Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3451 Ran away from the secret passage

Anger is anger.

Qiu Yi had no idea, because he was indeed no match for Chu Tianyin.

The most important thing is that Chu Tianyin has no intention of fighting with him. He just wants to entangle him and delay time. This is what gives him the biggest headache.

Qiu Yi knew in his heart that the Fire Lotus Dynasty must have found a foolproof method, otherwise, it would be impossible to act rashly in the face of the Fire Demon.

But you have to know.

The Fire Demon is the true controller of the universe. Even if he is severely injured, no one can provoke him.

As for Qiu Xuan, he stood there, not daring to take action from the beginning to the end. He even issued an order that no one was allowed to set foot here.

This is a game between the strongest in the universe. Not to mention ordinary warriors, even the strongest in the universe will lose their lives at any time.

There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices. ??

The one who was most worried was Chu Yingshang. With her in charge, even Qiu Yi, who had escaped from his mother's entanglement, could not even think of rushing to the secret room.

Su Chen went to the secret room alone to deal with the fire demon. What if the fire demon backfired?

And she couldn't leave. Without her supervision, no one knew what would happen if Qiu Xuan and others took advantage of the situation.

Outside the secret room.

Su Chen's eyes were very cold. No matter how humiliated he was, the fire demon would not be fooled and would not come out of the secret room at all.

Even he has no way to do it. The two souls hidden in his palms can't take action at all. All he can do now is to summon the power of the previous three lives.

Of course, Su Chen knew very well that if he summoned the three previous lives, although there was a high chance that he could suppress the fire demon, he was not sure whether he would be backlashed by the power of the previous life.

What if something unexpected happens?

Because of this, Su Chen was not willing to summon the power of the previous three lives at will unless absolutely necessary.

Now, Xiaopang relied on the Heaven-Swallowing Cauldron and gathered all his strength to continuously bombard the stone gate, one after another without stopping at all.

That kind of terrifying offensive made even Su Chen feel scared.

"Cracks appeared."


Su Chen was overjoyed to the extreme when he saw the first crack finally appeared on the stone door.

Because he knew that everything was difficult at the beginning. As long as he could break through the first crack in the stone gate, then as long as Xiaopang worked hard to attack, he believed that he could completely break the stone gate's defense.

No words were spoken.

There was no urging.

As the first crack appeared in the stone gate.

Soon a second crack began to appear, a third crack, and more and more cracks followed.

He kept breathing heavily.

It was obvious that Fatty was very tired, just when Su Chen was about to let Fatty rest.

The stone door suddenly opened.

A hot breath of flames instantly hit his face.

"Boy, don't you really want to come in? I'll open the stone door now and you can come in. I want to see if you have the courage."

"Boss, I'll go in first."

Before Fatty could go in, Su Chen grabbed him out, slapped Fatty on the head hard, and threw him directly into the world of Qiankun regardless of whether Fatty was willing or not.

Of course, Su Chen would not be stupid enough to go in by himself. No one could determine the specific situation of the fire demon. The best way was to use Huang Nu and Shi Shi.

Summoning all thirty-six desolate slaves to rush into the secret room, Su Chen's eyes were solemn, and he was ready to do whatever he wanted.

Be prepared to take action.

Without any breath or struggle, Su Chen immediately entered the secret room. Looking at the secret room with only Huang Nu, Su Chen instantly guessed what happened.

There is a secret passage.

Su Chen did not expect that there was a secret passage hidden in such a hidden secret room, and as a fire demon, he actually chose to leave through the secret passage.

Being able to bear it, Su Chen immediately ordered all the assassins and slaves to start looking for the so-called secret passage.

Soon, the secret passage was discovered.


When Su Chen chased him from the secret passage, it was already too late, and the fire demon had already disappeared.

"How about it?"

Seeing Su Chen who did not come out of the secret room passage but came back from somewhere else, Chu Yingshang looked very surprised and didn't know what happened.

"The fire demon ran away from the secret passage."


Chu Yingshang became more and more surprised. The dignified controller of the universe actually ran away from the secret passage. They would not believe such a humiliating thing, but the person who said this was Su Chen.

"So what do we do now?"

"Leave first and then talk."

Whether you like it or not, you can only choose to do this in the face of today's situation.

"Senior Chu, let's go."

Chu Tianyin, who was stalling for time, suddenly heard Su Chen's words and knew that Su Chen had failed in suppressing the fire demon. He immediately turned around and left without pursuing Qiu Yiyi.

So what if we catch up?

He is no match for Chu Tianyin at all. If he catches up, his life will be in danger. The most important thing is that he has more important things to do.

He led Qiu Xuan into the secret room as quickly as possible, but found that there was no sign of a fight.

Xiang, as soon as he saw the secret passage, he already understood what happened.

The fire demon left from the secret passage, and the two of them were a little surprised. After all, the strong have the dignity of the strong, especially the masters of the universe who exist at the pinnacle of martial arts.

"It seems that the fire demon's injuries are indeed serious. He did not even dare to confront Su Chen head-on. Chu Yingshang did not take action."

Qiu Xuan regretted it very much. If they had determined that the fire demon's injury was so serious earlier, their Eternal Dynasty would have taken action and would not have waited until now.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't dare to take action at all, because the fire demon's injury could not determine whether he could take action. Once he took action, there would be no turning back, and there would be no chance to regret it.

Qiu Yi's face was also very gloomy, and he also regretted it very much. After all, if he could get the fire demon's strange fire and power, maybe he could really successfully attack the so-called half-step universe controller in a short period of time.

"Even you and I don't know about the secret passage in this secret room. It seems that the little girl made it, but the fire demon didn't dare to take action. He must be seriously injured. He can't run far. Go and lock it immediately. Remember, don't alert the snake. We This time we must hit it with one hit, and we must not let the fire demon escape."

"In case of fire demon."

"There is no chance. If the fire demon really has the strength to take action, he will not run away from the secret passage. He is even afraid of Su Chen. Your guess and mine will not be false. Even if the guess is wrong, we must fight. After a fight, the Fire Lotus Dynasty will not give up, now we have to see who moves faster and who can lock the fire demon first."

Whoever locks in first can take the initiative, and may even hope to challenge the half-step master of the universe, thus destroying another dynasty and becoming the overlord of the wilderness.

I am very anxious. If the Fire Lotus Dynasty targets the Fire Demon first, it will be a devastating blow to the Yongsheng Dynasty. This is something that the Yongsheng Dynasty cannot bear.

"I see."

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