen was about to see what kind of treasure the hill was.

Immediately, he felt strong fluctuations coming from the space in front of him, and it also brought terrifying anger. He instantly guessed that the owner of the hill was coming.

After all, Wanjie fishing rod doesn't matter, as long as it's a treasure, he will fish, and he doesn't care who the other party is.

The hill disappeared in the palm of his hand in an instant. For safety reasons, he put it directly into the world of Qiankun. Because Su Chen had full confidence in his world of Qiankun, no one could even think of locking it.

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