Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 2736: Tiger poison does not eat its seeds

Divine body gestates.

And it was the father who used his daughter's divine body to nurture his own martial arts cultivation.

This method of poisoning tigers and eating seeds made the faces of Zi Mo and Zi Xue Emperor completely change.

None of them wanted to believe it.

Can you not believe it?

With the facts in front of them, the two of them stared at the eldest brother in front of them, and they were still in a state of confusion.

"Father, is what he said true?"

Zi Mo still didn't want to believe it, she wanted to hear her father say it himself.

With some guilt on his face, Zichu said helplessly, "Zimo, I know I can't help you, but back then I failed in the sixth tribulation of the universe. If I didn't use your innate body, I would definitely die."

For Qiankun Tribulation warriors, every time they go through a calamity, there are many dangers, and they will lose their lives if they are not careful.

Especially the further to the back, the more dangerous it becomes.

Zichu once chose to give up the throne to survive the sixth tribulation of the universe, but ultimately ended in failure.

In the end, he had no choice but to use secret techniques to enter his daughter's divine body.

It’s better not to enter.

After choosing to enter the divine body, Zichu was surprised to find that the divine body contained in his daughter's body turned out to be the legendary innate Taoist body.

He began to cultivate martial arts cultivation with the help of the innate Tao body. Over the years, he not only successfully survived the sixth world tribulation in the innate body, but also started to impact the seventh world tribulation.

Just being forcibly interrupted made me feel very angry.

"Brother Imperial, if you do this, you will kill Zi Mo at any time."

The Purple Blood Emperor was very angry. She had already guessed what was going on. If the divine body alone was conceived, there would definitely be no problem.

the biggest issue.

It's the emperor's brother who is traveling through the world in Zimo's body

Tribulation, for the Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, they all know what it means. If they are not careful, Zimo will be destroyed.

It's okay for others to do this, but not for my own royal brother.

Faced with this kind of thing, it would be a lie to say that you are not angry.

The angry eyes were full of coldness, and the Purple Blood Emperor was so angry that he couldn't hold it back.

A sigh showing helplessness.

Looking at the imperial sister and daughter in front of him, Zichu said helplessly, "Zimo, you are my good daughter, and you don't want to watch your father die. What do you think?"

Zi Mo wanted to say something, but finally held back.

She didn't know what to say.

Anger is anger, Zichu in front of her is always her father.

Do you really want to watch your father die?

Just ask.

If my father had told me that he wanted to use his innate Taoist body to cultivate martial arts skills, and if I refused, my father would definitely die, would I still refuse?

Definitely not, there is no way he could see his father having trouble.

She could sacrifice herself to save her father, but she couldn't accept that her father kept it from her.

The Zixue Emperor said, "Brother, you should know how much trouble you will bring to Zimo if you do this. I hope this is the last time."

Zichu shook his head, and his meaning was very simple, that is, to tell his imperial sister that he still needs to continue to give birth to a divine body, so that he can continue to use the innate Taoist body to survive the tribulations of heaven and earth.

Seeing what the emperor meant, the Zixue Emperor was really angry and roared, "Zi Chu, have you gone too far? Tiger poison cannot eat its seeds, you have already

After surviving the sixth catastrophe, why continue? Do you really want to kill your daughter? "

"Don't worry, I won't kill Zimo. She is my daughter. I am more nervous about her than you are."

Su Chen, who had not spoken yet, said, "Zi Chu? I don't care whether you want to be pregnant with a divine body or not. I have made an agreement with Zi Mo that the innate Tao body in her body belongs to me, not you." "

Su Chen could almost conclude that if nothing unexpected happened, Zimo would definitely agree to Zichu.

After all, Zichu is Zimo's father, how could he refuse.

Forcibly stripping off the divine body by himself was also a good thing for Zimo, and he needed the innate Tao body very much, otherwise, he would not have chosen to stay.

"Who are you?"

Zi Mo immediately revealed Su Chen's identity, but she didn't mention anything about Zi Huanjian.

Seeming helpless, Zi Mo took a deep look at Su Chen. She understood that there was no room for relaxation. She could see that her father had already made up his mind. .??.

Zimo knew her father's character very well. Because of her martial arts skills, she could even give up the throne and use her divine body to cultivate martial arts skills. Can she choose to give up in this case?

Certainly not.

Zichu snorted coldly and said sarcastically, "You are really cruel. Since you clearly know that the divine body in Zimo is an innate Taoist body, you should know the value of the innate Taoist body."

"You can only deceive two women if you want to take off a fire-charming divine body and exchange it for an innate Taoist body."

The Purple Blood Emperor said nothing because she always thought that what Su Chen said might not be true. After all, the value of the two divine bodies was not at the same level.

If it were in the past, she would definitely

Choose to believe in your elder brother without hesitation.

But now, she doesn't believe anyone, because how can she choose to believe in a person who can even choose to give up her own daughter, or even give up the throne?

With a heavy snort, the Zixue Emperor said angrily, "From now on, Zi Mo's divine body belongs to her, and none of you can touch it."

"Zi Chu, I am the emperor of the Zihuan Dynasty now. As for you who chose to give up the throne, you must regard me as the emperor. I now order you as the emperor that from now on, you will not be allowed to enter Zimo's palace again. The divine body cannot continue to be pregnant with the divine body."

"As for Su Chen, the previous agreement between you and me is over. The innate Taoist body contained in Zimo's body is very suitable for her. As for this fire charm divine body, I will give it to you. You can leave the Zihuan royal family now. I hope you will Don’t take another step forward in the future.”

It was obvious that the Zixue Emperor was really angry, because now she no longer believed in anyone but only herself and Zimao, so it was safest for her divine body to remain in Zimao's body.



Zichu and Su Chen refused at the same time, both of them had their own purposes.

Su Chen said, "Zimo, I have already said that the innate Tao body is too powerful for you and you cannot control it at all. Not only that, if you continue like this, it will not only be of no benefit to you, but it will even harm your martial arts practice." In order to be hindered, you don’t want to stop at the Sixth Realm of the Peak Starry Sky.”

Stagnation of martial arts is unacceptable to any warrior.

This time, Su Chen didn't lie, because the so-called Fire Charm Divine Body was indeed more suitable for Zimo than the Innate Dao Body.

Again, if he wanted to forcibly strip off his divine body, no one could stop him, including the Purple Blood Emperor.

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