Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 2548 The beautiful relics

His eyes were very solemn.

Because looking at the entire starry sky, he is the only one who can condense the nine blood wheels.

Other blood wheels are secondary, only the swallowing blood wheel.

Because the Devouring Blood Wheel is condensed with the Chaos Devouring Technique, it must have Chaos Bloodline and Chaos Devouring Tower as its foundation.

Maybe he is not the only one who has the Chaos bloodline.

What about the Chaos Devouring Tower and the Chaos Devouring Technique?

Is there a second person who owns it?

His eyes were very solemn, really weird.

Thinking of this, Su Chen certainly knew what he was going to do.

Blood wheels began to condense in the sky above the head. Nine blood wheels were superimposed on top of each other and were covered by the blood wheels.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Chen quickly moved towards the nine blood wheels in the void.


The next second.

A figure condensed out in an instant, and swept towards Su Chen with a terrifying offensive. It did not continue, but directly attacked the offensive behind him.

There was a bang, accompanied by a deafening sound.

A woman in blue appeared in front of Su Chen. Her face was stunning, and her delicate facial features made people want to touch her. She was slightly different from humans, especially because there was a pattern mark on her forehead.

Forsaken tribe?

Regardless of why the woman attacked him, Su Chen immediately looked into the void, only to find that the nine blood wheels had disappeared, and a mirror appeared next.

Where did the blood wheel go?

Looking at the woman in blue, Su Chen's eyes were very cold and asked, "Why did you attack me?"

"You are really ignorant. If Senior Sister Ji hadn't helped you break the illusion in time, you would be dead now."


What I just saw was an illusion?

Now that I think about it, it should be so. After all, he has nine blood wheels, which is absolutely unique. Looking at the entire starry sky, there will not be another person who can have nine blood wheels.

"What is this?"

Seemingly surprised, the woman in blue said coldly, "You don't even know about the Mirror of the Third World, yet you dare to come to the Martial Heritage Academy."

Su Chen's eyes suddenly froze when he heard the words "Three Worlds Mirror".

the reason is simple.

In his hand, there is also a Third World Mirror. So what is going on with the Third World Mirror suspended in the Wu Yiyuan?

Seeing that the other party ignored him and just looked at the Mirror of Three Worlds.

The woman in blue seemed a little surprised and didn't want to pay much attention to the other party, so she turned and left.

"Senior Ji, why are you helping this human being?"

"Hmph, if it weren't for Senior Sister Qin's face, I wouldn't care about the life or death of the human race."

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Ji Yeji didn't expect that he had kindly tried to help the other party, but was ignored by the other party.

With her status, being ignored?

She is from the Forgotten Clan, and she has a good sister named Qin Henmi, who is from the human race and is the one with the highest talent and strength among all the human students in the Forgotten Clan.

Qin Henmi has always been partial to human students. As a good friend, whenever she sees human students in trouble, she will definitely help them.

"Brother, you are really awesome. You actually chose to ignore Ji Yeji. Tell me the truth, are you taking retreat in order to advance?"

A thin man suddenly rushed to Su Chen's side and asked with a smile on his face.

"Are you from the Sea Clan?"


My name is Fangyuan, and I come from the ninth Poseidon Island of the Sea Tribe. "

Su Chen nodded. The influence on the Sea Clan was not very good. After all, the Sea Clan once teamed up to kill him, but he still had some relationship with the Poseidon Xuanji of the Ninth Poseidon Island.

Glancing at Su Chen meaningfully, Fangyuan smiled and continued, "Brother, as a senior, I would like to remind you that your trick of retreating in order to advance has been used by many people, but it has no effect."

"who is she?"

"You don't know her?"

Fangyuan looked very surprised when he saw the other person shaking his head. He thought the human was joking, but it didn't seem like it.

"Her name is Ji Yeji, and she ranks third among the ten beauties of Yi Qiong. Do you know why she took action just now? It's because she and Qin Henmi, who ranks second among the ten beauties of Yi Qiong, are good sisters. Qin Henmi She is a human student, so she takes action because of sisterhood. Look at the others and see who will take action."

There were people who watched the good show, and there were also people who ridiculed and despised him, but there was really no one except Ji Yeji who came to help and remind him.

This is the harsh reality, no matter where you go.

"Don't you even know the beauty of the sky?"

Su Chen really didn't know, but he wasn't interested either. He just stared at the empty mirror.

"Brother, you don't need to pretend to be serious with me here. Yi Qiong Shimei is the signature of our Yi Qiong Academy. I don't know how many people come here because of their fame."

Su Chen became a little impatient and asked, "Are you okay?"


"Then please leave, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense."


Fangyuan was a little confused after hearing this. It seemed that he did not expect that this person would be so arrogant and say what he said.

What you said is nonsense.

It's crazy enough.

Fangyuan couldn't help laughing.

"Boy, I'm kindly telling you, what do you think you are? Did you hear that there is a student in your human race who ranks second among the most beautiful in the sky? Do you think you can pretend to be in front of me? force."

"Boy, I can tell you right now that your human race is no longer at its peak, especially in Relic Academy. You'd better be more honest with me, otherwise."

Don't wait for Fangyuan to finish speaking.

With a snap, a domineering slap hit Fang Yuan's face directly and hard. Without waiting for any reaction from Fang Yuan, his whole body flew backwards.

With a thud, Fang Yuan's body hit the ground hard, scaring the surrounding students into retreating and looking at Su Chen in surprise.

Su Chen stared at the empty mirror, and his intuition told him that this so-called Third World Mirror was definitely connected to the Third World Mirror in his hand.

The illusion that just appeared almost made him take action. He must not be able to harm the Third World Mirror. According to Ji Yeji's help, he might be backlashed by the Third World Mirror.

We must find out what is going on.

Su Chen was unwilling to take out the Third World Mirror immediately. If others discovered it, the Third World Mirror in his hand would be exactly the same as the Third World Mirror in the void.

Or if any situation occurs, it will definitely bring you a lot of trouble.

Something completely unnecessary.

The Mirror of the Three Worlds is placed in the world of Qiankun. Due to the isolation of the world of Qiankun, even if there is contact, I believe that nothing will happen.

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

"Leave first and come back in a few days when I think of a way."


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