Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3103 Can only be consumed

I simply don't want to believe that a small painting realm warrior can compete with them.

How about setting up the formation?

What if we successfully lead them into the formation?

Because of the absolute gap in realm, for them, it is simply something they can choose to ignore.

That is why.

Most people still didn't take Su Chen seriously. They all looked around angrily and began to attack crazily.

Their meaning is very simple, that is, to successfully break through the formation, imprison and hunt them, and thus become the holy sons of the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan.

If this battle had been fought with other painting realm warriors, there would definitely not be any suspense, because in the martial arts world of thousands of universes, painting realm warriors are indeed very weak.

Very weak.

But it depends on who.

Su Chen, the situation is completely different.

In order to successfully kill everyone, Su Chen can be said to have paid a huge price this time, because whether it was ten devouring generals or twelve slayers, he would suffer losses if he was not careful.

the most important is.

Su Chen even integrated his nine blood chakras into the formation. It is completely conceivable that if the formation is forcibly broken, the first person to suffer the backlash must be Su Chen.

Therefore, in this battle, we can only win but not lose.

Once defeated, death is certain.

Su Chen was crazy enough, but he had to do this because he knew very well that if he chose to retreat and compromise in everything, then why would he set foot in the universe.

If I had blocked the Starry Sky Universe back then, who could have blocked me?

It's a pity that he can't do this, not to mention other things, just the Chaos Devouring Tower contained in his body will not allow it.

the reason is simple.

He couldn't tell at all when Ta Zun would come

wake up.

He has begun to practice the Chaos Devouring Technique, and has even broken through to the eighth level. For Ta Zun, it has threatened the foundation of Ta Zun.

Under such circumstances, Su Chen could almost conclude that as long as Ta Zun woke up successfully, he would be the first person to deal with him. There was no doubt about this.

Fight for yourself.

He also fights for his family.

He must become stronger. If the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan wants to hunt him, then he must make the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan pay a high price.

At this moment, Su Chen attacked everyone trapped in the formation with all his strength.

The sword energy in the sky was attacking crazily, and some warriors with low cultivation levels could not resist it at all, and their bodies were constantly penetrated by the sword energy.

The extremely pungent smell of blood constantly hit the noses of the remaining warriors.

The people who had clamored not to be afraid of Su Chen at the beginning and vowed to kill Su Chen now had extremely gloomy expressions. It seemed that they had never thought that Su Chen was really so difficult to deal with.

"What a hell. I have never encountered such a difficult-to-treat painting realm warrior. No wonder this person was personally attacked by the clan leader. It turns out he really has some strength."

"Don't take it lightly. I've said it before. Even the clan leader personally issued a killing order, which already shows that this person is definitely not simple. We don't want to be unable to kill this person, or even lose his life here."

No one objected.

Because the facts are there, no matter whether they want to believe it or not, the formation arranged by Su Chen is indeed very powerful. They can't even break the formation forcibly. If they hadn't experienced it personally, I'm afraid no one would choose to believe it.

"Leave eight people to resist the formation, and the remaining people will all focus their attacks to one point, and we will break the formation with all our strength."


Using Arrancar, this is the only chance to successfully break through the formation. They all know that if they continue in the situation they are trapped in, the longer the delay is, the more disadvantageous it will be to them.

The center of the formation.

Holding the invincible sword in his hand, Su Chen looked a little pale, because he still underestimated the backlash of the formation, and forcibly integrated the nine blood rounds into the formation, which still consumed too much on himself.

Fortunately, I have Qiankun Pills that I can continuously replenish, but I have to fight quickly. If this battle is not good for the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan, then it is also extremely bad for myself.

Thinking of Su Chen here.

Of course, he will not continue to grind and start to display his invincible swordsmanship.

The powerful sword intent began to penetrate every part of the formation.

In an instant!

The entire formation space began to resound with sword chants one after another, as if endless thunder tore through the void thousands of miles away, and the furious sword energy began to ripple wantonly, as if it was about to swallow the void completely.

The power of the nine blood chakras were all integrated into the sword intention, and the terrifying sword energy swept across, causing everyone's expressions to completely change.

"We still underestimated him. Break the formation quickly."

"Brother Yan, if this continues, it will be very detrimental to us. It is better to inform Elder Qi Tu quickly. Only with his action can we successfully suppress Su Chen."

Only Qi Tu was the Lord of the Universe, but Qi Tu did not enter the formation with them. In this case, they could only hope that Qi Tu would come in quickly.

Because they really couldn't afford to delay, Su Chen's power was far beyond their understanding.

, if this continues, even if they don't want to perish, there is a high chance that they will die here. This is something that no one wants to see.

"It's not easy to notify Elder Qi Tu. This person has arranged a formation to deliberately lure us in. He must have made a foolproof plan. If I am not wrong, we have been completely isolated by the formation and cannot be notified at all."

"Hmph! I don't believe it. I want to see if the formation can isolate the connection between us."

The Sansheng Zhanqiong clan has a special way of contacting them, and even formations cannot isolate them.

However, they still underestimated the formation arranged by Su Chen. As one of the thirty-six formations in the formation, the Nine-turn Divine Locking Formation has been forcibly increased in power by Su Chen. There is definitely no problem in isolating information. .

"How about it?"

"Isolated, how on earth did he do it."

"So what do we do now?"

"Don't panic, everyone. Although the formation this person has set up is not simple, according to my guess, if this person wants to use the formation to deal with us, it may not be that easy. We just need to hold on. I believe he will not be able to defeat us. When we want to deal with him, I believe it will be much easier."

Thinking about it is extremely difficult to do.

Everyone understands one thing, that is, the formation arranged by Su Chen is definitely not simple. At least the bodies of dozens of people who died are placed there.

If they hadn't seen these corpses, who would have dared to believe that the formation arranged by a small painting realm warrior could actually do this and force them to be so embarrassed.

However, there is no good way now. We can only spend it with Su Chen to see who can afford it.

But doing so is really disrespectful to their status.

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