Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3272 Nine Ladders of Rebirth and Death

"You come with me."

Su Chen was a little surprised, not knowing where grandma was taking him.

However, Su Chen didn't ask any more questions.

In the deepest recesses of the royal family. ??

This place is classified as a forbidden area by the royal family, and no one is allowed to set foot here, not even the emperor Xuanyuan Taiyi.

the reason is simple.

This is the place where Patriarch Xuanyuan of the Taiyi Dynasty went into seclusion for cultivation, the father of Xuanyuan Taiyi and Xuanyuan Bingdie, the previous emperor of the Taiyi Dynasty, and a powerful person in the creation realm of the universe.

"Father, Bingdie needs to see you for something."

"come in."

Xuanyuan Bingdie pulled Su Chen into the small forest, which was eerie and strange, as if it was shrouded in a layer of hell, making people feel chilling.


A thatched hut appeared, and an old man sat outside with kind eyes.

Arriving in front of the old man, Xuanyuan Bingdie said respectfully, "Father, this is Su Chen, Su Zhan's child."

"Chen'er, kneel down."

Su Chen immediately knelt down on his knees. This was his great-grandfather and said, "My grandson, Su Chen, has met his great-grandfather."

"Good boy, get up."

When Su Chen stood up, Xuanyuan Gu looked at his great-grandson in front of him in surprise, nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Zhan'er is right, your talent is indeed more powerful than him, are you willing?" Stay here and practice with me."

Without seeing his father, Su Chen had already guessed that his father must be practicing in seclusion, and he would not disturb his father at will.

Shaking his head, Su Chen said, "Great-grandfather, practicing in seclusion is no longer suitable. I need to continuously practice outside to improve my strength."

Xuanyuan Bingdie immediately gave an overview of Su Chen's situation.

Somewhat surprised.

Xuanyuan Gu thought for a while and said, "Based on your situation, if you can successfully climb the Nine Ladders of Rebirth and Death, then practicing in the Spring of Life and Death, I believe it should be able to help your soul improve."

When he heard about the Ninth Stairway to Rebirth and Death, Xuanyuan Bingdie's expression changed completely and said, "Father, he has not broken through to the universe realm, how can he possibly climb the Ninth Stairway to Rebirth and Death?"

"Grandma, what is the Nine Ladders of Rebirth and Death?"

He seemed very helpless.

Xuanyuan Bingdie said, "At the core of the wilderness, there is a forbidden land of life and death, and there are nine ladders of rebirth and death inside. Only warriors whose cultivation has broken through to the cosmic realm are qualified to climb the nine ladders of rebirth and death."

"And if you want to reach the top, you need at least a warrior at the pinnacle level of the universe. Even so, there are very few people who can successfully reach the summit. Your great-grandfather and great-grandmother have successfully reached the summit. Everyone can only reach the summit once. Once you have the chance to try and fail, you will not be able to continue climbing the Nine Ladders of Rebirth and Death for the second time.”

I see.

Su Chen didn't think so.

Because in his opinion, great-grandfather certainly knew about his situation. If that was the case, why did he bring it up? Didn't great-grandfather know that with his own cultivation level, he was not qualified to climb the Nine Ladders of Rebirth and Death?

When Su Chen thought of this, he immediately looked at the old man in front of him and said, "Great-grandfather, is there a way for me to successfully climb the ladder of reincarnation and death?"

Xuanyuan Gu nodded and said with a smile, "You are very smart. As your grandma said, if you want to climb the ninth ladder of rebirth and death, unless you are a cosmic warrior, you will not be able to climb the first ladder of the ninth ladder of rebirth and death."

"However, as long as you have the help of the universe's creation warriors, you can successfully climb the first ladder of life and death, but you should also understand

Bai, ordinary warriors have no chance to climb to the top, not even the second ladder of life and death. I can only help you climb the first ladder of life and death. Whether you can successfully climb to the top depends on your luck. "

"Your father once told me that your talent is enough to surpass all the universes, so I give you this opportunity."

"Thank you, great-grandfather."

Xuanyuan Bingdie wanted to stop him, but when he saw the expectation on his grandson's face, he swallowed the words back.

Xuanyuan Bingdie did not continue to worry about this matter. This was Su Chen's opportunity. With his great-grandfather personally escorting him, there was no problem with his safety.

Immediately, he briefly explained the purpose of his visit.

Xuanyuan Gu, who was originally very calm, suddenly shot out two rays of light, stared at Su Chen in front of him, and asked, "Do you really have a way to cure your great-grandmother?"

"Yes, but."

"Don't worry about this. As long as you have a way, no matter how difficult it is, we will try."

Then a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and Xuanyuan Gu said, "It contains the blood essence of a monster created by the universe. You can take it first, and I will find a solution for the remaining blood essence and soul."


Su Chen was not polite at all and took the jade bottle. After all, he would definitely spare no effort to help his great-grandmother without any selfish motives.

"Father, when will you get up?"


Xuanyuan Gu stood up, took a deep look at Su Chen, and said, "Your father has devoured enough power and is fully integrating into retreat, so he will not appear for the time being, and you don't need to worry about him. Since your soul is still in the painting realm, Then you might as well give it a try. If you are lucky enough to reach the top, then in the matter of life and death,

I'm afraid you won't be disappointed if you practice in Quan Nei. "


Xuanyuan Bingdie took Su Chen's hand and said, "The Ninth Stairway to Rebirth and Death is very dangerous. You must remember not to show off. My father has already climbed the Ninth Stairway to Rebirth and Death, so he can only escort you to the first Stairway to Life and Death."

"Don't worry, grandma, I will be fine."

In reluctance, I watched my father take Su Chen away.

Back at his residence, Xuanyuan Bingdie found the ghost slave and said bluntly, "Secretly expel the Guan family and let the Guan family remember never to return to the Taiyi Dynasty again."


The ghost slave didn't ask any more questions and turned to leave.

"Guan family."

For the sake of his grandson, he could only choose to sacrifice the Guan family. After all, what happened this time would spread throughout Taiyi City. Considering that the head of the Guan family had saved her, she could only expel her but could not suppress her. kill.

If it were another family, I believe Xuanyuan Bingdie would not have been expelled.

The Forbidden Land of Life and Death is at the core of the wilderness. If Su Chen wanted to reach the Forbidden Land of Life and Death smoothly at Su Chen's speed, it would take at least half a month.

However, with Xuanyuan Gu's leadership, it only took half an hour to successfully reach the forbidden land of life and death.

Su Chen was a little surprised when he saw the huge crowd of people.

So many space warriors?

"Not only warriors from the wilderness, but many warriors from across the universe will come, wanting to try to climb the Nine Ladders of Rebirth and Death and enter the Spring of Life and Death to practice."

It turns out that if the cosmic warriors from thousands of universes gathered together, there would be too many. However, Su Chen also understood that it was one thing to come, but it was another thing to be able to successfully climb the ladder of nine rebirths and deaths.

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