Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3086 Self-Sealing

Kirin Bodhisattva will definitely not agree.

Because of his identity, how could he make a blood oath or even use secret techniques on himself.

Immediately sitting cross-legged, Qilin Bodhisattva began to surge out of his body, completely covering his whole body.

"Boy, when I recover from my injuries, that will be the day I destroy you."


Su Chen's eyes changed completely.

Not daring to hesitate at all, he directly slapped Qilin Bodhisattva hard.

There was a bang without any sound, just like hitting cotton.

His eyes were very solemn, and Su Chen also understood that even if the three of them had their own souls damaged in the melee, or even the very foundation of their souls, it would not be easy for him to completely suppress the three of them.

Looking at the First Emperor, Su Chen asked, "What about you?"

"I won't protect you."

"Then you choose to seal yourself and see if your soul recovers faster or if I break through faster."

Su Chen didn't take action again, knowing clearly that it would be useless, so why waste time.

I felt very unwilling, but there was nothing I could do.

He knew very well how noble and self-respecting the First Emperor and Qilin Bodhisattva were, so how could they surrender to him, even to protect him?

The same was the choice of the First Emperor, who chose to seal himself.

Because the First Emperor could see that this person's character was very tough. At the very least, he would definitely not be able to threaten the other party. That's why he didn't waste time.

With a sigh in his heart, Su Chen could only look at the ancient divine ape.

"Boy, I will not seal myself, nor will I surrender to you, but guarding you all the time is definitely not possible. But I can promise that when you face life and death, I will keep you safe, but I will not help you. You kill people, if you want, you and I can talk.”


br\u003e Su Chen understood that this was the bottom line for the ancient divine ape.

If he refuses, then the ancient divine ape may also choose to seal himself.

He definitely doesn't want to see this happen.

I just want to be protected by the three powerful men, even if it is not 100 million years, but only a million years.

Who would have thought.

The First Emperor and Qilin Bodhisattva would rather choose to seal themselves than compromise.


Can you refuse?

The ancient divine ape nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Boy, I know the doubts in your heart, and I like your character very much. Qilin Bodhisattva was severely injured by us, and the foundation of the soul cannot be restored at the moment, so you have time to practice. "

"How to call it."

"Just call me Ape King."

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "Can you take action now?"

"What do you think?"

"If the three of us can take action, we will not be threatened by you."

Seemingly helpless, Su Chen was unwilling but had no choice but to give up.

"Boy, you just helped me and the First Emperor break the seal. I want to ask where it comes from."

A blood sacrifice picture appeared in Su Chen's hand.

"Do you know the Ape King?"

The Ape King shook his head and said, "I don't know, but this power is very terrifying, but it's just a little incomplete. If one day, the treasure in your hand can return to its peak, and you can fully master it, I believe that there is no way to conquer thousands of universes." question."

Su Chen was a little surprised when he heard the Ape King's words. He did not expect that the Ape King would have such a high opinion of the Blood Sacrifice Diagram. It seemed that the Blood Sacrifice Diagram in his hand was not simple.

"Then what are you going to do? Stay here, or leave with me."

The Ape King understood what Su Chen meant, looked to the left and right, thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I'll stay here and recover my soul as soon as possible. Going out now will be a big trouble for me."

"Then how should I control the Great Sun Bodhisattva Picture?"

"That bullshit Great Sun Bodhisattva Picture. This picture was originally called the Ancient Years Picture. It was obtained by Qilin Bodhisattva and was renamed the Great Sun Bodhisattva Picture. Now he has chosen to seal himself. I teach you a secret technique that you should be able to control temporarily. .”

"Thank you very much."

"Boy, if you can help me find the power of the soul, I will take action for you."

Su Chen was not surprised at all. He certainly knew how difficult it was to lock in the power of the soul that the ancient divine ape needed.

Let’s take a step back.

Even if I can really successfully obtain the power of the soul, I will give it to Xiaopang and Luobo as soon as possible, instead of giving it to the ancient divine ape, without even thinking about it.

Just when Su Chen was about to leave.

"Senior Ape Emperor, did you not use your full strength when you joined forces with the First Emperor before? If I am not wrong, your soul is not yet injured to the point where you cannot take action."

"Yes, you are really smart."

"I want to know why."

"The First Emperor and I are also life-and-death enemies. We were attacked from behind by Qilin Bodhisattva, but I also understand that the person I want to really kill is the First Emperor."

"Then why did you just

Why not take action? "

Su Chen had already guessed that the Ancient Divine Ape had not tried his best, and was very afraid of him, because he understood one thing, that is, as long as the Ancient Divine Ape made a move, he believed that he would not be able to resist it.

Fortunately, the ancient divine ape has no intention of taking action. Does he look down on himself? After all, with my own painting skills, I can't even be considered an ant in front of the majestic universe.

In addition, what Su Chen couldn't figure out was why the ancient divine ape didn't take action even though he still had the ability to take action.

But you must know that given the situation of the First Emperor and Qilin Bodhisattva, once the Ancient Divine Ape takes action, he will definitely be able to successfully suppress the two top powerhouses.

As if he could guess what Su Chen was thinking, the ancient divine ape said with a smile, "Boy, you still don't quite understand. The warrior's breakthrough to the universe creation realm is beyond what you thought. Although the two of them have damaged souls, they still face life and death. , once they use their own secret techniques, or their souls self-destruct, I will also be implicated, and I will not do anything that I am not sure of."

I see.

In the final analysis, it is just that the ancient divine ape is afraid of death and does not dare to take risks. If it were him, he would probably choose a different approach from the ancient divine ape and just take action.

Forget it, everyone has their own choice. Some people are willing to take risks, while others are willing to play it safe. Who is right and who is wrong? It can be said that benevolent people have different opinions.

Without further questioning, Su Chen immediately left the Great Sun Bodhisattva Diagram, which is also the so-called Ancient Years Diagram, after receiving the secret technique taught by the Ancient Divine Ape.

After Su Chen left, he immediately used it, and the giant painting began to shrink continuously. In the eyes of many people in shock, it finally shrank to the size of a thumb, and slowly landed on the palm of Su Chen's hand.

"I will definitely refine the Ancient Time Diagram. As for the three of you, I will find a way to make you surrender."

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