Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3465 Slowly Penetrating

The mind has been made up.

Su Chen is still not sure what Fo Changkong means to him.

He will not completely believe in Buddha Changkong.

As the saying goes, you know people but don't know their hearts. Especially when facing a top powerhouse like Fo Changkong, once someone attacks you behind your back, it will be really difficult for you to stand up.

"Really decided?"

Su Chen nodded and said in an extremely firm voice, "I will leave before he refines and inherits."

Fo Changkong really had no choice. He had already said what needed to be said, but he still couldn't stop Su Chen from staying.

Now that Su Chen has made up his mind, no matter how much he talks, it's useless.

Thinking of Fo Changkong here, he said helplessly, "If you leave, come to Floating Island to find me."


Seeing the figure turning away, Su Chen felt relieved.

If you want to set foot here, you must have strange fire and small fire. If it weren't for his own guidance, Fo Changkong would definitely not be able to come here.

As Fo Changkong left, Su Chen also understood that he could devote himself wholeheartedly to dealing with the fire demon without worrying about Fo Changkong stabbing him in the back.

Summon a small fire.

Su Chen knew very well that with the powerful defense inherited from the ancient tomb, any offensive attack would be of no use.

Now we can only rely on small fires to see if we can break through or penetrate the inherited defenses with the help of strange fires.

After briefly explaining the situation, Su Chen said, "Xiaohuo, this matter is of great importance. Everything depends on you."

Looking at the solemn face of the boss, Xiao Huo certainly knew the seriousness of the matter, nodded and said, "Don't worry, boss, I will try my best."


Xiao Huo turned around and instantly transformed into the alien fire body, and attacked forcefully, because according to the boss, the fire demon had acquired inherited defense, and the chance of forcibly breaking through the defense was too low.

with a small fire

The main body can try to integrate the inherited defense and disintegrate it from the inside. There may be unexpected ways.

According to Su Chen's guess, the owner of the ancient tomb is probably also a strong person who plays with fire. Otherwise, he would not have used the strange fire as the key to successfully obtain the inheritance of the ancient tomb.

He clenched his fists nervously, because Su Chen knew in his heart that if even Xiao Huo failed, he would really have no other option.

Look forward to!

Hope Xiaohuo succeeds.

The small fire transformed into its main body like a dog-skin plaster, firmly attached to the alien fire inheritance defense.

There is no exclusion.

This is a good sign.

Su Chen became more and more nervous because he was worried that Xiao Huo would be rejected by the inheritance defense.

The first step is successful, and the next step is the most critical step.

Xiao Huo's body began to slowly penetrate.

A little, a little, and a little more.

There is no rush to penetrate everything, Xiao Huo also understands that he must hit the mark with one hit and must not make any mistakes.

After all, the Fire Demon has already begun refining after receiving the inheritance. No one can be sure how long it will take for the Fire Demon to completely refine the inheritance.

Three hours?

Three days?

It still takes three months, or even three years.

Anyway, according to what the boss said, time must not be delayed in this situation, and time must be grasped.

In this way, Xiao Huo began to slowly penetrate, just to completely penetrate into the inheritance defense. According to Xiao Huo's penetration speed, it may take several hours, or even longer.

Although he was very anxious, Su Chen could only stand where he was.

There was nothing he could do to help.

Even though he also possesses the Divine Fire Body, all the strange fires he obtained later have been given to Xiao Huo, and compared with Xiao Huo, his Divine Fire Body is not worth mentioning at all.


Deserted palace.

In the ancestral wasteland forbidden area.

After learning that his daughter and granddaughter were devoured, Yunyin was like an erupting volcano. He couldn't suppress the endless anger in his heart. It turned into endless killing intent and condensed into a substantial ancient beast, looking up to the sky and roaring wantonly.

Without any nonsense, Yunyin now only has one thought, which is to cut Jiang Taisui into thousands of pieces and completely devour his soul.


What Yunyin didn't expect was that this beast's cultivation level actually broke through to the level of a half-step universe controller. It was indeed a bit difficult to deal with it.

Without choosing to give up, Yunyin wanted to kill Jiang Taisui, even if it meant a life-and-death fight.

Transformed into a huge black phoenix, its body is an extremely powerful swallowing phoenix in the universe. Jiang Taisui's power to swallow Yun Yan was because Yun Yan's body was also a swallowing phoenix.

Without the slightest fear, Jiang Taisui said contemptuously, "Old guy, you are already old. Even if you transform into your true form, you are no match for me at all. However, I don't have time to play with you for the time being. I will wait until I refine the inheritance of Huangzun." , the day I break through to the true controller of the universe, I will personally surrender you and make you my mount, hahaha, hahahaha..."

This was Jiang Taisui's real intention. He was reluctant to kill Yunyin. It would be best if he could surrender. Regardless of whether he wanted to believe it or not, with his current strength, he would definitely not be able to kill Yunyin.

The only way is to trap Yunyin first and wait until he truly refines his inheritance. Once his cultivation reaches the level of the Universe Palm,

Controller is the best time to suppress Yunyin.

This was also the real reason why he wanted to lure Yunyin to the Ancestral Wasteland.

Because Jiang Taisui had anticipated that such a day would come, he had already prepared for it.

"Want to leave? Stay with my daughter and granddaughter."

Yunyin understood what Jiang Taisu meant, but how could he follow Jiang Taisu's plan? No matter what the price, he would keep Jiang Taisu.

"Old guy, I have set up formations in the Ancestral Wasteland Forbidden Land. I have been strengthening the power of formations for so many years. If you want to suppress me here, you are overthinking."

Seeing the figure that suddenly disappeared, the angry Yunyin looked up to the sky and roared wantonly, and began to rush towards the entrance, but the entrance had disappeared.

When the formation was activated, Jiang Taisui was so confident, which in itself showed how extraordinary the formation arranged in the Ancestral Wasteland Forbidden Land was.

Boom boom boom!

It was definitely impossible to let the formation trap him, and the angry Yunyin began to attack wantonly. The huge phoenix himself covered the sky and the sun, and the attack turned into devouring power swept across all directions.

It's a pity that no matter how Yunyin attacks, he can't break through the formation shroud in the Ancestral Wasteland Forbidden Area. He seems to be unaware of the burden and keeps attacking like this.

"Brother, where is Senior Kumogakure?"

"From now on, there will no longer be any senior Yunyin. Second brother, you have to remember that our Desolate Palace will stand on the top of the Desolate Realm again. I will kill anyone who dares to stop me. No one will be given face, including Yunyin. That old guy."

After hearing this, Jiang Taihuang already understood what his eldest brother meant, which was nothing more than a complete showdown with Yunyin. After all, his eldest brother was also a half-step controller of the universe, and his strength was not inferior to Yunyin at all.

I was very helpless, unable to stop my elder brother at all, so I could only choose to endure it.

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