Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 2596 Gu Yan’s identity

Guyan nodded and said with a smile, "You can't enter the Babu Sacrifice Tower."


He was not recognized by the Sacrifice Pagoda, so he was unable to successfully set foot in the Eight Sacrifice Pagodas. As for the reason, he is not sure yet.

The reason must be understood.

"Because your bloodline level is too high and will not be recognized by the sacrifice tower, you still choose to give up."

Su Chen nodded, he understood what Gu Yan meant.

I will not persist in continuing this matter.

Because in Su Chen's opinion.

Even if he doesn't enter the Eight Sacrifice Tower, nothing will happen. As the Flame Empress said, if he can't enter the Eight Sacrifice Tower, he can still enter other places of opportunity.


Now he must figure out Gu Yan's identity, why Gu Yan knows that he has a Chaos Body and a Chaos Devouring Tower in his body, and even knows about the Tower Master.

This matter is too strange.

If he didn't figure it out, he would never feel at ease.

"Who are you?"

Gu Yan nodded and said with a smile, "Since you want to know, then I will tell you."


Gu Yan waved his hand, and an invisible air shield formed around him, completely isolating the inside and outside.

"Brother Su, since you have been recognized as the master of the Chaos Devouring Tower and can survive until now, it seems that the tower master has completely fallen into a deep sleep. How much do you know about the Chaos Devouring Tower?"

Frowning tightly, Su Chen's voice was extremely solemn as he replied, "I only know that the Chaos Devouring Tower gives me devouring power. I don't know the rest."

He didn't know Gu Yan's identity yet, and he didn't even know how much Gu Yan knew about the Chaos Devouring Tower, so he was prepared to retreat in order to advance and wanted to hear what Gu Yan would say.

Gu Yan nodded and said, "In

When Chaos first emerged, two great innate Chaos powerhouses were born from Chaos, one was Chaos Heaven and the other was Chaos Devouring Tower. "

"As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Both the Chaos Devouring Tower and the Chaos Heavenly Way want to kill each other and become the unique innate Chaos powerhouse in the entire Chaos World."

"It's just that the two innate chaos powerhouses are both immortal. It's impossible to kill them. They can only be suppressed. However, the strength of the two is evenly matched, and neither of them can absolutely suppress the other."

Su Chen didn't interrupt.

Of course he knew what Gu Yan was saying now.

It was precisely because of knowing that Su Chen seemed very surprised.

There are very few people who know the Heavenly Way of Chaos and the Chaos Devouring Tower.

Why did Gu Yan know?

"The two great innate chaos masters became impatient over time, so they began to create helpers with the help of the chaotic origin of the chaos realm."

"Chaos Heaven created eighteen Chaos King Kongs, one hundred and eight Chaos Controllers and three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons. As for the Chaos Devouring Tower, it created eight Chaos Treasures."

"The eight great treasures of chaos were defeated and were severely injured one after another. Among all the half-step innate chaos experts, many half-step innate chaos experts also died. However, there are also many half-step innate chaos experts who continue to live."

There was no expression on Gu Yan's face.

"The Chaos Heavenly Way and the Chaos Devouring Tower finally fight against the Chaos Realm, thus both lose."

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen stared at Gu Yan in front of him and asked, "What about you? Which one of the powerful ones from Chaos is it?"

According to Su Chen's guess, the Gu Yan in front of him should be one of the powerful Chaos men. As for which one he is?

Not quite sure yet.

the reason is simple.

Looking at everyone, except for the Chaos Powerhouse and the Chaos Treasure, he really couldn't think of anyone who knew about the Chaos Devouring Tower and the Chaos Heavenly Way.

He even knows about the Chaos Powerful Man and the Chaos Treasure.

Guyan smiled.

Nodding with great satisfaction, Gu Yan said with a smile, "It's really not simple. Since you have guessed it, I won't hide it. Just as you guessed, I am one of the half-step innate chaos, ranking first." The first among one hundred and eight Chaos Controllers." .??.

Hear this.

Although Su Chen had guessed it, he still couldn't help but tremble in his heart after receiving Gu Yan's recognition.

As expected, he is one of the powerful ones from Chaos.

And he is also the top powerhouse ranked first among the controllers of chaos.

Of course Su Chen knew what being a Chaos Controller meant.

Daohuang, Nightmare Ancestor, Evil Eye, and the Hidden Emperor, these are all the masters of chaos.

As for the others, Pangu, Destiny God Demon, Tianli, Chaos Phoenix, including Xiaopang, are all Chaos powerhouses.

He really didn't expect that Gu Yan, who was banned as the number one person in the ancient world, turned out to be one of the innate half-step chaos experts from the chaos realm.

Facing the powerful Chaos, it would be a lie to say that you are not afraid.

His eyes were extremely solemn. Once Gu Yan was at his peak, he would not have any chance, even if he could fuse the nine blood chakras.

The reason why he was able to deal with the powerful Chaos man in the first place was because the opponent's injuries were very serious and were less than one percent of his peak state. Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to survive until now.

this moment.

Su Chen finally knew why Gu Yan deduced himself. \u003c


According to Ta Ling, even if he is a Chaos powerhouse, as long as he does not integrate the Chaos Blood Wheel, it is impossible to lock him.

This has already shown how powerful Gu Yan's derivation is.

Very afraid.

Once Gu Yan takes action, it will be an absolutely devastating blow to him.

What surprised Su Chen was that since Gu Yan deduced that he would enter the ancient forbidden world, why didn't he go directly to the starry sky to lock himself, kill himself, and seize the Chaos Body and Chaos Devouring Tower.

As long as you can kill the tower master, or even surrender the Chaos Devouring Tower, you can advance to the true innate chaos.

But you have to know.

The gap between half-step innate chaos and innate chaos is there. After all, looking at the entire chaos, there are only two innate chaos, one is the chaotic heaven and the other is the chaos swallowing tower.

There are many experts with half-step innate chaos, but none of them can successfully advance from half-step innate chaos to innate chaos.

From this, you can imagine how difficult it is to break through from half-step innate chaos to innate chaos.

It seems that he can guess what Su Chen is thinking.

Gu Yan shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile, "Brother Su, don't worry, if I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't be able to survive until now. I wouldn't kill you before, I won't kill you now, and I won't kill you in the future. As for the Chaos Body and the I also have no interest in the Chaos Devouring Tower."

Hearing this, Su Chen didn't choose to believe it.

not interested?

Needless to say, the value of the Chaos Body and the Chaos Devouring Tower is not something that any strong Chaos warrior can resist.

Who can resist?

In Su Chen's opinion, there must be other reasons why Gu Yan didn't take action.

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