Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 2629 I won’t trouble you

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Those who want to participate in the peak battle of the Ancient Sacrifice have all started heading towards the Secret Realm of the Ancient Sacrifice.

Many people, including Qiankun City’s peak Starry Sky Six Realm warriors, went there one after another.

Among them, the City Lord's Mansion, Bai Family and Tianya Hai Pavilion are no exception.

Whether it is to improve their own strength or for the sake of the family and power behind them, many people do not want to let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Bai Xu is going to follow the top martial artist of the Bai family.

As for Su Chen.

He has already promised Wan Canghai to go with the people from the City Lord's Mansion.

This time Wan Canghai was in charge personally.

The huge starship docked at the City Lord's Mansion.

"Little friend Su, I'm sorry to trouble you about the ancient secret realm."

"The city lord is welcome."

"Let me introduce you."

"Qianqian, Meier, come here."

Two women with peerless looks came over after hearing the call of the city lord.

Wan Canghai pointed to the woman in blue on the left and said, "She is Gong Qianqian, and this is my granddaughter Wan Meier. You all need to get to know each other, and help each other when you enter the secret realm."

"Grandpa, is he in the Kingdom of God?"

There is undisguised sarcasm in Wan Meier's eyes, because in Wan Meier's view, among the six realms of the peak starry sky, the Kingdom of God can only be ranked third. In the peak ancient sacrifice battle, the Kingdom of God is not as powerful as Being unable to move up is also the most vulnerable existence to fall.

"Now you can get on the starship, we'll leave immediately."


Of course, Su Chen could see Wan Meier's contempt for him.

Nothing matters.

Look down on yourself?

When he enters the secret realm, he will definitely not ask for help from anyone, not even the soul.

Being sealed and having to rely only on the physical body will still be the same.

Starships one after another kept rising from inside and outside Qiankun City, heading quickly in the same direction, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Inside the starship.

Independent box.

Sitting cross-legged, Su Chen's eyes were solemn, because no matter how hard he tried, he could not successfully break away from the sealed soul.

Slowly opening his eyes, he let out a deep sigh. There was really nothing he could do.

Even Gong Wuya had no choice, so he could only place all his hopes on the peak battle of the Ancient Sacrifice, hoping that he could successfully enter the top three thousand in the secret realm and enter the Ancient Sacrifice Taoist Pagoda to practice.

If the soul is sealed forever, it will definitely be a great disadvantage to myself.


Hearing the knock on the door, Su Chen immediately stood up and opened the door.

Looking at Gong Qianqian standing outside the door, Su Chen seemed a little surprised. He did not expect that Gong Qianqian would suddenly come to him.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Miss Gong, is there something wrong?"

"Well, I have something to ask you about. Can you come in?"

"Of course, please come in."

Su Chen stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

Gong Qianqian walked into the room, sat down, and said with a smile, "Grandpa admires you very much. I heard that your soul has been sealed, so if you still choose to enter the secret realm of ancient sacrifices, you will be in great danger. Aren't you afraid of death?" ?”

Su Chen knew what Bai Guangqianqian meant. Judging from the situation in which his soul was sealed, forcing himself into the secret realm of ancient sacrifices would definitely do more harm than good to him.

Whether he wants to believe it or not, there is no Yuan

With the help of gods, he can only fight with the Destiny Realm by relying on physical strength alone. It is somewhat difficult to compete with the Other Shore Realm and the Qiankun Realm.

Even if there is danger, he will still choose to participate in the ancient peak battle.

There will be no holding back.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't speak, Gong Qianqian said, "I'm just curious. You don't need to answer. I'm looking for you this time mainly because I want to tell you something."

"Please say."

"Grandpa asked me to protect your safety in the secret realm. I have no problem. But Su Chen, you have to understand one thing. The moment we warriors set foot in the secret realm, we will be transported to various places by the secret realm and we will not be able to be together at all. , so I can't protect you. Although I promised grandpa, I can't do it, so you should understand what I mean."

I see.

Su Chen instantly understood what Gong Qianqian meant. In the final analysis, he was notifying himself in advance and unable to protect himself. Like Wan Meier, he looked down on himself as a so-called warrior in the Kingdom of God.

"Don't worry, Miss Gong. When you enter the secret realm, you and I will fight on our own. There is no need to protect anyone, and I won't trouble you."

"That's best. Take your leave."

Gong Qianqian didn't want to stay any longer, so she got up and left.

I didn't take this matter to heart, it didn't matter.

Su Chen can completely understand Gong Qianqian's arrogance. Let's not talk about Gong Qianqian's appearance. She is definitely proud of Gong Qianqian's identity and talent, including her strength.

No time was wasted, even though he knew it would be difficult for him to break the soul seal on his own, Su Chen continued to return to his position, sat down and started practicing.

Others may not be able to do it, but Su Chen has full confidence in himself.

Even if it is

The soul is sealed, but he can still use the secret realm to improve his physical cultivation.

He has already practiced the Body Refining Art to its second form, but has never broken through. Now, he just takes advantage of this opportunity to break through the limits of his physical body with the help of the Body Refining Art.

If the physical cultivation level can successfully break through to the Destiny Realm, or even the Other Shore Realm, I believe it will be of great benefit to me in participating in the Peak Ancient Sacrifice Battle.

Three days later.

The starship successfully arrived at the Jigu Mountain Range. The peaks are stacked one after another. From a distance, the entire mountain range seems to be shrouded in a faint gray-black mist.

Starships are parked outside the mountains one after another, because the gray-black gas shield covering the mountains has a fatal effect on the starships.

Any starship that flies forcefully into the mountains will definitely be hit.

Leave the starship.

Su Chen looked at the starry sky spaceships, which were densely parked outside the mountains, and was also sighing. It seemed that there were too many peak starry sky six-level warriors participating in the ancient peak battle this time.

It’s not just the ancient world. After all, the ancient world contains ten thousand realms, and the ancient world is just one of the ten thousand realms.

If all the ancient worlds are willing to participate in the ancient peak battle, then it is completely conceivable how many peak starry sky six realm warriors will enter the secret realm.

I believe it is absolutely an astronomical number.

It doesn't matter, he chose to enter the secret realm of ancient worship this time, just to improve his physical cultivation, and to successfully enter the ancient worship tower to see if he can unlock the seal of the soul.

As for the so-called Universe Liquid in the Ancient Taoist Pagoda.

Although he had promised the two of them, from Su Chen's point of view, he would definitely try his best if he could get it. If he couldn't get it, he would definitely not take the risk. He would not joke with his own life.

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