Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 2690 Understanding Destiny

Bold words and great ambitions.

A life in vain can be regarded as a complete struggle.

"Boss, can I eat that Nine Sun Tree?"

Su Chen nodded. He knew the value of the Nine Sun Tree very well and would definitely not be willing to hand it over casually, let alone give it to Bai Ming.

Of course he knew what Bai Ming wanted from Jiuyang Tree.

Swallow the Nine Sun Tree. ??

Although the Nine Sun Tree is not as valuable as the Tree of Life, it still has a price but no market outside.

And now.

However, Su Chen endured the reluctance in his heart and could only swallow the Nine Sun Tree in vain.

The current situation is very unfavorable to him. He can see that Bai Ming is almost exhausted. If he forcibly interrupts the supply of life feed, it will not do him any good.

Because of this, Su Chen nodded and said without any reluctance, "Okay."

The words just fell.

Su Chen immediately forcibly sent the Nine Sun Tree to Bai Ming.

Bai Ming was not polite at all and swallowed the whole Nine Sun Tree in one gulp. Bai Ming, who was weak just now, suddenly became angry.

"Boss, watch me show off my power."


Under the overbearing force, Bai Ming began to pull up crazily.

"Su Chen, what's wrong with you?"

Just at this time.

Flame Empress came over and asked worriedly. She could see that Su Chen was obviously different now.

She was very frustrated because due to the limitations of the Ancient Sacrifice Secret Realm, she could not leave the world where Su Chen lived.

I think she is also a strong person in the Qiankun Realm after the Tribulation, but now she can't even do anything to help. It's really frustrating.

Su Chen understood what Flame Empress meant, gently shook Flame Empress's hand, and said, "I'm fine. I just have some problems with my practice. Don't worry, I can solve it myself."


It will not threaten your life or death.


Su Chen didn't plan to tell the Flame Empress about this, because in his opinion, what would happen even if he told her?

Why waste your breath when you know it's useless?

Seeing Su Chen disappearing, clenching her fists tightly, the Flame Empress really wanted to kick Su Chen to death.

Completely ignoring yourself.

Of course he knew that in Su Chen's opinion, even if he told himself, he wouldn't be able to help. He was really looking down on himself.

When he leaves the Ancient Sacrifice Secret Realm, he will let Su Chen know how powerful he is.

Return to the soul.

Su Chen began to merge again, and had swallowed the Nine Sun Tree's white life. He believed that he would not lose his chain in a short time.

As for whether it can maintain its own integration, it is completely unknown.

After all, Bai Ming is not a machine. It cannot be pulled endlessly. Sooner or later, it will collapse. Now I can only do my best.

As for the time issue, Su Chen is not worried at all. If he is outside, he can still stay in the ancient Taoist Taoist Pagoda for less than two days.

But within one's own soul, time exists completely alone, that is to say, no matter how many days it takes, it has nothing to do with the outside world and is in an absolutely static state.

Absolutely still, even if he stays in Yuanshen for hundreds of millions of years, not even a second has passed outside. In this case, he has enough time to integrate.

I don’t know how long I had been pulling, but Bai Ming, who was already weak, couldn’t pull anymore. However, Luo Luo and the other little guys began to suffer from fatigue.

"Bai Ming, hurry up and keep pulling, if you dare to stop

, don’t blame us for being rude. "

"This is a matter related to the boss. There must be no surprises. Do you want to kill the boss?"


Looking at the friends in front of him, Bai Ming was completely convinced. Are these still good friends with whom he talks and laughs?

Not long ago, when he couldn't pull anymore, the boss directly told Luobo and others that as long as he dared to stop, they would punch and kick him, completely ignoring whether he could continue to pull.

"I want to see the boss."

"The boss is busy. Now you just need to continue to pull life feed. We will talk about other things later."

Luobo said, "Baishi, you don't need us to tell you. You should also know how important the life feed you are pulling out now is to the boss. We also know your hard work, but it is all for the boss. You Just bear with it."

"Boss Carrot, I really can't hold you back anymore. If you want to help Boss, please help me together."

Carrot nodded and said, "Okay."

"Let's take action together."



In the Yuan Shen, as the dense life feed pours in, the entire Yuan Shen is filled with endless life breath, like the vast sea roaring wantonly.

All the billions of divine kingdoms have disappeared and never appeared again, and Su Chen can see that now his soul is showing life ripples, like ripples on the water, one layer after another.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Su Chen's eyes were full of surprise, because he knew very well what the current soul meant.

Immediately cut off the continued influx of life feed. At the same time, Bai Ming, who found that he had been cut off, collapsed to the ground and began to fall asleep.

He was so tired.

The ripples in the soul continued to ripple around, like ripples of water, beginning to cover the entire soul, making people feel very comfortable.

He finally made a breakthrough at the peak of the Kingdom of God, and with the Kingdom of God completely disappearing, he is now realizing his destiny, his own destiny.

In the six realms of the peak starry sky, step on the star ladder, condense into the Sacrifice Mansion, open up the Kingdom of God, control the destiny, gather on the other side, and shatter the universe.

He has been trapped in the Kingdom of God for so long. This time, he would like to thank Ta Ling and Bai Ming. Without Ta Ling's reminder and Bai Ming's selfless dedication, he would still be trapped in the Kingdom of God. It would be impossible. Successfully hit the peak of the Kingdom of God.

After stepping out of the realm of God, as long as you can comprehend destiny, you can break through to the realm of destiny. A warrior in the realm of destiny will comprehend nine times in total.

Now Su Chen no longer thinks about the so-called Kingdom of Gods. What he has to do now is to start to understand his own destiny. Only in this way can he successfully enter the Kingdom of Destiny.

In the past, Su Chen had full confidence in his talent and believed that it would not be difficult to successfully enter the Destiny Realm.

Only now, as he has been trapped in the Kingdom of God for so long, Su Chen feels a little doubtful about himself.

No one knows whether the Destiny Realm will be the same as the Divine Kingdom Realm, where one will still be trapped by oneself.

Even Su Chen couldn't guarantee it.


No matter what, it was impossible for him to choose to give up such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he found that even if he broke through to the peak of the divine realm, it seemed that he still could not leave his soul.

Is it because I can't leave because I haven't reached the realm of destiny?

The only explanation is that if he wants to leave his soul smoothly, he can only choose to continue to understand his destiny and attack the destiny realm.

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