Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 2477 Half truth and half lie, deceiving Xuanji

Three hours later.

The expressions of the eighteen Poseidons were extremely gloomy.

They were definitely not willing to accept the fact that Su Chen left under their noses.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became.

The more I think about it, the more frustrated I become.

They wanted to cut Su Chen into pieces, but there was nothing they could do. After all, they left, no matter whether they wanted to believe it or not.


With a heavy snort, Viper Mang said angrily, "Since we took control of the Sea Clan, we have never encountered such a thing. Tell us, what should we do about this matter?"

Greed is one thing, but they still want to confirm whether what Su Chen said before is true or false.

Tian Mang understood what Viper Mang meant. .??.

After looking at everyone around him, Tian Mang said, "He can leave Poseidon Peak, but I believe he will not be able to leave Ninth Poseidon Island for the time being. What we have to do now is to blockade the entire Poseidon Island."

"Sister Xuanji is stationed at Poseidon Peak. We will seal off other places. Once locked, we will summon her immediately."



There was no hesitation at all, because everyone knew very well that in this case, the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous it would be to them, and the greater the chance that Su Chen would leave.

Leave one by one.

Seventeen sea gods disappeared instantly.

The entire Poseidon Palace has been informed that a human warrior forced his way into the Poseidon Palace, and even attracted the joint efforts of the eighteen Poseidon Gods to suppress him, which ultimately ended in failure.

In the bedroom.

The jade bed was taken away by Su Chen, which made Poseidon Xuanji furious. She changed to a sky blue jade bed, but the feeling of lying on it was completely different.

For such a thing to happen for no reason is something that Poseidon Xuanji never expected.

The whole palace, only

With Poseidon Xuanji alone, the four maids did not dare to come in and all stood quietly outside the door.

Even with her eyes closed, it could be seen that the current Poseidon Xuanji frowned tightly and felt very irritable.

The loss of the jade bed, and what Su Chen said seemed to be like a sharp sword floating in her heart. She didn't want to believe it, and couldn't believe it, but for some reason, she always thought about it and couldn't get rid of it.

"Xuanji, I haven't seen you for a few hours. You're fine."

Hear sounds.

Poseidon Xuanji suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the human warrior who appeared in front of her at some unknown time.

Her expression changed completely. She didn't even think that Su Chen had not left Poseidon Peak.

"How did you do it?"

She really couldn't figure out how this person was able to avoid the joint lock of the eighteen sea gods.

They had blocked time and space, but they had not locked on Su Chen's aura. They were unable to lock it for about three hours before they concluded that Su Chen had left Poseidon Peak.

Now it seems.

From the beginning to the end, Su Chen never left Poseidon Peak. It was really the most dangerous place and also the safest place.

"It doesn't matter how I did it. Now I have something to tell you. You don't need to summon them, because you can't lock me at all."

Before, Poseidon Xuanji would definitely not choose to believe it.

Unable to lock?

Will the Eighteen Poseidons be unable to lock in together? It's really a joke. When the Eighteen Sea Gods join forces, even in the entire Forgotten Continent, no one dares to provoke them.

Only now, the situation is indeed


This person indeed left successfully with their joint efforts, and no one even knew how Su Chen did it.

He did not continue to summon other Poseidon gods to come, because Poseidon Xuanji knew very well that if Su Chen could not be locked, even the summons would be of no use.

"What do you want?"

Whether she wanted to believe it or not, it was almost impossible for her to successfully regain the jade bed under such circumstances.

Will Su Chen hand over what he got? Definitely not, no matter how much unwillingness and anger she had in her heart, there was nothing she could do about it.

"What do you want?"

Su Chen could see what the other party was thinking, and said with a smile, "Xuanji, whether you want to believe it or not, what I said before is true. You and I were originally husband and wife, but for some reason, you entered reincarnation after your death, and I I left the jade bed behind so that I could find you."

"Do you think I'll believe you?"

Su Chen was not impatient at all and said calmly, "Believe it or not, when your soul awakens in the future, you will naturally know that I am here to tell you that your Sea Clan is about to face a life and death disaster. The culprit is the Dao Clan."

"If it weren't for your sake, I wouldn't take action. The life and death of your sea clan has nothing to do with me."

Poseidon Xuanji, who was stunned by the half-truths and half-falsehoods that she didn't believe at first, actually started to think deeply.

She saw that Su Chen had a nose and eyes, and wanted to believe it, but her intuition told her that the matter was definitely not that simple.

Believe it or not?

Completely confused, because Poseidon Xuanji knew very well that this person could take away the jade bed and correct it.

There is no point in pestering yourself.

The other party has already taken away the jade bed. Does it mean he likes me?

"You will naturally know in the future that what I want to do now is to destroy the origin of the Dao Clan. You tell me where the Dao Clan is."

Before Poseidon Xuanji could speak, Su Chen's eyes suddenly condensed, and with the help of Xifeng in his arms, he used the magical power of traveling through time and space to disappear.

Su Chen had just left, and Viper Mang's figure had already appeared outside the door. Even the God of Poseidon would not be able to enter the palace rashly. This was something that Xuanji, the God of Poseidon, would not allow.

"Sir, Sir Viper needs to see you for something."

If it were in the past, I believe that Poseidon Xuanji would definitely take action and directly summon all the Poseidons to come. But now, even she doesn't know what happened to her, and she didn't even summon other Poseidons to appear.

Even if Viper Mang appeared outside, Poseidon Xuanji did not summon her. She sighed deeply in her heart. Although she did not believe Su Chen's words, she still had a trace of doubt in her heart.

He opened the door and walked in. It was because of special reasons that Viper Mang and others were allowed to enter the dormitory.

"Is something wrong?"

He never had a good look towards Jie Mang, and seemed to have gotten used to it. Jie Mang said with a smile on his face, "Sister Xuanji, after much thought, they can just lock Su Chen. I will stay here to protect you, so that Su Chen Go and come back again.”

The protection is fake, but wanting to get close to Xuanji is real, because as everyone knows, Viper Mang likes Xuanji, and has been pursuing her for so many years, but has never succeeded.

Poseidon Xuanji snorted heavily and said, "Zi Mang, if you say this, do you think I will choose to believe you?"

Hehe smiled and said with a smile, "Sister Xuanji, everything I said is true."

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