Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3107 War Realm

No words were spoken.

Because Su Chen didn't know what to say.

He had no idea when Xiaopang and Carrot would wake up.

What he can do now is to improve his own cultivation. Only in this way can he better protect his family in the future so that they do not need to bear unnecessary harm.


Right now.

The funeral boat suffered a fierce attack, and on the water curtain in front of it, the scene happening outside appeared.

The densely packed spaceships are attacking me crazily.

"Space missile."

Since setting foot in the universe, Su Chen has not paid too much attention to these things, but he is still involved in the so-called cosmic missiles.

The space missile is a kind of offensive specially equipped by warriors for the spaceship. It is refined with special materials and poured into it with power. It is very powerful.

Space missiles landed on the funeral boat one after another.

If it had been any other spaceship, I believe it would have been blown up long ago.

Only the burial boat.

I have to admit that the defense of the funeral boat is indeed very strong. Even if all the missiles fell on the funeral boat, they did not cause any damage to the funeral boat.

With a look of indifference on his face, Su Chen showed no fear at all.

the reason is simple.

He could almost conclude that he must have encountered a space bandit. He had encountered it before, so he was already used to it.

There was no battle out of the ship because Su Chen was not sure whether there were powerful cosmic realm warriors among these cosmic bandits. Even if they were cosmic causal realm warriors, he was no match for him now.

There is absolutely no need to go head-to-head.

It is precisely because of this that Su Chen chose to avoid his edge.

He controlled the funeral boat with all his strength and left, but space missiles continued to land on the funeral boat without breaking.

The burial boat was launched for defense, but the huge body of the burial boat was still swaying.

Under the cover of space missiles all over the sky, Mian Zhou forced his way out of the way. All the spaceships were chasing after him, with no intention of letting go of Mian Zhou.

the reason is simple.

The fact that a spaceship can withstand so many cosmic missiles already shows how high-level this spaceship is.

For the space bandits, they definitely want to rob the spaceship, so how could they let Su Chen leave?

"Boss, they are still chasing you."

"It doesn't matter."

Su Chen didn't have the slightest patience, because the speed of the burial boat had not reached the fastest speed yet.

His hands began to form seals, and a force instantly penetrated into the burial boat. In an instant, the speed of the burial boat doubled, and it disappeared without even being able to see the afterimage.

All spaceships stopped.

They all looked very surprised as they watched the target disappear from their sight.

Greed is greed, they can't catch up with each other smoothly at all, they can only watch the target disappear.

I was very unwilling, but there was no way I could do it.

In the war-remnants universe, starry skies and star fields, including continents, are intertwined and dotted with stars.

"That's the continent."

From a distance, Su Chen saw a huge continent standing in the center of many starry skies. Su Chen was not sure which starry sky he should go to. He could only choose one at random. As for whether it could improve his cultivation level. , then it depends on your own luck and luck.

The funeral boat is parked outside in the void.

Su Chen leaves

After putting away the burial boat, I saw an extremely huge light curtain in the outer void, with two words written on it, War Realm!


The news of Qi Tu had been sent back to the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan. Qi Daoxuan, who was at the base camp, was very angry. Of course he knew that Su Chen's continued stay in the Sansheng Secret Realm was a provocation to him.

It's really too rampant.

Not only did he dare to set foot in the Sansheng universe, but he also provoked himself. If he didn't kill this person, how could he be worthy of himself? The grudge between him and Su Chen must be resolved with blood.

Just like this, after receiving the news, Qi Daoxian immediately got up and left the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan without any hesitation, and rushed to the Sansheng Secret Realm as quickly as possible.

Qi Daoxuan arrived and directly blocked the entrance. He could only go in but not out, because he didn't know whether Su Chen would use disguise and so on, so he had to check them one by one.

If it were anyone else, would they dare to block the exit of the secret realm at will?

The answer is definitely neither dare nor can, except Qi Daoxian's situation is different.

In addition to Qi Daoxu's own powerful strength, the Sansheng Zhanqiong clan behind him is also known as the number one force in the Sansheng universe.

Let me ask, who dares to provoke him? Who dares to dissent? Who dares to refuse?

I can only dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

However, even if Qi Daoxi was killed, I believe he would never have thought that the person he was targeting had not only left the secret realm, but also left the Sansheng Universe. Simply blocking the entrance to the secret realm would result in a futile effort.

"It's really unlucky that we are blocked by the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan, and we don't know when we will be able to leave."

"I heard that Qi Daoxuan personally came out of the sect this time to hunt down a person, and this person is only a so-called painting realm."

"Painting? Are you kidding me?

? A small painting realm warrior dares to provoke the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan? Do you still need the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan’s Clan Chief to personally take action? I don't believe it. You must have heard wrong. "

"Well, I don't believe it either. I hope I heard wrong. In any case, it may be difficult for us to leave smoothly until we successfully lock this person down."

"We can only wait."


Zhan You Palace.

You Shen said helplessly, "Father, do we need to tell Linglong about Su Chen?"

You Jiuyou shook his head and said, "Do you still need me to tell you what your own daughter's character is like? Su Chen has now left the Three Lives Secret Realm. I believe he will be able to handle it. There is no need for us to tell Linglong. Now Hao'er has entered the ancestral temple to practice, and no one is allowed to disturb him."

"The matter of blocking Su Chen's news."

"Just do what Su Chen said. We are not opponents of the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan, and there is no need to recruit such troublesome enemies to ourselves. From now on, we will completely block any news about Su Chen, including his name. As for The affairs of Linglong and Haoer are also sealed."

You Shen understood what his father meant. After all, this matter was related to Zhan You Gong's life and death, and there must be no carelessness.

The Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan is so powerful that they have no way to protect Su Chen. What they can do now is to block all information about Su Chen.

"Su Chen is quite friendly. I am very optimistic about him. I hope that one day, he can be superior to the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan."

Yousao was a little surprised to see his father speak so highly of Su Chen, but he didn't say much. As his father-in-law, of course he wanted to see Su Chen grow up.

However, it is not easy to be superior to the Sansheng Zhanqiong Clan.

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