Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3281 You still can’t keep me

Looking at the two figures that suddenly appeared in front of him.

Wu Yunfu turned around suddenly and said angrily, "Su Mubai, do you really want to kill me?"

Very sad.

She never thought that Su Mubai would not only betray the Sword Clan, but also want to kill her. Where was the former oath of love?

Grasping Su Chen's hand hard, Xuanyuan Qiqi whispered, "Wu Yunfu is a pretty good person, don't kill her."


Su Chen originally wanted to kill Wu Yunfu because the Sword Clan had chosen to betray the Taiyi Dynasty, so for him, the Sword Clan was the biggest enemy.


Since Xuanyuan Qiqi won't let her kill Wu Yunfu, she can just imprison her for things that don't matter.

Too lazy to say anything more, Su Chen certainly knew that finding his cousin was only the first step. What he really wanted to do was to successfully take his cousin away from the Sword Clan.

As long as they don't leave the Sword Clan for a day, they are in danger.

"Cousin, you enter my world of heaven and earth, and I will take you out of the Sword Clan."


Of course Xuanyuan Qiqi would not refuse. In the next second, Xuanyuan Qiqi's figure had disappeared from the place, thus successfully entering the world of Qiankun.

Of course, Su Chen knew that entering the Qiankun World in Xuanyuan Qiqi's condition would definitely not be of any benefit to him. He would definitely not let Xuanyuan Qiqi enter the Qiankun World easily unless it was absolutely necessary.

Looking at everything in front of her, Wu Yunfu was very angry, but she could feel the powerful aura of the two people in front of her.

"What Xuanyuan Qiqi represents, you know better than me. If you take Xuanyuan Qiqi away, you really can't go back. Su Mubai, I don't know what happened to you. I hope you don't Wrong again and again.”

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Su Chen ordered the two slaves to immediately start to suppress Wu Yunfu, letting Wu Yunfu roar like a beast,

Still passed out.

Just when Su Chen was about to leave.

"You are not Su Mubai from the Sword Clan. Let me guess your identity. You should be from the Taiyi Dynasty."

Su Chen, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped and looked at the old man who suddenly appeared in front of him. The terrifying aura rushed to his face.

The universe created the strong man!

"Who are you?"

"Since you asked who I am, should you introduce yourself first and tell me who you are? What do you think?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Taiyi Dynasty, Su Chen."

"It turns out that you are the grandson of Xuanyuan Bingdie. You are a good young man. It is a pity that the Taiyi Dynasty has a descendant like you."

It's a pity for you uncle.

Su Chen's eyes were very solemn.

Because he can almost conclude that among the three clans, three palaces and thirty-three prisons, not to mention the creation of the universe, I believe that even the so-called perfection of the universe may not exist.

If this is the case, the universe creature in front of him definitely does not come from the Sword Clan.

"You don't have to guess, I'm Tuoba Shen."

"Tai Shen Men, Tai Shen Ancestor."

Su Chen finally knew who the old man in front of him was.

Because he heard from his grandma that the four ancestors of the four top forces were all, like his great-grandfather, powerful creators of the universe.

Among them, the Taishen Patriarch is the powerful man of creation in the universe who sits in the Taishen Sect. But what Su Chen didn't expect was that the dignified Taishen Clan Patriarch would actually sit in the Sword Clan.

Su Chen instantly guessed what the Sword Clan and the Taishen Sect meant. They were just setting a trap and waiting.

Follow Taiyi Dynasty to get inside.

"I'm not waiting for you. I originally thought that Xuanyuan Taiyi or Xuanyuan Gu would come, but it doesn't matter. Since you are here, you will stay. But I don't know if you have the weight to attract me. Someone to see.”

He didn't take Su Chen seriously at all.

In Tuoba Shen's view, Su Chen's value is not as high as Xuanyuan Qiqi's.

One is the granddaughter of Xuanyuan Taiyi, and the other is the grandson of Xuanyuan Bingdie. There is no comparison. .??.


Two are definitely better than one.

"You still can't keep me."


Tuoba Shen suddenly smiled, stretched out his right hand, and a terrifying coercion instantly surged towards Su Chen.

The next second.


Two invisible forces collided fiercely in the void. Su Chen took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immediately use his invincible teleportation power, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"The God of Creation of the Universe!"

Feeling this terrifying power, Tuoba Shen's eyes instantly condensed. Of course he could feel it. Because of this, he really didn't expect that this person actually contained such a soul.

He looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, and the sound penetrated and resounded through the minds of all the senior officials of the Sword Clan.

The face of Wu Zhanjian, the leader of the Sword Clan who was currently condemning, completely changed. He immediately stopped condemning and started asking everyone to focus on the so-called Su Mubai.

Now they all know that Su Mubai has been massacred and Xuanyuan Qiqi was successfully taken away.

Unconsciously, Wu Zianjian really didn't expect that the Taiyi Dynasty would take advantage of Tuoba Shen, the powerful creator of the universe, to take advantage of it. \u003c


He severely despised God Tuoba, but he dared to be angry and dare not speak out. The support of the rebellion of the three clans, three palaces and thirty-three prisons was the four top forces. This time, in order to invite you to the urn, God Tuoba did not hesitate to come in person. He would not Dare to offend this great god.

If Tuoba God is angered, let alone Tuoba God, if only the four top forces ignore the Sword Clan, facing the suppression of the Taiyi Dynasty, I believe the Sword Clan will definitely die.

Su Chen was quickly locked in. Looking at the strong men of the sword clan appearing around him, he did not continue to use the secret technique, restored his original appearance, and kicked Su Mubai away.

A person appeared in his hand, it was Wu Yunfu. When he left, he did not forget to take Wu Yunfu with him.

the reason is simple.

Wu Yunfu's grandfather was the leader of the Sword Clan, and Su Chen just wanted to use Wu Yunfu to see if he could leave the Sword Clan smoothly.

Wu Zianjian appeared and saw the granddaughter at Su Chen's feet. Holding back the endless anger in his heart, he pointed at Su Chen and asked, "Who are you?"

"Taiyi Dynasty, Su Chen."

Hearing the name Su Chen, Wu Zianjian already knew who Su Chen was. The grandson of Xuanyuan Bingdie was very famous recently, but he didn't expect that the strong man from the Taiyi Dynasty did not come, but only sent a painting realm.

It was precisely because of this that he really couldn't figure out why a small painting realm warrior could successfully take away his granddaughter in front of Tuoba Shen, the powerful creator of the universe.

Could it be that God Tuoba deliberately let things go?

I really can't rule out this possibility.

Because apart from this possibility, he really couldn't figure out why Tuoba Shen didn't stop Su Chen.

Tuoba Shen's figure appeared next to Wu Zangjian, his eyes were full of surprise, because the so-called soul of creation of the universe existed in Su Chen's body, which was indeed an unexpected surprise.

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